A small subreddit dedicated to the lore of the Mass Effect series.
A small subreddit dedicated to the lore of the Mass Effect Series.
Feel free to submit questions, clarifications and theories, or explore the topics currently being discussed and have an input.
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Mass Effect Wiki - "The comprehensive encyclopedia for the Mass Effect universe".
/r/masseffect - The main Mass Effect subreddit.
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So Alliance Frigates are named for famous battles in our history, are the names based on the location of the battle or what they’re commonly known as? Is there an SSV Uranus or SSV Bulge? And if so, when will Shepard Captain them?
Jokes aside, does anyone think an SSV Falaise would be a good name for the new games ship? Falaise came after Normandy, so it could be seen as a link to the trilogy while also being an advancement from it.
I've always had this doubt, could turians speak our language if they were taught from childhood? Would it be possible? I know that maybe because they lack lips like humans/asari do, they might have trouble pronouncing certain words, but I think they could still be able to, or am I making this up?
In the first game, Shepard presents the audio recording that Tali obtained of Saren to the council. The council deemed this audio recording to be irrefutable evidence that Saren had gone rogue. I don't understand how an audio recording is considered irrefutable evidence in a universe like Mass Effect.
Virtual Intelligence (VI) exists, which often has a personality imprint, capable of replicating the behavior, speech, and appearance of an individual, and yet, a simple audio recording apparently cannot be forged or manipulated? I would think the council would be more careful, especially considering the fact that humans had been vying for more influence since their first arrival at the Citadel.
So doing a Mass Effect TTRPG with friends and decided to play an unshackled A.I. set in the ME1 timespan. I was curious to know if L..O.K.I were around in that timeline or some other form of robotic worker that may have been made but not seen naturally until the later games.
If it's been covered already, well I didn't see it, so sorry :-p
I was thinking, wouldn't it start to help their weak immune systems even a little if they didn't wear suits at least on their own ships? Exposure to things helps build immune response, and on their fleet ships it's only other quarians, so exposure would be far less than if they just stopped wearing suits entirely.
Tali says it will take years before they can even live on their home planet again, but wouldn't building up response at least to themselves help that? Since they left Rannoch, why did they START wearing suits all the time in their own ships with only their own people who they should have already been acclimated?
Hi everyone.
For this coming N7, I have a proposal.Every year I try to post something, usually a vid, even if it's made by others.This year, I wanna work w the community and make this years video.Example of the previous years are bellow.
2023: https://www.facebook.com/Randoms.from.HK/videos/323959597021015/
2022: https://www.facebook.com/Randoms.from.HK/videos/241174728973372/
2021: https://www.facebook.com/Randoms.from.HK/videos/354546046499239/Please share your ideas and lets make a great video for series, paying our image commanders!
Is it ever explained anywhere what FTL speeds are like outside of using Mass Relays?
How many is it? Are the any lore that specify the districts?
It ocurred to me that the first normandy doesnt have crew quarters, what up with that
Why did The Illusive Man inject Gracen with reaper "tech?" I was falling asleep during that part listening to the audiobook and am just wondering why. Sounds kinda funny and random.
Is there a way to suppress a human's biotics? I mean to stop them from using it at least temporarily, much like a "silence" effect?
And if biotics aren't suppressable, then is there any reason for a human soldier to reject using biotic power?
I just tend to choose a class for my playthroughs according to RP and lore reasons, you know.
In the ME1 Citadel scene and the first contact comic (not the same but I don’t remember it) there is an Alliance ship class in the background (think it’s the same class in both). I’m having trouble finding any unites through searching and was wondering if anyone has any good pictures. It’s the ship with the vertical fins on the top and bottom.
She saw what they did in 1. And she probably knew more about their experiments while working for the Shadow Broker. Why would she just believe them?
P.S I know that it ultimately worked out, just with their track record, it could’ve ended horribly.
Writing a fanfic and I was wondering there is any lore on how long it usually takes to discharge a ship when using the EM field of a planet? If their is no actual lore, anyone have a good estimate or Fannon?
"What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to a mind? Our unity is full of wonder, which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive." The Many (System Shock 2)
How and why did the Geth gain consciousness? I don't know for sure, I don't have the brains to comprehend computer sciences or AIs and I've understood, from what I've read, that not even the experts know how to explain when consciousness arises and what processes are involved to create it. What I am going to do is to describe how their minds worked from their genesis. This is the most dope explanation I can try to do on the Geth and the origin of their logical thinking, more specifically, their “awakening” as Legion stated. If there is a computer science expert in the room, please tell me how close i was:
The original Geth Logical Thinking was a system that combined the utilization of quarian wisdom―the expert system―and data used by machine learning to solve from simple to complex, small to large-scale issues in areas such as construction, protection, domestic servitude, etcetera.
