We are a satirical PC hardware community dedicated to proving that Intel is clearly the better choice. Everyone is welcome, including idiots who have been brainwashed by LayyMD
Yesterday i played ESO on my new pc and i got hot. I mean sweaty hot.
Touched my liquid cooling vents and it was as warms as my heaters. At first i thought that i must have screw up something while placing the cooling (it was my first time after All). I opened diagnostic program to see the temp and it was normal 70-80C while gaming and 35-40 idle.
I9-12900ks produces so much heat that i was forced to Turn off heating 💀
Im thinking about placing the cooling vents at the front of my pc so it will shoot out warm air further into my flat so i can save more on heating...
At least i can Play most of my games lag free finally.
So, I am loving this chip, 6P & coming from i7 and i9's. However, it has 6P & 8E. Where 8x P-Cores and 8x E-Cores would be ideal for power usage and performance I'd better a happier clam even with 8P & 6 or even 4E. Sometimes the 6x P-Cores make the CPU run at 100% even though its cool but using a 4090 @ 3030mhz.
Is there a bios or even a thinking that while they are different, using say 4x e-cores into 2x P-Cores could work?
FYI have this chip running in my z790 mboard @ 5.8p, 4.6 ring, 4.6e and default 2x32gb (64gb) XMP DDR5 @ 6400 cl32. Using 3x NVMEs and 3x SSDs (1x 2tb and 2x 1tb). Using my own voltages to CPU at or under stock when running max.
Fine work. Glad didn't read too many reviews, after I saw how poor some of their bios attempts were.
Either way, just a thought for your next CPU update :D
Two bad 5900x processors (back to back). AMD corporate offered me an upgrade for my troubles to a 5950x. I took it and then the warranty center in Miami, either lost or someone stole the 5900x i sent them for my upgrade and then tried to cover it up. Not going well. So I am currently out of luck on about $350 bucks.
I did a video on my build and the issue with AMD: https://youtu.be/GQOq1rUnIU0
I was really looking forward to this one, since you all didn’t agree with me getting the 12 series one 😃