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A dedicated subreddit for the discussion of psychoactive synthetic research chemicals.

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I wrote up a post a couple of weeks ago about how I had a bad lapse on pyrazolam and ended in a hospital. I was told that I tested positive for fentanyl and cocaine. It turns out the doctor lied to me probably as some sort of scare tactic. I saw the toxicology report yesterday and it showed that I was negative for benzos, fentanyl, and cocaine. Maybe I was lied to because nothing showed up in the drug screen. Sorry about the scare story but it's still a good Ideal to test everything 👍.

1 Comment
16:14 UTC


What is the most recreational / coke-like RC stimmie you can rip on the daily?

So im not too informed on rcs, is there such thing as a recreational stim, which you can rip on the daily? Ik its impossible for that to exisit, but, in your opinion, what is the best feeling stim u can rip on the daily or almost daily without frying your brain or having your heart explode?

Something that makes u feel great. If possible not something like caffeine or modafinil which wakes you up, but something mote like ritalin (methylphenidate) , a DRI which makes you feel fucking good.

I most probably wont even try it since im broke af, and it is prolly impossible to get weird rcs shipped qhere i live without paying a fuckton of money, so do not worry about me; im doing this mostly out of curiosity.

But, is there any stims u can rip on the daily without developing tolerance or addiction, and that doesn’t make your heart explode or give you 20 different types of cancer? Ik mos def there is not, so what is the closest thing that would fit that description? Thanks yall.

16:01 UTC


Got 25gs of polish 4mmc how are y'all spending this weekend?

Polska gurom 💖

13:43 UTC


Update on the Ban first of july

"No ban on 1st of July There won’t be a ban on July 1st. We told you last week with the latest update. There will be another debate in the Netherlands, which is now scheduled for July 9th. After that, we hope to know if and when the ban will happen."

12:31 UTC


How long does maXTC last?

I’m planning on taking it around 5pm but I want to sleep tonight. I have the pink ones. How long does it last? Should I take half or not take it all? Thanks in advance.

12:16 UTC


First time Odsmt solution - please help!

Hello, i want to make a Odsmt solution, i read that i can use only water. Do i have to put the odsmt and the water in one small glass bottle and heat it in a pot? So no direct heat touches the liquid? And for how long would you put the bottle in the warm water? Do i have to stir it all the time?

Thank you very much!

10:11 UTC


Can someone give more info on 1,4 BDO

I've been seeing lots of varying information about 1,4 butanediol. Some people say that as little as 1ml will get you feeling the effects while others dose 3ml. Has anyone had experience with this? What's the best way to do it? Dose once and forget about it or redose every X hrs? Can you do it two days in a row? Positive and negatives? Things to watch out for? Thanks everybody. I've been doing research over the past few weeks but looking for more experiences/advice. Thanks!

10:09 UTC


What is the appeal of benzo's?

I never really understood the appeal of benzo's. Sure, they can be helpful when you have a bad trip or with anxiety but there are some many downsides:

Delusions of sobriety, blacking out, highly addictive, can't stop with them cold turkey, not sustainable for the long term etc

Reading some of the trip reports here they are also used a the "easy way" out of a trip, which sounds like an awfully stupid way to get you slowly addicted. Plus all the "insert benzo ruined my life" posts.

Can someone explain to me why some many people use (and often abuse) benzo's? What is the appeal behind them? Excuse me if my English isn't the best.

08:09 UTC


Which chems to try before the ban in the netherlands?

Hey guys, so most of you probably have heared about the bad on many chemicals in the netherlands. I get most of my stuff from there and already have piled up on my usual stuff and wanted to ask weather there are any compounds I should expirience before they vanish? Will place my last order this evening.

I like empathogens like 6-APB and 5-MAPB but take them rarely and have quite a stash already, also tried 4-FMA. Lately I like insufflated NEP. Not a fan of psychodelics similar to LSD or BK-2CB. Dissos are quite underwhelming tbh, dont like ket and 2-FDCK. ODSMT has no effect on me.

Was thinking about getting some 3-FA but not sure if it‘s worth it.

Do you have any last minute recommendations?

07:19 UTC


3-FA Duration and After Effects

My Question is if I want to go to bed at around 12 am, what could be the last possible dose so it doesn't interfere with my sleep.

Because yesterday I used 100 mg between 2pm-7pm, and it was impossible for me to fall asleep even with 10 mg of Norflurazepam at around 2am.

Am I taking too much, or is this benzo not strong enough.

03:00 UTC


Protonitazene- Looking for more info

Since a lot of sites, who I won't name here, don't exist anymore it's hard to find information for certain compounds. I'm trying to find out, what's a good dose of protonitazene for an opiate naive person? Someone told me 2 MG. Some nitazenes are active in .25 MG. Before anyone says this, no one is eyeballing anything. Thanks peoples

01:13 UTC


3cmc with cinolazepam and alcohol

im doing this rn and its actually very nice

22:59 UTC


Cross tolerance Metocin (4-ho-met) and AL-LAD or MiPLA/LSD ?