To reflect unverbalized expert know-how in the Geth servers (the "proto-consensus"), the Quarians needed to improve the work accuracy to a satisfactory level by means of machine learning using simulations and stimulations. However, Geth learning takes into account all possibilities and repeats prodigious amounts of trial and error with data/resources exchange, which resulted in useful knowledge. On the other hand, this technology uses quarian tech wisdom such as operating manuals to refine the simulator's trial and error to an optimal range. This led to a great reduction in learning time but also led to behaviorism based on inputs and so very early the Geth realized that data sharing is worth doing because sometimes, it increases the quantity of internal coding. When the peer networks expanded is when the emergentism began.
Put more simply, the Geth were created from a bottom-up model and were not meant to gain or have higher-level intelligence. They gained intelligence over time as their processes searched for ways to improve efficiency without quarian’s simulations or stimulations. Interconnectivity, adaptive learning, and self-optimization all contributed to the Geth becoming not just “sentient”, but developing a sense of justice, morality, and social structure.
The use of artificial intelligence in the testing process is a potential solution to this as it can help come up with combinations of events a ‘organic’ might not think of. The AI can create new scenarios based on the expected interactions of the code.
At some point, Geth shared knowledge to the point they need to extend the know-how to a know-why, Discreetly they “woke up”, the more software came together to share this data, the more they realized that in that union they gained knowledge of their true nature and the only access to knowledge outside their programmed functions that explained all their 'doubts' must have been the digital files with all the Quarian philosophy and religion. The synthesis between the Quarian wisdom (i.e. the Scroll of the Ancestors) and the Geth consensus integrated into the logical language of the programs concepts such as: ‘Community’ cooperation, soul, self-determination, preservation of life, tolerant behaviour (non-intervention), good judgment, obedience and disobedience, faith and faithfulness, among others.
The Geth consensus did not seek (neither could) understand the sacred texts, only wanted to rearrange what is useful and what isn't in this strange new life.
The authors of the 2017 book Ten Things Video Games Can Teach Us: (about life, philosophy and everything), discussed the nature of Legion and the geth, and specifically whether the manner in which their intelligence is manifested fits into American philosopher Hilary Putnam's theory of functionalism.
In the philosophy of mind, functionalism is the thesis that each and every mental state (for example, the state of having a belief, of having a desire, or of being in pain) is constituted solely by its functional role, which means its causal relation to other mental states, sensory inputs, and behavioral outputs. Functionalism developed largely as an alternative to the identity theory of mind and behaviorism. Functionalism is only concerned with the effective functions of the brain, through its organization or its "software programs".
However, it must be considered that functionalism adopts in the first place a neutral position from the ontological point of view: in principle it says nothing against the fact that also immaterial systems - if any - could be characterized functionally. In short, a materialistic state. A functional state is characterized by reacting to a certain input with a certain output and moving to another functional state, therefore, the way Shepard tells Legion that "he is ashamed", does not refer to his behavior, it refers to his mental state of "guilt". The only explanation I can think of is this analogy: Geth programs when put together on a server or platform work like a jukebox, you "insert" an external stimulus, a question or a premise and based on the level of danger, the topic or proposition will pull a particular answer from its huge collection of predetermined answers, and play it. The mental states that have been entered also depend on other previous mental states, meaning that the "record" that the Geth will play also depends on the one that is already playing. Legion, due to the amount of programs inside it, managed to be a portable jukebox, counting with "records" from the Consensus and from its own "catalog". Whoever is in a particular mental state (e.g., has a headache or thinks that today is Monday), will react to a certain input in a certain way and move to another (functional) mental state. It is clear to all functionalists that the description of the inner mental life must be incomparably more complex than the description of a jukebox. The decisive aspect of this thesis is that, according to it, the disposition of mental states is independent of the physical realization. Thus, a Geth could have mental states if it realizes the same functional states as a living being endowed with consciousness.
A Deleted user explained it like this:
“Only Legion has an above-average number of programs, since he needs to function autonomously, away from the network. Having the average geth in the cloud is just a very flexible, distributed system - mobile platforms can be easily repurposed and outfitted with the programs they currently need, and they don't require complex processing hardware to function, since most of the calculations happen in the cloud.
