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01:36 UTC



00:56 UTC


It´s your fault

1 Comment
00:48 UTC


"Something is chasing me"

00:42 UTC


Repost cuz the other one had spoilers

00:38 UTC


What is some obscure cosmere trivia that you know?

It could be spoilery, or it could be mundane like a characters favourite food.

23:47 UTC


Nightblood and Aluminum

I didn’t know what tag to put but all spoilers are welcome!

Would someone wearing a full body suit of aluminum be able to wield Nightblood without issues or getting drained?

I know the sheath is made of aluminum and works to block out Nightblood’s influence. It just makes me wonder if an aluminum armored person would be protected.

19:38 UTC


Question about the lord ruler

I just started rereading secret history. I might have forgotten something from the era 1 trilogy, but how did the lord ruler hold the power of preservation in the past if Leras is still alive in era 1? Did Leras lend him the power?

23:16 UTC


Potential cyclical nature of Adonalsium and the Cosmere

What if the shattering and then subsequent consolidation of the shards is part of the normal cycle of the Cosmere.

What if this is the normal order of things, the grand deity is shattered in it's primary aspects, the shards then spread out, form their own domains before inevitably being pulled back into conflict with each other. Some of them get destroyed, others get splintered, potentially getting reformed into something new, and others merge. Maybe completely destroyed shards might have their investiture form completed new shards. Eventually all of them merge together into a new Adonalsium type deity that exists for a while before it inevitably gets shattered again and the cycle repeats.

21:50 UTC


Secret metalminds?

If someone took a metalmind, let's make this interesting and say a coppermind, and they stored some super important information on it. If that metalmind was then soulcast into another material, would it still retain the information that it held while it was copper? And could that then later be soulcast back into copper, allowing the information to be accessed? (Side note: Is soulcasting a metalmind even possible? If it is I imagine it would be much trickier than regular soulcasting).

21:16 UTC


Let's Play a Game

Ask me a question about the Cosmere, and then edit your comment to make me look like a bad person.


Original comment: Who is your favourite character?

Me: Kaladin

Edited comment: Who do you think should've died?

20:03 UTC


Update in the comere rpg

If you have read one of my last posts, you know that I’m writing a fanmade rpg system for adventures across the cosmere. I have an update here. I am Brazilian and I completely forgot that the rpg was going to be posted here, so everything i have written this far is in portuguese and I will have to translate it before I can show it to you. But I have good ideas about the “options” that you can choose for your characters and things like that. Again, if someone has any tips or ideas, please comment here.

19:54 UTC


"Gemflation" on Roshar

On Roshar, gems are used for a myriad of purposes; currency, fabrials, investure transport, information storage, Soulcasting. Despite the many purposes, gems (or Spheres when encased) have a primary use as a storage of value.

With that said, are gems inflationary or deflationary?

The current influx of gems primarily comes from the local fauna, and the outflux of gems only occurs when they are destroyed (otherwise it is simply a transfer of value). From memory, gems are 'destroyed' in Soulcating and information storage. There are likely others I am not thinking of right now.

So what do you think, has there been any WoBs on this topic? Does Roshar see more gems created than destroyed - are gems inflationary or deflationary?

17:02 UTC


Who do you think is going to be the Big Bad of the Cosmere?

I’ve heard arguments for both Odium and Trell. Personally, I think it’s the stick. If not the stick, my money goes to Trell. I think it fits the shard’s Intent to use Odium as a sort of avatar, and conquer the Cosmere through him.

16:30 UTC


Which Cosmere action scene does this music evoke for you?

Specifically 2:03 to the end.

1 Comment
16:21 UTC


Heralds and Cognitive Shadows

I’ve seen this frequently on this sub that to become a herald, one must be a cognitive shadow. It is true that ALL heralds are cognitive shadows but it is not a requirement (in my opinion). It doesn’t even make sense that the heralds, when given the honorblades and the creation of the oathpact, would just automatically become a CS.

What I assume happened is that upon becoming heralds, they became incredibly invested, given honorblades and along with the oathpact preventing them from going to the great beyond means that upon their first death, that investiture would create the CS and staple it to their body.

I guess what I’m saying is that there was a brief time where we had non-CS heralds.

15:10 UTC


Ishar’s Experiments

Lemme cook.

We know Ishar was somehow bringing spren into the Physical Realm, where they only lasted like a couple seconds before dying.


Since spren are Investiture that’s come to life, it stands to reason that when pulled to the Physical Realm they remain highly Invested.

And yeah, they only survive for a couple seconds, but… you don’t need to be alive for very long to have a spike rammed through you.

We know Hemalurgy works anywhere in the cosmere, and TLM shows that you can steal “general Investiture”— not any specific ability, just overall Investiture— from people.

