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    I cant watch harem genre 🥲🥲

    how many times i try to watch harem genre i cant watch because for me harem is cheating 🤔🤔

    13:11 UTC


    Can anybody tell me after episode 126 a mortal journey to immortality which chapter should I read in novel ?

    13:03 UTC


    Jade dynasty season 2 episode 11

    Episode 11 at 17:00 the song starts to play while the girl was trying to move forward and forget MC to improve her cultivation or smth what that song called?? Pls would appreciate it it's a female voice in case that info is needed

    12:32 UTC


    Renegade immortal episode 74, this is me the whole time


    Can anyone explain to me what was her health condition again, I kinda forgot.

    It says that she failed to have offspring 3 times? is it from zeng niu or different guy?

    I appreciate any response :)

    12:17 UTC


    Renegade immortal

    I hope donghua will change harem thing me it totally unnecessary.Wang lin love li muwan so much so there no need for other FL even thouth there are clone wife. only Li muwan enough and i want badass and ruthless wang lin😈🥶. who agree with me and sorry about my english 😅

    11:46 UTC


    I have seen alot rage bait on Tang jia san for his actions on the community for banning reverand insanity

    Well for soul land 1 novel was geat the but the author ended ruining the franchise making Tang san a hypocrite in soul land 2 literally it makes hate the tang san literally in soul land 2 . Me see that soul land series is too repetitive same areas different mcs yet the power level is the same for all the give books I find that author ruined completely. Cause tge are the divine realm is trash literally the gods cannot even escape black hole.

    I'd compared to ergenverse the author keeps giving leveling different mcs . I shall seal the heavens its 5th step, regenade immortal 4th step and half . Then in world worh protecting all the mcs 6th step . Honestly ergen verse novels are interesting

    But one thing for reverand insanity it deserved to be banned. The mc killing children . Making a bear eat a child . The mc kills his very lotal subordinates and loved ones. He burns and kills people in communities for nothing all for his motive. There is alot of senseless killing not ven proper goal. Honestly reverand insanity is too sick

    Look at demonic emperor or magic emperor. The mc is ruthlesss but he can't kill senselessly . He only ruthless to people against him that us where reverandbinsanity the mc is too sick.

    11:35 UTC


    Will Eternal season 3 OST

    Heya does anyone know the name of opening song in S3. Basically this

    Can't find it via google, shazam nor soundhound. Can't get ai to transcribe words either to do lyrics search. Maybe if anyone understands the lyrics or knows the title - hmu!


    09:23 UTC


    Strongest chinese fiction characters. Do you guys agree

    08:12 UTC



    Who's the mystery person help with the escape portal?. Is it one of the elder of demon little girl clan?.

    Also does Xiao Yan will get his "Real" revenge on House of Soul? I meant they all gonna die not like latest episode it's more a rescue mission.

    How about his father?.

    07:35 UTC


    Question about RMJI for those who've read the novel.

    In Fandom the insufferable couple Hongfeng+Kulou, and also the "I want to punch him in the face sooo much" Yun Lu, have ALIVE as vital status.
    Is Han Li such a pathetic pushover?
    Why didn't he completely and utterly and brutally annihilate them?
    From what I read he didn't even have the balls to personally kill Wang Chan, and had to request the Ghost Valley for his death in exchange when they asked him for help.
    I do enjoy that he's cautious and feels more like a real person than those copy-pasted MCs of 90% of cultivation stories, but I so much hate pushovers and people who forgive enemies...


    Considering the answers that I've received, I feel like I need to clarify my point of view:
    I like that Han Li is laid back and everything, but people like Wang Chan make me wanna punch the display into oblivion, and same for Yun Lu (no homophobia from my side but 99% of androgyn or eunuch characters in Chinese media are "made to be hated"), and the old fart Ling Hu who sold them all, and the ugly couple Hongfeng+Kolou who are THE archetype of insufferable third rate villains who get killed within few episodes in most series.
    And if the authors make so much effort to trigger an emotional response in the audience with such odious characters, but then don't give the gratifying feeling of seeing them killed in the most brutal and humiliating way, for me this is a huge letdown.
    At this point I almost prefer the stupid 8th grade syndrome "kill them all" kind of stories. Even Urban Cultivation, in their immensely laughable stupidity, are soooooooooo gratifying when the MC constantly slaps everybody.
    Just saying...

    07:11 UTC


    Recommend me something like Soul Land / 7 Shreks

    Although solo cultivation series are good too, I'm tired of them.

    Anything that is like soul land 7 Shreks is best .

    A party of 5 above is my preference.

    Forgot to mention I prefer new donghua with excellent quality over old classic like BTTH which the donghua look quite bad from the start.

