
Photograph via //r/noids


A community for the discussion of synthetic cannabinoids and the culture surrounding it.


Any drug solicitation, sourcing or linking to vendors for any reason in this subreddit will result in an immediate banning. This includes links to legal drug vendors, and talking about specific brands. Keep the discussion to the cannabinoids themselves.


11,233 Subscribers


Looking for distillate with legal cannabinoids in Germany/Europe


Since June 27th, things like HHC are now illegal in Germany and I'm looking for an alternative. I used to make my own syrup with HHC distillate but so far I haven't found a comparable cannabinoid with which I can continue to do this.

1KG HHC distillate cost between 900-1200€. Does anyone know of any good alternatives in the same price range?


19:34 UTC


Mdmb-4en-pinaca and 5f-adb synthesis | AMA

Due to the influx of users messaging me on reddit i have decided to make a public thread. Reply here with any questions or any problems you have been facing with mdmb-4en-pinaca and 5f-adb synthesis, I'll help you out depending on how far in you are and how badly you messed up.

16:34 UTC


New to synthetic moods

Hey how’s it going, I’m a heavy stoner and a hippy I trip all the time and stuff. I’ve tried a lot of the legal cannabinoids I’m able to get in my state, I love thc and everything but I’m looking into noids like adb-001 and to try noids in similar potentcy to that so I can make like hhc and other noids carts with these kind of cannabinoids, I know sourcing only allowed but I just want a genuine idea of what cannabinoids I can try to buy from the dw or clearnet

14:10 UTC


How are the withdrawals from JWH-210?

Stopped weed many times cold turkey. Had stomach problems and would't eat anything. Temp flashes and shaking. Now I've taken JWH-210 (4g) for a month, bad decision.. Appetite is completely gone. Can't sleep without extreme thoughts. Comparable when I stopped with H, a banana a day. And heart issues, not sure if they stem from JWH. I compare JWH-018 to 210 as that seems the info online cros interacts. Any tips?

18:38 UTC


'Thc' E-liquid question

I've been vaping it for a while now, I obviously know it's synthetic but I would like to know what noid specifically it is? If I take a small amount then it makes me really drowsy a little bit like normal weed but with quite intense heart palpitations. If I take too much however i go into this crazy hallucinogenic like state where I'm convinced it's the end and I'm going to die. It happens every time I always get the same thought loops and it's like im watching myself from outside my body, like im only present in my mind and completely detached from my body and reality. Why I keep taking it is beyond me... I always try to stop myself before I reach that state because it's actually quite enjoyable in moderation. Withdrawals are similar to opioids, cold sweats, restlessness, insomnia etc etc

10:18 UTC


Anyone have any experience mixing synth noids with long lasting alt-noids like THCp?

I was curious how they potentiate each other and if the combo lets you feel the noid high for longer than the standard 30 mins perhaps?

20:16 UTC


accidentally smoked spice 2 days ago

i took a really small hit from a joint thinking it was weed but after 1 puff i got told it was spice. That small puff was stronger than big glob of concentrate. i thought spice was extinct and i thought nobody would ever just hand me spice, but whatever

19:56 UTC


Why are noid edibles so relatively unpopular compared to spice and c-liquid?

Before I tried taking a synth noid orally I assumed there was something about the ROA that made it less enjoyable or recreational compared to smoking but come to find out the high is precisely the same just a lot longer lasting than smoking or vaping, so is it just the duration being too long for certain noids or is there another reason?

11:38 UTC


List of unique noids identified in Europe including with an unusual silicon atom

EUROPEAN UNION DRUG AGENCY New psychoactive substances – the current situation in Europe (European Drug Report 2024) - This page is part of the European Drug Report 2024, the EMCDDA's annual overview of the drug situation in Europe. June 11th, 2024.


