
Photograph via snooOG

A sub dedicated to reproductive rights.

We stand against any laws which seek to give 3rd party & government power over other people's conception and pregnancy outcomes.

A sub for pro-choice redditors who care about preserving reproductive rights for girls, women, and all pregnant people.

Abortion bans are reproductive abuse and sex based violence on people afab. We are united in our cause to end reproductive abuse for all people who can experience pregnancy. We welcome others of opposing views when they're expressed with respect in discussions, but if you are only here to criticize, change minds, or tell people they are wrong you will be instantly banned.


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  6. Be civil to pro-choice users We are all a team with a goal in common. Therefore, please act accordingly. If you have a problem with another user, work it out privately. Name calling and personal attacks are also not tolerated. Let's keep this subreddit related to gaining abortion rights. You're also expected to behave in a way that won't embarrass our sub in a screenshot and cause more brigading. Don't start a brigade.

  7. Civility towards non-pro-choice users There are people who genuinely want to engage in dialogue with us. Non-pro-choice users are expected to remain respectful & civil, & in return, we expect pro-choicers to return the civility. If a non-pro-choice user breaks the rule, users are allowed to enact 'Thunderdome' where pro-choicers can decide if they wish to continue to remain civil or not. This can be used ONLY regarding non-pro-choice users who decide to be hostile. Do not call 'Thunderdome' solely because a user is non-pro-choice.

  8. Banned words/comparisons for non pro-choicers Non pro-choicers are banned from using the following words and comparisons: murder, Nazi, Holocaust, genocide, slavery, Hitler, slut, whore, selfish, evil, etc. as well as iterations &/or coupled words to be suggestive of the aforementioned words and comparisons. This list is not exhaustive. Any such usage will result in an immediate ban. Words found to be within the spirit of this rule may result in a ban & is up to moderator discretion.

  9. Polls must have a "show results" option Or some iteration thereof. We get lots of prolifers who lurk the sub and like to see poll results. Please provide an option for our lurkers and those that do not wish to participate or are not the target participants.

  10. Gender Inclusive Please be mindful of the presence of all genders on this sub, whether cis, trans, non-binary, etc. We are here to advocate for the abortion rights of all people with a uterus & as such disrespect towards a person's gender identity will not be tolerated.

  11. No "paper abortion" type posts Abortion is a medical procedure. Child support is a parental rights issue. Conflating the two is insulting to bodily rights. Likewise, rights for the non-pregnant partner to stop or force an abortion do not coincide with bodily rights. And "having a say" is a relationship issue. Neither topic will be tolerated here.

  12. No Unsafe/Unreliable Abortion Suggestions We do not allow suggestions that people abort using herbs, folk remedies, or DIY methods. This does not include safe and reliable self managed methods like medication abortion. Additionally, though we do not recommend menstrual extraction or manual vacuum aspiration without a doctor’s supervision, we do not ban references to these options as they have a low risk of infection and perforation.

  13. Discussion of later abortions should be well-informed Somehow the rarest abortions get the most discussion. If you want to share your thoughts on abortion later in pregnancy, we expect that you you read and understand this post, and show that you're making a good faith effort to understand it. It's a long post, because it's a complex issue!

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It's rarely about the fetus. It's misogyny.

Just got done arguing with a family member about abortion.

Honestly? What I gather from most of these pro-lifers is that they don't actually care about the fetus. Why is it that many people go on and on about how abortion is "murder" but then suddenly they say, "Oh but it's okay if it's in cases of rape or incest."

So... you don't actually care about the embryo/fetus. If they honestly think the fetus is just as important and equal as the person who is pregnant, then why would they not just want to force the rape victim to have the baby? Obviously they don't seem to care about the woman's quality of life, but just about saving another life.

You know what this tells me? They don't actually care about the fetus. They care about how the fetus was conceived. If it was forced upon a person, then they are okay with "murdering" it. But if it was an accident or if it's just a person who electively wants to abort... then they need to live with the "consequences" of their actions.

It's all about hating women who have sex for something other than procreation, shaming them and then having zero empathy for them. Because suddenly if someone accidentally gets pregnant, then I guess their rights to their own body and healthcare are no longer important. Whereas if someone willingly does something stupid out in the world and gets hurt... you can guarantee that person will still get treated at the hospital no questions asked. Because people are still allowed to get treatment even if they "caused the problem."

It's ridiculous to think that these people actually think a fetus is equivalent in importance to a living, breathing person. If there was a building on fire with 10 fertilized and viable embryos and also a screaming 1 year old baby... you're telling me these people would choose the embryos? I bet not. Because we all know, even if just at a subconscious level, that an embryo/fetus isn't the same as a living person.

00:16 UTC


My take in this debate: epistemic violence

Yesterday I engaged in a discussion with a 15 year old that clearly was strongly influenced by some far right Christian believes. I’m not American so I guess I cannot comprehend his views. But since religion is partly on the ground of philosophy, I decided to test out in how far epistemic violence can be seen as a form of violence from a pro choice perspective.

