
Photograph via snooOG

Ask questions about drugs.

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Never forget that experiences on drugs are highly subjective and vary person to person. Keep this in mind when posting.



89,707 Subscribers


im just bored at this point pls dont ban me mods

i snorted curry powder and feel amazing might go sip some calpol to intense it and then eat a mullers corner yoghurt

07:38 UTC


need tips on sleeping after speed high

took around 250mg of amphetamine, still feel high now have done for ages, but i need to sleep as ive got a doctors appointment soon. do i stay up or am i safe enough to light a j and will that make me pass out?

04:03 UTC


Drug of choice (outside cannabis) for women?

I’m a guy, I do coke occasionally but know 0 women that like it at all, they prefer other stuff (K, MDMA etc)

Just wondering what your drug of choice is as a woman (guys can reply too just clarify so I know which answers I’m looking at)

01:14 UTC


antidepressant induced compulsive neck stretching/cracking ( does anyone know the medical terminology for this?)

ive had thi s same issue when i took wellbutrin and venlafaxine simultaneously

its been a month since I got off duloxetine and this is still happening

Since then I've added dexedrine, mirtazapine, lemborexant, and quetiapine.

could any of these be causing this problem?

22:09 UTC


Fentanyl test strips and naloxone

I’m gonna be taking MDMA with a friend here soon. We already have a test kit. But i’m wondering how do i get naloxone and fentanyl test strips? just to stay as safe as possible as it’s my first time ordering from this dude.

19:14 UTC


Looking , searching, fuuuuuucked.

Need near 615

17:15 UTC


Could I have Hypoxic Brain damage from forced, repeated injections of Haloperidol and Lorazapam and Ziprasidone in the psych ward?

I was unfortunately involuntarily committed to the psych ward for having anxiety and being stressed out due to life circumstances. I also had just started taking Benzos and barbiturates for headaches I was having due to stress and was suffering from the side effects of these. Unfortunately the hospital did not catch these side effects and just thought I was crazy and wrongfully put me in the psych ward. Anyways, to sedate me, they injected me with Haloperidol 5mg IM combined with Lorazepam 2mg IM at around 9AM in the morning, I was feeling ok at this point but then at around 6PM they reinjected me with Haloperidol 5mg IM combined with Lorazepam 2mg IM and this one totally messed me up. I think I first fell asleep and when I woke up I became catatonic, dystonic, my speech became slurred which eventually progressed into mutism. Unfortunately, nobody cares and nobody was even checking up on me. Then the very next day at around 5PM, they injected me with Ziprasidone 20mg IM combined Lorazepam 2mg IM. It was this point, a relative came to visit me and saw me in a messed up, dystonic state with all of my muscles tensing up and twitching and in tremor. My relative freaked out and threatened to call the cops and the news stations about my care so they transferred me to a regular hospital room. My question here is is there a possibility my breathing lowered due to all of these drugs and I experienced respiratory depression(without cardiac arrest) that may have caused some form of mild brain damage? I still do not feel the same cognitively from this total nightmare I experienced and I’m starting to suspect maybe I experienced hypoxia from respiratory depression due to the compounding effects of all of these drugs? Remember I was taking Benzos and Barbiturates previous before I was taken in so it’s not like I was completely sober before they injected me either.

13:58 UTC


Took an mdma bikkie, wtf happened?

15m at the time (70kg) Took one 300mg bikkie (ik it's stupid but didn't test the bikkie) and some molly water. Took an hour to hit, then peaked for 40 mins. The peak was mind boggling, so euphoric, really vibrant colours and 1-2m tracers, could see the red/green/blue in each light(like all colours were separated from their source) , felt like I was floating, no cares in the world, music sounded great (Pink Floyd, especially echoes and money sounds amazing) and felt like doing something, anything just wanted to be up and active.

Effects started to lessen after. Total 'mdma' experience lasted about 2 hours. After the mdma effects subsided I thought I was going crazy, seeing things that didn't exist, shadow people, auditory hallucinations, muscle twitches, mates said i was grunting and convulsing too. I apparently told him I was getting jumped by a faceless demon/shadow person.

Took me 8+ cones to feel tired enough to try sleep. Tracers and other visuals lasted the day after

I have no clue what happened or what could have caused this.

