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What's Happening

  1. Best of 2016: Check out the best good news of 2016 in the Best of 2016 contest!

  2. Building Bridges: Look up the winners of the Building Bridges 2016 contest!


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But wait, there's more!

Check out these subreddits for even more good news!

/r/UpliftingNews /r/UpliftingTrends /r/UnitedWeStand /r/Positive_News /r/HumansBeingBros /r/FeelGood /r/Humanize /r/RAOK

Looking for other inspiring stuff?

These subreddits don't have news as such, but they have other stuff that we love.

/r/GetMotivated /r/Happy /r/GotMotivated /r/MotivationalPics /r/AccomplishedToday /r/MadeMeSmile


59,066 Subscribers


Good news!!!!

I am officially in the Ku Klux Klan!!!, yay i worked so hard, if im not wrong i should start next week. Wish me Luck.

20:28 UTC


2 months ago I went deaf in my left ear. Dr said I needed a MRI cause it might be a tumor or cancer. Last night I had the MRI. I don't have a tumor or cancer yay. I'm still deaf but fuck it I don't have cancer.


18:37 UTC


Happy mayday - maypoles are everywhere

08:58 UTC


Cop finds baby abandoned in cardboard box, 24 years later, he’s reunited with the same boy who ended up joining his department!

14:57 UTC

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