r/fixit has temporarily gone dark to protest the proposed changes to Reddit's API access policies.
Be Excellent To Each Other.
We strive above all to be a sub that provides a community service, and as such we hold ourselves to certain standards. Keep the comments on-topic, you can make jokes, it's fine, just don't go off the rails. Do not market anything here without asking the mods first (spoiler, we're gonna say no), don't be posting links to Amazon.com with affiliate codes in them either. Don't post about things you've already solved or made, /r/DIY is a better place for that.
Further to this goal of providing a service; If someone's comment provides you with a working solution to your issue (or if you just plain figure it out for yourself) post a comment singling out what the solution ultimately was and please flair your post as Fixed. Hopefully this will let future readers learn from our collective successes.
There are things that are too dangerous for us to handle here. This can include certain electrical jobs, or natural gas plumbing jobs for example. Rule of thumb, if there's any reasonable chance you could get hurt or killed if something went awry you'll probably be directed to find yourself an expert.
/r/fixxit -- two x's, they do motorcycles over there.
/r/whatisthisthing -- sometimes you don't even know what it is that broke!
Anyone have any recommendations on how to remove the rest of this tub drain from the pvc threads?
I was trying to replace the click clack mechanism in my drain but it completely broke. Any tips on how to get the golden part of out of the screw hole? I cannot grab it with pliers as too little of it remains
Model: Cotsoco M779
This is my second time using this model
I bought it in the UK during travels, and I'm currently using it in the USA
I am not sure if it is not charging but it will not start
Please see pictures and video attached
In the process of taking my motorcycle’s starter apart, I didn’t see any way to unjoin the individual pieces without basically destroying what used to be a rounded metal lip that held the electromagnet in place at the bottom.
The metal is very malleable and my first thought is to try and bend it forward and back into place, and then learn a thing or two about soldering to melt it all back together. Does that sound proper or should I just invest in buying another one?
I bought this sonicare 6100 to repair. When I first got it I sweat pressing the power button resulted in a small motor pulse. On the charger resulted in the lights flashing quickly.
I took it apart and the screw holding the head and weird triangle washer were fully disconnected, so I put those back in.
The battery reads just over 4V.
The charger it came with has an EU plug, so I'm using another one I have from a different model (the EU one with an adapter doesn't appear to function, no lights on the toothbrush).
As you can see from the video the lights pulse quickly when on th charger, if I press the power button during this they flash quicker and there are small motor pulses.
Any ideas what I could check? I'm good with soldering and have a multimeter.
I do not see any water damage on the board...
Defrosted so I could see the parts but can’t identify the sensor. It’s a KIFF7020 Kenwood fridge freezer. The heating element doesn’t appear to be working.
I dont know how to fix it, i assume its a speaker problem because it only happens when i turn it on, someone please help me
Hey All,
I am looking for some advice related to what kind of adhesive do I need to get to adhere wooden window frame to wood part of the wall. (not sure about this description to be honest :) )
Please check the attached pictures to make your own inference.
Also, I believe that I need to get a clip or something that keeps the 2 pieces together after I adhere them to each other, but not sure... Actually, advice on the whole process, step by step if it is possible, would be great!
Thank you all in advance!
Any trick of the trade or sacrifice the tap and angle grind ?
Edit: link didn’t work, photo in comment
Hi all, just wondering how I would go about replacing this. The wires go into the little black box but there doesn't seem to be any way to get them out. I'm assuming I need to get the white and green/white wires out and plug a new set in from a new ring light?
About a month ago my fridge randomly started making a rattling noise that lasted all night like 12+ hours. by the time landlord came it had stopped
https://imgur.com/a/6jStT3b (was a lot louder in person drove me crazy I had to wear air pods with noise cancelling on all night at home)
Ever since then when I open the freezer randomly, theres a small layer of ice on everything.
The landlord wont do anything even though I sent her the video and followed up with the photos, she told me that the fridge is too cold and I just need to turn the dial down, buts its just on the "recommended" setting
and another time she was here for something else i pointed out the fridge and she told me its because i'm blocking the vents (which i wasn't)
I've been vacuum sealing things but anything thats not vacuum'd is developing a lot of ice over time. My costco bag of shrimp in the zip bag are just covered in ice now and def affecting the quality of my food
Any advice on what to do would be appreciated
It’s donated so much so the normal light bulb has cracked and the broken screw head is still on.
Can I just remove the whole unit and tighten the motor or something with mains off.
Thanks, in advance
Hi all The extendable pile on my pruner has separated in two. Did anyone know how to reattach this?
Or where I can buy a new one?
Thank you