First of all, what is epistemic violence? Epistemic violence refers to the ways in which dominant groups (f.e. during the colonization colonizers) suppress, distort, or erase knowledge, particularly knowledge from the marginalized groups (f.e. The indigenous population).

In the abortion debate you can apply this concept by arguing that pro-life activism relies on epistemic violence in multiple ways, such as:

  1. Silencing the experiences of people that had abortions.

Many people have come forward and shared their experiences. But the pro life movement usually only focuses on the cases where people regret having gone through with their decision, therefore silencing the people that can argue that this decision has been a good one for their personal life’s.

  1. Misinformation (Sadly in some cases, but not all)

The pro life companies rely often on so called “pseudoscience”, which is often old news or propaganda, like for example falsely claiming that abortion causes infertility or depression. Don’t get me wrong, this can happen, but I could not find any numbers that proof what they say is true. So maybe you can also give some of your information to it and educate me as well.

  1. Legal and Institionalized suppression of knowledge

Under this category can fall any restriction of sex education, limit access to contraceptives, and even criminalize doctors for providing abortion care. This actively erased knowledge that actually could help people make informed reproductive choices, reinforcing systemic control over bodies, especially those of women and marginalized genders.

  1. Religious believes and cultural erasure

Pro lifers often say that “life begins at conception”, which is a subjective opinion. Differnt cultured and religions have (most likely) other believes and perspectives. So enforcing this well Christian-centered view, actively promotes erasing other world views and not accepting any other view at all.

  1. Gender and Racial suppression as well as classicism

From observing some debates online, the pro-life movement often ignores how forced birth disproportionately harms marginalized communities, especially Black, Indigenous, and poor women who already face systemic barriers in healthcare. By pretending abortion bans affect everyone equally, they erase the knowledge and experiences of these groups of people and try (again) to reinforce their own believes

So now I know since it’s philosophy, this can be probably easily debunked, but I still wanted to share this take to hear some other opinions and maybe other takes.

Thank you for reading all that and have a nice day :)

06:44 UTC


Most people regret abortion?

A pro lifer used this site to promote the whole belief behind; abortions are forced and are roots of patriarchy. I know that these pro suffering have a strong way of playing and making you believe their ideas but what do you think of this site?

22:54 UTC


Insane the USA believe all their female children should do this

22:31 UTC


Awww i love false equivalencies!


I've seen this image floating around by anti-choicers. Do they not realize how stupid an argument this is? First off all, Loggerhead sea turtles don't "choose" to abort their eggs the way people do. A human will get arrested for stepping on the eggs because you are disturbing the wildlife. Stepping on a loggerhead sea turtle egg is not comparable to a woman getting an abortion by her own choice, it is comparable to a tiger eating a fetus out of a woman's womb, which i am very obviously against. If a sea turtle could make a decision to abort its own eggs, i would let it. But it can't, because its a fucking animal. These are the same type of people who try to put morality on alligators for eating puppies. Its a fucking animal.

Also, humans aren't endangered.

Sorry for shit quality image lol

14:35 UTC


Worst nightmare ever

Oh god…

I dreamt that I got pregnant somehow, and I was trying desperately to come up with the money for the abortion before I hit 6 weeks. If I didn’t find anyone by 6 weeks, I’d be stuck with the child. I also couldn’t find a planned parenthood and it was this nightmarish countdown…

Obviously I’ve been having these kinds of nightmares due to the chaos that’s been happening in our country. I’m terrified of losing this option if I ever fall pregnant…

18:02 UTC


I’m lost on whether to have kids or not

I’ve been going back and forth since the election. My husband and I were originally going to try the beginning of this year but with all of these bans, it makes me very hesitant.

Every decision I’ve made since starting college was to build up and become a mother. I have a great career with amazing benefits and paid maternity leave, my husband has a great job also with paternity leave. We bought a house, our bills are manageable, and were fortunate enough to be able to build savings.

Now, I have PCOS and chronic inflammation; which just makes miscarriages much higher. And now that my state requires your information to be public if you need any abortions. This is horrifying to me.

But this is what we want, but on the other hand is it even safe to bring a child in this mess? I also think the ones having kids are the mindless MAGAts and maybe we need to pop out like one so there’s at least one good human in the future. I just had an appointment with my provider and she said please don’t worry about not receiving life saving care, that the network will 10000% back me up if things go south.

What do I do? I’m so crossed.

17:54 UTC


Pro life republicans the minute the baby is born

01:54 UTC


Here is my statement about Anti-Abortion legislation

When laws made by men with no medical education contradict the evaluations and perspectives of doctors who possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we are dangerously back-pedaling as a society. It should concern everyone that no medical professionals, such as those participating in the American Medical Association, are advocating for anti-abortion laws. Our law-makers have about as much medical experience as a stone, and have no place for making decisions that so adversely affect women’s health.

21:14 UTC


Slavery is indefinitely solved

23:40 UTC


This Was A Quote By Greg Abbott Today In News Article About Trans Rally

I love how he gives the definition for sex discrimination which based on his segue is guilt of.