Includes what's believed to be the first psychoactive drug with a silicon atom

A-PBITMO (Adamantan-1-yl)(3-pentyl-2- thioxo-2,3-dihydro-1Hbenzo[d]imidazol-1- yl)methanone) Cannabinoids 18/12/2023 Germany


NMDMSB (1-naphthyl 4-methyl-3- (dimethylsulfamoyl)-benzoate) Cannabinoids 03/07/2023 Hungary


ADMB-3TMS-PRINACA (N-(1-amino-3,3-dimethyl-1- oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(3- (trimethylsilyl)propyl)-1Hindazole-3-carboxamide) Cannabinoids 31/03/2023 Germany


CUMYL-3TMS-PRINACA (N-(2-phenylpropan-2-yl)-1-(3- (trimethylsilyl)propyl)-1Hindazole-3-carboxamide Cannabinoids 30/05/2023 Sweden


MDMB-BINACA (methyl 2-(1-butyl-1H-indazole3-carboxamido)-3,3- dimethylbutanoate) Cannabinoids 11/05/2023 Sweden


Bonus mentions: from UKs Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs


ADB-5'Br-PINACA (5'-Br-ADB-PINACA) 09/2022 Abu Dhabi



ADB-FUBHQUCA Identified in powder seized by Turkish customs in September 2021.


PTI-3 First notified to the EMCDDA from Hungary in June 2020.


QMPSB Detected in Australia between 2011 and 2012 [Blakey et al., 2016].


2F-QMPSB First notified to the EMCDDA from Italy in January 2019.


Cumy-lTsINACA First identified in August 2021 in Germany from analysis of seized herbal blends.


Cumyl-CHSINACA Identified in material (paste) seized in Hungary in September 2021.


CUMYL-1Cl-CHSINACA Identified in material (paste) seized by Hungarian police in September 2021


A-PONASA Identified in pale pink powder seized by Swedish customs in December 2021 and also in white powder en route from China seized in Bulgaria in September 2021.


Related to the synthetic noids (CUMYL-3TMS-PRINACA and ADMB-3TMS-PRINACA) with the silicon atoms in their structure:


"Novel silicon-containing drugs derived from the indomethacin scaffold: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of biological activity"


"Indomethacin (see Figure 5.9) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent used in pain and moderate to severe inflammation in rheumatic diseases and other musculoskeletal disorders. It is a COX (cyclooxygenase) inhibitor and therefore interrupts the production of prostaglandins .

A series of new silicon compounds, based on the structure of indomethacin, have been synthesised and are under investigation as novel anticancer agents. The carboxyl group of indomethacin was reacted with a series of amino-functionalised silanes. The resulting products have been shown to be significantly more lipophilic and more selective to COX-2. Furthermore, in vitro testing has shown an increased uptake of the new compounds at the tumour site. The silane-functionalised indomethacin derivatives exhibited a 15-fold increased antiproliferative effect when tested against pancreatic cancer (Figure 5.10) ."

Indomethacin is very close in structure to synthetic indole noids such as JWH-007.

"In general, silicon-based compounds demonstrate an enhanced lipophilicity in comparison to their carbon-analogous due to their different covalent radii. This provides an interesting opportunity for exploitable pharmacokinetic potential in drug design, for example, for drugs that are prone to hepatic metabolism. Silicon-based compounds involved in hepatic metabolism have been observed to exhibit an increased half-life when compared to their carbon analogues. Increased lipophilicity is also believed to be useful in the design of drugs that are supposed to cross the blood–brain barrier. Therefore silicon analogues with their increased lipophilicity can be very interesting drug candidates."

00:12 UTC


Panama City beach

Help a boy on vacation out.

Edit: people in vacation towns are crazy.

1 Comment
20:26 UTC


Strongest noid out?

Been looking for something quite strong for sometime... what's everyone into atm?

03:50 UTC


Post your mdmb-4en-pinaca trip reports!

I’m being sent 1.5g free sample of mdmb-4en-pinaca on marshmallow leaf. 0.5g is “one hitter quitter” strength, 0.5g is weaker, and another 0.5g is 1/4 strength. I’ve never tried this noid and was wondering what the effects are like. I’ve heard it’s like weed and opioid like effects and also dissociative. For some reason finding trip/experience reports is really difficult even though it’s the most popular noid for a couple years.

I am going to be starting with the 1/4 strength first of course, but I was wondering if some of yall can fill me in with your experiences of this noid.

