A community for discussion and posts about weather. Mostly on Earth.
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/r/AskWeather For asking questions
/r/atoptics For pretty things that light does in the sky
/r/climate For the average weather, past present and future
/r/longrangechaos For not-so-realistic long-range forecasts
/r/meteorology For a more scientific weather subreddit
/r/myweatherstation For questions and discussion about buying or making your own weather station
/r/naturesfury Nature can be scary sometimes
/r/radarloops For loops.....of radar
/r/stormchasing For those who aren't content to let the storms come to them
/r/stormfront For news and first-hand reports about weather
/r/Tornadoes For twisters and twister accessories
/r/TropicalWeather Specifically for tropical cyclones
/r/WeatherCanada For discussing how the weather will affect the maple syrup crop
/r/WeatherGifs For inefficiently compressed animations of weather
/r/weathernerds For nerds
/r/Winterwx For the colder stuff
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SK, Canada. Currently sitting at 92% humidity and forecasted to stay that way. I don't think I've ever seen this before!
Hey weather gang!
I see lots of posts on weather stations with screens and phones and live streaming and radio WX
But if a guy wanted to put together a weather station that was “off the grid” or “analog”.. to gather info in a notebook
What sort of equipment would he buy? Also if he wanted some books / reference on the subject what would he look for?
I ask because I’ve got a family member that loves his weather gizmos but he often talks about wanting some less modern equipment and I thought it would be nice to find him some items!
Heck after poking around in this sub I could see how a guy could get interested!
I'm from the midwest and do some storm chasing, so when I went to AZ to visit family I was hoping for maybe a few good monsoon lightning shows, nothing too crazy. My jaw dropped when I saw this though lol
Most people move or retire down to Florida to escape the ice and snow that the majority of the country has to deal with but there are stories that Florida has had ice and snow storms throughout its weather history. Has it ever snowed in Florida?
Have you ever wondered how the weather can change as quickly as it does? By the time it takes to put a cover on a baseball field because of a rain delay, it’s time to take it off and play ball again. What causes Changes in Weather?
Flash Floods can happen with little time to escape even though there are two types of alerts for flash floods issued by the National Weather Service, one is a flash flood watch which means that conditions are favorable for flash flooding and the other is a flash flood warning. What is a Flash Flood Warning?
Is it just cute graphics with the same forecasts as weather underground etc or actually worthwhile forecasts that are more accurate and reliable? The free app seems no better than anything else which gives me pause to spend money as well does the extreme paywall and constant ads to upgrade, makes it feel gimmicky but maybe it’s not.
Wind is important to me for boating/fishing and wind forecasts, at least in my area, are basically generalizations so I end up relying on my knowledge of the area, PWS monitor for real time and recent patterns which works 80% of the time but that’s stuck me in some unexpected high gusts that end a day.
I traveled to Sedona Arizona from Tucson Arizona about 12 years ago with a good friend of mine. I believe it was mid-February.. It began snowing lightly, and was so beautiful. The snow slowly began to pick up until it became very heavy. About an hour later we left the hotel to get dinner. By that time we couldn't drive, as I was not acclimated to driving in the snow. We then began to hear booms of thunder, and the air raid sirens I had heard so often as a child in Georgia began to go off.
Okay, I do not believe in a higher power.. so can anyone explain what happened? It was the weirdest thing I have experienced in my life. If not for my friend, I probably would have thought I had a psychotic break...