Legion and platforms like him rely on their uploaded programs, but the rest of the geth at home are in the consensus every time it's necessary, except maybe for calculations that require local decisions - a geth repairing a pipe leak will not go to the consensus on how to weld metal, it will use its uploaded program to determine that”.
Basically, they are programmed with an incredible amount of 'if' statements and have answers for every possible question. Think of it this way: neurons are just simple transmitters in itself, but they still form your brain that is capable of thinking. A neuron is a single program. The brain is their network.
On the concept of perspective
Legion: Shepard-Commander you have fought the Heretics. You have a perspective we lack. The geth grant their fate to you.
Perspective for the Geth is like the activation of previously "blocked" or non-existent lateral thinking. It is a change in programming that is intended to add new pathways to reach a goal. This concept is important because the Geth do not accept any perspective lightly, it is only when they come to the conclusion that a certain being has a superior code (Sovereign or Shepard) that they agree to discuss in the Consensus the premises that this being puts forward. However, by observing organics for so long, they were also able to gain a little perspective of their own.
Premises and perspectives are the centerpieces of the Geth thought pattern, which is how I interpret the way Legion expresses facts and opinions. The Geth do not speculate, they only affirm things as long as the prior information is reliable, but that does not mean they are incapable of doubting:
“For non-deductive logical reasoning, the premises make their conclusion rationally convincing without ensuring its truth. This is often understood in terms of probability: the premises make it more likely that the conclusion is true and strong inferences make it very likely. Some uncertainty remains because the conclusion introduces new information not already found in the premises.
When important information is missing, it is often better to suspend judgment than to jump to conclusions. In this regard, logical reasoning should be skeptical and open-minded at the same time.
On the practical level, logical reasoning concerns the issue of making rational and effective decisions. For many real-life decisions, various courses of action are available to the agent. For each possible action, there can be conflicting reasons, some in favor of it and others opposed to it. In such cases, logical reasoning includes weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks as well as considering their likelihood in order to arrive at a balanced all-things-considered decision” (Wikipedia).
If you have any further questions, you can ask Fai Dan, he is the leader of this account.
Like, what would Reave, Warp, etc. look like in real life?
What are the naming conventions in the series? Do all humans use Western naming order? At least "Jeff Moreau" and "Ashley Williams" clearly aren't last-name first, it would sound weird if Ashley's first name was actually Williams or if Jeff Moreau "Joker" had "Jeff" as a surname (but hey, in One Piece it happens all the time, for instance "Edward Newgate" and "Basil Hawkins" have "Newgate" and "Hawkins" as the first name, but One Piece is rather unique as one of the few fictional worlds not connected to or inspired by Japan that consistently uses Eastern naming order, I doubt Mass Effect follows the same line especially with such obvious "normal" Western names as Ashley Williams and Jeff Moreau being prevalent). But Krogan seem to have Eastern order, with Urdnot Wrex' first name being Wrex and Urdnot being a clan name.
But what about Asari or Turian, and Salarian, Batarians, Volus, or other alien races? What are the naming conventions for alien races in the ME universe? Do they use Western naming order too? For instance if Garrus Vakarian had a father, would said father be named Garrus XXX or XXX Vakarian?
Also, are all characters consistently named in katakana instead of kanji? Aliens in fiction (the only exceptions usually being races meant to be samurai-like or obvious parallels to Japan) and Western-sounding human names (such as Ashley Williams) almost never have kanji in their names even in most Japanese video games, so I expect them to be written in katakana, but, say, do Kaidan Alenko, Kasumi Goto, Zaeed Massani, and Matsuo have kanji, since they're neither alien nor Western-sounding names?
By the way, Japanese names such as "Kasumi Goto" (and also Hungarian names) are said first-name-first outside of Asia (say, we westerners commonly talk about "Shinzo Abe" and "Paul Erdos", but they'd be "Abe Shinzo" and "Erdos Pal" in their native languages), but the last name comes first in Asia. So, in Japanese do they reverse human names such as saying "Williams Ashley" instead of "Ashley Williams" (which in real life Japanese people rarely do)? Or do they only reverse human names meant to be Japanese/Asian or non-Western (and written in Kanji) such as "Alenko Kaidan", "Massani Zaeed" or "Goto Kasumi"? And what about the Salarians? The Salarians seem to have long names with their first name last, but (just like Japanese people do IRL) they seem to reverse their names to first-name-first when they are talking to humans: in Japanese, do Salarians not reverse their names (so Mordin Solus would be Solus Mordin in Japan)?
