Birds of Prey: Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, falcons, and seriemas!
Which birds are considered birds of prey?
Hawks, eagles, kites, vultures, owls, and falcons - and now introducing the seriemas!
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They land right next to her ...gee maybe she doesn't see us ...lol It kills me every time!
A bird I see fairly often, but usually perched high up on power poles. Found this one perched on a barbed wire fence on a rural country road, and I was fortunate enough (he/she?) it didn’t fly away when I stopped my vehicle. Central Arizona D500 500mm f4G 1.4x
Westchester County NY.
Merlin says cooper but seems too broad in the chest. /r/whatisthisbird pending for days.
I think this is a female kestrel. Not a very detailed picture. West of Scotland.
New Tampa this morning!!
Ever since I did a report on them in 4th grade. I took this about a year ago in a local park.
Encinitas, CA
High all this is my first post but I had to show off our winter Eagles
I've shared a couple of photos about this eastern screech owl. He returned on October 26th for another "winter" of roosting in my backyard box. This is the owl's 4th year now. I am certain it is the same bird judging by its behavior.
My wife and I are thrilled about his return!
Toronto, Ontario
This beauty hangs out in my yard. Often seen perched on top of signs, fence posts or the mailbox. ~ North Carolina
He's a gyr-peregrine hybrid bred for falconry.
He was sitting on the chimney watching over the yard, I took my camera out to get a picture and he took off. Luckily I snapped a picture in time.