    Thanks in advance 🙏

    1 Comment
    06:55 UTC


    Against the sky supreme

    If yall lookin for an OP/Revenge/Unmerciful/Badass mc and a show with hella episodes give this show a watch definitely try it out. The beginning might be slow but I promise you, you will not be disappointed. Just know this guy Tan Yun dont show no type of mercy to people who fuxk with his. {300+ Eps}

    06:09 UTC


    Help me find this Donghua...

    which Donghua is this?

    Plot is some god or emperor i think he was 8th or 14th.. He was weak since during birth he was attacked...his father was strong and later he too got strong.. He got sun gods inheritence.... He was belittled by moon god's inherited earlier but now he has become more strong.

    1 Comment
    05:02 UTC


    Anyone know where to watch Rakshasa Street (Eng Subs) without the weird fake looking AI 60fps?

    I remember watching it long time ago when suddenly start S2 or something it stopped producing episodes then recently I saw that S4 is going on, so I went to rewatch some scenes from S2 and almost every source had this weird motion tracking or something that makes one almost motion sick.
    I hope someone gets what I am talking about.

    Be happy to DM if against rules.

    04:10 UTC


    Sword of coming

    Firstly the dongua isint bad i enjoyed it kinda the visuals characters n the story a fresh story from the usual but i have some reservations ong

    Why did the mc have to suffer such humiliation n hardships n get soo much hate from the villagers underseved hate bytw i get that in that village being kinda op is the thing but still even if powerful mfs who only coveted his luck played a part in his L'ss that shii was uncalled for

    Also why were pple so fukn stubborn i get that still he got help from them and it kinda taught him some lessons of life still even if theyre under no obligation to help whatsover they didnt have to be arseholes😭take the blacksmith saint n that doctor saint blud was beggin ffs

    Tye story itself was prwtty straight forward but there's some ep i was wondering wtf are they saying i dont get it ong twas kinda confusing also the dad was kinda cowardly to do that to his only son deliberately making him a loser knowing where they lived n all the explanation given wasnt satisfying enough tbh the fight scenes were nice but i kinda wanted the mc to atleast have powered up even if it was a tiny bit i aint saying go full doupo or stellar or some shyt but the action i expected from the mc was kinda nerfed n given to the villains

    The mc himself is a valid character even with his naivety atleast he aint a total pushover goody 2 shoe mc like others power of friendship bs😅

    As i said when i started i liked the show n would give sn 2 a watch which is where im guessin we get to see some good cultivation n powering up plus fight scenes n story continuation from him

    00:02 UTC


    Renegade Immortal Movie.

    !During the Novel WL merges with his Ancient god body. Hes a 3 Star Ancient god at this point. The movie trailer shows a bunch of people that I dont remember from this part of the story. It looks like hes going to fight against the heavens messenger when he has Li Muwan in his arms. But then I see the other people and Im lost. Im pretty sure I hear Them talk about the Demonic City but thats not until way later on. Im currently re reading the novel as I havent read it in awhile and im currently at Chapter 520. !<

    If someone who can actually read Mandarin pretty well and translate the Trailer for the movie, I'd be grateful. The way its presented confuses the hell outta me.

    22:25 UTC


    Does BTTH get better?

    Usuall not a fan of harem donghuas but im running out of long eps donghuas to watch since I caught up with all the eps. For renegade immortal i put it on hold since it only has 70+ eps and i can finish that in like 2 days. I already started watching btth (still in S1) but im thinking if i should continue to watch? Cuz ive been seeing posts here and there that the studio changed some stuff from the novel and that a lot have been censored/sanitized and it gets boring?? Esp the love interests?

    19:12 UTC


    What series is this ?


    What series is this ?

    18:20 UTC


    The Tribulation Of Ten Thousand Races, this is of the manhua that is on hiatus after 585 chapters

    17:29 UTC


    Perfect world movie

    I stopped watching perfect world at episode 95. I am planning to continue watching and I know there is also a movie. After which episode should I watch the movie?

    17:02 UTC


    NEZHA2 《哪吒2》— “粉红” 与“反贼”共襄盛举report in the political and emotional angle

    《哪吒》一部无论是“粉红”还是“润人”、无论政治立场是“左右前后”还是“东南西北”都能在这里找到属于你的“天庭”。 诚实地说,自己看完之后心情激动,尤其在结尾的部分看到敖光(敖丙的爸爸、东海龙王)说出“未必就会倒台”,“倒台”这个词语在观影人认为“天庭”是()的情况下可谓是振聋发聩、真是敢说;申公豹父亲的“修仙培训班”像“考公务员培训班”,申公豹的人生像•“小镇做题家本来想通过考公务员改变命运最后做了上面人的白手套”;天庭的天兵天将在殷夫人话语结束之后无动于衷、神情麻木,看起来很像这部分观影人对公务员、体制内的印象。

