
Photograph via snooOG

Wildlife Rehabilitation:

Healing ill, injured, and orphaned wildlife and releasing them back to their native habitats.

Please contact a professional before making any decisions about an animal you have rescued. The internet is not a substitute for professional care. Oftentimes it is illegal to rehabilitate wildlife without a license.

Please provide a rough location: city/state/province/country when making a submission. This helps us help you more efficiently.


Wild Animal Rescue Basics:

Remember to play it safe: Please contact and ask a wildlife professional before intervening with wildlife. Oftentimes they don't actually need our help!

First, ask yourself if you can safely capture the animal without getting hurt yourself or possibly harming the animal? There are resources available here and here for safe capture information.

1) Keep the animal in a Warm, Dark, Quiet & Secure location: a box, rubbermaid tote with holes punched for air, or pet carrier are all reasonably safe temporary options.

Bring the animal indoors and keep it away from any other humans or animals.

Avoid handling, it might be tempting to show friends and children, but not good for this animal- it is naturally scared of people.

Covering the temporary enclosure with a bed sheet or a towel is generally another good way to keep visual stress to a minimum.

Animals that are naked OR at risk of hypothermia due to injury/illness- often require a heat source to maintain relative homeostasis. Heat sources should not be above a tolerable threshold if it feels like it would burn you, it will likely burn them. If the animal is panting or moving away from the heat source it is probably too hot.

2)Nothing By Mouth! Offering food and water can actually further injure or distress the animal you are trying to help, best to leave the food and water to the professionals.

3)Take the animal to a Wildlife Rehabilitator ASAP!

Directories of Wildlife Rehabilitators:

https://ahnow.org/#/ - Animal Help Now

https://www.nwrawildlife.org/ - Wildlife Rehabilitation Directory

https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-find-wildlife-rehabilitator- Wildlife Rehabilitation Directory

Key Word Search Terms- Wildlife Rescue, Wildlife Rehabilitation, Wildlife Veterinarian, and using a location.

  • If attempts to contact a wildlife rehabilitator are not responded to in a timely manner (within a few hours): It is generally acceptable to bring the animal to the wildlife rehabilitator without making contact first, or simply upon your arrival letting the rehabilitator know you tried making contact without a response. Wildlife rehabilitators are rarely 24 hours service providers. They are also rarely able to go out and retrieve animals and need rescuers to bring the animals to them.

How to Become a Wildlife Rehabilitator:

Please Follow the Links Below, Message the Mods, or Pose Your Questions in a Post.

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Keeping a Crow Clean

Hi all! I've had this crow in my care for a couple days (waiting for a volunteer from a local rehab centre to pick him up), and unfortunately due to his lack of mobility (a dodgy leg) he keeps defecating on himself!

Its getting to the point where, no matter how often I change the papers and towel, he ends up getting stuck to it. He's in a very stinky situation.

What should I be doing to keep him clean? Am I okay to run a small bit of water into my sink and let him splosh around? I have tried wiping his claws and underwise with a damp cloth, but he might need a better soak? I don't want to risk him getting ill, but it's a heatwave in the UK right now and I don't want him to suffer.

Also, I think he may have at least one mite (saw something crawling under his feathers). Is there anything I can do to get rid of them?

10:46 UTC


House Sparrow Fledgling. Location Qatar

My husband brought home a fledgling house sparrow from his workshop. He knows to leave them where they are but this one was in immediate danger and he was rushed to make a decision on whether to place it quite far from where it was found to the only greenery available at his workshop, or bring it home for the weekend. He opted to rather bring it home.

My question is will the parents still be looking out for it when he goes back to work in 2 days time and will they continue to care for it once placed back in the area?

The area he found it in is far away from any greenery they have at the workshop, so presumably the fledgling has somehow travelled from that green area....that being said, should he simply place the fledgling in the green area randomly when he returns to work or should he perhaps place it in a box in the green area and keep an eye out for active bird activity before taking it out the box? Or what should he do/check before placing it in the green area?

He did look around thoroughly for indications of a nest/bird activity in the area it was found before picking it up but didn't see anything. He knows that there are sparrows in the greener area some ways away though.

Any suggestions and answers would be greatly appreciated

06:57 UTC


Neighbor hurt baby bunny with lawn mower… please help

Ok so my neighbor was mowing his lawn and accidentally mowed really close to a bunnies burrow (he may have even mowed over it) and a bunch of little baby bunnies ran out, but one of them ran in a different direction and started to squeal really loudly. I heard the squealing and I came outside to see what was going on and my neighbor had the baby bunny in his hands and he was trying to take it to the Mother bunny. but the moment the mama saw that he picked up her baby, she ran away...

my neighbor wasn't sure what to do with the bunny so I told him I could take it, and I am waiting for some rescues to open up tomorrow morning to take the bunny… it is already dark out so I don’t wanna take him to the burrow but I'm not sure if I should possibly try putting him back near the burrow tomorrow and if the mom would possibly take him? It seems as tho his leg and his eye are in pain, he does move slightly and did try to jump out of my hand (barely off the ground) but then landed on his side and was struggling to get up. One of his eyes is squinty and a bit swollen. It’s seems as tho he’s having slight tremors from pain I think? Does anyone have any advice for what I could do to help this little guy?

