Actualize your musical creations with the cutting-edge cross-media solutions of Aesthetics Corp.
Vaporwave is a visual aesthetic with an ambiguous or satirical take on consumer capitalism and popular culture.
It is characterized by nostalgia and surrealist engagement with the popular entertainment, technology and advertising of previous decades. Read more
1. Posts must be related to Vaporwave
2. Submission links must be from trusted hosts
3. No reposts
4. Be Kind, Respectful, and Considerate to others
5. No self-promotion
6. Posts must follow the Submission Guidelines
7. No political or military-themed posts
8. No posts about Vaporwave music
Meme posts are allowed, but better suited for r/vapormeme.
A house I passed earlier today walking my dog.
I P N A G O G I C W A V E // Vaporwave ~ Environmental Sensorama Mix
I got this M O O N calendar from a guy here on reddit last year. Decided to frame it and paint the frame.