Reddit's No1 subreddit for Pokemon Go, Niantic's popular mobile game!
Did a special trade with a buddy of mine, and this guy turned about about perfect <3
Gonna invest heavenly into him!
I'll be in New York City next month (in the next Pogo season so I don't yet know what events will be happening). If I have some time on my own, where should I play either for best game experience or to see interesting sights while playing. If I've only played in California, what regionals should I try to catch? Is it just Bouffalant?
I wanted to know what the best moveset is for my hundo dragonite i tried searching for it online but i see so many different answers i get confused it has 2 charged moves and i dont want to waste an elite tm if its the wrong one
The game is legit RPS, There are most matches where nmw you do even manipulating switch clocks you lose, there’s just no desire to play anymore, it’s old news. 1 out of 25 will be an actual game of skill.
With only 3 hours until the showcase ends I got a SINGLE point on you with an Ekans I caught directly on top of this stop. So if this sticks, ryanm821, my bad lol
Has anyone else noticed that Dialga spams dracometeor like it's a fast move but hardly ever uses thunder, like at one point it was using a dracometeor before my pokemon even finished the animation of entry back to back to back. And then when we finally beat the spamming dragon it basically became a shadow pokemon spamming attacks and jumping constantly. Like what's the deal have they secretly made it harder to catch because I don't remember it ever spamming attacks like that constantly nor jumping likes it's auditioning for super Mario!
I wanted to evolve this on principle but now that it’s done, I’m not sure what to do with my life let alone with her.
Am I lucky or just super unlucky.
I was just at a local restaurant with some friends… and I see this? Is this normal??? I’ve never seen a wild one, so surely it’s really rare right?
Returning player with zero master balls. Been running daily incense for a month now and never saw them before today.
Not shiny. Not an event pokemon. Not perfect. Bad stats. Low CP. Completely useless in battle. It’s not even your overall favorite pokemon. Yet for whatever reason you simply refuse to transfer it. Here’s mine:
With the addition of Black and White Kyurem being added, the game will recieve 2 more adventure effect which (possibly) slow the circle or prevent the pokemon from attacking. Both are useful in their own way.
I had some additional ideas for future pokemon such as Zacian Crowned and Zamazenta Crowned
Zacian Crowned, Behemoth Blade: Increases all your Pokemon's attacks by 10%-20% in any type of PVE combat or all your pokemon will have the weather boosted attack despite the typing not matching
Zamazenta Crowned, Behemoth Bash: Increases all your Pokemon's Defense by 10-20% in any type of PVE combat
Some additional Adventure effects that I thought the people might like and could possibly be added were:
Increased chance to find shiny Pokemon from anywhere
Increased chance to find Pokemon with higher IV's (+1 or +2 IV floor)(Excluding Lucky trades)
Increased chance to find rarer and more powerful Wild Pokemon
Increased chance to get better/rarer loot from pokestops/finshing raids
Crazy I just got back from the store.I had to get a few things and while I was there I was thinking what to make for dinner.So I picked up some T-Bone streaks & some crab meat for crab alfredo.I played this at that same time and caught this guy.Well the small one and evolved it!
Is this happening to anyone else? And yes every throw was a curveball and a great besides one which was good. When this starts happening, I really just stop caring. I’ve managed to only catch one boss from the last 8 raids I’ve been in also.
I just picked this back up again and really enjoy it, but I took a 3 year hiatus for the same reasons. Impossible and absurd catch rates.
Is this a normal cycle or is there something I can do to fix it?