Now a weird part.. while I was in the garage with the bunny, I kept the garage door open and kept checking for the mom, with the plan, that if I saw her, I would bring out the baby bunny to her. When I was going inside for something I saw out the corner of my eye, another baby bunny at the end of my garage, it looked like he had just wandered in. I figured this was the same litter, and so we put him in the box too, although he was a lot jumpier and hid almost immediately. So I ran outside to look for the mom, and she was literally standing in my front yard. So then I brought the box out with the babies and put them both on the grass so they could go off with their mom, but sadly, only the second bunny took off while the first one that my neighbor found didn’t move at much, didn’t even try to hop away :/ I’m not sure if this means anything, maybe it wasn’t his mom? Maybe he’s into much pain or shock? maybe I should’ve waited for her to come up to him?..but she started hopping away with the other bunny so I truly just feel lost. But I wanted to include that because it was a very strange interaction and I figured he would try to go with his mom… but any advice is sincerely appreciated :(

03:40 UTC



My husband mistakenly pulled out some lint and garbage out of our dryer vent, ended up being a birds nest and he didn’t know. Six eggs fell out, and were padded by a bush, but fell on the ground. One is broken, five in tact. I believe they are sparrow eggs. Is there anything we can do? My sister in law has incubators if the mom doesn’t come back but I don’t know if that’s smart.

ETA: I know that the internet and everybody who has dealt with wildlife says to leave them, but I would like to add why I am worried the mom won’t come back. The only safe place to leave the eggs would be in a bird house about four meters away, and on ground level (the dryer vent was higher up). We also have quite a few crows and magpies that prowl that would be able to access these eggs anywhere but the birdhouse.

03:24 UTC


Injured baby duckling

Hello, While I was at work today I got a call from my girlfriend that 5 baby ducks had fallen through a surface grate into a drain pipe at our apartment. Before I had gotten there the the maintenance team recovered one duckling and for some reason decided to wash it in dawn dish soap, probably because they saw it on a commercial. I crawled into the drain pipe when I got home and recovered the other 4 and they are now safely back with their mom. The one that was washed isn’t doing very well, it was rejected by mom because of its health and looks like its fighting for its life. I was hoping for some advice on how to care for this little fella through the night since wildlife rehab places are closed until tomorrow. I have it in a little basket with towels but I’m unsure if I can give it anything so it doesn’t starve/dehydrate until I can get it to a professional. Called a vet and they said they would just euthanize. I have rabbits at home and some herbivore critical care formula for when they are having digestion problems. Any advice is appreciated as long as it is true, thanks!

01:40 UTC


7 baby bunnies in egress window. What should I do?

At first, I immediately thought to move them but noticed there is 7! I’m concerned now it’s a nest and I’m unsure if I should move them still? Any advice is welcome!!

00:44 UTC


Baby found… no nest

Please help! I found a tiny baby bird with no feathers laying on my patio. I had a vacant nest in my yard so I got it and put it in there with some dog fur to keep warm. Is there anything I can do to help it?

00:06 UTC


Cedar waxwing can't fly, strange movements but very alert

My boyfriend found a small cedar waxwing in the road at work It couldn't fly but it was flopping around trying. His feathers look a little ratty at the ends, but he's small so maybe he's just too young to fly...I have him in an old cage right now, and every now and then, he gets agitated and starts moving around, turning his head and quickly looking all around him, can't really walk in a steady line or use his feet to grip properly. Any ideas what I can do to help or what might be wrong? (We live in Southern Oregon)

22:39 UTC



Found a young pigeon with a limp leg, was able to help heal it with herbs and he started to walk perfectly, the wrong problem seems to be flying. Maybe he’s is young enough not to know how to fly or something else. Anyone know where I can take him for someone to help him. I’m in Glendale Az

21:55 UTC


Update: Rabbit nest in heat advisory

We had a severe storm here last night and the babies did not make it. I know logically that this is nature and sometimes that happens, but I feel guilty for not taking the babies in for the night since I thought about it before the storm. If I'm lucky, will get another chance to see a rabbit family grow up.

Edited for grammar.

21:54 UTC


Lost Magpie

Hi im asking for advice on how to handle this Situation in the best way possible

I live in Europe so the magpies are probably different here Basically I found one at like 6 am, I thought it was a baby crow (picture included) but it actually seems to be a magpie. I didn’t know about the fletching thing and it was very hot today and when I returned home at 12 am it was in the same spot, still screaming. i thought it was injured but after googling I figured that’s just how they walk? Before knowing all of this I figured the best thing to do was to take it home so it’s safe and find a solution there. I contacted the local wildlife rescuers and they said they cannot take anymore animals in right now, I thought about contacting an organisation in nearby cities. I tried putting it outside where i found it and watching it from a distance for some time but there was no mom in sight. What would you recommend me to do?