Have taken mdma several times after this (including rolls of 300+ mg) never got the same level or euphoria or visual 'bliss' only felt more love oriented instead of active

11:23 UTC


If you gave a normal child therapeutic doses of amphetamines throughout their childhood, what would be the effects on their brain?

Stimulants cause ADHD kids to grow up with a more normal brain, but what about a normal kid?

06:33 UTC


Anyone else ever got the zoom in and the echoing effects??

Yesterday on a mix of pregabalin, weed and nitrous oxide (also caffeine and nicotine) i experienced both of these effects for the first time ever.

Specifically after hitting a balloon.

The zoom in effect presented itself in a random part of the front of my vision field suddenly getting legitimately heavily zoomed in for a couple seconds.

The echoing effect, I was talking to my mom after hitting a balloon and it happened with her voice!

It was so strange!

With the zoom in effect inside I was like “Aaaa, this not a natural concept existing in reality bruv, what u trynna show me bruv I’m scared.”

1 Comment
05:21 UTC


I have dyslexia toward punctuation

Every post I've ever made the majority of comments are about punctuation I don't get why to an answer to a question is punctuationaly adept😂👌 this post will have the same this isn't just this forum

04:12 UTC


Dropped my cart in the toilet. Should I still use it or buy a new one?

I dropped my cart in the toilet, but I took off the cart and dried the charger and I think it still works! I read up on the situation and people said that pee probably got into the cart and I’ll be inhaling evaporated pee or something…

Should I just truck through for now or buy another? The thing is it’s a new cart, it hurts my soul… but at the same time is inhaling my evaporated pee worth it?? Will I die or get some disease? Or will nothing really happen since pee isn’t toxic? But also the bacteria in it… but don’t we inhale bacteria all the time??? I’m stressing 😭

02:44 UTC


Can one time ritalin overdose(?) cause permanent tolerance? If there's even such a thing.

1 Comment
15:56 UTC


How does pregabalin cause motivation compared to Modafinil?

09:21 UTC


Is they any way to tell if my farmapram pills are fake?

never bought from this plug and he claims they come sealed. could they be fake?

02:17 UTC


Kratom and propanolol? Are they safe to be taken together?

This may have been asked before but I’m new to Reddit and learning how it works. I take a shot of opms gold everyday I have bad anxiety and my heart pounds out my chest a lot which makes it worse. I was prescribed 10mg of propanolol.. do these two things interact with each other? Is it safe to take an hour or so apart?

02:05 UTC


comedown from 🧊 / non prescript tramadol?

tramadol n clonidine have both helped to reduce the sadness and anxiety i feel coming down, especially tramadol. anything similar i can get over the counter?

1 Comment
00:38 UTC


Did I almost die of a Hydrocodone and Klonopin overdose?

Yesterday I took 1.5 mgs of Klonopin because I was having a panic attack. Other than that, I've been taking 1mgs for a few days prior. It's prescribed to me. Today, I took 22.5 mgs of Hydrocodone and noticed I felt super and I mean super sleepy. I could barely stay awake. It got so bad I went to lay down and just before dosing off, my dad burst into the room startling me wanting me to complete an invoice he was doing. I had no problems breathing or other symptoms other than extreme drowsiness.

If my dad didn't come into the room and wake me up, would I have fallen asleep and stopped breathing? I'm drinking caffeine to combat the drowsiness right now.

22:16 UTC


PhD Research: Psilocybin Use Survey - First and only repeat

Hello, r/askdrugs community,

I was glad to have gotten in touch with the mods of this community, and can confirm that this survey has been approved by the moderators.

My name is Bethany Gray (but I usually go by Bags). I am a PhD student at Colorado State University and I am conducting a research study on psilocybin use. About two years ago, I posted a survey to several subreddits, and got over 1400 responses! The first publication from that study is pending publication.

The purpose of this NEW study is to continue to get an idea of how and why psilocybin is being used in the real world right now, and to test out some new surveys based on the feedback of the people who took it the first time. I want to understand whether there are different types of psilocybin use and what kinds of benefits/ positive outcomes/ consequences/ risks are associated with each type of use. If you participated in the last survey, you ARE eligible for this one too!

