
Photograph via snooOG

A community for those interested in names. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on the topic of names and remain civil


Are you looking for a name for your baby? Your character? Your business? Yourself? Are you fascinated by the history and meaning of names? /r/namenerds is a community for name enthusiasts of all kinds. Welcome! Check out our Wiki page for help with how to get started!


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Is Ben G. (sounds like Benji) problematic initials?

I've recently decided to change my last name for personal reasons and I found a last name that I really like and feel a connection too but it starts with G. My first name is Benjamin (and I only go by Ben), so would it be weird to have "firstname + initial" sound like "Benji" which is a nickname for Benjamin? Could it even be a nice pro?

01:42 UTC


Boy name help please!!

Hello, my wife and I are due in 6 weeks and we won’t know the gender until they’re born. We have a few girl names we like but can only agree on two boy names: Jack and Wesley; which we like more than others. But my wife isn’t crazy about them. We are good on girl names. Middle name for boy will be a family name, Kenneth. Last name is Spencer. Any help is useful’

01:29 UTC


Need opinion on girl name!

Our first! I’m thinking Bridget Pauline. Bridget is in the family, and I just love the ring of the two names together. I know it’s kind of old school, but I’m hoping in a classy way? Be brutally honest! Don’t want to sabotage my baby!

01:03 UTC


Baby name help w/ honor middle name

Hi all! Looking for some random stranger’s opinions as we attempt to narrow down our baby name list four our LO due end of August! We don’t know gender, so are in need of both options. My goal is to go to the hospital with 3 or so name options for each and then decide while there, but our current lists are a bit unwieldy so need to begin narrowing.

Note: the middle name will be an honor name for my father who recently passed. It will 100% be William for a boy and be either Willa, Willow, or Wilhelmina for a girl. I feel like, particularly for the girl names, none of these flow too wonderfully, but it’s important to me to use for the honor. Opinions on any that you think work best with one of those middles are welcome!! We considered Billie as a first name honor name if it was a girl, but just feel we only liked it as a nickname and not a full name and couldn’t think of any longer full name options we were super into. Billie could be a middle name option too, though I also don’t think it flows too great with the ones on our list.

Boys: -Julian -Wesley -Skylar -Colby -Calvin -Cooper -Charles (mostly would go by Charlie) -Caleb -Tyler (nickname Ty) -Calvin -Jace

Girls: -Penelope -Chloe (we actually both really like, but I fear popularity and lack of nicknames for such a popular name) -Clara -Sienna -Simone -Layla -Natalie -Talia -Jolene (nickname Joey) -Adeline -Juliet -Callie -Camille (husband loves the name Callie and I think that could be a nickname for Camille, and I actually love Camille on its own too, but not sure if Callie is a stretch)

1 Comment
01:01 UTC


What nicknames have you made out of your name?

Like for example Alexandra- Alexa or Robert- Bob. These are basic ones but I’d let to hear your guys nicknames that you made out of your name. :)

01:00 UTC


Suggest a name for Baby #3

I’m on the struggle bus. I know there are people in this group that have a gift when it comes to adding names to sibling groups and I’m excited to see suggestions!

My husband and I don’t find out the gender before birth so I’m looking for boys and girls names to go along with our two sons, Roman and Easton.

Neither name can start with an “S” because of our last name.

Our boy middle name will be Lloyd after my husband’s grandfathers so I kinda ruled “L” names out, I think lol

I don’t really do nicknames so you don’t have to worry about giving a name that can be shortened to a nickname :)

I like names like Haley, Lena, and Julia for girls. & for boys, I’m running real low lol I think I like Hayden, Noah, Judah, Logan? Boys are the big struggle lol

Thanks in advance :)

00:53 UTC


Help us pick a boy name

Miles Finley, Oliver Quill, or Cassius Quinn

Our other son is Skyler Preston

00:50 UTC


Need a boy name

My husband and I wanted a girl so badly but alas- we’re 99% sure I’m caring a baby boy. We’re still excited of course but we have no where to start on boy names and we’re hoping maybe we can get some help. We like old, regal royal sounding names. But something that wouldn’t sound bad for a baby. We also love Irish names with Irish spelling. The girls names we liked were: Aurora, Anna (pronounced with an O), and Fidah (pronounced Fia)

1 Comment
00:50 UTC


Any nicknames for Raven?

I’ve had a few, Rainy, Rainbow, Raveeno, Ray.. Looking for new ones :)

00:49 UTC


Want to name my future kid Fraser, but will most people think of the show?

So some of you may know of the TV Show Frasier, i want to name my future son Fraser but hes not named after Frasier but rather a niche video game show host that i use to adore as a kid. He'll be Generation Beta so do you think most of his peers will even know of the show? Like how popular is that show? Never watched it before

00:38 UTC


Overhead a 9 year old boy's name list..

I was at the park with my toddler, and some kids were playing, a girl around 12 and what I presume were her younger brother and his friends. She asked one of the boys, what he would name his future children.

Alex and Julia.

One of the other boys said Jack.

I was surprised to hear they had such good taste.

00:20 UTC


Your thoughts on these names?

  1. Axel

  2. Phoenix

3 . Beckett

  1. Max

  2. Camden

  3. Jett

00:11 UTC


“Cayenne” as a boy name but want it re-spelled. HELPPP!

I LOVEEE the sound of “Cayenne” as a boy name but need suggestions on re-spelling! A few I had in mind (noted below) but idk how to spell it so that it receives the least amount of mispronunciations. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Ideas or thoughts?

