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I bought the Jan and Feb eggs-pedition access tickets in the bundle last month, and for some reason, now that it's Feb, I didn't receive my single use incubator? It's literally the only reason I bought the ticket lol
It's been a while since we posted anything, but this is another update post on the ongoing research about the combat system and mechanics of Pokémon Go. Please keep in mind that this is all based on our current understanding of the mechanics, so as always, take it with a grain of salt.
#Dynamax Battle Parameters:
##CPM Chaos potentially solved In our last update we wrote about T6 Dynamax Parameters, stating the cpm to be 0.85 and the Total HP to be 90k initially as well as 60k after a nerf on the second day. Since then the game has seen 3 more GMax bosses, Gengar, Lapras and Toxtricity, and is about to see another tomorrow.
Gengar was noticeably easier than the GMax Starters before and initially we believed the cpm to be around 0.765, which is roughly 10% lower than it was for the GMax Starters, as well as the Total HP of 60k again.
Lapras showed roughly the same data, except that it was back to 90k again, but Toxtricity was different again. Toxtricity showed a cpm of 1.035 ish, which seemed way too high and we couldn't make sense of the data in the end.
However Articuno may have shone a light on this, as we also had a lot more time now, considering that it was here for an entire week.
Initially measuring Articunos quite insane damage yielded us a cpm of 1.4, however when we tried to make sense of it by comparing it to damage dealt to it, we found that the data didn’t fit together to form any reasonable HP amount, we had contradicting results, where the damage we thought we were doing totaled 161 in 2 separate scenarios, but one of them flipped the first segment, while the other didn’t. We then investigated a bit further and found a Breakpoint of Metagross' Bullet Punch between Level 40 and 50 and that in combination with Mud Shots, which we pretty much knew for sure dealt only 1 damage - given Articunos double resistance against ground - that the damage we dealt to it was much higher than we expected with a cpm of 1.4.
There was only one thing that could explain the data we saw: Articuno has to have an Attack Damage Multiplier of 2 on top of a cpm value of 0.7.
We now believe that each dynamax boss potentially has a separate Attack and Defense multiplier added to it that affects its strength.
We haven't re-analyzed all previous data yet, but adding a 0.9 multiplier to Gengars damage would explain its cpm being different from the Kanto Starters before, since 0.765 is exactly 0.85 * 0.9, we weren’t able to find any data about its defense multiplier yet though, so we cant be sure about its Total HP. It's very likely that Toxtricity also got a multiplier to its damage, but this time around a 1.22 multiplier to its damage. Again we have no data on its actual HP as a result, but it likely was in the ballpark of around 60k again.
##Attack Rate revisited Having gotten some messages from several other users over time that mentioned doubts about our suspected posted Attack Rate, we have now revisited the Dynamax Boss Attack Rates again and it seems we were a bit off with our Attack rates. A more thorough investigation into this by our u/eli5questions showed that it’s more likely the attack rate for all dynamax battles is a simple 10 seconds + the moves duration, so it more or less depends on which move the boss has, where faster moves give a higher attack rate, while slower moves give a lower attack rate. Exceptions to this are T6 GMax battles, which showed a consistent 3s Attack rate + move duration, with another 2 seconds added for targeted moves. We will continue to monitor this behaviour and collect more data to make sure we understand everything correctly and will update you if we find any outliers or new information, but currently we believe this is the best and simplest interpretation of the data we have.
#Complete List of Dynamax Parameters: With this, we can give a list of Dynamax Battle Parameters:
Dynamax Tier | CPM | Total HP | Attack Rate | |
1 | 0.15 | 1700 | 10.0 s | |
2 | 0.38 | 5000 | 10.0 s | |
3 | 0.5 | 10000 | 10.0 s | |
4 | 0.6 | 20000 | 10.0 s | |
5 | 0.7 | 17500 (Articuno) / 13000 (Zapdos) | 10.0 s | |
6 | 0.85 | 60000 or 90000 (varying) | 3.0 s + 2.0 s (Targeted) |
And a list of multipliers we believe have been used on those bosses so far, unlisted bosses are presumed to simply have a Multiplier of 1 (so no effect):
Dynamax Boss | Attack Multiplier | Defense Multiplier |
Gengar & Lapras | 0.9 | ??? |
Toxtricity (T6) | 1.22 | ??? |
Articuno & Zapdos | 2.0 | 1.0 |
#New Mega Bug - Round Number 3 So we had a few Mega bugs already in the old combat system and especially in the new one, 2 bugs in the new system alone in fact… Well make that 3, because we have another one!
