
Photograph via snooOG

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00:29 UTC


I know it's useless, but I can't help but love the M-451 Firestorm - even though I keep dying while using it

23:59 UTC


More fanfic stuff

So I've kinda throw Canon to the wind and I'm just having fun with the setting at this point. This bit takes place after an alliance attack on Palaven that was used to distract turian forces from the broader theater of the first contact war. I just started this segment the other day so its pretty rough

“in their own track came the wolfpack, Gleaves led the convoy into the hornets nest” 21st century song

Artemis Vakarians Armada was pursuing the human fleet as they retreated from palaven, her dogged pursuit had separated her from the main fleet and led Her into a poorly scouted star system.

U-569 makes the contact And leads them.

Suddenly one of her escort ships was blown apart but there were no signals on radar, it looked as if the spirits simply smited the ship. Before they could respond another ship detonated.

U-94 scores a kill in the dark.

Four more ships were lost in the span of 5 minutes, something was attacking the fleet and they couldn't Dectect it.

U-124 sinking four in two approaches

Unbeknownst to Artemis she had just flown her entire fleet into the hunting grounds of a German wolfpack and their fangs were tearing her fleet apart.

The experimental stealth ships were precision german engineering at its finest, and undergoing their first real combat test. They were performing far above expectations with captain Emilia Rommel of U-569 leading the hunt.

The Alliance had learned that turian ships while nigh invulnerable from the front were weak at the rear and flanks, prompting then to develop hit and run strategies to exploit this weakness. And then there were the wolfpacks, the apex of ambush assaults, striking out of the black with bleeding Edge anti ship torpedoes and magnetic homing missiles, the enemy wouldn't know what hit them until it was too late and the wolfpack had already disengaged.

Despite her losses Artemis pressed on, not long after the wolfpack had disengaged before They had to vent their excess heat. Though attack Was brief it had delt the turian pursuers a heavy blow

“Gaius report how many did we lose?” A report flashed Up on her omni tool.

“We're in rough shape Artemis, whatever that was it took out at least six ships.”

Six!? Those were losses that couldn't be sustained this far from the fleet, “keep your eyes on the sensors and observation decks, you see anything that doesn't look right blast it, the enemy is fielding stealth ships

23:18 UTC


I wouldn't have expected Vega to compare Javik with Sun Tzu but here we are

22:49 UTC


I intentionally never open these two emails, what other petty things do you do on your playthroughs?

22:31 UTC


Jade Empire

When people ask about games similar to ME, the typical answers are KOTOR and Dragon Age, which i get. A game i have never seen recommended is Jade Empire, although it is very similar in my opinion:

  • Closed Fist / Open Hand like Paragon / Renegade
  • Three possible endings (but they are actually good)
  • Squadmates with character depth and development
  • Nice story and world building
  • Exploration elements
  • Major impact of your decisions
  • etc.

Is JE just not that popular or did i overlook anything?

I'd like to add that i think the game's combat system has some major flaws which made it too easy if you were to exploit it. But they're understandable given its age (about same time as ME1, which honestly also had its weaknesses).

19:05 UTC


EGM Legendary Edition

I bought LG on steam. Just wondering if it’s worth using the egm mod? How much of it has been ported/over. I’m guessing there is still quite a bit missing?

1 Comment
18:54 UTC


Liaras dad

Am I the only one who thinks Liaras dad is the most awesome NPC ever 😅 I would love to have her as a companion. "Saves me having to beat him to death with his own spine, that makes other customers nervous." That and: Shep: "I thought matriarchs served as honored advisors?" Liaras dad: "Right, which I do here at this bar." It's just golden 😆

18:26 UTC


How do i know what the text in the save file means?

i am reading my save file to see if i did something i intended to, since i had a confusion over what i did at a certain point. how to read if you like chose a major choice in a mission or locked in a romance?

17:22 UTC


Been playing ME1 for the first time. Trying to figure out why it seems to be most of the playerbase’s favorite.

