CGI from the 70's-00's: lost computer graphics that have washed upon the digital shore.
Title says it all really – any suggestions would be appreciated! I've been browsing around for this technology/telecommunications themed stuff for days and have come up with surprisingly little, but I know there's a ton out there. I'm sure I remember seeing retro cgi animations showing how networks and radio signals work in various places but it's hard to place the memory. My closest finds have been a few old NASA videos but it's not quite scratching the itch!
Some behind the scenes of Independence Day movie
I made Spaz Williams (CG Pioneer at ILM in the 90s) come to reddit the other day, heheh. Without him Jurassic Park as we know it wouldn't have been possible.
I hope somebody creates a next gen 3D tool someday and calls it Hardimage. With a small "fuck you Autodesk" underneath the logo.
In the early 2000s there was a "Flame killer" VFX compositing app that ran on PCs. It had a nearly identical UI as Flame but the background was darker and the buttons were a bit more rounded and extruded.
I can't remember the name anymore. Anyone got a hint?
Not sure if it had anything like "5D" in the name, probably not. And I also can't remember what company created it. But it was definitely not Shake. And I also believe it only existed for a few years before it got discontinued.
have you heard of the thought experiment Roko's Basilisk. I think it would be a great idea for a monster movie. here's the intro I made with Maya
This animation debuted in 1995 and utilized until 2003.
Look at what a difference five years make!