If you mega evolve a Pokémon and then cancel its Mega with evolving another Mega, you will be able to use both, the previously evolved Mega and the current Mega in the very next Raid or Max Battle, and even better, you can actually use Megas in Max Battles this way too, so prepare your Mega-GMax Venusaurs for Kingler tomorrow!
The Self-Megaboost from before is gone, so all you get is the regular Mega-Pokémon in combat, but it still has increased Stats and deals damage accordingly. We have confirmed that this bug is not just visual, but it’s an actual functional Mega Pokémon, at least for yourself. After using this bugged Mega in a battle once, the bug is gone though and you have to set it up again to use it in another battle.
##Addition new info: Friendship Bonus does work in Max Battles but Helper Boost seems off
We just recently confirmed that Friendship Bonus does work in Max Battles with the expected Parameters, just like in Raid Battles. But in the process we found that the Helper Boost Data which we gave last time seems to be not fully accurate, as we noticed the damage we dealt during the friendship test was off from the expected values with the helpers present. So the previously given 10%, 15%, 18.8% and 20% damage boost for the respective glove icons seems to be incorrect and we need to recheck those values in the future.
##Max Heal
We haven’t mentioned this anywhere in our previous updates, probably flew under the radar or simply forgot about it, but we did confirm back in gmax gengars days, that Max Heals Healing is based on the users Max HP and will heal all other Pokémon for the same actual HP value rather than being based on each individual Pokémons max HP. So having a High Level Pokémon with tons of HP just to heal others may be a worthwhile strategy.
#Remaining things to test / confirm / research
We still have a list of things we want to research and are slowly picking up speed after the holidays.Some topics we will look into in the future include:
##Trying to finally crack the damage formula
This is a big one and probably the most important one going forward, but also the hardest one, as we cannot reliably get cpm values down to a single float if our damage model is still off in some cases, and we have some examples / anomalies that we still can’t explain other than “our damage formula is incomplete”. Our model is accurate in something like 99.99999% of cases but we want that remaining 0.00001% as well to get rid of any unexplainable damage values.
##Rate of Targeted vs. Spread Moves with an active shielded pokémon This is something we only have a handful of data on so far. Max Bosses seem to prefer using targeted Moves when an active pokémon has a shield from max guard on it, but we need more data to reliably give a rate of Targeted vs. Spread Moves.
##Refining cpm Values of Max Battles and Raids & reconfirming all Multipliers being floats
In our goal to solve all damage mechanics with 100% accuracy, we need to know the exact cpm values of all bosses of raids and max battles and also the values of all multipliers affecting damage. This progress is obviously heavily hindered by the fact, that our damage formula is ever so slightly off, so until the first point in this list has been solved, we cannot proceed with this one.
##Figuring out Half Level cpm values, if there are any
While Half Level cpms have been “known” for ages now, no one really knows them for sure, as there are even some CP values of Half Level Pokémon that are slightly off from the expected values of the currently used formulas. We currently believe that Half Level cpms may not even be a thing, but that the game somehow averages out the Attack & defense values without ever calculating a cpm value, but we do not know this for sure. We’ll keep investigating.
##Revisiting PvP Combat and confirming all multipliers there being floats as well
This part of the research was already done way before the new PvE combat mechanics, but with some new knowledge we have now, we will eventually go back to the PvP combat system and try to reconfirm everything, but this will be the end goal. If any PvP obsessed
#Research Team members:
u/flyfunner (Lead researcher, data analysis, coding)
u/bmenrigh (Co-Lead, data collection & analysis, coding)
'alexelgt' (data collection, data analysis, coding)
u/lucky_3838 (data collection & analysis)
u/vlfph (data collection & analysis)
u/Attollinzi (data collection & Analysis)
u/eli5questions (data collection & Analysis)
u/frealafgb (data collection)
u/cmd_drake (data collection)
u/Nikaidou_Shinku (data collection)
I had a mega Lucario already and then I tried Primal reversion for Groudon in last 5 seconds before begining of a raid. I was able to use Primal Groudon and Mega Lucario both during the raid!! Try it out and let me know. It goes back to normal after the raid. But you can still use both during the raid battle.