23:21 UTC


As a woman in the US, I no longer feel safe…

If the federal abortion ban occurs, women are no longer safe in this country. If they become victims of sexual assault, they will be forced to have babies against their will. Some will unfortunately die because their bodies can’t carry to term among other health issues. Is this really what we want for our future?

22:21 UTC


This is so true.

sorry if this doesn’t belong here/allowed here.

21:03 UTC


Abortion Pill

I am thinking about getting this. Do you hide your identity when buying this ie vpn, safe emails, and visa gift card for payment. Or not. It is still legal.

18:08 UTC


How do you talk to your kids about abortion?

My boyfriend and I are both super liberal, but he’s scared to talk to his kids about abortion. They’re 8 and 10. He doesn’t even want me to wear my pro-roe or abortion shirts because he’s afraid they’ll ask about it. I’m like… it’s a medical procedure. You don’t have to get into it! But he thinks that because they’re kids they’ll think I like killing babies. 🙄

We live in Louisiana so it’s quite taboo here and his family is super conservative so of course he is also trying to protect me from their judgement and he doesn’t want me to cause a sticky situation for myself. But we’ve been together for over 2 years and it’s a potential deal breaker for me moving forward.

This is a big issue for me because if they were my children, they would know. Obviously they aren’t so it’s not up to me, but I feel a social responsibility to educate in order to prevent stigma. Am I the crazy one? Are they just too young? How do I navigate this?

16:14 UTC


Father’s choice?

I keep seeing people, pro life or just pro choice who keep saying it's at the end the father's choice to abortion or keeping the baby. What kind of nonsense is this, it makes me enraged.

Does any of you think that this anyway and anyhow applies, I certainly don't. I do think it's better to ask or have a small discussion but it should always be the woman's choice at the end. Genuinely going to start praying for such men to get pregnant with triplets in the US this year.

12:37 UTC


After a total abortion ban in my state, my sterilization surgery appointment is set with the VA (Veterans Affairs)

My state has a total abortion ban, with no exceptions. I chose to get sterilized to protect my life, as well as to support my child-free lifestyle.

I am a military veteran, and asked the VA if they will do it for me. I got ZERO pushback from the VA doctor. The doctor even encouraged my choices! After the initial consultation with the surgeon, my surgery date was set for Feb 4, only a week away (which is so quick considering how long it takes to get a normal appointment for lost vet)

I was actually really surprised, especially since the VA has been pro life for a very long time, refusing to help veterans get access to abortion services even before the over turn of roe v wade.

So, if any of my brothers, sisters, and LGBTQIA+ siblings in arms need to hear it, the VA supports your decision!

07:11 UTC


Can’t cause her any harm, she could put the marriage up for adoption

07:58 UTC


Every time it happens…

03:58 UTC


Here is how I’m preparing for a possible federal abortion ban. Info I’m passing along to others

Well, the Party of Small Government and Freedom™ has introduced a bill that would effectively ban abortion nationwide. So here’s how I’m prepping. Any other suggestions welcome in the comments.

  1. Stocked up on oral, daily contraceptive and plan b

How to get:

  • Planned Parenthood gives away free/low cost birth control for people who don’t have insurance. Please check in your state and see if this is available.
  • There is an oral birth control pill you can buy on Amazon/Target/Walmart/Pharmacy called ‘O-pill’ which is approx. 20$
  • Plan b can be bought wherever you can buy O-pill (just a note, you can buy the same pill as plan b, it’s just not brand-name, for approx. 8$ on Amazon without prescription).
  1. Stocked up on condoms
  • Good to have as a backup. Prevents STDs, but remember they can fail.
  1. Got sterilized
  • This is only for adults who are 1000% sure they do not want to be pregnant again. You can get IVF as long as you haven’t had a hysterectomy. An alternative to this would be to get an IUD (covered through insurance or approx. 1,300$) and lasts 3-12 years, depending on which type it is.

Other info: You can go to aidacess.org to receive abortion pills by-mail in all 50 states, which includes receiving pills to keep for future use. Instructions are also sent.

Another resource is plancpills.org where you can find other options to receive the abortion pill as well as access to legal and financial help.

For Texas specifically where birth control (except plan b and condoms) are unavailable to AFAB under 18 unless you obtain parental consent, janesdueprocess.org helps fund and gain access to abortion and birth control. They also have resources for AFAB under 18 who want to continue with the pregnancy, including adoption and abuse resources.

Edit: grammar

01:50 UTC


HR 7.2.2

23:06 UTC


Personhood begins when you are born, fetuses do not override a woman or girl’s personhood

This should be an immutable concept fixed into every nation of the world. Ladies and girls YOU HAVE RIGHTS

21:18 UTC


Ok… my own goddamn fucking state

Oh fucking nah, I’ve made it clear I’m not a woman, so it will not affect me, but it obviously affects women… just, what the fuck man

21:10 UTC


Dreaming of a day when women and girls worldwide are judged by the content of their character and not the contents of their uterus

Religious Stigma against abortion, single women, and sex work needs to end.

20:39 UTC

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