Armor Has almost no variation in terms of appearance or bonuses, weapons seem to be the same model across the board only difference I’ve found is how they fire, and they’re accuracy, 90% of abilities are either buffs or debuffs. It’s stupidly easy even on insanity, Story is ok but has been pretty bland in comparison to 2 and 3. I get it’s the oldest of the bunch but damn.

Why’s it most people’s favorite in the franchise? I can’t see any logical reasoning other than it has a better story in some people’s eyes.

16:16 UTC


How did Cerberus get EDI?

During ME3 we learn EDI was the rogue VI on the moon, but that was an Alliance station, meaning she was technically created by the Alliance.

Is there anywhere in game or apart of the lore that explains how Cerberus obtained her? I read the Mass Effect wiki that said they salvaged her from the Luna base but there were no references pointing to WHY this might be true. Is it just… assumed? Or is there proof?

If Shepard disabled the rogue VI then surely the Alliance would go back and reclaim the base? I can’t imagine just letting Cerberus take Alliance property.

15:49 UTC


in ME2 is money limited? do i wait to get all the upgrades before I buy the rest?

i got around 400 000 and im wondering if i should first cover all missions before attempting to buy the rest of what I couldn't find from missions?

15:09 UTC


Would probably never happen, but I would love it if the next game's squad selection would feature 2 characters who are the same alien race.

I probably worded it terribly...

Anyway, every game since the beginning we always had 2 or more humans on our team, while having only 1 krogan, 1 turian, 1 Asari, etc...

I always thought it would be cool for a change to have maybe 2 krogan or 2 turians on our squad selection; we kind of got this in the Shadow Broker DLC in ME2 when Liara joins up with us, temporarily giving us 2 asari squadmates, and in the Citadel DLC in ME3 where we could choose anyone who is still alive, for the arena, giving us 2 krogan and 2 asari.

It was always fun to compare Grunt/Wrex and Liara/Samara during their pairings. Plus seeing Grunt and Wrex tackle everything in sight was glorious.

13:46 UTC


What are the Reapers actual goal and how do they actually achieve it?

Because surely they couldn't have been able to eradicate the incredible mass population across a galaxy. Many people could be living in remote places(the Void of space, certain planets, and...) or could flee there, and when the Reapers are gone they can return to repair what was lost. But this view of thinking makes a Paradox regarding the 50 thousand years cycle. They can't look in every nook and cranny, this is also not regarding the fact that Asari can live up to a thousands years and they possibly can possess the knowledge of generations, and if they survive the rebuilding process takes even lesser time. All and all, these are factors that would've prevented the 50 thousand years cycle. And some even managed to get to Andromeda which proved surviving the Reapers is absolutely possible and feasible. So the eradication must be complete to avoid a paradox but how is it actually done?

13:31 UTC


In the game ME Legendary editions, the trilogy, what in-game feature would you like to enhance or improved?

As aboved

12:41 UTC


I just wanted to share some Fanmade songs. Per Rule 10 and the Tag -- even if I'm not sure Rule 10 OR the Tag apply here -- the Artist is [The Automatic Singer] on YouTube.

12:24 UTC


Extra Weapons Training ME1 -> ME2 (LE)

Does the extra weapons training you get from ME1 (assuming you made a new Shephard after you beat the game once), carry over to ME2?

I want to know in case I waste time trying to do three runs of ME1, (once for the training in and extra weapon, the other two with another Shephard and maxing out carry over bonuses like credits).

Context, I'm playing sentinel. In ME2, I only have access to pistols and the special/heavy weapon and I want to bring over sniper from ME1. I'm wondering if by bringing my training from ME1 to ME2, that you can stack another training from the late game mission with the Collector Ship.

11:46 UTC


In Mass Effect 3, Jack is jealous of Miranda's luscious curves. Screenshot by me.

11:43 UTC


Have you ever ever brought EDI to the Final Push to the Beam?