EDIT: I am 100% trippin', everything makes sense and nothing makes sense?


Does anyone know if Metocin, 4-ho-met, the tryptamine has a cross tolerance with lysergamides such as AL LAD, MiPLA, LSD?

Reason I want to know is because I dosed 200ug 1cP-MiPla today and it was dissapointing, I thought it would've been a sweet short ride but guess not. The Metocin was a 20mg dose on monday 22:00.

Anyway so today at 21:30 (currently it is 0:34 for me) I dosed 1cP-MIPLA and at 23:50 I added 150ug of AL-LAD into the mix, figuring it might spice things up.

I have no way yet of knowing if the AL LAD will hit me at the time of writing this but I am just curious if Metocin has cross tolerance with lysergamides such as mipla and AL LAD. And if it does have cross tolerance then did I completely waste the AL LAD and the MIPLA due to taking a dose of Metocin on monday? Should I have waited a lot longer?

Thanks to the people who will reply to this quickly

Basically, does the 20mg metocin from monday eve ruin the AL LAD and MIPLA I took today (3 days later)

22:37 UTC


⚠ ALL RC BAN ahoy ?

A friend of mine who lives in the Netherlands just told me that - allegedly - all RCs would be banned july 1st. For those who don’t already know, the Netherlands so far have always been THE number 1 country in the UE when it comes to buying RCs online from legal companies (you can’t in almost all the other EU countries). So the rest of the EU consumers get their RCs by ordering them from the Netherlands (and pray that customs don’t open their packages 😳).

22:28 UTC


Does permanent tolerance exist?

Ive heard it somewhere but i am not quite sure where. If i remember correctly carl hart said sth like its one of those drug myths but i am nit entirely sure here either.

21:09 UTC


Something to calm racing thoughts?

As the title suggests, I’m looking for something to calm my racing thoughts every now and then.

No, I don’t have ADHD (as far as I know). I do have a busy and demanding job (which I very much enjoy) and I sometimes find it difficult to ‘stop thinking’ in the evenings.

Looking for something mild - I’m not looking for a ‘trip’, just some calm thoughts - with little to no side effects. I’m not prone to addiction and I am not planning on using it daily (perhaps once a month).

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

20:33 UTC


3-ho-pce blot paper help

So I bought 3-ho-pce on blot paper my dealer told me how strong it was and made me 6 diluted ones with my order so I don’t go in head first yk. So I tried one, hour later felt nothing, eventually took 3 in total without feeling a thing. I finally take one of the strong ones cut it in half and take it. Hour later still nothing. I get rlly overwhemingly tired and fall asleep, assumed my brain was just tired by trying to process all the stuff I had taken. Went to bed. Woke up maybe 4 hours after falling asleep high asf, my vision and mobility sucked nothing different for my head space though. I had spent 3 hours trying to get high with hardly an effect so I just assumed they were duds. Here’s my question, how long does it take for it to take full effect? Surely not hours right? I did eat dinner before taking it so maybe my full stomach had smth to do with the delay but idk if that’s how it works with 3-ho-pce. any people who’ve taken this drug had this experience?

19:56 UTC


New lsd analouge, 1S-LSD. Anyone tried it yet? How is it?

19:14 UTC


how to take 2mmc orally?

Hey friends, ive got some 2mmc and was initially giving nasal ROA a try but despite my experience with speed, coke and other stims, i dont know if i can tolerate too much more of this up the nose. Would i approach this similarly to mdma and simply put it in a beverage and drink it? Thanks in advance

18:33 UTC


Anyone experienced with 1cP-MiPLA ? Plan to take some

So I got 200mcg of 1cP-MiPLA and since the duration is 6-8 hours or something it spoke to me and I wanted to try it out. I also got a bunch of other lysergamides in my possession but for tonight I wanna use the MiPLA. Has anyone have experiences with this?

I know roughly what to expect as I have tripped on LSD before but since this is a different lysergamide it would be nice to have other folks their input (if they have tried it) and tell me about the experiences they had on it and if it really was a "short" duration of 6 hours as they say.

Appreciate any answer, was going to post this to the psychedelics sub but I feel like the research chemical community will provide more meaningful answers

18:32 UTC


Synergy 6APB and 5MAPB

Hey, Planning on taking 130mg of 6APB at a rave, usually after ~4 hours my euphoria turns into a more psychedelic experience. I have some 50mg of 5MAPB, would it be an option to take it when I lose the euphoria of the 6APB?

I know that usually you shouldn’t mix serotonin releasers
 but would like to know, if someone has experience.

18:30 UTC


Does anyone know if α2-adrenoceptor agonists make stimulants less or more effective?

I was recently prescribed guanfacine and I was hoping someone can give me some insight on whether or not if it decreases(or potentially increase) the effectiveness of stimulants in a similar manner to NAC.