(This sub is dead af now, it was always slow but damn last I was here people would post daily and not like once every 40 days lol)

03:12 UTC


What can i do with jwh-210

I bought 1 gram jwh-210 a week ago, but when i read about it i dont think im gonna smoke it. I dont want to throw it away, and i cant sell it to nobody. What can i do with it?

18:01 UTC


Mdmb-4en-pinaca degradation and loss of potency and mass over time

So basically this happens when u don't store the chem properly, keep in cold dark environment (absolute best is 2-3*C) , in a hermetically sealed container, if u let it absorb heat and start to melt / rerock again u will see that over a little time the material easily degrades and loses potency, so either store properly or don't order from vendors until u got that stuff ready to be processed if u wanna avoid this, THE MORE IT LIQUIFIES AND BECOMES ROCKY AGAIN, THE MORE MASS AND POTENCY LOSS THERE IS, u gon be weighting ur kilos a day, reweighting them the other and try to figure out why ur light and product dissappeared

00:31 UTC


Jwh-210, hash and quetions

(I'm a daily smoker)

Yesterday I smoked around maybe 15 mg of JWH-210 from 3pm and today I smoked a small amount of hash and it got me as high as always but physically softer.

And now I'm thinking...

Does the physical/cognitive euphoria diminish if you take too big of a dose with noids? I suspect I've been taking too much every time.

I'm not prone to panic but yesterday I had a moment where while I was smoking I got goosebumps and 10 minutes later time got very very slow and I almost freaked out.

16:41 UTC


🚀 Be a Part of Cannabinoid Research History! 🌿

We are thrilled to announce that our research team is conducting a quick questionnaire to advance our understanding of minor cannabinoids. Your insights and experiences are invaluable to us, and we need your help!

🧪 Why Participate?

  • Contribute to groundbreaking research on minor cannabinoids
  • Help us uncover the benefits, usage patterns, and safety concerns of these compounds
  • Play a role in shaping the future of cannabinoid science and medicine

📋 What to Expect:

  • A brief, easy-to-complete questionnaire
  • Questions about your knowledge, usage, and perceptions of minor cannabinoids
  • An opportunity to share your valuable experiences and opinions

🌟 Y**our Impact: **By participating, you are not just filling out a survey; you are contributing to the history of cannabinoid research. Your input will help us advance scientific knowledge and improve product safety and effectiveness for everyone. Our plan is to collect the information and submit our findings for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

🔗 G**et Involved: **Click the link below to participate in our questionnaire and be a part of this exciting journey!



Thank you for your support and contribution to science!

15:51 UTC


Crisp CBD

How do I make the compound “5fluoro-cumyl-Pinaca”

07:06 UTC


Cbdp cbg9 cbdx

Hi fam, have you guys tried thoses? Just smoked one CBDP spliff ; super pleasant cbd vibes + a lil thcv type of vibe.

1 Comment
19:16 UTC


ADBB sublingual

Can put adb butinaca powder under my tounge to get high?

1 Comment
20:06 UTC


What are ur craziest experiences?

Im new to noids and im using adb butinaca with a vape

It has rlly strong visual and auditory effects Not like psychedelics rather dissociative but not like dxm or k

Some visuals i had: Everything shining Walls glitching Tracers

And sometimes my whole view started to spin and then my body also felt like spinning

Auditory effects: Hearing random melodies/music Voices

And i spoke to some kind of demon or the devil who told me i will go to hell because of my drug use and than i begged it to not send me to hell but he refused so i begged again and so on….

On low doses its like weed but higher doses feel like ur in hell while stoned ☠️

Do you guys have similar things happen to you?

21:36 UTC


Need herbal blend advice (ADBB/MDMB-4en-PINACA)

Gonna make a herbal blend with MDMB-4en-PINACA/ADBB i'm gonna have like a gram of both, how much can I make?

I want it to be decently strong but not at all tweaker dosages, you should be able to take a bong rip and feel high like you took a couple bong rips and edibles though.

I just don't want something that will kill me off a couple hits I like it on the weaker side, not too weak though.

19:01 UTC


MDMB-4en-PINACA Hookah/Shisha

I’ve tried many ROAs and today I was thinking about MDMB-4en-PINACA on fricking Holkah. That would be awesome, maybe someone has any ideas on how I could make it a reality. I’ve experimented a lot with this stuff and I think everything is possible, I even was able to turn lays bbq chips into edibles by infusing noids. Peace

00:12 UTC


Bad Trip Report. We took way too much MDMB-4en-PINACA.