21:37 UTC


Peacock Poop **Help**

Hey everyone, I am animal lover and I have three family members Peacock going to sleep in my balcony. I am okay with that but I have a cat who loves the balcony and I am scared of their poop can be poison and extremely dangerous for my cat.

Where I live many animals loves me and they follows me because I saved many and feed them, But now it going out of control, the peacocks was eating from my hand out of the building and now she bought her kids to sleep, they will leave at the morning and I am afraid that my cat get sick by smelling their poop or stand where they slept a day ago

Please only people who knows biology and animals experts answer this question.

1 Comment
20:32 UTC


Dying Common Swift

Will be quick.

Wife found a grounded bird. I read about it. It's a common swift and it has some sort of damage and cannot fly. My wife is now trying to make it comfortable, it is sleeping in a box.
It will slowly die because it wont be able to eat any flying insects.

It's breathing is somewhat fast, would like to know if it will feel any pain while starving.

We would like the most comfortable way to let it rest. We are also checking if there is any wildlife rescue location here for it to help.

1 Comment
18:53 UTC


Tufted Titmouse neck & wing injury

Hi, we found this bird on the ground and were in the Massachusetts area. All the rehabs I've called so far are in full capacity. 😭 I've taken care of baby birds with my grandpa but I've never taken care of a burden this injured. If someone knows a rehab that is taking in birds please message me, idc how far it is I will drive there 😭. Also any tips can help :( It still chirps if I hold onto him and orient his head where I think it finds it comfortable but otherwise it frantically tries to fly and stand up straight.

17:22 UTC


Euro Starling with possible broken wing

Hi guys, we are located in Illinois and have a European starling on our hands. Found this little guy while on my morning walk. It’s weak but attentive, cannot fly due to what we think is a broken wing. Called a few wild life rescue places in our area, one of them doesn’t take invasive species and we are waiting on responses from the other two. In the event no one can help, does anyone have any advice on how to give this guy the best chance of surviving? We haven’t given it any food or water yet. Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
14:48 UTC


Anyone in Wisconsin who can help rehabilitate a skunk? (More info in comments)

13:55 UTC


Baby birds in a nest in our front door wreath

Over the last two weeks I’ve been watching baby birds hatch and grow right at our front door. My mother in law got annoyed with the poop and bugs that were surrounding the nest and dripping down the door and went out the other day to clean it. She got close to the nest and I haven’t seen mama bird return since. My fiance said he saw her yesterday morning but I still haven’t and I’m starting to get concerned she abandoned the nest because of my MIL. How long do I wait for mama bird to return before intervening and taking them to a wildlife rehabilitation center?

They seem like they are just about fully grown and should be leaving the nest any day but I don’t actually know this for a fact.

09:35 UTC


Injured Domestic Greylard Goose

Found this injured goose in my neighborhood. Did some research and the only wildlife rehab center by me only accepts native animals which I’m pretty sure the goose is not (Miami-Dade County). I suspect the goose has a broken leg. I’ll attach a video of the ducks behavior and hope someone can give me some advice on where to go from here.

07:21 UTC


Bay Area Wildlife Rescue

I got a call from a friend who told me that he had found 5 abandoned ducklings and I went to see and the mom had abandoned them. It was already 10pm and I decided to take it home for the night since it was cold. Does anybody know a wildlife rescue center I can take them tommorow which is close to palo alto?

1 Comment
06:07 UTC


feathering pheasant chick found

bf and i were out in the garden when we found this chick alone. We know we have pheasants on the property, but we didn’t see any signs of them. we left the chick alone to call out and waited for the family while we stayed back. nothing came but a cat. so we brought it inside. how can we care for it overnight until we figure out a better plan for tomorrow? as i said, they are feathering and they seem healthy as it’s chirping but just really sleepy. i left a shallow jar topper for water and some towels for now in a shoebox for it.

thank you!

03:42 UTC


Dog found a rabbit nest

I have a fenced in yard with a fair amount of ground cover. A few days ago my dog found a rabbit . He killed three of them before I could stop him. There is at least three more. Any advice on how to resolve this issue would be appreciated. I am being told our dog should not have to be prevented from using the backyard. In Michigan

01:53 UTC


What do I with this injured bird? Please help

1 Comment
01:34 UTC


Advice for looking after a baby swift

Hello! I found a baby swift that had been booted out of its nest, from what I’ve researched he’s too young to have began trying to fly, and there’s a lot of magpies in the area plus a dead sibling. I’ve called the wildlife services in my area and they can’t grab him until tomorrow, so I’m taking charge of him for the night, is there anything I should know about feeding/watering him? He’s already had a tiny drink, I don’t have any cotton buds as I’ve seen instructed but I’ve been careful not to drown him. It’s quite warm in the UK atm so I’m struggling to keep him cool properly but I think he’s doing well. Any advice to keep him going until tomorrow?

22:40 UTC

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