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Vaporwave is a visual aesthetic with an ambiguous or satirical take on consumer capitalism and popular culture.
It is characterized by nostalgia and surrealist engagement with the popular entertainment, technology and advertising of previous decades. Read more
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4. Be Kind, Respectful, and Considerate to others
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6. Posts must follow the Submission Guidelines
7. No political or military-themed posts
8. No posts about Vaporwave music
Meme posts are allowed, but better suited for r/vapormeme.
I make shaker fidget lockets with various vintage and antique items. Originally when I received the bust it was a clear piece of glass used in jewelry like a rhinestone but the foil backing had begin to peel off. I peeled the rest of it off applied a holographic coat and the rest is history!
It truly reminded me of the vapor Wave aesthetic so I made sure that all of the stones and clay sprinkles that I use inside my lockets also fit that aesthetic. Most of them are pastel mint green, pink, lilac purple.
I really love anything holographic and this thing shines so bright!
It’s not done yet but I’m getting there. Mac on a cloud ☁️. How do you like it?
Made the cover art morer vaporwave stylized, but its not really that good honestly.
The dithered windows logo is really good.
Made with paint dot net, hope you guys like it
Which one are you going with?