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  • Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them;

  • Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm;

  • Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who use drugs

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Looking to talk with people that do significant amounts psychedelic and party drugs and are then started an anxiety medication

I'm curious about anxiety medications, in my regular psychedelic experience anxiety sucks, and has been causing me a lot more problems than it's solving. I'm curious if anyone has any experience adding anxiety medication to the mix to hopefully elevate this.

I know they say don't mix them and I'm genuinely curious if anyone has any proscriptive on the consequences of mixing psychedelics with anxiety medication

03:14 UTC


I need fucking help...

I think I'm too deep in the hole, I fucked up big and don't know how to fix any of this anymore. I'm scared and ashamed.

03:11 UTC


The interplay between nothing and something

That's why we're all here, is it not? To make it make sense?

In your time here, have you come close?

What has brought you peace?

03:10 UTC


Valerian root dreaming while awake

Took maybe 8-12(5+years ago) capsules and opened them to mix into water(i don’t like the capsules). That night I kept starting dreams before I fell asleep. It was the weirdest thing. Recently I acquired an eighth of weed and was given a ball of kief that seemed too sticky to be only kief. I decarbed in an insta pot then added less than 1/3 cup of coconut oil to extract. This was my experience. Decarbed for 40 mins, let cool, add coconut oil, slow cook on low 4hrs, let cool, smell it 🤩👀, taste? Taste! Took a very small sip. Literally tried it a 4:50 am. Go to bed, watching tiktok till 6, not feeling high yet, notice body feeling relaxed, start to worry, either not going to do much for me or I’m in for ride, 7:00 am too tired, close my eyes, 7:15 can’t keep eyes closed everything spinning, “oh dear. “ time doesn’t exist anymore, several times had to stop my body from being absorbed by my bed, not scared yet, wake up several times feels like i’m floating above my body, still not scared, notice if I relax start leaving my body, little bit 😱, wake up at least 4 times leaving a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream where I woke myself up pooping! In real life there was no poop, thankfully. Continued on for till 1:30 next. At some point I ate food, made raviolis, idk what else, replied to your text, can only really remember a few moments, here and there, at one point I was able to freely move my body without all the aches and pains I typically have. Anyways accidentally took a hero’s dose and nearly entered the astral plane 10/10 would do again. Did i get some me laced kief?

03:00 UTC


Books about drug use/abuse and escapism?

Hey, I'm looking for an interesting book that delves into drug use as a commentary on the human condition. I've heard of this book called "My Year Of Rest and Relaxation" where the girl apparently dives into drug use and other forms of escapism after her parents death, only to come to the realization that dealing with her grief sober is the only way to become a better human

I'm not gonna read that book because I've heard it's a waste of 200 pages, so I'm looking for other books that accurately dive into drug addiction. I'd like to avoid books where the narrator is a clear addict in the middle of their addiction, and I'd rather read a book where the dive into addiction is the main draw. I'm really interested in addiction used as escapism, so I'd really like to read a book regarding that. Further, I'd prefer a work of fiction compared to a true story, unless the story is presented as fiction

Thanks in advance

02:32 UTC


Dentist prescribed tramadol but I take Prozac

Won't this just like straight up kill me? Is my dentist an entire jackass or am I overreacting

[I was unable to find information on this with basic searches or Psychonaut Wiki]

02:13 UTC


O- dsmt intramuscular roa

I wanted to know if intramuscular is a good roa for odsmt. What is the bioviability like compared to other roa. And would there be any health risks for IM

1 Comment
01:57 UTC


Mirtazapine only 15 mg caused a deliric trip

Is it normal that a break from Mirtazapine can cause strong anticholinergich like hallucinations or delirium?

I use Mirtazapine 15 mg and venlafaxine 225 mg depot. I use to take a break from Mirtazapine in the weekends because I drink alcohol and I dont need mirtazapine to sleep because alcohol also takes anxiety away and makes me sleepy. When I take mirtazapine again on sunday I get into really deep sleep with a lot of wierd dreams. If I wake up I can see these wierd dreams while awake like hallucinating. It can be really wierd things and colours. Also its not like a psychedelic expirience, more like a delirium type of hallucinations that I belive might be real at the time. Similar to how people describe delirium from anticholinergic drugs or plants like Belladonna or Henbane. I am going to change to mianserine 10 mg and hopefully I wont get this sort of unpleasant expirience. I have autism and ocd I dont know if these illnesses can also cause this type of expirience.

01:56 UTC


Thank you, Drugs & Cucumbers.

So I have shotgunned six tall boys of beer and smoked a hash joint

My family is from Guatemala and we eat cucumber sliced up with lime and salt and I never thought I could eat a cucumber without any of that. But after smoking hash and shotgunning six beers it has become the darkest hour.

I'm craving cucumber but we have no lime and I would use salt but I have cottonmouth like crazy.

And let me tell you even without salt or lime... Shit slaps!

I have to work in 6 hours :(

Bring back Cucumber Juul pods or else.

