A community for enthusiasts of Mid Century Modern design. From Charles and Ray Eames to Paul McCobb and Adrian Pearsall.
A community for enthusiasts of mid century modern design. From Charles and Ray Eames to Paul McCobb and Adrian Pearsall.
Guidelines and rules below are considered a "living document" and will continue to evolve as this subreddit grows. If you have questions or concerns, please message the mods to share your thoughts and opinions.
We encourage you to submit photos, questions and links relevant to mid century modern design, whether sharing a personal story or interesting content that you have found online.
Photo and link posts must include sufficient context in the title, imgur descriptions or a seed comment in the thread.
ID requests must include as many details as possible to help community members provide a positive identification
How to make an interesting post
Photos alone do not provide enough context - include information about the piece that you're sharing so the community can learn more about it. Here's an example.
Did you make an amazing score? Let us know if you picked up rare items, got a good deal, or ask questions about how to restore them, let us know! Here's an example
For Sale, Wanted, and Self-Promotion
Items you have for sale and Wanted posts belong in the Swap Meet & Self Promotion thread that is stickied. This includes Self-Promotion posts about items you've made and are selling on Etsy/Ebay/Craigslist/whatever, as well as links to your blog/website/YouTube channel.
The following types of content will be removed
Most external content can be posted directly. However, we are requiring pre-approval for some types. Please read below to determine if your content requires you to contact the mods prior to posting, or if it may be prohibited.
Feel free to post articles, resources, how-to guides, biographies, writeups, etc. hosted on sites without ads or with minimal advertising
Contact the mods to obtain approval for posting for links to stores, deals and offers, or relevant ads
We encourage civil, but lively discussion, and most of all, we want you to have fun. However, doing the following will result in warnings and/or a ban.
Attacking or harassing other users
Posting personal information (names, addresses, links to social profiles)
Asking for help on how to conceal damage to furniture to make it appealing for buyers
Related Subs
Buying Resources
Collecting Guides
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Brand and Product Histories
Someone on craigslist is selling two 2016 Eames Management chairs for below market. Trying to figure out if it's a scam. What do you think, are these knock-offs?
My boyfriend & I got this off fb marketplace, finally set her up, cleaned her up, and got some new lightbulbs. First sleeps tonight ❤️
Out of curiosity does anyone hire out their home to people to use for filming or photo shoots?
Any info on this lamp? I am wondering what I should sell it for and am having a hard time finding the exact same one online.
Do you have one (or 10) too many Eames chairs? Does the color of that Cathrineholm bowl you picked up for a steal last year not really match the rest of your kitchen? I bet you can find someone here who would love to take them off your hands. Post your mid century items for [free]/[trade]/[sale] here!
This is also the space to show off any of the awesome mid century inspired stuff you make, as well as the links to your Etsy/Ebay/Etc
I posted these on FB marketplace thinking no one would want them (selling my grandpa's old things) and got about 20 messages instantly. Anyone know what they are worth or if they are Danish, mid-century, etc.? My grandfather had a bunch of nice things. Thanks.