A svbreddit vvhere vve raise ovr svvords to the enemies over at /r/progmetal, and shovv everyone vvhat trve metal is!
VVelcome to /r/PowerMetalJerk! VVhere vvizards and dragons rvles the land, and vvhere trve metal brothers fight the elitists over at /r/progmetaljerk vvith ovr trve metal magic and vvith ovr enchanted svvords!
Please note that if yov see any falsies here, send the knights vvho say "ni" on them!
Also, DAE Hansi ist God?
VVhere the posevrs dvvell:
/r/MetalMemes (666 and Varg ist krieg)
/r/metaljerk (VVhere the falsies live)
/r/progmetal (aka /r/science and /r/math)
/r/progmetaljerk (aka /r/elitism) - THE ENEMY!
/r/PowerMetal (Anyone heard of this band called Blind Guardian?)
/r/trvekvltanarchists (BE FREE, METAL BROTHERS!)
/r/Talesfromthetrve (Arovsing stories and krieg lyrics)
/r/Im14andthisistrvekvlt (2edgy4me)
/r/KvltDadJokes ([Krieg lavgh] Good one Dad!)
I posted this in r/worldjerking a while back and now that I'm discovering that jerking sub-reddit exists for my other passion, I thought I'd re-post this here just for fun. Under the original title of "Rate my Bardpunk (In The Forest) story pitch"
The story will follow a mystical Traveler in Time from the Sacred World as he goes on his quest for A Past and Future Secret. The quest sends in on a Ride Into Obsession and so for his crimes; he’s Banished from Sanctuary and sent straight through the Red Mirror and Somewhere Far Beyond on a Road of No Release.
On this traveler of Bright Eyes’ Journey Through The Dark; he heeds the sounds of violent shadows. He hears a voice in the dark of the mystical Guardian of the Blind who welcomes him to dying and offers him a way out. He must return to the Sacred World, break into the Hall of The King and retrieve the Wizard’s Crown by Nightfall, or be sent under the ice and damned for all time.