01:36 UTC


Need to know if I’m okay…

About 8 hours ago I took 1.5 mg Xanax and smoked a g pure joint , about 2 hours later I drank 2 pints and 2 ciders and when I got home about 2 hours ago I took 200 mg codeine and I don’t feel like I’m gonna die but I just need reassurance cos the thought of me doing is in the back of my head . Am I going to be okay?

01:24 UTC


Peak Effects of Amphetamine Paste/Dex: What's Your Experience?

Hey everyone,
For those of you who use amphetamine paste or dex, around the size of a Q-tip head, when do you typically feel the peak effects, and when does it start to wear off? I'm just curious, as I've been using Phet for a long time and it’s hard for me to gauge my own experience since I’ve become so accustomed to it. I know the purity and quality can vary, but I’d love to hear about your experiences.

01:24 UTC


Curious about recent pick ups

I recently acquired a mix of drugs and i’m just wondering if they actually do anything and if i have to combine them for a good high





02:34 UTC


High off of sublingual eatable 5 MG and a 1 G blunt

OStara "Chewable" Eatables are really sublingual like zyn pouches. I've eaten about 250 MG since Saturday and I feel great currently 8:20 CST

02:19 UTC


Did half a g earlier, wondering if i can take 4mg of xanax so i can bring this damn heart rate down?

I’m a hypochondriac, so everytime i do drugs it makes me paranoid. I did about half a gram 1 hour ago and my heart rate calmed back down to 85 from 120. just wondering if taking two bars and smoking a blunt will chill me out? 🙏

01:22 UTC


Help please, mixed a lot of things

I took 300mg lyrica, 1mg xanax and 20 mg oxy, I am also on as SSRI ( citalopram) will I be fine? I haven't took an opioid before, I have been taking lyrica from time to time, and I tried xanax a while ago ( just a couple of bars nothing much, I have been seeing that opioids and benzos are a deadly combo, not sure about lyrica and the SSRI in the mix.

00:52 UTC


Is this combination safe?

There is a party tomorrow and i was wondering if doing 4mmc (~200mg) and then finishing the night with alcohol and coke would be that bad for you? Im healthy athletic individual and only do drugs 2-3 times a year. Thanks

00:39 UTC


Interview with 7OHMZ

Figured I'd post this here seeing as they're the #1 7OH vendor by volume.

00:37 UTC


Cocaine preparation habits

I’ve always done this and was wondering if anyone else microwaves or bakes the blow before using it. I find it easier to breakup and chop chop. Anyone else do this ???

00:33 UTC


Is doing drugs morally wrong?

Maybe if you do them excessively to the point that you are neglecting people and aspects of your life.

However, is responsible drug use morally wrong? Would Jesus care about responsible drug use? What if you truly needed a certain drug to go about your life?

00:31 UTC


Never boof stimulants - Please read, I promise you won’t regret it

Worst decision of my life. It feels so good, dangerously good. Went from using methylphenidate exclusively for academic purposes, never more than 60mg a day, to using almost an entire prescription in 2 days. The crazy thing is that after trying almost everything under the sun, I suddenly went cold turkey and had been clean for almost a year until one day while cleaning my bathroom I found an old syringe, still in its original packaging.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to my, after years of drug related problems, finally sober mind in that moment.

I took the syringe and decided that that evening I’d boof mph again, for old times’ sakes, and them finally retire for good.

As you can see, that was anything but the last time.

From that day on, I became more addicted to stimulants than I’d ever been before, which is absolutely crazy to say, considering during my prime I was pretty much a daily cocaine user for well over 2 years.

But the main difference here was, whenever I’d do cocaine, as a matter of fact whenever I’d do any stim in general, I’d usually seek company, people to talk to, share my high with, very rarely, in fact I can’t really recall ever doing them sitting at home by myself and I most definitely would never deliberately distance myself from others.

Stim blabbering is fun. Great group activity.

But not here. No no, see this is a completely different beast.

The sheer euphoria you feel almost immediately after you release the contents of the well overused syringe sitting half way down your anus. I don’t think it’s comparable to anything else. Of all the things I’d tried in my life, willingly or not, nothing ever came close to even the smallest dose of that sweet, chemical filled water going down my sacred chute.

I can already see some people reading this little diploma worthy essay, that I’d taken the time to type out for you all, and feeling like I might be slightly exaggerating all this.

And to those of you who think that way, I completely understand your points of view. I am very well aware how differently different human bodies can react to stimuli. Still I feel many people would agree with me.

Many of the people that’ll (hopefully) come across this post and take the time to read it, if not all of it, at least to skim through it a little, just to see the point of my message, which I feel I’ve made unbearably clear by this point.

It’s a little ironic in a way, in my youth I’d constantly have my head filled with anti-drug messages from my elders. The thing they said, that stuck with me the most, and even made me reflect a little on a few occasions, whether what I’m doing is truly worth doing:

They said something along the lines of “If something is too good to be true, then it must not be true.”

A very well known quote and not really that specific to the topic at hand I know, but I think it’s fair for me to assume most of you know what they meant by it.

