A subreddit for mocking reddit's large, vocal, and hypocritical fragile white population. We are a satirical /r/TopMindsOfReddit style meta sub where a mocking tone is highly encouraged. Courtesy warning, this is not a safe space (in the proper sense) for those who'd simply rather avoid bigots and not have to argue for their own dignity and right to exist. Many of us sometimes prefer to take the piss out of the pigs. We completely respect your right not to participate.
/r/FragileWhiteRedditor is a subreddit for mocking reddit's large, vocal, and hypocritical fragile white population. We are a satirical TMOR-style meta sub where a mocking tone is highly encouraged. Courtesy warning, this is not a safe space (in the proper sense) for those who'd simply rather avoid bigots and not have to argue for their own dignity and right to exist. Many of us sometimes prefer to take the piss out of the pigs. We completely respect your right not to participate.
- Robin DiAngelo
Why White people freak out when they're called out about race.
Absolutely Not.
"Fragile" is the operative term in the phrase, not white. White people have a right to dignity and to exist. However, they don't have a right to be fragile and uncomfortable whenever they're confronted with race issues, especially when they're not harmed by them. Racism's problems are significantly more than just name calling and foul language. White people who understand this are always welcome here and highly encouraged to join in. We might even help some of our fellow whites face their discomfort and overcome their fragility.
"White genocide" (mockingly referred to as "mayocide") is a term coined by white supremacists who are scared of shifting demographics and becoming a minority. It is a fringe theory that revolves around being out-bred, or inter-bred, into irrelevancy. It does not refer to violence against white people.
White Genocide Conspiracy Theory
No identifiable info. The current reddit content policy prohibits community interference. For this reason please edit out all usernames and subreddit names from your screenshot when posting content from reddit and please do not mention sources in comments.
Posts must directly involve examples of white fragility on reddit (See definition above) and contain the appropriate context. Direct posting Far Right memes, images, websites or other content is not allowed and will be removed. Posts about blatant racism, sexism, or other bigotry are also typically suited for subreddits such as /r/AgainstHateSubreddits, /r/openbroke, /r/worstof, or /r/ShitRedditSays. That said, if in doubt, go ahead and post. Please don't take it personally if the mods remove, and you can certainly appeal.
Fragile white redditors will only be allowed if they are entertaining. This rule will be enforced arbitrarily and without warning. For the record, "replace white with ____" style arguments completely miss the point, proves you definitely are a fragile white redditor, and are not entertaining. I mean fine. Flip the roles. But flip them 100%. Flip history. Flip slavery. Flip lynchings. Flip missing basic human rights. Flip who’s the majority. Flip who’s in power. Have 43 straight black presidents then one white guy and then back to a black guy that makes it seem like there isn’t enough blackness. Same goes for playing "Debate:The Gathering". Don't make them.
Slurs and hate speech will earn you a one way ticket to Bansville. But we may still leave your comment up for everyone to point and laugh.
Do not username ping the people featured here. This applies to any comment that includes "/u/" followed by the person's username. This is a museum of poop. Feel free to laugh at them, and if they show up here, you can have a go, but DO NOT POKE THE POOP!
We also might ban you just because we feel like it. Bansville is nice this time of year.
/r/FragileMaleRedditor: This subreddit but focusing on toxic masculinity.
/r/WhatAboutFWR: Whining about the FWR sub
/r/FWRmemes: Memes about that FWR in your life
/r/AntifaHQ: come for the Antifa memes, stay for the Antifa rice crispy treats
/r/PanicHistory: Predictions of impending doom, and commentary on life in the American police state.
/r/skeptic: Promoting a rational and evidence-based approach to... well, everything.
/r/badscience: Let's try to help, by correcting.
/r/ShitRedditSays: BRD
/r/AgainstHateSubreddits: Because racism sucks.
/r/amibeingdetained: A sovereign citizen's guide to the legal system.
/r/InternetHitlers: Have you recently read a comment or post on the internet calling for genocide? Of course you have! Post it here.
/r/ShitWehraboosSay: Setting the record straight on the unfairly maligned Nazis.
/r/RacialRealism/: Debunking fragile white race realism talking points.
/r/Race_Realism: dank racing memes
I pointed out how ironic it is that people like him would never vote for policies that allow for immigrants into the country, but as soon as an immigrant has success, he (and other conservatives) would be happy to take credit for any positive outcomes that come from immigration
This was after he had said that white people are the "real victims" because they have been villainized in the eyes of the world due to white privellige in the workforce
Post about how many of the CEOs of American companies are Indian :/