
Photograph via snooOG

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DeXos Oil Mix

I was changing my oil for the first time on my Chevy Silverado Duramax. When I bought the oil from the store they stacked a Dexos 1 can behind a Dexos D and I grabbed it without noticing. I noticed I grabbed the wrong can after I changed the filter and put some Dexos 1 in the filter and back on my car. I put only Dexos D into the engine then went to the store to get a new filter to put on. On the way to the store my engine light came on. I have changed the filter now but wasn’t sure if I needed to flush all the oil again and restart to get my engine light to go away.

16:06 UTC


wat te doen?

Mijn auto heeft onlangs flinke carrosserie schade opgelopen. De dorpel onder de passagiersdeur is fors gedeukt over een lengte van 75 cm, en daarbij is ook de onderzijde van de deur beschadigd. Navraag bij een autoschade herstelbedrijf laat weten dat ik moet denken aan kosten in de orde van grootte van 3500 tot 4500 euro. Ik ben hier niet voor verzekerd.

Nu is de huidige waarde van de auto (Opel Astra Tourer, diesel, 170k op de teller) op basis van de ANWB koerslijst ca € 7300 (total loss).

Nu kan ik 3 dingen doen;

(1) niet herstellen, gevalletje jammer en tzt inruilen voor een andere. Dan zal ik iets van 1000 euro inruilwaarde krijgen. Ik ruil mijn dieseltjes altijd in bij 300k. Dat is voor mij dus nu nog zo'n 130k, dus 4 jaar rijden.

(2) wel herstellen; dan zelfde verhaal, zo'n 4 jaar rijden tot inruil van een volgende auto. Maar nu houd ik de kosten van de schade in mijn portomonnee

(3) nu inruilen en dan weer met een nette auto verder gaan. Dan laat ik de schade bij de dealer, en die zal de schade tegen een lager prijs herstellen, of de auto naar Polen verkopen of iets dergelijks.

Wat is wijsheid? Wat zouden jullie doen? Zie ik iets over het hoofd?

13:25 UTC


Consiglio auto usata (molto) economica

Buongiorno 🥺

Sto cercando un'auto usata per lavoro (50/100km al giorno) e qualche viaggio, ho un budget molto basso per i tempi (5k) quindi so che mi devo accontentare.. infatti non si trova molto. per il momento ho 2 appuntamenti nei prossimi giorni. Sono indecisa tra:

  • Lancia y 0.9 85 CV Twin air da privato immatricolata 2013
  • Chevrolet aveo 1.2 86 CV da concessionario, quindi 12 mesi di garanzia, immatricolata 2011

Entrambe 5 porte, entrambe a benzina, entrambe 80000 km circa, prezzi simili (la Chevrolet viene 200€ in più) non posso pubblicare qui gli annunci 🥺

Priorità assoluta: consumi più bassi possibile. Poi meno problemi possibile, vorrei non spendere quello che risparmio dal meccanico 😅 E ovviamente anche la sicurezza, ma credo che non ci sia molta differenza su questo. Non mi serve per girare in città ma diciamo più per girare tra paesini dove vivo/lavoro,anche in autostrada. Diciamo che farò sui 20000 km all'anno tra lavoro e viaggetti.

Poi c'è questa, che è over budget di 1.5 k 😅

  • Peugeot 208 1.4 95 CV, a GPL immatricolata 2015

Se proprio è migliore rispetto alle altre considerate le mie priorità, posso pensarci.

Grazie!!! 💖🚘

09:39 UTC


Anderes bremsverhalten mit Winterreifen?

Moin, ich habe mir heute meine Winterräder angebaut und ich muss feststellen das ich mich nicht wohl fühle beim Fahren, ich kann einfach nicht stark bremsen vom Gefühl und das Bremspedal ist schwerer zutretten meine ich. Kann mit jemand sagen, ob das einfach an den Reifen liegt und man sich einfach gewöhnen muss daran?

02:14 UTC


I’m noticing, when I come to a stop at a traffic light my engine or somewhere on the front is making a sound.

I suspect it originates from the engine. It is making this dhadhadha sound. Not too loud.

1 Comment
00:04 UTC


What headpipe for this muffler ?

21:13 UTC


Bremsscheibe zu heiß

Hallo,ich hab seit einer Zeit ein Problem das meine rechte Bremsscheibe zu heiß wird/viel heißer als linke. Der Mechaniker meint das Rad ist nicht blockiert,Beläge und Sattel haben wir neu eingebaut und Bremsflüssigkeit erneuert. Nun ist es ein wenig besser aber trotzdem wird die Scheibe zu heiß. Beim fahren bemerkt man nichts besonderes. Es handelt sich um VW golf7. Hoffe habt Tipps und Erfahrungen.

1 Comment
17:57 UTC


Tire Size Question

I know nothing about tire sizes. I need to put winter tires on my vehicle and my dad said that he has an almost new set collecting dust in his garage. My tires are 225/65 R17 102H, the tires he has are 235/55R17 99S. Can anyone tell me if those tires will fit my vehicle? I don't know how important the different numbers are. And for reference my vehicle is a 2018 Chevy Equinox LT

16:25 UTC


Car insurance - are we getting ripped off?

Hubby and I are putting two vehicles on our insurance one is a 2012 Mazda 5 (white) hubby's work vehicle and one is a leisure vehicle 2012 Nissan Rouge. Our broker quoted us at $3815 for the annual of both together. Why is it so high?