We've all seen the stories of folks who've held gyms for years upon years. While impressive, these stories tend to have something fairly obvious in common: they're primarily in remote, nigh-unreachable places, where people are few and far between, much less Pokemon Go players.
But what about those cases where you've dropped a pokemon in a gym, fully expecting it to be taken out within a few hours, but before you know it it's fifty days later and, defying the laws of god and man, it's still there?
What're are your most confounding stories of Unexpectedly Long Gym Holds?
I'll start with my ongoing one.
Over the holidays I was in <another state> visiting my in-laws. While there, I had occasion to run an errand that required me to hang out for an hour. I figured, what the heck, let's do some Pokemoning.
It's important to note that this errand was on something of a main drag. Lots of nearby stores, big wide sidewalks. Lots of car traffic, and reasonable amounts of foot traffic. I found some gyms and stops nearby, did a nice long walk, and returned. I'd taken over 4 gyms - 2 on a nearby walking trail, 1 at the pool of an apartment complex, and a fourth at a religious institution. This last one was only a half block off the main drag, and could easily accessed by anyone taking about fifteen steps to the left.
I didn't really think I would hold these for very long, and sure enough, by the next morning all of them had been knocked out... except for the religious institution. Not only had it not been knocked down, but it had acquired 5 more gym mates. Cool, I thought, maybe it'll hang on until tomorrow for the next day's 50 coins.
That was 40 days ago.
Now, I know that a forty day gym hold isn't that long, but like I said, this isn't a gym in the middle of nowhere. There are other gyms nearby. It's within a block or so of actual shopping centers. It's in a safely navigable suburb. No one is refilling the health meters, making it an easy target. And to top it off, I'm Team Instinct, that most inviting of gym targets.
And yet, there my Unown sits, wondering what's going on. It's weird, says I.
Anyone got any similar tales?
I heard rumors last time that gigantamax battles did not trigger the "complete max battles" research tasks.
For the Lunar New Year event featuring the Year of the Snake, Niantic has given us Ekans showcases.
I had an original account from 2016 that I lost access to as the email associated with it got deleted.
I returned to the game years later and had no idea how to recover it as the login method was completely different, and I assumed it lost. I made a new account which is the one I play on currently.
Eventually I discovered there was a way to recover it. However, by that point I had played consistently for a year and a half, and really did not want to have to restart all my progress and investment.
I also figured that eventually I’d have guaranteed luckies on my current as niantic had already expanded guarantee luckies multiple times. So I continued to play on my current account.
After expecting this past month or so to make 2019 mons guaranteed, Im now questioning whether I made the right decision. What are your thoughts? Will they eventually keep expanding guaranteed lucky trades to subsequent years?
I don't mean to say u/Gx811 post was hard to follow. I just made a task list in sheets to follow it for myself.
Thanks Gx8111 for writing the amazing post.
Original Post Link : https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1ib3gmj/here_is_the_way_to_optimize_your_mp_strategies/
Task list based on above reddit post https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTv0ww95AjrI7pLaxEWAtZWg2d_zQNfaAKm8zOHC3v7HLGgbzTGbueDdVj3RvC45iNCtGBABF24wX7k/pubhtml?gid=445742197&single=true
(Added screenshots as well if you want to save them instead of checking out sheet every time.)
Just trying to figure out what is worth leveling but everything I’m finding is almost a year old. Is Gamepress trustworthy?
Will this work? Will the 0.5KM 600MP actually show up between 12AM-5AM? Is there an easier way? Thanks!
EDIT: made Friday steps more clear
Disclaimer: This advice is only for players who either:
According to Galarian Pokedex (I source mine from Serebii), Greedent's HP stat is among the highest, losing out only to the likes of Wigglytuff, Snorlax, and Slaking. As of right now, G-Lapras is the only mon released in Go to have a higher HP stat than Greedent.
Yes, Max Guard on a tank to draw aggro against the Max Boss should still be prioritised, in multiplayer lobbies against a high-tier Max Boss. But, if you, yourself, and/or your team of friends/acquaintances already has the Guard role covered, and someone wants to chip in and help, consider Greedent with nothing but L1 Max Attack and L2 Max Spirit. It doesn't even need to be high CP - a Great-League-eligible Greedent should already have more HP than, like, an L35 Metagross.
You'd use the Healer Greedent as you would a normal Max Attacker - swapping it in only during Max Phases to provide healing, and to tack on extra damage with Max Attack if healing is not required. Outside of Max Phases, swap back out for a tank so that your little Greedent won't turn into collateral from the bosses' spread attacks.