The research aims to gain an in-depth understanding the following:

  • The dosages of psilocybin you typically use/ have used in the past
  • The frequency with which you use psilocybin
  • Your demographic information
  • What benefits and/ or consequences you have experienced from your psilocybin use (if any)

Through statistical analysis of this information, we hope to gain a better understanding of real world use and how to craft new surveys to use in the future.

Who… We are recruiting people aged 18 or older that have used psilocybin at least once at any point in their life for any reason. We also gladly accept participants who are using psilocybin in the present. We are open to hearing about both positive and not so positive experiences. Because this is an anonymous study, we have to require that you not have a family history or a previous diagnosis of any psychotic disorders and that you not be actively suicidal, as we will not be able to provide adequate support to you in these circumstances.

What… Private, confidential surveys will be available until we run out of reimbursement funding. At this time, we have enough money to raffle off ten $100 gift cards. Survey questions aim to garner an understanding of what your psilocybin use is like and what it is for. It will take you about 25-30 minutes. All responses are anonymized - your information will not be shared and cannot be traced back to you. These surveys are part of graduate research at Colorado State University, supervised by Dr. Mark Prince.

How… We are aware that this is a delicate and sensitive topic. Preserving your anonymity, health and safety is extremely important to us. If you would like to participate, please click the link below and it will open the Qualtrics surveys in a new tab. After you finish the whole survey, it will route you to a completely separate page where you can enter any email address you have access to for the raffle. These email addresses will be stored on a separate database and cannot be linked to your survey responses.

Your participation may contribute to a current and clinically relevant area with major unmet needs for future avenues in psychedelic research.

To participate, click the link below and it will open the Qualtrics surveys in a new tab.


Email bethany.gray**[at]colostate[dot]**edu with questions. Thank you!

Bethany (Bags) Gray, MS

Doctoral Student at Colorado State University


1 Comment
20:13 UTC


How to brew/make Lean (exactly)

So I’m trying to brew up some lean to indulge in but you alr know I’m a green thumb at this Shi😿. I’m in need of great help

Also is it easy to overdose on lean?

What is the exact dosages and measurements for a safe amount. how much cough syrup to sprite, I’m not sure what the right question is to be asking but if you’d let me know that’d probably save my life haha, thanks.

10:33 UTC


What’s my first trip gonna be like?

I just got a few tabs of acid from a friend. I tested them and am ready to use. Should i plan a whole day for it? How long will it last and what can i expect? (It’s my first time)

09:28 UTC


Weird asf just wondering if anyone else thinks it's sus

I got two different reddit user that have messaged me today asking where I'm located and if I need a plug. Their accounts were made today. They both messaged me hrs apart from eachother. Both are saying that their accounts are new bc they were banned on their old account.

02:17 UTC


Lindocane Hydrochloride Injection USP Uses?

Background: My parents are 20-year strong opiate addicts and recently came back into our lives after a long stretch of no contact. They stayed with my grandparents for a few weeks until they snuck out and got their hands on something. Dad had seizures, was sent to the hospital, and was given a prescription for 7 day opiate agonist treatment.

Shortly after, they took off and left nothing behind but a bottle of Lindocane Hydrochloride Injection USP - 200ml/20ml, for infiltration and nerve block. And some 3M adaptic non adhesive dressing.

I understand this is a local anesthetic. It was not prescribed at the most recent hospital visit, and as neither of them have valid health cards, I doubt they received a prescription for home-injection anesthetic recently.

I am just curious at why they'd have this, what benefits they got from it, if they'll come back looking for it. I live in a different city, and my hesrtbroken grandmother is pretty stuck on figuring this one out.


20:18 UTC


Patterns of substance use and opinions on access to substance use therapy in the UK’s LGBTQ+ community (18+, LGBTQ+ people currently living in the UK only) [Reposting]

This survey has been approved by the moderators . Thank you to all who taken part so far. We have nearly reached our target of 150 participants!

Participants are wanted for a research study on substance use within the LGBTQ+ community in the UK, conducted by London South Bank University.

This study aims to capture information about substance use within the LGBTQ+ community across the UK to better understand patterns of substance use and factors that may be associated with seeking help. This study aims to not just look at the community as a whole, but to also focus on potential differences in substance use and help seeking between those with different gender and sexual identities.

