Pokemon Go IVs - a space to share and get help with the individual values of your Pokemon GO team!
This is a space to share and get help with the individual values (IV's) of your Pokemon Go team!
Our sister-subreddit is r/PokemonGOBattleLeague if you're interested in PVP!
Each Pokemon in the game is unique. Not only does each distinct species have "base" stats for attack, defense, and stamina, but each individual Pokemon has additional unique values for those three stats. These are called 'Individual Values' or IV's and range from 0-15 for each stat.
IVs are not as impactful in Go as in the main series games. But they can make up to a 10% difference in attack, defense, or stamina. In PVP, it's the "least important, but still important thing."
Check where your team leader mentions the quality of your pokemon. There will be 3 sections: Attack, Defense, and HP.
Each section has 3 bars, and each bar holds 5 places (15 total). Totally empty is 0, totally full is 15. You've got to get used to eyeballing it to quickly know if it's in-between a bar.
Keep things friendly and constructive!
Don't be a jerk, nor exhibit Bad Faith Behavior.
Trolls get bans.
Spoofers get bans if they're bragging/being rude. Don't rub your cheats in our faces.
No spam.
Got my first nundo ever
Hello. I took a break from Pokemon Go a while back. I came back to it and found out my shadow Dragonite that went from a maxed health and maxed defense stat, with the attack stat missing just 1 bar has been changed to some other assortment of 3* stats. Support is confused and said they do not know why. Any help or advice for explanation? Thanks.
Started getting into pvp don’t know much about ivs was told to try out poke genie is it any good?
BTW got it from Professor.
Should I purify for the 4* or just keep it as a shadow?
Obviously Gardevoir is the better option, but why might a Gallade be cool?
I’ve always seen people say in some cases that purifying for 100% is a cardinal sin, but am wondering what the general consensus is
I'm looking to level up Melmetal and use it in the master league. This one is the best I have.
Is this one the same as hundo? I checked all shield scenarios on pvpoke and it seems to perform the same as hundo. Not sure about breakpoints/bulkpoints.
So I have a lucky solgaleo from a trade. I know fusing will take the Necrozmas ivs. So im thinking should evolve another cosmog into solgaleo for the fusion and keep this one as it is?