This should allow less-hardcore players to reserve more candies on mons like Metagross, Lapras and Excadrill for Max Guard and/or Max Attack, because these mons no longer have to unlock Max Spirit in order to play both tank and healer roles. It could also help less-hardcore team members get more value out of Max Particles - if a member of the team is dedicated towards being the healer, they can simply field 2 out-of-Max-Phase tanks with zero Particle investment (only Stardust and Candy investment to raise CP to appropriate levels), plus a smol but thicc Greedent with cheek pouches stuffed with Sitrus Berries. Just kidding, said Greedent will only have L1 or L2 Max Spirit, no berries.
It seems Kyogre can learn Signal Beam in the MSG through the move tutor (in generations 4 to 7). This is the only bug type move it learns.
Groudon learns his weather type moves (Ground, Fire and Grass). Kyogre at the moment Kyogre learns Water and Electric moves (and Ice), but not bug.
In PVE it is 75 power 2 bar move. In PVP it is 75 damage for 55 energy with a 20% chance to decrease opponent attack and defence.
What do people think of Kyogre learning Signal Beam? How much would this matter in the meta. Mainly helpful vs Mewtwo, with some neutral coverage against Dragons, but resisted by Fairy and Steels.
For all of January, South Korea got the Way of Aura event that gave away Lucario in its own timed research. With it, these 3 research tasks and another one for defeating a GO Rocket Grunt for 10 Mega Energy littered stops, even obstructing other events and Community Days. It was fun/funny at first, but after 100 Lucario fistpump stickers, it got tiring and annoying real quick.
I cannot wait for February. I don't think these month-long promo events are good if they're going to be so obstructive and hardly rewarding after a week.
The 820 particles per stop is 2pm to 5pm only.
Only the walking bonuses are active from 5am I apologize. Please defer back to the Lapras thread.
690 -> 990 -> 1590 and then the drawdowns.
600+820+820 more which yields 4 battles.
I DEEPLY apologize.
This is a bit late for some groups. But I didn't see it posted, so it might be of value.
Borrowing from https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1h0rjru/gmax_lapras_particle_optimization_how_to_afford_5/
We now know that we get 820 per spot, not 960, and with this event, that 820 is from midnight, not only during the event hours.
I think I found a good optimization.
From 4am Friday to 11:59pm Friday, it is important to collect no more than 480 particles (4 spots) for the day, and you should start with between 640 and 690 particles as of 11:59pm.
ONLY AFTER midnight, claim 300 particles from walking. This sets you up to 940-990 particles. (You will reset it and allows you to collect, moving forward, 600 particles for 0.5km)
Collect on a new spot - that claims 820. You're now at 1810 (at maximum)
Walk, but you won't claim.
Now it's after 4am.
The above is assuming you get the best outcome.
If you can start with (or have) 640 particles with the 320 particles left to collect, the numbers for collection would be as follows:
Starting at 640, you go to 940, to 1760.
Down to 960, and claim the distance up to 1560 (+600). Spend on the next battle, and you're back to 760.
Claim to 1580 (+820), spend, and now at 780, you can claim one more spot to 1600 - which allows you battles 4 and 5.
For the Friday to Saturday cycle, you get 480 (before 11:59pm) + 300 + 820 (1600)
For the Saturday raid day, you get 600 + 820 + 820 = 2,220 for the day.
Important: The Lapras thread said that 5 is impossible. It is possible based on the 820 per spot from the midnight turn-over.
(ios on wifi) Game just froze after, never experienced this bug before
The timed research rewarding zygarde cells is now claimable even if you have 250 cells stored already, and they take you ABOVE the 250 limit!
I was just able to redeem my Year of the Snake Times Research rewards (was unable to do so earlier today).
Is it any Pokémon traded that’s over 2 years old has the maximum lucky rate of 30% or is it pokemon 3 years or older?
Just coming back to the game, wondering if I wanted to get tomorrow's ticket if I should wait until the day of to have the points count towards the February track.
It's a bit unclear, webstore says 2 days remaining but also says it resets at 01/02 1259pm. It's already 31/01 in NZ.
I am in the final stretch of getting my platinum Ace Trainer Badge (100 battles left).
What team is the quickest to defeat Blanche, Spark, or Candela in their current line up?