-Kian -Cayan -Khian -Kaian

00:00 UTC


Eleanor nicknamed Leo?

I recently read it as a suggestion somewhere. What do we think - is Leo a stretch or a doable nickname from Eleanor?

00:00 UTC


Could’ve sworn I was having a girl…found out it’s a BOY!

I was dead set, so certain I was going to have a girl. I got my ultrasound last night, it’s a boy 🤣

Now I am on the hunt for boy names. I don’t want something SUPER common, but not something so far fetched it’s actually ridiculous. Lol

What are some of your favorites?

20:56 UTC


Spell your favourite baby names in a weird way. Go!

My current fave name for a girl is Orla Magnolia and Gerald Hanson for a boy.

The weird spelling would be

Ohrlah Mahgnohleia

Jerahld Hansynne

😆. Share yours. This is just for fun.

23:40 UTC


Felix, Theodore, or Julius?

Rank the names best to worst and why!

23:36 UTC


Would our son’s name be too similar to Walt Disney?

Hey all,

Times almost here. We think we settled on a name!

Walter Ellis (Wally for short)

Looking up Walt Disney anndddd his name is

Walter Elias

Are we overthinking that this is an issue? Disneys cool and all, but like, not our thang. Should we let it slide? Is he going to be compared to Walt Disney if it’s this similar his whole life?!

Thank you!

23:02 UTC


Last Name/Surname Help

Between these names which one do you like best as a last name/surname for a girl? What vibes do they give you?




1 Comment
23:26 UTC


What names did you love before kids and what did you end up choosing?

I don’t have children but my favourite names always change. Currently I’m manifesting naming my children Orla and Gerald. Thinking Orla Magnolia and Gerald Hanson. But I may end up going with something else when the time comes.

My cousin is a Harry Potter fan and was convinced that she would name her kids Phoenix Olivier (oh-liv-V-A) and Hermione Rebecca (her middle name too). But her husband vetoed those names and she ended up having 2 girls and named them Olivia Renee and Rebecca Odette. So the Olivier (female version) and Rebecca still made it.

For those who are okay with sharing, what names did you love before having children and what did you ended up going with?

23:14 UTC


Kian or Owen for baby boy

Really like the name Owen but a little worried that it is too popular. It’s a vintage name but does that make it boring today? Is Kian too odd or rare if a name? So what are your thoughts, Kian or Owen?

23:12 UTC


Gigi and Cassie??

we’re having a little bit of trouble finding a name for our second daughter. I really like the name Cassie with the full name Cassandra and my partner really likes gigi with the full name Georgiana/Georgina. My MIL thinks we could hyphenate it and maybe do Gia-Cassandra or something like that but I don’t know if that would work. Does anyone have any name ideas that could use both nicknames?? Also I understand that she might not like going by Cassie or gigi around her friends and things and we’re okay with that, we just want to find a name that could use both nicknames sort of as family nicknames if that makes sense!

23:03 UTC


New Name For Myself

Hey, y'all. 🙂🙏 So, I'm looking to change my name. I'm not looking to be convinced otherwise.

It's not really an identity crisis, as much as my name has ALWAYS been mispelled, and I've never really enjoyed it.

I don't want to give my first name, but my last name is Tooley, and I'm having trouble finding a name that isn't totally standard, that rings well with Tooley.

So far, I kind of like Miles or Arlo.

Any suggestions? Thanks! 🙂

22:58 UTC


What do you think of the name Zachary (and the nickname Zach)?

I've been wanting to change my name for a while, and I've settled on the name Zachary. I like the meaning of the name, the history, how it sounds, and I think it fits me really well.

I just want to hear what people think of the name, and what you associate it with. Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


Dog names that go with Ace?

Recently adopted a dog named Ace. We liked the name and he was already responding to it so we kept it! We eventually want a second dog (not any time soon) and I want to start building out a name list. Having trouble thinking of good names that go with Ace and would love some help!

22:34 UTC


Favorite Hungarian names?

Looking for male/female ideas. Last name starts with a K.

1 Comment
22:26 UTC


Can someone help me with a Name mashup

I would like to combine the names Clara and Christine... this is my husband and I's grandmother's names who were very important to us. I do not know if this is even possible but thought this would be the place to ask.

22:20 UTC


What are some month coded baby names you think of?

I’m always looking for names for my characters/ocs and was wondering are there any names you think are coded to a month of the year except the obvious ones of course

Eg. I see Aurelie as December/January

21:09 UTC


First time mom - naming advice!

First time mom (in about a month) and it's hard for me to know how much I'm trying to over-engineer nicknames... I have a more formal longer name and have always gone by my shorter name but love having the option. I want to name our daughter something formal / longer (Charlotte, Eleanor, Katherine, an ode to my late sister) and have a unique and unexpected name that we actually call her. Is this trying to control it too much? It's sort of all I know so figured I'd ask.

On that note.. I'm loving Charlotte, and Ollie for short, or Lou for short. Are those too much of a departure from Charlotte? I can't call her Charlie becuase my brother's name is Charlie and he's a real a**hole...... I welcome any and all thoughts!

21:08 UTC


isalina, isana or iris?

hi!! basically the title, which of these do you like the best / rank them from best to worst, etc im changing my name and im using izzy but i do want a longer, more "professional" version of my name for once i enter the workforce!! thanks ! :)

i also rly love isabel and isabella but theyre just too common 😭

21:06 UTC

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