But for those who didn’t manage to catch it, what they meant is that something that feels too good to be achievable through natural (sober) means, shouldn’t be done. If it is, life itself can lose meaning, which for many people that have done that or are actively taking part in the practice, never really had much meaning to begin with.

I just realised I might’ve said a little too many words to describe something I could’ve described in less than a third of that, for which I do apologise.

But if you somehow managed to gather enough attention to read this entire thing, I applaud you and I appreciate you.

Thank you all for reading my Ted Talk.

TLDR: Boofing feels too good to be true and if you want life to retain any value or meaning you really REALLY should stay away from it.

00:23 UTC


Recreational dose of pregabalin?

I've just been prescribed pregabalin for GAD. I've heard it has recreational properties, how much is recommend? I have 0 tolerance I was thinking 450mg. I heard 600+ is seizure zone. What sort of effects do you get?

00:21 UTC


Tylenol with codeine

I have taken other stronger stuff before but would 360 mg of codeine give me a good high like oxy I have take like 40 mg of that?

00:18 UTC


MDMA or Coke or Both?

Im really experenced in molly, i used to abuse it tbh but I now stick to at LEAST the 3 month rule and only take reasonable doses. I havent used MDMA since summer as I want to have a strong roll on New Years Eve. Ive only had coke once and tbh it didnt work for me, but it didnt do much for my friend either and she has had great experiences with coke. Which kinda worries me since its so expensive and I dont want to deal with the disappointment and wasting money again.

Okay so context out of the way, im going clubbing in a city for new years and I plan to go as crazy as possible, end 2024 with a bang. I wanna do molly but my friend wants to do coke. What would you say would give me a better time? Im tempted to mix them (no judgement ik its dangerous) and im curious since ik some people love the combo however some others say coke can just totally kill the roll ☹️💔

Whats your opinion? Id love to hear any experiences or suggestions since im really torn. I love pinging but sometimes when i roll hard all i want to do is curl up somewhere cozy and listen to music, which i cant really do in the club lol

00:17 UTC


What’s the Worst WD you ever went through?

Mine was in March I went to detox and came off of 500mg oxy, 4mg xanax, and usually some meth taken everyday for a bout a year(doses didn’t start that high obviously but they got there)

I was given 8 days of subutex, valium, gabapentin and lucimeria(clonidine basically) and it was still fucking hell.

I was bedridden for almost 2 weeks constantly throwing up, wearing 2 pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts daily and even wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants outside in the Florida heat cuz I was just that cold😭

Not to mention the insane anxiety of being at a residential treatment while detoxing like I couldn’t talk to anyone and if someone came outside while I was smoking a cigarette that bitch would be immediately put out and i’d go back inside lol

After like 2 weeks I started to feel better until by the end of 30 days I didn’t feel any withdrawal symptoms except PAWS (anxiety, trouble sleeping, sweats, bad temp regulation, depression, physical pain, etc.)

i’m curious how bad was your guys?

00:03 UTC


Good drug rotation for raves

Raver here. Would love to roll every two weeks or so.

So what are your recommendation in terms of drug rotation. I would rotate so that I can minimize addiction or tolerance to a certain drug.

I love MDMA and K is also good.

So something like: Week 0 - MDMA Week 2 - K Week 4- MDMA Week 6- K

And so on.

Suggestions? Feel free to recommend similar drugs to them

00:00 UTC


Good drug rotation for raves

Raver here. Would love to roll every two weeks or so.

So what are your recommendation in terms of drug rotation. I would rotate so that I can minimize addiction or tolerance to a certain drug.

I love MDMA and K is also good.

So something like: Week 0 - MDMA Week 2 - K Week 4- MDMA Week 6- K

And so on.

Suggestions? Feel free to recommend similar drugs to them

00:00 UTC


harm reduction: xanax and beer

im sorry if this is silly, but i have very bad health anxiety.

i had two beers (not the small american ones, the regular, 0,5l ones) and I have real hard time falling asleep. can i take 0,25mg xanax? or even 0,5?

23:48 UTC


Why do you think the general public has a negative view on stoners despite so many stoner celebrities and characters being so cool?

Cheech and Chong, Snoop Dogg, Craig and Smokey, Jay and Silent Bob, Seth Rogen, none of these guys seem to me like people who need to be locked in jail and condemned by society; they seem like totally cool people I'd love to hang out with.

How can these famous figures not influence the public's perception of stoners in a positive way? It's only really us stoners ourselves who seem to view them this way; most people will not be kind to you if you follow Cheech and Chong's example of how to live life and treat people.

23:34 UTC


Just got a bunch of baclofen

Dealer asked me to take him to the servo to get some ciggies and in return gave me 60x 10mg baclofen pills, I’ve seen they’re muscle relaxers? They any good for anything else

23:32 UTC


140mg diazepam no tolerance

I took 140mgv diazepam with no tolerance on sunday round 2 then i smoked hella joints, went inside are some stuff then i just sleept until 9pm Monday, did i Blackout and do stupid shit or did i just sleep hella

23:30 UTC

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