Note: We live in a more rural area in the Kawarthas. Hubby drives about 50 mins to work. I'm a SAHM and would be using the second vehicle for groceries and baby appointments.

15:56 UTC


Has anyone ever tried to buy their own listed car on autotrader to get a better loan trade?

Has anyone ever tried to buy their own listed car on autotrader to get a better loan trade? Im currently upside down, cant get it refinanced and looking to get a better loan rate

1 Comment
06:46 UTC


How bad is Kia?

In your opinion, what is Kia’s reputation? Looking at a new Kia, Honda or Toyota, and can’t seem to get past the bad rep Kia has. What is your perception?

A- Kia is great B- Kia is poor quality

04:07 UTC


Did I get ripped off?

My 2009 Toyota Matrix, engine model 2ZR-FE. Check engine light turned on, and the engine started shaking/vibrating non-stop. Took it to my local mechanic shop to get it fixed. Right away, the diagnostic cost $125. They determined that the spark plug and the ignition coils were the cause. I needed to replace the spark plug and all four ignition coils. My final total for the parts, labor and tax is $860.60. Car runs just fine after. When I got home, I decide to look at the prices for parts that needed to fix the car, and it was much cheaper than what they charged me. After that, I feel like this could’ve been done at a much cheaper price. I am no mechanic, maybe I’m just an idiot and the amount I got charged is the right amount. What do you guys think?

Diagnostic: $125

Spark Plugs: $81

Coils: $415

Labor to remove and replace spark plugs and coils: $190

Tax: 49.60

Final Total: $860.60

1 Comment
03:28 UTC


I need an auto clicker

Where do I get an auto clicker that’s not a scam or a virus?

00:57 UTC


Can i replace Lincoln Continental 2018 suspension with MacPherson strutts for a smooth ride over pumpy roads?

21:10 UTC


Roof racks cosmetic or functional?

I have a 2017 Escalade and my roof rails seem to be purely cosmetic. No gaps underneath and I'm wondering if I can attach cross bars to them or if I need actual roof rails? Cadillac offers some cross bars that can attach to them but they are almost $600 and I just need son that will "do the trick". Is there such a thing as rails that are only for show vs functionality?

19:57 UTC


Non riesco a fare il pivot con i pedali di qualsiasi auto

Buonasera da poco ho scoperto che per guidare meglio bisognerebbe fare il "pivot" fra un pedale e l'altro ma io ormai sono abituato che per passare da freno a acceleratore sollevo il piede riappoggiando il tallone anche se quando lo riappoggio per frenare lo riappoggio un po' storto,mi chiedevo se andasse bene lo stesso

12:50 UTC


when to buy a new car


When do we stop putting money into a car for repairs? my 2008 nissan rogue has 180k km on the clock, still in good condition but makes a few noises here and there... costs me about $1300 per year in repairs and maintenance... everything was changed recently: transmission, suspension, brakes , exhaust, gasket...

i have no car payment. I could afford a monthly payment but i dont really want to

any advice?

22:44 UTC


Truck repair help

Let's say a truck gets struck by lightning before you've installed the engine... Everything looked fine so you installed it anyways. What kind of issues would you expect to see overtime? Truck has driven fine for a few years but now it won't start. I swapped out the alternator 2 years ago. The radio worked 3 years ago but won't actually play anything. Just sounds like the tape deck flips on start of ignition but that's it. Brand new battery but still shudders and dies when idling too long. Battery goes up while driving but when at a stop light , it gets shaky and smells bad.

Feel free to ask questions, I may have left something out. ( I did not install the engine.. the "mechanic" I bought it from did )


22:04 UTC


Restoring a 1991 Cadillac Deville

Hi, well, like the title says I'm restoring a '91 Cadillac Deville (and also a '92), they have an incredible sentimental value for me and I'm trying to make them look like on their first day out of the factory but I'm struggling trying to get the Cadillac insignia as well Deville insignia, logo hood ornaments, chrome strips of the doors, side Cadillac logos, side "Sedan de Ville" logos and so on. Same for the interior.

Any idea where can I get those? Thank you so much in advance!

23:33 UTC


MKL blinkte nach Rutschen

Hi! Ich bräuchte einen Rat… heute hat es geregnet, d.h. Straßen waren eventuell rutschiger aber eigentlich war es kein starker, sondern Nieselregen… Ich bin mit 50 in eine Kurve gefahren und habe komplett die Kontrolle verloren. Mein Auto ist nicht nur kurz gerutscht sondern tatsächlich (womöglich auch durch meine Panik) nach rechts und links geschlittert, bis ich wieder Kontrolle hatte. Es ging auf die Gegenfahrbahn und fast auch in die Leitplanke. Dahinter ging es bergab. Daher die Panik. Gott sei Dank waren keine anderen Autos um mich herum, aber ich bin wirklich entsetzt. Meine Motorkontrollleuchte blinkte nach dem Ereignis ein paar Male auf und erlisch dann. Hat das eine was mit dem anderen zu tun? Soll ich mit der Karre in die Werkstatt? Hilfe!! Es handelt sich um einen Hyundai i20, auch erst 8 Jahre alt. Die Allwetterreifen sind auch schon 4 Jahre alt aber die Profile gehen wohl noch in Ordnung. Ich bin in meinem Leben noch NIE so gerutscht und mir graut es davor, mich wieder ins Auto zu setzen.

15:59 UTC


New headlight doesn’t turn on

Just installed an entire new headlight housing, with the same bulbs from before, the bulbs used to turn on, and now they do not with the new housing. Any ideas what the problem could be?

15:55 UTC

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