This isn't a completely serious historical sub. High effort submissions, while welcome and encouraged, are not mandatory.
Questions about the history, technology, or tactics of WW2 should be directed to /r/WarCollege or /r/AskHistorians.
Vote brigading is prohibited. Don't link to comment chains that you've heavily participated in, don't invite people to downvote any linked comments, and do not comment in linked threads. It's not our goal to fight for justice in WW2 historiography on reddit but merely to entertain ourselves.
In line with rule #1, links must contain the np prefix for non-participation (np.reddit.com). Those that do not will be removed automatically by the AutoModerator and you will have to resubmit your thread or have your reply reapproved by a moderator.
No "low hanging fruit." This means white rights and neo-Nazi subreddits or websites, including /r/European and /r/conspiracy, and also submissions where YouTube or Imgur comments are the main focus. Posts consisting of nothing but holocaust denial are also prohibited. All the material prohibited by this rule can be submitted in the weekly Low Hanging Fruit sticky.
No pro-atrocity counter-jerking. That is no praise of, or excuses for: Stalin, the USSR as a system, genuine war crimes committed by the allies (mass rapes, Japanese internment, Soviet invasion/occupation of Poland and the Baltic states, etc.), as well as no mocking of the victims of any of the aforementioned, or expressing any satisfaction at all with civilians, in Axis countries or otherwise, being unfairly victimized, under any circumstance.
No concern trolling or whiny meta posts/comments about our supposed love of allied mass rape and execution of Japanese prisoners because you cherry-picked a few comments with two upvotes that no one bothered to report. If you see someone defending allied war crimes, report it to the moderators to be removed under rule #4. If you don't report them, we can't remove them. If the comment wasn't removed, you probably missed the context; tu quoque is the wehraboo's most potent weapon, and criticizing the mention of allied crimes in topics about Nazis is absolutely valid SWS content.
The use of slurs will not be permitted. If you wouldn't say it at work or in school, don't say it in here.
Threads must have some attempt at explaining what is Wehraboo and why, or risk deletion by annoyed janitors.
Bans will only be issued on the basis of what a user has posted in SWS. A user's posting habits in other subreddits will play no role in how they are treated by moderators here.
Political discussion outside the strict context of the subreddit will not be tolerated. Calling for purges of people you don't like will not be tolerated.
For the sub's purposes a Wehraboo is defined as someone with an exaggerated or sanitized view of Nazi Germany's accomplishments or conduct before and during WW2. This could be:
An overly generous take on Nazi Germany's military, such as "10 Shermans to 1 Panther," "astonishing Nazi scientists advanced human civilization by a century," vaguely homoerotic obsession with dashing German soldiers in their Hugo Boss™ uniforms, and downplaying of major faults with the German military's tactics, strategy, and technology or offering excuses for its failures ("if only Hitler listened to his generals").
Whitewashing or downplaying the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Wehrmacht and SS in the field, as well as tu quoque arguments to establish false moral equivalency between allied war crimes and the holocaust ("Babi Yar was bad, but the allies bombed Dresden, so everyone's guilty!")
Exaggerating the accomplishments of the Nazis and Hitler as government administrators, i.e. Hitler miraculously fixed the economy, the Nazis discouraged smoking, the Nazis believed in animal rights, Nazis eliminated crime, etc.
"Holy shit, that sub is hilarious. All the self-righteousness and hatred of SRS, but focused on an even more obscure and less real thing to bitch about."
"That sub is fucking disgusting. They are mocking the deaths of innocent Germans."
"Jesus, so acknowledging that Nazi Germany had some advanced technology and was a super power now qualifies for that sub? It's a known fact that a lot of German technology was far superior than the rest of the world"
"Humanization of combatants? Brace yourself for /r/ShitWehraboosSay you evil nazi!"
"Your moral convictions are irrelevant to me. You can virtue signal all you want and defend homosexuality, transgenderism, and race mixing. It doesn't matter. Your forum is a massive failheap that can only exist in a vacuum of ignorance that slowly gets smaller every day. I will move on from this encounter and continue the work that I always have."
Dear SWS community,
Today, five of us moderators have made the decision to lock the subreddit. This was not a decision taken lightly. Unfortunately, we feel that the subreddit has gradually outlived its purpose and we feel it is best to press the pause button rather than let it further morph into something none of us recognize. As the standard myths that this subreddit was formed to combat began to lose favor in popular history, the focus of the subreddit has unfortunately shifted away from the misinformed ("the Tiger tank was equivalent to five Shermans!", "the majority of German soldiers had no knowledge of the crimes of the SS!") to the malicious ("Hitler was right!").
This subreddit was never meant to be one focused on neo-Nazism or the alt-right. Dozens of subs exist for those purposes. Posting these people here only confuses passersby on what our mission statement is and serves to spread such questionable content. Furthermore, the abundance of certain extremely specific types of scum (neo-Nazis lusting over the idea of women from conquered populations, for example) leads us to become suspicious of the motivations of those posting them to this sub over and over. People who may hold such motivations, along with those who have been recently promoting repugnant ideas such as Holodomor denial and moral excuses for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, are not welcome and have never been welcome in this community.
We've had some good times here, and we thank you for being a part of this community as we have tried for the past eight years to fight against harmful myths about the Second World War. Nothing is being deleted, you can still comment and view past posts. But this subreddit's time has come and gone. Should we need this community again, we may revive it. But for now, it shall rest.
Thank you all, The SWS mod team
Post your holocaust denial, neo-Nazi propaganda, etc. here. Any material that involves the German military is probably worthy of its own thread.
Only victors allowed.
Reading about it and the planning that got in the offensive, I'm wondering how wehraboo portray it. The german generals didn't seemed to be that optimist about it and the offensive didn't had enough means or logistics. It also had to obey a verry strict schedule, or else it'd fail (and it did, a lot of delay happened).
Do wehraboo portray as a "the nazi could've won" type of battle? I also wonder if there's not denial over the kampfgruppe peiper crimes.
Kinda feel like a two faced documetnary when they wank the nazi stuff and then show its problem. Nazi megastructure did that by wanking the wall while at the same mentioning the ressources issues and that there were a bunch of parts who weren't that strong using a diary. When it come to reenactement in documentary like nazi megastucture (or air crash investigation), I tend to not expect accurate stuff partly since documentary won't have movie like budget.
Maybe the reason you keep losing isn’t because of conspiracies or power imbalances. Maybe the reason you keep losing is just because you deserve to lose. Every. Single. Time.
Post your holocaust denial, neo-Nazi propaganda, etc. here. Any material that involves the German military is probably worthy of its own thread.
I was watching a documentary on tanks and noticed that while it highlighted the tiger 1 flaws, at the same time it still had light wehrabooism on the sherman and seems to wank the panther (I'm not entirely sure it's the best german tank design even I don't counterjerk too much on it).
Only victors allowed.
I find it a bit weird to say the ally giving czechoslovakia to nazi gemany was a bad thing but give a pass to the USS carving eastern europe with nazi germany, even if poland didn't wanted ussr troops, that's not ajustification to invade it or share it with the nazis. I'd say sharing part of europe is also more than just a non agression pact and delivering ressources to nazi germany is still helping nazi germany to me.
While the USSR was aort if the team effort to defeat the nazis, I don't think it's ok to defend molotov ribbentrop.