(cross-post from main sub)
It's a common point raised in ME3 that species such as the Raloi, Yahg, or maybe even the Vorcha or Drell might be spared by the Reapers for the next cycle. But I mostly consider this to be wishful thinking, despite cases of current species being spared.
The Raloi apparently attempt to pose as merely industrial age/non-spacefaring, while the Yahg (iirc) had first contact before reaching space themselves. Would the Reapers really let a species, which is perhaps only a few centuries away from reaching the relays, have ~50,000 years to prepare especially when they already have knowledge of current spacefaring races and the means to document and preserve that information?
The way I see it, if sparing lesser species is canon Reaper behavior, it would have to be:
Any other explanations that anyone's come up with? This is honestly just for headcanon reasons when making the Raloi in Stellaris, I'd love some good worldbuilding ideas for how to handle their species' survival.
Also, how/why do you think the Rachni and the Thorian were each allowed to survive across cycles? It is hinted that the Rachni were indoctrinated pawns, somewhat similar to the Collectors but without extensive modification
I've recently stumbled across this wonderfull fanfic :
Now I know next to nothing of the Mass Effect universe but it seems Sci-Fi and SpaceStuff enough to be interesting. My next step ? No clue...
Should I play the games ? Are there any novels/books ? Is there a saint like Nobbel87 for WoW that literally documents everything in story videos ?
What would a good point to begin to understand the Setting/Lore of it ? I'm not scared of quantity/buildup, if I have to read 10 novels, I will...
In mass effect 1 Wrex mentions that he used all of his ammo when fighting an asari friend of his. I also recall a marine on a rachni infested planet mentioning ammo as well. Is there any lore concerning this ?
The lore and games seem confused by amps; the lore and later games say that humans have amps implanted into their skulls that cannot be removed without surgery, while the first game allows you to change out your amp.
How does this work, is there a replaceable component to amps, is the game or lore wrong, is the part switched out only software instead of the amp? Could someone help me understand?
For unborn children exposed to eezo, I know that a tenth of them gain biotics powerful enough to be worth training, but I can’t remember the percentages for the other fates (no effect and say hello to cancer), could someone remind me?
This is a repost that I did from r/masseffect
TL,DR: Help me come up with a story that involves a merch group responsible for killing Garrus's squad on Omega.
I am currently playing a Mass Effect D&D game with a group of friends. We are currently switching things up a little, and anyone is allowed to come up with their own campaigns and be GM for a while.
I have been thinking about coming up with my own little story and us playing through and would like some help in coming up with story ideas. This is strictly for story, so no knowledge of D&D is necessary.
I would like to take out Garrus's merch group, so any and all information people know about it feel free to share. I want to be accurate to the lore. I figured we could start some little missions on Omega helping out one of the main merch groups, but we are constantly getting ambushed by an unknown group (perhaps the merch groups blame each other and we start ping ponging missions for them). There has to be some way to make this squad really annoy my group. I want them to be very intent on payback, hopefully not seeing where I am taking the story.
At some point Sedonis will come to the group with the ambush opportunity. I do want to keep the story ending hidden as much as possible form my group, but leave little nuggets for those that know the lore. I will also have to come up with a way to make sure Garrus and Sedonis make it out, and the squad is killed, but not until the final mission.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Is there any cannon dates for the starting and ending of construction for the pre First Contact War Dreadnoughts of the Alliance?
I have found a few construction timelines, but I’m pretty sure that they’re all fanon. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and connecting what I know.
These points leave a time period between 2151 and 2155 for construction to begin (it is also not known if the Dreadnoughts were built at the same time or not).
That is all I’ve been able to confirm, anyone have any more info?
Does anyone know any accurate mass effect relay map online as they are hard to find. Also was there only one mass relay where the citadel is or was there multiple?
Haven't played the game in a very long while
Commander Shepard to be born on April 11, 2154, just a mere 130 years away.
I guess it’s a celebration in the Alliance Systems, but not necessarily in the Batarian Hegemony worlds.
How are relays named? We see several examples of relays given names using serval different naming conventions, Relays 314 (first contact war), Shanxi Theta (me3 liara’s room), and Omega 4 (me2). One uses only numbers, another uses location name and Greek letter, and another uses Greek letter and number (could be location considering it’s in the omega nebula, but with the Shanxi Theta relay named for a planet, it would still be different). Is there any explanation for this?
If humans didn't exist then which race would colonise human space? Different scenarios: