
Photograph via snooOG

For discussion and questions about Google Tag Manager.


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Help with Google Ads conversion tracking setup via Google Tag Manager

Hi everyone,

I’m currently volunteering at a charity doing digital marketing work. We have a Google Ads Grant, and I'm trying to set up conversion tracking through Google Tag Manager. When troubleshooting with Tag Assistant, the Conversion Linker and remarketing tags are firing correctly. However, the Google Ads conversion tag shows a "failed" status.

I can't figure out why — the setup looks correct to me, and Tag Assistant doesn’t provide any explanation for the failure.

Does anyone have any insights or suggestions on what I might be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

10:42 UTC


Etiquetas activadas - Estado fallido


Estoy intentando encontrar qué puede ocasionar que una etiqueta en Tag Manager aparezca en estado activado, pero fallido. En mi caso, tengo como conversión el registro en un formulario de contacto desde Google Ads. Había creado 2 tipos de etiqueta: 1 con el formato predeterminado de GTM para envio de formularios y 2: como evento personalizado para form.Submit. Agradecería si alguien que haya tenido una experiencia similar, puede guiarme a encontrar el problema. Muchas gracias.



I'm trying to figure out what might cause a tag in Tag Manager to appear as "triggered" but "failed." In my case, I have a conversion set up for a contact form submission from Google Ads. I had created two types of tags:

  1. One using GTM's default format for form submissions.
  2. Another as a custom event for form.Submit.

I’d appreciate it if anyone with a similar experience could guide me in identifying the problem. Thank you very much!

07:24 UTC


Cannot add New Tag, Workspace page always redirects elsewhere

Screenshot explaining issue here

I'm trying to add the LinkedIn Insight Tag which should be as simple as:

tagmanager.google.com > Workspace > Add New Tag

However when I go to tagmanager.google.com it shows an empty Workspace for a split second then redirects to tagmanager.google.com/#/home which shows me a different page (Configuration). I can only seem to edit existing Tags not create a new one. Anyone know what may be going on?

I'm entirely new to Google Ads and Tag Manager so it could be a very obvious issue, any help would be much appreciated.

Some more notes:

  • Please see linked screenshot for more clarity
  • Our Google Ads account (which I assume is related) actually belongs to our former coworker. Is he the only one that can access the Workspace page? Seems like the most probable case but we're all marked as Administrators so I would assume I'm able to do everything he can.
  • We have existing Tags set up on our website

Thanks so much in advance!

20:26 UTC


Importing pre-existing Google Tags into Tag Manager

I recently inherited a project because the person working on it before left. I have never used Google Tags or Tag Manager before.

We have a tag set up send data to GA4, but it has been heavily underreporting. From what I can tell the previous guy was in the middle of converting over to using Tag Manager and just never finished it.

Is there an easy way to import this tag into a container? From what I can tell it isn't in one already.

14:13 UTC


Unable to Implement Dynamic Schema via GTM

Hello Everyone

I am trying to inject dynamic schema on a particular page of my website (where stock news exist) via GTM.

On the news page, I am trying to get value for News Heading and Published Date.

This is the code I written in all the three variables:

1. JS - Blog Heading

function() {

var headingElement = document.querySelector('.newsMainBox h3');

return headingElement ? headingElement.innerText.trim() : "Default Heading";


2. JS - Publish Date

function() {

var dateElement = document.querySelector('.newsMainBox span i');

if (!dateElement) return null;

var publishDate = dateElement.innerText.trim();

var parts = publishDate.match(/(\d{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-(\d{4})/);

if (!parts) return null;

var day = parts[1];

var monthAbbr = parts[2];

var year = parts[3];

var months = {

"Jan": "01", "Feb": "02", "Mar": "03", "Apr": "04", "May": "05", "Jun": "06",

"Jul": "07", "Aug": "08", "Sep": "09", "Oct": "10", "Nov": "11", "Dec": "12"


return year + "-" + months[monthAbbr] + "-" + day;


3. JS - Schema

function() {

return JSON.stringify({

"@context": "https://schema.org",

"@type": "NewsArticle",

"headline": {{JS - Blog Heading}} || "Default Heading",

"url": window.location.href,

"datePublished": {{JS - Publish Date}} || "2024-01-01",

"publisher": {

"@type": "Organization",

"name": "Findoc"




Apart from the above variable, I created a Custom HTML Tag which have the following code:

<script type="application/ld+json"> {{JS - Schema}} </script>

When I am trying to test this code in Rich Snippet Testing Tool, it returns incorrect value type like google_tag_manager["rm"]["119491196"](10):

<script type="application/ld+json"> google\_tag\_manager\["rm"\]\["119491196"\](10) </script>

Can anybody have any idea how can I resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance!

