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Doom is a series of sci-fi action/horror games from id software, starting with Doom in 1993, and continuing with Doom3 and Doom (2016).
In Doom, you play as a space marine tasked with defeating the unleashed demonic forces of Hell, using a variety of heavy weapons and your own skill against the invading hordes. Doom codified and revolutionized First-Person Shooters, and remains one of the most influential games in the genre.
Feel free to also discuss Doom-engine games such as Heretic, Hexen, and Strife, and any others. Please tag these posts with [game name], to make them easier to distinguish.
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DoomWorld - The definitive Doom site for news, info, and archives.
idgames Archive - Doomworld mirror of the long-standing mod archive.
Doom Wiki - Everything you could want to know, and more.
Doom2.net - Classic Doom info and history.
DoomSDA - Speed Demos Archive
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Please note that the Networks below are not operated by /r/Doom mods.
Network/#channels |
- freenode #doom, #zdaemon |
- Quakenet #nightmare |
- EFnet #doom, #doom2, #deathmatch |
Information |
Release-Date: March 20, 2020 |
- Official Story Trailer |
- E3 2019 Gameplay |
- QuakeCon Gameplay Reveal |
- Official Teaser Trailer |
Information |
- Release Date: May 13, 2016 |
- SnapMap Wiki |
- Official Campaign Trailer |
- Official Multiplayer Trailer |
- "Fight Like Hell" Cinematic Trailer |
- Official Launch Trailer |
- Wikipedia |
The classics, balls-to-the-wall demon slaughtering action. Rip and tear!
Source Ports |
- Chocolate Doom |
- Legacy |
- PrBoom / PrBoom-Plus |
- ZDoom / GZDoom |
Modding |
- Doom Builder |
- Slade 3 |
- /r/DoomMods |
Multiplayer |
- Odamex |
- Zandronum / |
- ZDaemon |
Sci-Fi Survival Horror reboot
Modding |
- Mods and Tools |
- Source Code |
speaks for itself. js it possible to run doom on a nokia 105??
I just started playing Doom Eternal on Nightmare after finishing Doom 2016 on Ultraviolence rather easily. I was actually struggling in the first mission.
Is Doom Eternal that much harder than Doom 2016?
Is the jump from Ultraviolence to Nightmare that big?
Is the first mission just genuinely hard?
Does it just take some time to adjust?
I'm getting a Bunny soon, a brown female Bunny and she shall be named Daisy.
I’ve recently been playing through the original doom and want to eventually play through all of them. But i cant help but feel like i am terrible at them. What are some tips that can be used to help a noob through the classic games? For example; Should i play them with a similar play style to 2016 or eternal, or should i try a different strategy? Thx:)
My friend and I have been discussing a scene that we’re both convinced is from the series ”The Big Bang Theory”. However, after posting in their subreddit, it seems that might not be the case.
We distinctly remember it as Raj and Howard from the series humming or making fun of the soundtrack from Doom, specifically the track “At Doom’s Gate.”
If this scene isn’t from The Big Bang Theory, it must be from another show or video featuring two guys. From time to time, we try to track it down just for fun, but we’ve never been able to find it—and it’s driving us insane!
We’re turning to you for help: does anyone know about this scene or video? Or are we doomed to wander the earth forever, never finding it?
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
i need to get the last weapon kill for the trophy but i have only one friend and i need a third to start
Llevo días que no puedo pasar de esta escena, soy principiante en consolas con 43 años y no me entero de nada!! Muchas gracias al que me pueda ayudar y a todo el que lo lea. ✌🏼
Was thinking about jumping on either my PC or PS5 version and downloading some new maps if they're still around.
So today I saw that Doom Eternal updated to version 1.15 (on my Switch) but haven't found any sizable change apart from an updated license agreement. Are there any patch notes or was that all they put in?
I just downloaded Doom (have never touched a doom game before) and noticed the Nightmare difficulty. I thought why not it can’t be that hard. I was wrong. Just wanted to know if there are helpful tips.
I also have some questions I’d love to know. Example, why do some enemies glow after a few shots but the same type of enemy doesn’t? Should I try and go for headshots more than body shots? Do executions give I-frames? Why do some health things give 1 and others 5? Can enemies predict movement or am I bad at the game?
FYI, I am asking for general tips or strategies not exploits.
Just in case people ask, I won’t lower the difficulty. I am suffering but am having fun. I am not the best at fps games. To give a little tidbit of how much I suck, I spent about 20 minutes in the little arena after introducing the Imp ( I think, the guys who shoot fireballs) right before the title screen.
In the meantime, I’ll rip and tear what little I can.
His stupid laugh 😅
It allows me change to shotgun but don't let me change other weapons.
I have my floor and ceiligs reflective, is it possible to hide a monster/thing only visible in the reflections? If not, please point me towards what I should do with the scripting.
Hi all,
Bit of trouble with getting brutal doom to run.
I've tried the following:
Gzdoom runs other versions of vanilla I and II fine
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you 🙏
I am not a lore expert, but I did thoroughly read every log (a while back now), and took my time re-reading things, paying attention to dialogue, and examining environmental storytelling. I'm sure I've forgotten some things.
What is the deal with Samuel? I had a hard time comprehending that he was Samur, I'm not sure if that was made super clear. He is, right? Samur, one of the kinds of people who brought Doomguy to the divinity machine, right? And he took on some kind of human form? Or was that part a lie, and the robot form is just so people don't freak out (using the human turned robot story to make it work). I got the impression that he did truly care for humanity, and as well in eternal (Also, I do not recall what happened in between the end of 2016 and the broken robot form we find in eternal). He of course prioritized science, he said as much, but I believed him when he said it was for humanity. But in TAG, it kind of seems like he went evil? What were his motives, why did we have to kill him, and why was he doing research on mars if he supposedly knows everything already, being the being he is?
I'm remembering something about, the Father's life sphere... I might need the full rundown lol.
Im a newbie to the franchise so I’m a little uneducated. So are there people or beings who killed demons beside our main man in the doom universe? The demons invaded countless worlds and in the midst of all that there must be at least hand full of people who swore revenge. And probably died since they aren’t “him” but still it would be interesting to see other people who have their own legacy and legends about them. IMPORTANT EDIT: okay some of you might be confused I apologize. What I mean is that, is there people who kills demons other than the slayer and not the variation of him.
If the Maykrs didn't know about Demons before they showed up to Argent'dnur, then wtf were they doing there in the first place? You're telling me that the Maykrs magically appeared on the planet with the Giant Blue Wraith crystal sticking through it, with no other intentions than to make the humans worship them??
How the hell would humans worshipping the Maykrs, benefit them in any way? Those bitches are LYIN!