A subreddit for Cdrama lovers. Discussions & posts about your favorite Chinese dramas, celebrities, news, award shows and music. All are welcome!
Her unconditional support for her son is everything to me! I don't think I ever saw the actress again in any dramas (I haven't seen a lot of older dramas), but her naturally soft demeanor made her just so well casted for this role!
Anyone else has any other favorite parents?
Ok so I have SO MANY shows I’m waiting for. Literally. So. Many. I actually only ever watch cdramas and very rarely watch any American shows.
I am MOST excited for A Dream Within in Dream. Where are you, Nan Heng? Liu Yuning, I need a date. I miss you.
Lament of the River Immortal is another because Joseph Zeng is adorable and the white hair I keep seeing on him looks too good.
Legend of the Female General because I’m excited to see our little Zhou Ye as a strong general paired with the beautifully fierce Cheng Lei.
this video has been circulating on chinese media these few days as bai lu said in an interview that she used to be the centre position for school dance performances. 😄
for those who have seen this just now, this is a repost, so sorry (i deleted it earlier)
I'm in a Chinese course this semester and my teacher and the TA said I should watch some shows or movies in Chinese. I don't know where to start, but I have Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and HBO for streaming and am in the states. Somehow my writing and reading are solid, but I go full deer in the headlights when trying to speak or listen. I know it's because I'm nervous, but it's discouraging, so I think hearing more speaking would help. Thank you in advance for the suggestions!
Like dang - they cough up blood like it’s nothing like as if it’s easy to heal in ancient times?
Recent one that spat a lot of blood - kill me love me… basically all fantasy and historical dramas too
Am i the only who find it hard seeing heavy or colorful makeup in costume dramas? Especially if they had like whispy, manhwa eyelashes set 😭 this is the one reason why i haven't started on Moonlight Mystique even tho it looks interesting and has Bai Lu. When i saw a promotional reel by iqiyi featuring the MCs, i remember going all ???? And it's not just that drama but a few others as well. The male characters aren't safe from it either because the heavy contouring or cakey/ pasty foundation some of these men have on their face..oh lord. They look pretty still tho and i know it's just stylistic choice since it's a fantasy drama but- well!
Hi, well, I hope is ok to post this here.
I have loved Love like the Galaxy since I first watched this drama, I'm an addicted reader of fanfics but since I'm not a writer I'm always searching!! I have been trying to discover some gems of fanfiction in this fandom!!
I wanted to share my favourites!! Just in case someone else wants them!! I mostly like Cheng Shaoshang with Ling Buyi but I also enjoy stories with the Third prince!!
This author has 3 fanfiction in this fandom and they are awesome!! https://archiveofourown.org/users/MoodyScorpio/pseuds/MoodyScorpio Two of the stories are complete and one is in progress, and they are awesome!!
This author has amazing stories with the Third prince and my favourite couple https://archiveofourown.org/users/The_Storybooker/pseuds/The_Storybooker/works?fandom_id=69670012 They aren't so long but really well written!!
This series is really good!! https://archiveofourown.org/series/3091902
This story is awesome but short for me ;) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41587143
And this one, wow!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41266332
I hope someone has some fun and enjoyment with this stories!! Be well :) Monica
May contain SPOILERS I'm giving this new drama, Perfect Match, a try and honestly I don't like the dynamics described already. I can't really describe it too clearly so for lack of better word, why is it so toxic? Im on episode 3, does it get any better before I waste my time watching it?
My issues are not just the toxicity between the relationships but also the foolish plot. The mom has multiple daughters but has no common sense? Especially in their situation she can afford to be so foolish? Also the wife of one of the elder daughters having a "weak hearted" husband and staying with him and plotting to keep him faithful? I've seen so many strong female leads with plots similar to this where the wife has more strength.
And the exchanged cat and mouse plots between the third elder sister and the cousin? He's hindering her family and they are to end up together allegedly? Who in their right mind would end up with someone who hindered her sisters and mother's business on purpose?
Or maybe am I thinking too deeply and narrow minded to my own tastes? Some dramas cannot always have strong sensical female leads and practical plots and still be dramas??
This happened when I watched the Untamed for the first time! I remember thinking “wow I just went through such journey” then realized none of my siblings had watched it at the time so alas, I was alone in longing for more about it 😅 what I wouldn’t give to watch that show and experience it for the first time again!
This has me wondering, what is that masterpiece for my friends on this sub? Please share so we can enjoy those too!
How many of you have seen this drama "untouchable lovers"? Is it worth watching? Whose role / character is the most memorable?
I asked this question on rXiaozhanworld already but I’m wondering if anyone on here has seen his movie? Is it good? I want to hear your opinion. The movie won’t be here in the US until end of February.
Has anyone heard of this genre name before?
Some titles for qihuan: 三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Love, 苍兰诀 Love Between Fairy and Devil, 大梦归离 Fangs of Fortune, 长月烬明 Till the End of the Moon, 宸汐缘 Love and Destiny, 香蜜沉沉烬如霜 Ashes of Love and 永夜星河 Love Game in Eastern Fantasy.
for me, it’s Lost You Forever. i’m not into fantasy so i initially dropped it after the first episode. i forgot about it for a while, then was recommended it again and i watched it. to say i was reeled in and captivated by this drama would be an understatement. it’s the drama that made me download MyDramaList so i could give and write reviews. i rewatch my favourite scenes in awe. i went down a rabbit hole with the cast and ending up watching their interviews and variety shows like Hello Saturday. i left a review post on the Cdrama subreddit. it blew me away.
Which is your favourite? im squealing at all the interactions 🫠
Bai lu said her favourite is the one where she was on the “phone call” and she lifted her hand😄