
Photograph via snooOG

News and discussion about the Tor anonymity software. New to Tor? Please read the Tor FAQ!


Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis. Get Tor.

This subreddit is for news, questions, opinions and tips about Tor.

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions before posting.

Community guidelines:

  • No posts about specific .onion sites, or requesting or sharing links to onion sites – these belong in /r/onions.
  • Do not ask for or give advice about activity that may be illegal in most places.
  • Do not ask for or give advice about using Tor for abusive purposes.
  • Do not ask for or offer assistance in private (PM)
  • Do not use URL shortening services: always submit the real link.
  • Articles that do not mention Tor are usually off-topic; /r/Tor is not for general news about privacy or security.
  • No memes or low effort content.
  • System-level questions about operating systems are off-topic. Questions about installing Tails, for example, belong in /r/Tails.
  • Do not ask for or offer invites.
  • Do not share bridges or refer to unofficial bridge distribution channels.
  • Posts must be in English
  • Be excellent to each other.

Tor + VPN?

This is a very frequently asked question we see in this subreddit. You generally do not need to use a VPN in conjunction with Tor, and you may even hurt your anonymity by doing so. However, a VPN may help if Tor is censored by your network. Please see the Tor Wiki for more details.

Tor on iOS (iPhone)?

The Tor Project recommends Onion Browser. See onionbrowser.com.

Tor or TOR?

The proper capitalization is "Tor". The subreddit's name is incorrectly capitalized as "TOR" and cannot be changed due to Reddit's technical limitations. Please read the Tor Project FAQ for more information.

How to get started

  1. Download Tor Browser
  2. Install
  3. Start it. You're done. It's that easy!


Related subreddits

  • /r/onions – all about Tor's hidden services
  • /r/tails – the Tails operating system helps preserve anonymity
  • /r/netsec – security news and discussion
  • /r/privacy – privacy and freedom in the information age
  • /r/PrivacyGuides – Helping you protect your data
  • /r/FreeSpeech – freedom of speech
  • /r/i2p – The Invisible Internet Project, anonymity system with similarities to Tor
  • /r/Namecoin – Namecoin, decentralized DNS

/r/tor is not managed or endorsed by The Tor Project.


277,720 Subscribers


How to manage multiple relays from one place.

How can i manage a group of exit relays from one server? They are all running the same OS (Debian 12) How can i manage my TORRC wothout having to login to each server individually? As when i add more Exit Relays its not gonna be very fun to manage everything one by one.

16:55 UTC


Can i make Non Exit Relays Family Members with aedit Relays.

Hello, Can i add a non exit relay to the family with my other 4 exit relays? Im assuming i can but figure i shall ask before changing shit.

16:51 UTC


Snowflake works as intended. All thanks to decentralized volunteers and their contributions!

Couple months ago my local censorship agency was indulging in collateral damage yet again. Since broker cdn was too big to block, they were targeting webrtc protocol and trying to find specific cipher suite fingerprint that was unique to snowflake, as a result it disrupted work in a lot of normal businesses and people's browsers used for: webinars, office video sharing, streaming, etc.

All webrtc tunnels refused to connect at the SNI level, and it varied browser to browser; TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3, it was random, I think they later were doing similar attacks on Lantern and Psiphon.

Whatever the case, as it was happening I had a strange sense of complacent satisfaction knowing full well that this was result of collateral damage played out by the book, because snowflake daemon that I ran on my home server, sure maybe would get couple DataChannel.OnOpen timoeuts, but it would pick up almost immediately in 5 seconds (because webrtc tunnels are decentralized volunteers after all), and I didn't notice any disruptions.

Meanwhile those businesses did notice all sorts of strangeness in their corporate networks. It is funny to me in its own twisted way. None of this would have happened... if censors didn't try break the internet.

So yeah. Thank you for your support.

07:10 UTC


Another Search Engine Thread

Like many of you, I'm planning to distance myself from Google and other Orwellian enterprises. The plan is to install Ubuntu 22.04 and Tor, but I'm not sure which search engine to use. I've been using Startpage for years, but I noticed today that my go-to search engine is trying to install a tracking cookie. It has also come to my attention that Startpage used to be based in the Netherlands, which has strict privacy laws, but it is now owned by a US company. I also read the other day that DDG is now partnered with an advertising company. Can any of these "private" search engines really be trusted anymore?

00:46 UTC


Which Android browsers support tor?

It is remarkbly difficult to get any information from this or even a list from search engines.

I know many popular browsers on mobile support onion links. Though everything that comes up in Google is specialty browsers. It is so difficult to find out if chrome on android or edge supports onion links.