Especially for those who choose the destroy ending, like me. But for the other endings too. What are your thoughts regarding bringing her into the final push? I never brought her knowing that I would have to sacrifice her in the end, it would only make me sadder...

(Sorry for any english mistakes, it is not my native language).

Edit: Btw, i wish we could have a secret control ending if we brough EDI with us. She could have talked to the Starchild, and even take his place instead of Shepard AI.

11:36 UTC


I saw a post yesterday and it got me curious... So, what do my two favorite romances say about me?

11:35 UTC


Talitha is dead?

I was looking at the memorial wall and just noticed a person named Talitha is on the wall. We never found our her last name in Me1 or 2 even when we thought she was getting better her name showed up on the memorial wall.

11:25 UTC


My 2nd play thru on ME1 as FemShep? Thoughts?

11:18 UTC


Shepards father roleplay sort of

This is my current playthroughs roleplay I guess you can call it. I chose the Colonist background and Ruthless rep. Maleshep. In ME2 he gets the mail from TIM about recruiting Zaeed Massani, the well known mercenary. Shep is secretly a fan of Zaeed, Zaeed was his "rolemodel" when growing up. Zaeed gets the offer from TIM to join. At first he tells TIM to fuck off. Because he had a bad feeling about him. But TIM has a ace up his sleeve. He knows Zaeed is secretly Sheps real father. Zaeed agrees to join up just to meet his biological son, in secret. At first they just start talking randomly. But at some point he tells Shep about how he was on a mission on Mindoir. He met a lovely woman there around 32 years ago. They fell in love over night. But because Zaeed had people gunning for him he had to leave to keep her safe. The woman begged her to stay but Zaeed didn't. A few months later he got an email from her saying she was pregnant with his child. She also told him that he didn't have to take responsibility because she found a man and that they were in love. He was going to raise the child as his own. Zaeed didn't care at first. Just thought he dodged a bullet. When he heard about the raid of Mindoir he was devastated and went on a killing spree, killing every Baterian slaver he could get his hands on. He always regretted not staying behind. Maybe he could have saved Sheps mother from the slavers? He didn't know the child survived until news of an alliance N7 soldier started making the news after the attack on the citadel. He was sure it was him. Secretly he started gathering intel on Shep. Maybe wanting to get to know him. When the news reached him about his death at the destruction of the Normandy, he felt he had lost family again. So naturally when he got the offer from TIM about Shep putting together a team. He couldn't pass that up.

What do you think? That's my current headcanon.

10:47 UTC


Soo what is your favourite Legion quotes

One of my favourite characters in the series. I don't think it said the quote of "does this unit have a soul?" Because another Geth platform said it.

10:08 UTC


The Illusive Man

So, putting aside Martin Sheen’s performance, which I believe me and a large section of the fanbase love, where does TIM rank among video game……..let’s say agitators?? I’d call him a villain but imo he’s not exactly a villain he is a master agitator. And who’s to say he’d have gone as far as he did if he wasn’t indoctrinated. So where do yall rank him??

09:53 UTC


How do I know my mods are correctly installed?

Especially the texture ones (ALOT + LEUITM)

1 Comment
09:06 UTC


How much of Mass Effect do you see in other sci-fi media?

Just recently, I watched Starship Troopers, as well as checked the wiki for information about the original book. And already, I could not only see the soldier class with the Mobile Infantry, but also the engineer class with Fleet, and the adept class with Psi Ops, which I just recently found out wasn't in the original book and was a new thing in the movie.

Same thing with Helldivers 2, but with its cooperative campaign. That is, you and up to three friends or strangers sieging and defending land and resources against two-to-three different opposing factions, and the outcomes changing depending on your successes or failures. Like when Mass Effect 3 attempted the exact same thing with its online multi-player, as a way to help you get the best endings you can by the end of the single-player campaign.

Does anyone else see Mass Effect in most other sci-fi media you'd consume, like in Helldivers 2, Starfield, or Cyberpunk 2077?

08:26 UTC

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