Jurassic World Alive: Available NOW!
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Jurassic World Alive: Available NOW!
Download Jurassic World Alive on the Apple store for ios and google play for Android!
Watch the trailer HERE
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Rule 6: No advertising alliances.
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I just unlocked the Indoraptor a few days ago. I've nearly got enough Erlikosaurus DNA to start fusing for that as well. Should I keep putting some into Indoraptor, start focusing on Erlidominus or hold onto the indom DNA to eventually fuse for Indonemys? I'm currently level 17 and just started playing again after a few years off.
Haha dumb lizard bird go sleep
I bought this 6 hours ago and still haven’t received anything is it supposed to take this long?
How can it be possible that l don’t have a single eligible creature despite having unlocked 312 of them?Please tell me what creatures are required in this raid
Is it good after the tuning?
Newly formed sister alliance of Merciless (top40). We are looking for any players who are hungry/looking to improve with opportunities to be promoted to main alliance for greater rewards. In saying this the alliance is more relaxed so there are no strict rules. If we sound like a good fit for you please message me to apply 😊
It's not a lot of crests but I just wanna know. Thor skin, Pyrosuchus and catalysts are definitely out
Well I lost a good 28 cups because of that
Weekly Rewards: Explorer: 10, defense: 10 Tournament Tier rewards: Tier 8 / 9
Seeking: Level 18+, minimum 1580 tournament points each week Tip: Easiest way to do this is be in Arena 8: Jurassic Ruins or higher and get at least your minimum 10 takedowns.
Alliance Expectations:
What is (or was) brawl? Seeing as how the new season is coming up, i need a rundown. Thx!
Leaning towards the former but it would kinda make sense for Biosyn's Therizinosaurus to be a hybrid
I ( on android ) invited my son ( ipad)for the ptera boss battle,halfway through the battle he lost connection so he reconnected but didnt join into the battle but instead went to his map where he could dart open supply drops etc,tried it a couple of times with same result so he carried on darting while battle went on until we won then a message popped up his screen saying he had missed rewards from the battle,he did receive them
never seen this one before