Many vpn services offer servers the remove the need for manually configuring tor or using a packaged browser.

You connect to your tor vpn server and .onion works assuming you have a capable browser.

So with that in mind, anyone want to help make a list ot android, it's, etc browsers that support onion links natively.


22:30 UTC


Tor nodes in Türkiye

i would like to host a relay node in my home but i dont know if it can create any problems for me. Im mostly asking this to other türkish citizens but feel free to answer

00:28 UTC


Setting up a Tor node - Cannot confirm reachability error.


Recenlty I set up a TOR relay node on an old ASUS laptop that I installed Linux Mint on, and everything went without a problem. I followed the steps on the official Tor website.

However, whenever I start the node I get this error message from Nyx about 20 minutes after I start:

"Your server has not managed to confirm reachability for its ORPort(s) at [MyPublicIP]:433."

I am very much a beginner when it comes to this kind of stuff so keep that in mind lol.

I tried to enable the built in firewall in Mint and set a rule to allow incoming and outgoing connections to the port, but that didn't work. But what was interesting what that even when I run "telnet [MyPublicIP] 433" it says that I can connect (it didn't previously before I added the firewall rule).

I'm pretty sure that this issue can be solved my port forwarding, but I'd rather not dig into my router settings.

Does anyone know of any other possible solutions to rectify this problem?

Thank you very much for any help you can provide!

10:38 UTC


Tor bridges

so ya get the bridge from your email, and then have to manually type it in perfectly, i’ve been trying now for a looooong ass time, why haven’t i been able to get connected via a bridge?

10:22 UTC


Screen sharing while browsing?

I was on a call with friends and started screen sharing tor although i was only browsing, i don't intend nor want to buy anything there, can i get problems because of the screen share on discord? I was using a vpn if that's important.

20:46 UTC


What are you looking for??

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to searching things in TOR. What do people generally use Tor for? What are they searching? Also can you do a person search for historical information?

06:15 UTC


Tor Browser through Virtualbox on Windows, is that a good idea?

I heard that Tor Browser through Windows isn't a good idea because Windows is a untrustworthy platform.

But, what about Tor Browser through Ubuntu Linux on Virtualbox on Windows, is that a good idea?

05:30 UTC


My ISP changed my IP to static. Has my anonymity worsened?

For many months now, my ISP has converted my IP from dynamic to static. Can having a static IP affect my anonymity when using Tor?

04:24 UTC


New to tor | Help needed plez

Hello everyone!

I'm very new to Tor and wanted to help the Tor community, and I have also set up my very own Tor relay NOT EXIT REALY. I wanted to know how to protect my mini server from the outside world. I'm using Nyx to see the traffic and important settings if needed.

I have followed the main Tor website to install and configure the middle relay on my Raspberry Pi 4.

I have followed the Nyx website to install it and configure the settings.

Is there any more configuration I need to follow to successfully run my middle relay?

Any tips are very welcome!

Thank you!


00:55 UTC


I have got an hypothesis

If a start orbot and then i connect to tor network with tor browser then will get double "tor protection"?

21:16 UTC


Need help simulating Whonix/Tails with Docker

I have a little personal project for myself, to run a Tor browser from within Docker. It's simple - you run the Docker container, and it opens the Tor browser window. But the real reason I'm doing it is I want to simulate the Whonix/Tails experience of anonymizing the entire Docker container's traffic though Tor, and not just the browser. That way, if anything happens, I have both the security of container isolation and no way of deanonymizing my system.

The reason I'm doing it is that I find Whonix and Tails to be annoying to work with. One requires running 2 virtual machines, and the other requires booting into a separate operating system. So, I'm really just trying to make it more convenient to make use of their main benefit, being able to anonymously browse the internet from the comfort of my own host OS, and containerizing everything that happens within it. My use of Tor is not a life-or-death question, I'm just an average individual who exercises their right to privacy, so I'm not that concerned if the result may not be as effective as I'd hope it to be.

The only problem is: I don't know what steps to take to anonymize my container. If there are any publicly available resources I can take, or any tips y'all can help me with, I'd truly greatly appreciate.

And, if it's important to know, I'm on Linux myself, so as long as I'm also running a Linux container there will not be any performance issues from needing to virtualize the correct kernel for the container, as it will be using the host kernel to run.

Thank you everyone in advance!

16:37 UTC


How to change location

Hello, I have a question. Are there websites that can detect that I'm using the Tor browser? I want the website not to know my real geographical location; I want it to think I'm from a different area and not know my real internet service provider. Also, I want to change my real IP address. Is there a solution to this issue? I want to use a regular browser like Firefox."

15:04 UTC


Is it normal for tor to be too slow than normal internet?

If not how can I make it faster

13:32 UTC


Are there any "Dark Web" extensions for Chromebooks?

Around 6 years ago, there was a "proxy" called Sky-Zip. This was a google chrome extension. This allowed for dark web browsing on a Chromebook. https://www.skyzip.de/ is the link to their website (now discontinued). It enabled one to access the dark web without tor, Orbot, or any other ridiculous remedies. So to my question but more into detail, are their any free VPN's, or Proxies capable of accessing the dark web. Are their any other remedies to get on the dark web using a Chromebook? Also, feel free to list the paid versions too. I'm trying to get as much info as I can here.

1 Comment
00:47 UTC


Has anyone tried Darling as a workaround for the "Tor Browser requires a CPU with SSE2 support" error?

I'm using a MacBook Pro with an M3 chip to run a Kali Linux VM on Parallels. I'm able to run TOR on the M3 mac fine, but it won't run on the VM, and I keep getting the "Tor Browser requires a CPU with SSE2 support" error. I looked this up and saw a lot of people with the same problem, but no solutions.

During my search I did came across https://www.darlinghq.org/, but before I waste my time with it, I wanted to ask if anyone has had any success. If not, I'll just run TOR on a macOS VM, but I'd like to have all my OSINT tools together.

(Sorry if anything is confusing, English is not my first language.)

1 Comment
04:47 UTC


TOR Browser Blocked in Mexico

I am currently on a work assignment in Mexico. Historically, I use TOR with bridges, and have for many years. And this configuration always worked for me here in Mexico. About a month ago, suddenly TOR would no longer connect. I thought perhaps it was an issue with the local ISP. Nothing seemed to work. But then I had a sudden intuitive flash: Disable bridges and try to connect. And lo and behold it worked!! But this leaves me stumped: Why would the local ISP seemingly block bridges, but allow a regular TOR connection? TOR will not connect with bridges enabled but works fine without them. Any thoughts? Thanks.

03:04 UTC


My school blacked tor

How do I unblock Tor on a school network?

22:00 UTC


Help please

How do I make an anonymous website without the FBI looking after me😂 but not for illegal stuff

20:38 UTC


should i use php or python for my backend tor site?

20:05 UTC


Tor doesn't work with proxychains?

I started tor service with systemctl start tor and opened brave-browser with proxychains but websites still show my real ip address. in config I have socks4 9050 and also proxy_dns so why doesn't it work?

22:17 UTC


Tor in North Korea?

I discovered the Tor metrics website and for S&Gs I wanted to see how many North Koreans use Tor:


I am extremely surprised. For one, don't the majority of North Koreans connect to each other through an intranet that isn't connected to the outside world? That obviously means this cannot be organic traffic, but then who is creating it? IP address blocks are assigned to ASs so somebody somewhere has to have access to North Korean servers to send requests like this, but obviously not the average subject to the hermit kingdom. I'm assuming state actors? Let me know what you think.

18:17 UTC


What effect will FISA 702 have?

Will the new bill have an effect on the reliability of the Tor network? I would assume it would make for much easier time correlation attacks if the government could have access to any Tor node that wasn’t being self hosted.

18:48 UTC


Can I set security to standard without getting into trouble as long as I just pull out the usb if something happens?

What's the full context to why I should set my security levels to safest?

The issue I find about is not being able to fully access to things within the web that needs javascript, if that gets hacked, can't I just pull out the tails usb and I'm good to go?

10:18 UTC


TOR loads but does not render pages

I am having an issue that TOR loads most pages as expected, but many of them it does not render and the main windows remains empty.

I can open developer tools and see the pages loading. I can even look at individual requests, open the response tab in developer tools, and there the content renders as expected and I can look at the source code. But the main windows still shows the bouncing dot and does not render the content. If I open the requests from the developer tools in a new tab, the same thing happens again.

This seems to happen with captchas and anti-fishing pages more than with other content, but it's not exclusive. It also doesn't seem to matter how long a page takes to load. I can have requests which take 90 seconds or 3 seconds; Both render fine in the Response tab of developer tools, but the main TOR content window remains blank.

New circuit / identity does nothing.

I have TOR 13.0.14 in vanilla settings with JS off (Security: Safest, tried with JS on but does not make a difference). Have tried reinstalling TOR, to the same effect.

Anyone any idea how to get this working?

1 Comment
05:23 UTC


Create access point

Hello, I am creating a project that consists of implementing a TOR access point with Raspberry Pi for private use and I am a bit lost and would need help to get started.

16:43 UTC


How to make a onion website ip leak proof ?

16:13 UTC

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