12:40 UTC


Missing Google Tag - Google Ads

Hi there!

I setup up enhanced conversions with the conversion linker and "google ads conversion tracking" tags in Google Tag Manager. However in Google Ads, it shows "Missing Google Tag" on a campaign. It prompts me to add this code to my header. Why should I add an AW tracking tag if I already use GTM and enhanced conversions?

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->

<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-12345678">



window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];

function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}

gtag('js', new Date());

gtag('config', 'AW-12345678');


08:23 UTC


Do you re-fire a GA4 pageview tag after consent is granted?

Edit: thanks all. Found the answer (as always) on Simo Ahava's blog: https://www.simoahava.com/analytics/consent-mode-v2-google-tags/

If consent is granted, then any hits collected on the same page while consent was denied will get automatically reprocessed to have the granted status.

Hi all,

I have a client with an on-page hardcoded gtag.js implementation of GA4. Since they have a global audience including EU, I have implemented a consent management platform (CookieBot) through Google Tag Manager. This seems to work in that all GA4 hits are fired in consent mode until the user provides consent. However, because all hits before consent approval are fired in consent mode, we end up without a starting page_view event on the original landing page, which can screw with source attribution if there's UTM tags etc present.

So I guess the question I have, is whether it is a good idea to re-fire the GA4 pageview tag through GTM after consent is granted? Or does the gtag consent update call already make sure that previous hits in the same session are re-processed without consent mode?

The complication I have, is that GA4 is installed on-page using gtag.js, whereas the CMP is installed through Google Tag Manager. So just blanket firing the pageview tag on the cookie_consent_update datalayer event will result in duplicates in cases where people have already provided consent.

What would be a good solution here?

01:16 UTC


Enhanced Conversions Google Ads in GTM, but appears Failed


I got this problem.

I set up Enhanced Conversions (with Consent Mode) Google Ads, but when I tested it Preview Mode, its Status appears as Failed: https://i.postimg.cc/MTWswfQ2/Captura-de-pantalla-2024-12-18-162843.png

It doesn't seem to be abou Consent Mode, because It doesn't show any error in GTM: https://i.postimg.cc/V6DKksqS/Captura-de-pantalla-2024-12-18-163816.png

However, when I changed Preview Mode Tab in Gtag and select Page where my Google Ads Tag has to be fired, it shows this warning: https://i.postimg.cc/Yq4dtHh9/Captura-de-pantalla-2024-12-18-164217.png

According to that warning, I have to set up a Google Tag "AW-957327059" in GTM with Initialization Trigger, but I already have a Google Tag (which is combined with Google Ads Tag "AW-957327059", as it shows in the last image) set up with that mentioned Trigger.

Additionally, in the same Page where the warning is showed, there are 6 alerts in Console Tab: https://i.postimg.cc/Dzh6Q45J/Captura-de-pantalla-2024-12-18-165151.png

Someone know what does it mean? and, how can I fix "Failed" Status in Google Ads Conversion Tag?


21:55 UTC


First time working with GTM. It says that "parameter will not be logged" for all events I set up in GA4 for my Tilda landing page. Please help me understand why it's happening and what I can do to fix it. The parameters are listed below.

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_architecture" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_bitness" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_full_version_list" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_mobile" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_model" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_platform" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_platform_version" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged

Invalid event parameter "_user_agent_wow64" on event "click_top", parameter will not be logged
12:52 UTC


A tag read consent state before a default was set intermittent error. - GA4 form submission tag, using CookieYes CMP

Hi, I have a container that is using CookieYes CMP, and I get an intermittent error when the GA4 event tag for form submission fires. 'A tag read consent state before a default was set'As mentioned, this doesn't happen every time.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Not sure if this is a CookieYes / CMP issue or something different. I took this container over with most of this in place, but can verify that the basics are set up just fine and mirroring other setups I've done.

Screenshot link here: https://loom.com/i/72e6c5df78d4414382535e2688e7a6cb

10:07 UTC


I Have No Idea What Im Doing.

Im a web developer and i created an app. id now like to do some website/blogging/SEO things. i hoping learning this could help me learn how to get traction on the app.