Edit:meant to say intuniv(guanfacine extended release)

17:53 UTC


Any information on AZABON (CAS 1150-20-5) 3-[(4-Aminophenyl)sulfonyl]-3-azabicyclo[3.2.2]nonane ?


AZABON, page 459

Found this in Theimie's "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition"

AZABON Wikipedia

#Azabon! #####(Central Stimulant)

Its structure is familiar of Fencamfamin, Wikipedia (CAS 1209-98-9)

Its unclear wether or not this would make a recreational drug, as the terms "stimulant", etc are used pretty loosely across this book.

Their structures are vaugely cocaine-like, each involving a bicyclic ring.

Synthesis is simple for either species (no, rayney nickel is NOT necessary, despite what the literature says in this book).

I often hear people in this sub say "we are out of NPS! I miss the good old days!!", while completely ignoring the fact that there is still an OCEAN of untapped "RC"s that haven't been fully explored yet... In medical literature alone!

The "drug class"/"therapeutic function" label in that book is GARBAGE, there exists little to no consistency what so ever between chemical classes. This means that sometimes you will find amphetamines labeled as "topical analgesic", or opioids labeled only as "respiratory depressants". This makes the book very difficult to search/index: rather, each species is better investigated itself.

For example, if you search "central stimulant", you will only find about <20 entries of the ~80 or so total across the book. So, be creative with your search terms!

Thoughts? Discuss!

17:31 UTC


Would it be dangerous to take 25e-nboh 12 hours after an unfortunate 3-fa binge ?

As the title say I ended up taking a gram of 3-fa last night.

Just wondering if enough time has passed :)

16:07 UTC


Lab test results for 2C-E and 6-APB

The purple pills going around are indeed 2C-E, but the 6-APB from certain NL sources has a significant quantity of 5-APB in it.

In my experience, the 2C-E pills are underdosed though. A "10mg" pill put me at a +.

15:45 UTC


How to make the most out of MXE?

Hey, so at the end of this summer a vendor will start producing and shipping MXE, after a bit of research it seem to be the best dissociative ever so i plan on getting my hand on some, when/if i endup having some, how can i make the most out of it? Which ROA? Is vaping it any good? Which combos should i do? Is it therapeutical?

15:00 UTC


Is it possible to combine dmxe and 3fea

Mxe, and thus dmxe, have some serotonin reuptake properties. I would be planning to take a low dose of 3fea(maoA releaser with mostly serotonine) around 20-30mg. Ive taken 3.5mg of bromazolam and i am on fiend mode. But before i combine these two id rather ask some professionals out there. Current substances in my body 3mg bromazolam; 4fmph-5mg; 3-fa-20mg and one light beer-0.5L(25ml of ethanol) Bromazolam with the beer was taken 3 hours prior this post and the rest taken in span of last 20 minutes. Is it safe to combine 3fea with all of this? Mainly dmxe? Any answers will be helpful, thynk guys i love you all

Edit: tapering with kratom 3gpd for past 3 days

14:24 UTC


What Arylcyclohexylamin can you recommend for a first timer?

I'm into the RCs for a little while now and I tried a very small amount of 2F-DCK. At the moment it is not available for me. I wanna get into the dissos but have nearly no knowledge about the different substances. So my question like in the Title which RC disso can you recommend for a beginner like me? Which are the differences about the different dissos? Only the potency or is the feeling also very different?

I'm searching more for a light first experience.

Thank you for your help!

14:20 UTC


Dihexa arriving tomorrow

What should I expect in terms of mood alteration? I am currently taking Bupropion and NSI-189. 1 Month on Bupropion 150mg -> seems to be subtle but all in all better focus and more self-consciousness in social situations

1 week on NS-189 100mg in the morning -> I don't really know if it does something, some people seem to respond acutely to it, some people report effects are seen after couple of weeks.

I have a feeling like I am more prepared for not foreseen instances and my thinking seems to be more clear and reasoning also.

Next to NSI-189 regarding reasoning is in my experience psilocybin ego death

These observations (NSI-189) could also be placebo, 1 am not sure. I can say more in couple of weeks I guess.

I am planning to take 10mg of Dihexa sublingually every second day in the initiation phase.

I already read everything I could found on this compound, l appreciate if you want to warn me in regards to potentially cancer accelarating properties, because of the c-Met pathway, but I decided nonetheless to try it

I need some anecdotes. Thanks for them in advance

1 Comment
14:05 UTC


First time taking disso

First time taking a dissociative

I have experience with psychedelics but I want to try dissociatives.

I've ordered DCK (40mg) and DMXE (20mg).

Which one would you recommend me to try first?

And also, what does it feel like to feel dissociated? I know, from experience with psychedelics, that it is impossible to describe how a drug truly feels like until you have tried it by yourself, but i would appreciate if you could explain how it feels like.

Does the come up brings anxiety? Because I always feel nervous during the come up on psychedelics. Can you walk outside on dck (40mg) or dmxe (20mg)?

10:44 UTC

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