A sub dedicated to reproductive rights.
We stand against any laws which seek to give 3rd party & government power over other people's conception and pregnancy outcomes.
A sub for pro-choice redditors who care about preserving reproductive rights for girls, women, and all pregnant people.
Abortion bans are reproductive abuse and sex based violence on people afab. We are united in our cause to end reproductive abuse for all people who can experience pregnancy. We welcome others of opposing views when they're expressed with respect in discussions, but if you are only here to criticize, change minds, or tell people they are wrong you will be instantly banned.
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Banned words/comparisons for non pro-choicers Non pro-choicers are banned from using the following words and comparisons: murder, Nazi, Holocaust, genocide, slavery, Hitler, slut, whore, selfish, evil, etc. as well as iterations &/or coupled words to be suggestive of the aforementioned words and comparisons. This list is not exhaustive. Any such usage will result in an immediate ban. Words found to be within the spirit of this rule may result in a ban & is up to moderator discretion.
Polls must have a "show results" option Or some iteration thereof. We get lots of prolifers who lurk the sub and like to see poll results. Please provide an option for our lurkers and those that do not wish to participate or are not the target participants.
Gender Inclusive Please be mindful of the presence of all genders on this sub, whether cis, trans, non-binary, etc. We are here to advocate for the abortion rights of all people with a uterus & as such disrespect towards a person's gender identity will not be tolerated.
No "paper abortion" type posts Abortion is a medical procedure. Child support is a parental rights issue. Conflating the two is insulting to bodily rights. Likewise, rights for the non-pregnant partner to stop or force an abortion do not coincide with bodily rights. And "having a say" is a relationship issue. Neither topic will be tolerated here.
No Unsafe/Unreliable Abortion Suggestions We do not allow suggestions that people abort using herbs, folk remedies, or DIY methods. This does not include safe and reliable self managed methods like medication abortion. Additionally, though we do not recommend menstrual extraction or manual vacuum aspiration without a doctor’s supervision, we do not ban references to these options as they have a low risk of infection and perforation.
Discussion of later abortions should be well-informed Somehow the rarest abortions get the most discussion. If you want to share your thoughts on abortion later in pregnancy, we expect that you you read and understand this post, and show that you're making a good faith effort to understand it. It's a long post, because it's a complex issue!
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With the US 2024 elections right around the corner, find out more about where candidates stand on abortion!!
I've said this before ages ago but forced pregnancy was a normal part of US chattel slavery. When the trans-Atlantic slave trade was banned, a couple of states became literal breeding grounds for slaves. This meant that a LOT of black women were raped over and over again to keep up with the demand for free labor. From the first period to menopause, these women were expected to reproduce wealth for their enslavers from their own bodies. Worse, they couldn't be proper mothers to their children cuz the kids were often sold away at young ages & the moms were still expected to keep up with their jobs as field hands and such.
"Abortion prohibitionist" is a much more apt title for prolifers cuz they don't care about babies or women. Just about control and restriction.
Also, I recommend reading "Beloved" by Toni Morrison, "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Jacobs, or the true story of Margaret Garner to understand how fucked slavery was for women.
She kept harping on "What restrictions (on abortion) would you support?" But Kamala Harris has already said that the choice should be left to a woman and her physician. O'Donnell pressed again about restrictions and 'viability.' I would love to rewind that tape and insert this: "You can NOT place an exact date and time on viability. People like to throw out "24 weeks" or "26 weeks" - but it probably varies as much as snowflakes do." It is up to the woman and her physician to determine the course of the pregnancy. There are women who carry a child all the way to term, and it's not viable. Setting blanket restrictions only hurts those whose particular situation falls outside them. If we said 26 weeks was the cut off, you can bet that someone would have a pressing need to terminate at 27 weeks. Besides, I have never met a woman who had an abortion who took it lightly. Do they think it's fun? That someone would do it for kicks? It's a fraught decision, and one that is never the same, and never easy.
Ngl, i thjnk any pro-lifer should have the initiation process of taking on the challenge of dealing with me personally in a state where i am pregnant needing an abortion. I have a crippling fear of pregnancy to the point i have thrown up at the sight of babies kicking and also have very explosive bpd episodes in which i truly believe i would throw myself down a flight of stairs and become a hulk-like creature if i were pregnant for any amount of time. And i’d most likely throw up in the process of all of this. I’d love for “pro-lifers” to deal with that until i’d have an abortion and i truly believe they’d become pro-choice (a decent human being) within…a day?
There's a topic on the prolife board about "fear mongering" about women dying due to prolife laws. (Interesting that this is coming out today after the ProPublica story about Ms Barnica dying in Texas because she was denied care).
And they are literally advocating for c-sections at any gestation, even at 19 weeks!! "Why can't they just do a c section". And that monstrous moderator over there acting like pro life laws aren't directly causing all this harm and damage and literally killing women.
It's insane. It's total insanity. C sections for 19 week miscarriages? This is so malicious and evil. And that's what's gonna happen in the USA soon. You'll be LUCKY if you can get a C-section, otherwise you just fucking die. I hate this world.
Edit: the point I forgot to make too, is that it's funny (in a fucked up way) because they are talking about "fear mongering" and how our concerns are not real. And in the SAME BREATH say "why can't they just have c sections" without realizing that is EXACTLY what we are afraid of.
I already knew he was pro-life (I assumed to the normal degree) which didn’t bother me. He accepted me for being pro-choice as well.
Turns out he believes 10-year-old grape/wincest victims should be forced to carry to term, because “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Made me feel really sick to my stomach.
We’re not married, and I’m seriously debating if we are too morally different at our cores. According to him, it’s a full fledged human with human rights from the moment of conception and the mother going through pregnancy will just have to do what “god planned.” He actually said that graped 10-year-olds should just “get a C-section.”
He says I shouldn’t tear this family apart over this one disagreement, but this is a huge deal to me.
Genuinely asking in good faith ❤️
I’m being honest, I feel alienated by both the pro-choice and pro-life movement. I am personally pro-life for myself. I didn’t used to be, but I’ve changed my mind since then.
I do not want all abortion to be illegalized. That would be so detrimental to women and to society. But I do believe in abortion restrictions. Roe standard was 20-24 weeks (with expectations for life of the mother). I think that’s completely fair and honestly moral. All the pro-choicers I talk to now are of the stance that there should be NO legal restrictions on abortions. That it should be legal even up to the due date. That if a fetus survives a botched abortion, the woman and the doctor can “decide” what to do. I just can’t get on board with this.
I support the Roe standard but nothing further. Is there room anywhere for people like me?
What is your argument with pro lifers when you get called evil and sadistic for thinking abortions in certain scenarios are ok? Like rape of a 12 year old etc. want to see people's thoughts on this!
so apparently wanting consent when having you body used in any way, including when having children, is narcissistic. this woman’s been going off about how all pro choicers are narcissistic and how consent doesn’t matter and it’s “childish”. the pro life movement never fails to amaze me. this is the kind of person who says you must refrain from sex if you don’t want children, BUT you have to give your husband sex and hes entitled to your body. i’m disgusted.
I'm in total shock. I did not expect to be successful. Maybe that's why I was able to convince them - my expectations were so low, I was able to be completely non-confrontational and calm about it. I told them I knew they didn't like abortion, but I wished they could vote YES on amendment 4 because I felt the burden of proof for rape survivors was too high, and it made me feel unsafe. I also said I could see myself in the 10-year-old-rape survivor from Ohio and was scared something like that would happen here. After mulling it over a bit, they AGREED with me and said they would vote YES on amendment 4! Unbelievable. If this person is voting YES, believe me, this amendment has a real chance of passing!