Im venturing into unfamiliar territory and need assistance. I am starting with the Google SEO stack but am unsure if I am doing it correctly. I have a few questions and would appreciate any advice.

Goal: Get people to use the app.

Note: The app is still an unstable, experimental proof-of-concept and not ready for production use. I want to get people to use it to see the results. i dont expect this to result in my project being successful, this approach is more to get a baseline for managing expectations.

What ive done so far:

Here is what I have configured so far (any advice on best practices would be greatly appreciated):

  • Added Google Tag Manager to the website.
  • Integrated Google Analytics into the website.
  • Implemented tags that send an event to Google Analytics when a user clicks the link to open the app.
  • Setting up Google Ads to use the link click event as a conversion event.
  • Aiming to use Google Ads to target users likely to click the app link.
  • (pending) Launch a Google Ads campaign with a £1 daily budget.
  • (pending) Create an ads campaign with "low effort" assets to establish a baseline.

Thoughts and Questions:

  • I have set the spending limit to £1 a day. I expect this will be entirely a loss. I am doing this because I am curious about getting a baseline for how much it costs to get a user to click on the app link.
  • I vaguely understand the concept of conversion and assume Google has some algorithm that will help me get the most conversions for my money. Is this correct?
  • If Google has something to optimize for conversions, what if I set it so that a conversion could be a user clicking on a Google ad? Basically optimizing for clicks on the ad which could be profit. Is this a good idea?
  • I am generally in the dark as I navigate this Google SEO stack with Tag Manager, AdSense, Ads, Analytics and search console.
  • I have looked at Google Search Console but do not know how I should be using it. I have added the website to the Search Console and submitted a sitemap. I have also added a few pages to the Search Console but do not know what to do next.
  • I have Tag Manager tracking the app link button... what else should I be tracking? Every link press? Every page view? etc?
  • How are you increasing awareness of your blogs? I would like to hear about your approach and experiences.
  • For now im only working with the google stack, is there anything else I should be looking at? im aware of things like facebook ads, but I want to keep it simple for now.
18:30 UTC


Lookup Variable pls help :D

Anyone can help me with this?

Hello I have case a cannot seem to work out. We are using Stapes Klaviyo Tags for server side on Klaviyo. Klaviyo are reliant on being able to identify the user with the email for example, in order for the tags to fire to Klaviyo.

We are sending a webhook from Klaviyo to our server container whenever a new lead sign up to our newsletter.

The data from the webhook I am storing in Stape Store so i have the users email adress. The problem arises is that i have nothing to connect the email from Klaviyo webhook togheter with the specifc user - so the lookup variable only works on the webhook event in the server but not other events such as our klaviyo events where the lookup variable HAS to work so i can use the stape store lookup variable in the klaviyo tag to lookup the specific users email

1 Comment
17:09 UTC


GA4 Tags Firing On Debug / Network But Not Passing Data To GA4

Hi all need some advise on the following:All GA4 tags from GTM seems to be firing however, nothing seems to be passing through to GA4. Sessions has dropped significantly, and transactions--revenue has been 0. No changes had been made on the GTM containers that led to this happening. Any ideas what might be the issue?

Some notes:

  • We have another GA4 property that is powered via the Google & YT app and that seems to be un-affected. Still recording sessions, revenues & transactions etc.
  • The main property (one that is having issues) is powered through GTM and is recording visitors/sessions at a significant reduced rate-- 10% only
  • On Server-side we only have 3 purchase triggers (Google Ads, Facebook and TikTok) that ONLY records purchase. All of these have gone off-line around the same time.
16:52 UTC


Google tag not firing in container loaded and container quality

Hello everybody!

I just had google tag installed on the website, setup the google tag in GTM and tested it - but for some reason it does not fire/actived on "container loaded" - why is this? I can see in google analytics, in debugview, that it receives something, because it does react when I click around on the site.

I should also mention that GTM tells me that the container is low quality, because "Some of your pages are not tagged" - We have installed a new container on the site, because the another one was very old and from what i could understand from what everybody was saying, it would be best to start from scratch. I´m noticing that the URL´s are all the old URL´s from the old site and none of them are tagged, like all 540 pages - however it also says i should wait 24 hour..

I have not published the only tag i have made yet, which is just the Google tag - the one that is not firing.

I would add an image, but it is not allowed.

15:00 UTC


Preview not connecting to any of my customer's website

Hi, i just came back to work after 10 days off, and i noticed that none of the preview on any of my customer's GTM and website are working.