    有另外一部分观影人,看到天元鼎上的图案和“美元符号”很像、哪吒升仙之后的腰牌上的图案很像“美国国徽”、白发仙翁给的灭魂丹看起来像 “covid-19病毒模型”,这时候“天庭”是“美国霸权”、“美帝资本主义”。 天庭可能是美帝资本主义,也可能是(),全看观众怎么想。 我猜测《哪吒》影片的一些表达还是删掉了,在无量天尊(额头很大的神仙)暴露出他真实的面目之后,给了几个天兵无动于衷的镜头,但是没有再展开文戏—这里要是能挖掘一下天兵侍从更好,打字中发现了对天兵另一种形式的交代:紧接着是南海、北海、西海龙王自愿归顺于天尊,它们迫不及待到没有听到天尊说明代价是什么就急急忙忙地答应了。 先说一些缺点: 紧接着就是长达半个小时的武戏,这里对战的是主角和三个归顺的龙王,并不是东海妖族与天庭,但是这场戏衔接在对天庭的诘问之后,情绪上爆发了而内容上没有直指天庭而隔靴搔痒。 龙王小妹的人形建模非常好看、技能放出很美,猜测这位角色后续可能会有游戏化改编。 也是因为观众的情绪在这场打戏爆发了一次,后面妖族破鼎在情绪上的感受是“有点无聊”的、感觉打戏打累了。

    再说哪吒人设的局限: 哪吒这种义无反顾是导演的一个金手指,他的行动没有任何道德瑕疵,他跟敖丙的这个同侪情谊没有被任何一点点误会产生,哪怕安排哪吒他妈死也是死于绝对反派手下,因此没有一点点误会和隔阂夹在哪吒和敖丙之间,甚至说夹在东海妖兽和人类之间。 那么陈塘关被屠城的护着孩子的焦炭父母,他们的孩子有可能成为“哪吒”吗?他们的孩子有可能跟“敖丙”并肩作战吗? 为了不让哪吒敖丙之间有说不清的亏欠所以李靖和殷夫人在误会解开前平安无事,在误会解开之后殷夫人下线。 这里殷夫人下线我很不满意,东海龙族明明可以在天尊翻脸的一刻就群起而攻,偏偏是在殷夫人死了—驱动哪吒重生—这之后一起进攻。不满意的点在于“反抗天庭”的核心动机被殷夫人死亡的剧情模糊了,反抗天庭是因为“我妈被害死了”?还是因为本来就是“天道不公”? 这一点上最直击要害的是申小豹,爸爸快死了—谁害死的?—天庭的人,申小豹冲上去撕咬天庭侍从。



    暂且抛开“天庭”的政治化意向,它捕捉到了当下人们的焦虑:“天庭”的模式是不可持续的、而一时半刻又人多势众,东海岩浆是痛苦的。 究竟应该怎么做?究竟应该怎么选? 在心里留存影片最后的话 “你难道还想改变这世界?” “我想试试” “父辈的经验毕竟是过往,你的路还需你去闯…” 今后,忠于自己内心的选择吧

    而另外要说一句,即没有哪吒的洪荒之力、也没有敖丙的武艺高强,只是炼丹炉里的虾兵蟹将。 不要在烈火烧熟自己的触角的时候去品尝,尽力保护元神内丹、仍然保护内心,仍然忠于内心的选择吧 以此篇留作存档 my english is very poor,plz use translation apps.

    14:36 UTC


    What is the relationship between BTTH and yuewen animation ?

    Does yuewen animation have the global digital distribution rights of btth ?

    1 Comment
    09:12 UTC


    Modern donghua suggestions

    Is there any donghua which happens in modern world where mc get awakened with powers???

    Please give suggestions …

    07:24 UTC


    Please help us figure out the name of this

    Hi there! I cant remember the name of a show for the life of me so if you know it (described below) please let me know,

    The one scene i remember is a courtesan (or some other rear Palace person) was called up to perform her job on the Prince/Emperor. She is on the bed and he rocks up wearing a veil and recognised her as the person he's been getting along with and hiding that he isn't just a normal person in the palace, so he wraps her up like a burrito and falls asleep next to her. From memory this then happens a bunch of times (the wrapped in a blanket thing).

    I've been trying to explain it to the people i know for hours but none of us know the name


    05:45 UTC


    I want to watch Battle through the heavens Season 1 but

    The origins keep showing up. I want to watch all of it. Can anyone send me the link for it with decent subtitles? I’m not sure which site to begin.

    19:05 UTC


    How is martial peak doing in china? is there a chance that we can get cgi improvement in future?

    18:56 UTC

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