So, me and my buddies usually take MDMB-4en-PINACA, mostly in herbal mixes or edibles.

Yesterday, I got this bright idea. I grabbed my 350ml bottle of 40% vodka and dumped in as much MDMB-4en-PINACA as I'd use for 30g of my weak herbal blend.

Didn't realize this stuff wouldn't dissolve like it does in 99.9% isopropyl alcohol.

So, the five of us started doing shots, everything was great, felt normal. I was about to down the last two shots and noticed some residue hadn't dissolved, but didn't think the dose would be a problem, so I drank it up.

About 20-25 mins in, we were all laughing and stuff, then my face felt like it was on fire, but I kept laughing. We went for a walk to drop a dude off, and suddenly my body started acting on its own. My vision got blurry, and touch felt weird, but I snapped back to reality after a bit.

Then, like 10 minutes later, I got dizzy, felt like puking, and suddenly went into third-person mode. It was like wearing VR and controlling my body from behind my head. I ditched the guys and went home. Threw up like 15 times, couldn’t sleep, and all night I heard cars revving like mad.

Now, 24 hours later, still dizzy and I’ve lost most of my memory from yesterday.

22:13 UTC


JWH-210 for someone experienced with potent noids?

Is this one more relaxed? Looking for something similar to weed, although I realize it will still be much stronger.

23:01 UTC


mdmb-4en-pinaca + acetone sprayed in marshmallow leaf, 500g batch report + method of preparation

Take 30g of mdmb-4en-pinaca , and mix it with 300 ml of acetone for every 500g of leaf. Grind the mdmb-4en-pinaca into a powder, dissolve it in a sprayer containing 300ml of acetone, and shake until the mixture becomes a homogenous orange-tinted liquid in the spray bottle. Before this process, we prepared a solution of isopropyl alcohol and flavoring extract, which was added to the leaf and dried. Place the marshmallow leaf in a mixer, such as a cement mixer or a coating pan. In this case, we used a coating pan. Place the 500g of leaf into the coating pan and continuously spray it with our solution until the leaf turns a dark color and is soaked. Afterward, transfer the end product to a plastic box and leave the lid open for the acetone to evaporate, ensuring that the chemical remains intact with the leaf. The finished product is then divided and sealed into spice packs.

20:50 UTC


What does your top 5 noids of all time list look like, for those who’ve done enough (and enjoyed enough) to have one?

Mine would probably be (from worst to best):


This one is my least favorite of my favorites but regardless has made me trip out harder than any other noid/is more powerful than any other noid especially at high doses. safety profile can likely be gleaned from just taking a gander at the chemical structure lmao

  1. JWH-073

Only a partial agonist that’s about 2-3x stronger than Delta 9 THC, this one is extremely weak and in fact doesn’t really feel more intense than THC itself to me, just distinctly different


This is like an intermediate between the JWH noids and noids that came after this one - stupid strong at high doses but actually quite pleasant and fairly weed like at more reasonable ones. I quite enjoyed it

  1. JWH-018

Of the ones I’ve actually done this would be number 1, but the actual number 1 on this list is one I haven’t tried but am fascinated by/obsessed with… anyways, JWH-018 is great because compared to other full agonist indole/indazole noids it has a respectable safety profile yet you can still trip very hard off high enough doses and overall it’s more weed-like in feel at most doses than any noid on this list except the next one perhaps.

  1. HU-210

I have never tried this one and sadly probably never will be able to, but this one stands out in several ways that make me think if I were to try it I’d find it extremely enjoyable: first of all the potency is ridiculous, with it having roughly 700x the binding affinity at the psychoactive CB1 receptor as D9 THC itself, secondly the safety profile is roughly the same as THC/it is a structural analogue of THC itself unlike the others on this list, so that’s an enormous plus. other pros include an extended duration of action (I imagine if you smoked or especially ate enough you could be high for literal days). overall, it’s just an extremely interesting and unique chemical that I wish I could try but likely never will be able to unless I become a serious chemist lol

16:13 UTC

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