The study will consist of a series of questions and questionnaires covering the following topics: sexual and gender identity, the use of the following addictive substances: alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, amphetamine, and heroin, mental well-being, and attitudes about seeking help. This should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

To take part in this study and/or share with others, please use the following link:

For any questions, please contact rowston2@lsbu.ac.uk

18:52 UTC


How bad is it? (Ritalin addiction and tolerance to extreme doses)

It's mid-April 2024. I was prescribed methylphenidate tablets first in August 2023. I took them normally for about two months. After that, I started abusing them. Initially, I was only snorting crushed pills. Then, I fucked up my nose. It was always stuffy and runny and blocked or something. So, I switched to rectal ROA, i.e., boofing. I alternated between the two on and off. Now, I'm mostly just boofing. I snort it very rarely. I am now at a point where I am taking around 200 mg of instant-release methylphenidate hydrochloride tablets daily by boofing. It is almost every day of the week or 5-7 days a week. My average daily consumption for a week would be around 7 pills of 20 mg. So, that is 140 mg. I have been at this average for almost a month now. Maybe a month and a half. There were periods in between where I did not use at all for 5-6 days straight. I want to know physical issues because of the use of the drug and mental of course. And also dangers regarding the route of administration. Because I have been boofing a lot every day. My butthole is kind of weird now. I am always gassy. Every time I boof I have a pain in my lower abdomen for a few of minutes. And I have gotten some rashes or light aberration around my asshole. So there is that. And I don't always use lukewarm water. It's mostly cold water. And I use a dropper. So I clean the dropper every couple of days. But it's the same dropper. It was an old serum bottle which I cleaned thoroughly. And then I just make my solution in that and use the dropper while lying flat on my stomach and boof and stay there for 10-15 minutes and then get up.

How bad is it and what are some effects or dangers that I most likely will be facing or am facing already. Based on experiences of other people who have done similar degree of abuse, what are the short term and long term effects reported by most of the people who did a similar degree of use. I just want to know those issues so that I am prepared for it. Maybe those would help me be more resilient in quitting this time.

07:00 UTC


Question regarding LSD and it quality

Hello, im asking is it safe to use LSD in liquid form mixed with 40ml of vodka . the mixture is in a cold space devoid of light for nearly 7 months now and i am curious if i can still use it safely?

Thank you

20:53 UTC


My partner wants me to Do Molly w him

Sorry to say that I’m not very knowledgeable of this particular substance and I was curious what has been your experience with it and generally how much does something like that cost? How much do you have to commit to do this ? I asked him if it was something that you smoke or what and he said it looked like Moonrocks, so I guess it’s smoked? I feel so stupid for having to ask .

17:56 UTC


Can a drink be laced with fentanyl?

A fellow employee says his drink was laced with fentanyl, and so he can't come in tonight. Is this possible?

16:29 UTC


Grapefruit juice, and sublingual diazepam

If drinking grapefruit juice inhibits CYP3A4 enzymes in the liver, and sublingually taking diazepam bypasses the liver, does this mean that taking it sublingually and drinking grapefruit juice is pointless or am I missing something, and completely wrong?

16:19 UTC


Depleted Serotonin? MDMA not having the same effect


TLDR: How long should/can I dose MDMA to get the same euphoric effects?

Took my first hit of MDMA yesterday (100mg 1pm) then another 50mg at 2pm
Felt all the stuff that was advertised. Amazing. But only lasted 3-4 hours
Jaw clenching started after and went on until I took a sleeping tablet to get to sleep.

Today, mostly everything's gone, felt normal, could tell my hands were a tiny bit shaky like you haven't had a morning coffee.

Took about 150mg 12:30 - Nothing by 1:30 so took another 50mg, 2pm nothing, another 50mgmaybe a slight impairment from 2:30 onwards.
4pm - another 50 and I'm just getting tweaky like I'm on meth (not that I know what that feels but it kind of feels like when I had withdrawals from when I stopped Caffeine completely) like but as I understand it MDMA is also an amphetamine and I assume that's were this shaking/twitchy is coming from.

I suspect I depleted all my serotonin levels on the first round, does this happen to others? Is there a way around this?

How long do I wait before trying again?


05:03 UTC

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