I keep having this message everywhere: Google Tag: GTM-XXXXXXX not found

But script are visibles in source codes, and even tag assistant legacy detect GTM tags.

Is it a global issue with GTM?

Edit: Actually, i just did a test using my previous laptop (i changed it in the last 2 weeks), and GTM work fine on my old one, but not on the new laptop.

10:35 UTC


A tag read consent state before a default was set

Hello. I am currently experiencing a problem with google tag manager.

I got a message "Some pages are missing consent for EEA users" in my tag quality tab in google ads.

When i hop onto the tag manager i get this : A tag read consent state before a default was set .

I am using consent magic pro plugin. I had some problems with my tags and i reinstalled everything. Don't know how this affected the use of the plugin.

Help appreciated. Thanks.

08:50 UTC


GTM4WP + Woocommerce

I'm limited to testing for a client, so I can't view an entire datalayer for a purchase.

Can someone using GTM4WP and Woocommerce, provide me with the datalayer variable naming for the purchase/order received event? I'm primarily looking for the order total and email used.


EDIT, here it is on: https://gtm4wp.com/google-tag-manager-for-woocommerce/how-to-setup-enhanced-ecommerce-tracking-google-analytics-4-ga4-version


05:08 UTC


Google tags does not appear in GTM.


The path is: Google Tag Manager → All Accounts, and to the right of Accounts is 'Google Tags'.

How do I add my Google Tags in GTM to set up custom events?

Current status: Workspace → Default Workspace → Tag Configuration of tag type 'Google Tag' and the Tag ID has already been published. I still cannot see the Google Ads tags in the above-mentioned location.

Thank you very much.

03:05 UTC


Conversion Linker vs. gTag (GA4 & GAds)

I'm trying to tag my site with both Google Ads and GA4 and having a hard time with the conversion linker and gTag.

From my knowledge if you have the conversion linker, you don't need to add a gTag anywhere in GTM. Is that correct?

In GTM, I also have a "Google Analytics: GA4 Event" which I'm assuming is what fires to send all of the events to GA4 but let me know if I'm misunderstanding. In this, I have my measurement ID from GA4 but then there's an alert that says "No Google Tag found in this container." Which is confusing because I have the conversion linker already.

Do I need to also fire a gTag on all pages?

Is there anything else I'm missing?


01:11 UTC


Form element within brackets tagging issue

I'm working on tagging a pop up form on a dynamic website. The developers are not wanting to add a unique css or id to each form to help out as the forms are dynamically built and they tell me the lift is higher than they want to spend with other projects going on..

I'm attempting to use the css selector, but the Form Element for the form is encased in brackets. So you get something like


"HTML > div.example"


instead of the normal

"HTML > div.example".

For what ever reason, this only happens with the pop out forms.

I can't get the selector to match div.example... so I'm assuming there is something additional I have to do with a bracketed form element.

Any ideas would be fantastic.

1 Comment
22:49 UTC


Consent mode v2 and Google purposes (TCF)


I realize the mapping taking place between CoMo and TCF purposes exists and is pretty easy to do.

However, in the TCF global vendor list, Google doesn't display the fact that they personalize content but asks for that type of consent.

Is it an issue?


1 Comment
17:10 UTC


Items from purchase event

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble with the items parameter not coming through in GA4 Ecommerce tracking, even though the Data Layer seems correct. Here’s the setup and current behavior:

  1. Event Setup in GTM:
    • Event: purchase
    • Parameters:
      • currency: {{transactionCurrency}}
      • value: {{transactionTotal}}
      • items: {{transactionProducts.0.sku}} (testing one item)
  2. Data Layer (sample structure):

{ event:


transactionId: "123456",

transactionCurrency: "NOK",

transactionTotal: 1795,




sku: "45_248_double_room",

name: "ProductName",

category: "CategoryName",

price: 1795,

quantity: 1,

startdate: "2024-12-17",

enddate: "2024-12-18",

numberofnights: 1




What’s Happening:

  • The value and currency parameters appear correctly in GA4.
  • However, the items array or its attributes (like sku) do not come through at all.
15:23 UTC


Hiding a value inside the data layer (or finding a different solution)

I am looking to find a way to set up a conversion with a value that is not publicly available via the data layer. Right now, the conversion has a revenue value and since that is visible in the basket as well, it's not sensitive information. However, I want to add another conversion that, for example, tracks margin value instead of revenue, and I definitely don't want my margins being visible to anyone knowing how to access the data layer.

Maybe it's my limited development knowledge holding me back here, but I would be grateful for any ideas or tips on how to achieve this.

14:37 UTC


Google Analytics Tag not in Container (any tips?)

So here´s my situation:

I am now the admin of an already existing GA4 & GTM property.

The GA4 configuration tag which is sending all the data to my GA4 property is not part of the GTM account/container, but is listed seperately in the google-tags. My guess is that the GA4 tag was created prior to the container.

So when I try to set up a new tag (tag type: GA4-event) I get an error message stating "no google tag found in this container" and no tags are sending data to my GA4 property.

Is there any way to migrate the GA4-configuration tag into my container?
Or is there any solution to my problem?

Many thanks in advance!

08:59 UTC


Unauthorised domains using my GTM container ID

I am getting an error in my GTM Container diagnostics saying:

Additional domains detected for configurationYou may need to add domains to your configuration where your tag has been detected. This could impact your tag durability and conversion measurement.

When I click on the button next to it "Configure your domains", it suggests adding a conversion linker to my container and to Auto Link a bunch of domains that I don't own or manage. I assume what is happening here is somebody is using my Container ID on their site for whatever purpose. I have seen this referred to as Tag Injection, can somebody please explain:

  1. what malicious impact this might have
  2. how to protect against it
02:46 UTC


☎️ Tracking calls after an ad click ☎️

UPDATE: This is not about working out stats, it is about assigning a Google Click ID to a person we have in our CRM. That way we know that person responded to a specific ad and we can attribute the conversion correctly.

How can I track a call from a website if someone clicks on a Google Ad, ends up on the landing landing page, but gets distracted. They then disappear for a few days and call directly from the website?

The click would not be attributed to the call and subsequent conversion.

I am using the following platforms just in case that helps:

Google Tag Manager


High Level


02:19 UTC


Best way to track multiple categories using GTM and GA4

I am using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager on my website. I have been trying for a really long time to properly track multiple categories (content grouping).

My problem
On the website, I have blog articles which can have multiple categories. For example, a blog post can have categories: E-Commerce, WordPress, Case Study.

I am pushing it to the GTM data layer as a comma-separated string - `ecommerce, wordpress, case-study` and stored in the `content_group` tag.

The main issue is: in GA4 reports, I see it as:

Content GroupViews (some metric)
articles, ecommerce, wordpress10
articles, news, wordpress20

This is not ideal for reporting as there are multiple categories which are common across the rows.

What I am trying to do

For marketing purposes, I want to have the report like:

Content GroupViews (some metric)

This is more insightful.

I have tried the following:

  1. Pushing multiple variables to the data layer, like category_1, category_2. The problem is that we need to keep the number of categories fixed.
  2. Pushed an items array instead of a comma-separated string. It shows up as `[object Object]` in the reports.
  3. Tried using Looker Studio to parse the strings. Although successful, it is not scalable.
  4. Created a Google Apps Script which fetches the data and parses it. Although it works, the problem is that some metrics which may be needed cannot be retrieved and processed correctly.

I believe I am reinventing the wheel, and there must be an easier solution to this which just works.

I wish to know if anyone has solved a similar problem, I would be grateful for your guidance.

17:29 UTC


Google Tag not detected

I installed the Google Tag code on my wordpress website using a google tag manager widget, GTM4WP, and it's still not being detected.

I also tried using HFCM as a different option, didn't work.

The site was created through Cornerstone, but I also made some pages with the Gutenberg builder.

Do I have to manually insert the code in the header, if this doesn't work? Or what do you guys suggest?

14:10 UTC


There isn't a "purchase" event with any data layers that are useful.

I am trying to make some tags using this tutorial, but i have followed all the steps and I don't have a "purchase" event like he does. I have checked all the data layers and can't find any useful data like the price of the order, or anything else.

I am using WooCommerce on Wordpress with the Xstore theme. Anyone know how to fix this?

20:42 UTC


pageCount variable not showing


I am trying to set up an Adwords conversion for users that visit more than 3 or 4 pages and I want to do it only on GTM. I followed this example and I got the pagecount to rise in the debug.

But I don't know where this person find the pageCount trigger / variable to set it to fire when pageCount is equals to 4 or greater to 3?

Is there something i'm missing ? I understand this is a datalayer variable but I am not sure how to create it and link it to the custom HTML



10:53 UTC

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