So what if Ishar was bringing Radiant spren into the Physical Realm to spike them and take their natural Investiture, which he then used to augment his normal abilities?

Doing this often enough would mess with his soul and allow an external force (not Odium, since he doesn’t know what Ishar is up to) to influence him… or at the very least make him go a little crazy. Dalinar indicated to Kaladin that Ishar’s madness isn’t normal but instead “supernatural in nature”. Having it be a byproduct of Hemalurgy ties to that quite well, and if Kal can find a way to somehow prevent spikes from inducing insanity… well, it would remove one of the only limitations stopping Hemalurgy from flooding the cosmere.

13:46 UTC


If the Cosmere was written by _____

If the Cosmere were written by the writer of your choice.

What things would change? How would the stories develop?

How much would Stormlight or Mistborn change at the hands of this author?

There are some things that will turn out worse, obviously, but will there also be something that will turn out better than Sanderson?

13:43 UTC


Does anyone know the best website to get these three books in HC with matching covers?

11:14 UTC



08:12 UTC


The _______ in Lost Metal, could there be another theory?

I was just on another thread where it was brought up again that the guys at the end of lost metal who help Steris are likely no skybreakers. That sparked an alternative theory in my head. Starting with a major spoiler WoB:


!Are the Coinshots that helped Steris with getting people out of the flood zone, and who seemed rather concerned with whether she was following the law, actually Skybreakers?!<

Brandon Sanderson

!Ah, hehehehehe. So, we'll just leave that one. So, how about this. At this point in continuity, a Skybreaker could not easily get off of Roshar. In fact, by this point in continuity, I believe (you can't hold me to this one too much) the only Radiant who's managed to get off of Roshar and maintain powers is Hoid. I believe that's the case. Hoid is weird. He also has lots of knowledge. He used a specific method to get... yeah, anyway.Don't hold me to that, but I think by this point he is the first to get out of system. Off-world doesn't really count because you can go to Braize or Ashyn. !<

Now the theory:

A RADIANT can‘t get off the system, but what about an Honorblade?

Considering that the story takes place post SA5, several things could have happened:

The person has Nale‘s Honorblade

People have found out how to create Honorblades

People have found out how to become Heralds (and this person has replaced Nale)

Could we completely rule out this person is not Nale?

There could also be something like a southern scadrial type device which could enable skybreaker surges.

What do you think?

Edit: not post SA10, SA5 of course

07:20 UTC


“I see beauty in you, Dalinar Kholin. I see a great man struggling against a terrible one" this is an old piece

04:36 UTC


The Rhythms

A few questions/theories about the Rhythms

  1. If a Singer were to wear an aluminum hat, would they be able to hear the Rhythms?

  2. Is emotional Allomancy basically radiating more powerful Rhythms(Attuning people to specific rhythms basically). Rioting would be projecting a rhythm to person, while soothing would be damping it to them. We see from Eshonais PoV that while humans don't actively hear the Rhythms, that they ARE subconsciously affected by them.

  3. Would a singer be able to detect emotional allomancy?

04:24 UTC


I dont know if this is spoiler, but here´s some Jasnah in the metro

04:14 UTC


QUESTION: Could a fullborn compound identity?

So I remember reading a WoT somewhere that while Aluminium compounding is theoretically possible, it's extremely difficult since any amount of Aluminium being burned would blank out the rest that you've ingested.

There was a fan who asked something like, If the compounder was continuously fed aluminium through a tube or something, could they compound Identity?

So that got me thinking. The biggest hurdle here is just that aluminium blanks itself out, preventing the access of the rest of the investiture inside.

But what if all the aluminium got completely burned at once, like with Nicrosil. Would that release the identity stored in the entire aluminium they consumed or would aluminium's ability override Nicrosil's?

This isn't all that important, but the question lodged itself inside my head and won't leave. So please my fellow cosmere nerds/investiture scholars, help he put this question to rest.

03:15 UTC


Magic and Exercise

So I was listening to the Way of Kings audiobook at the gym today and had a thought.

Could cosmere healing be used to make exercising way faster?

Let's take some random Knight Radiant or Squire for example, someone with stormlight. Could someone do a full muscle blasting work out, going to failure and all that good stuff, and then use stormlight to immediately repair their muscles and do another workout?

Similar for other forms of fast healing in the cosmere. Could you condense a week's worth of training into a single day by just healing between sessions?

Most forms of cosmere healing don't seem to require calories to fix things unless your name is Lift, since they can just kinda create limbs from nothing so you might not even need to eat between sessions until enough time passes for you to get hungry naturally.

03:08 UTC


Bearer of broken promises, mother of the weaver. Why did you do it? Why did you break it?

01:37 UTC


Does Elantris take place before or after mistborn?

Wondering because of the elantrians we see in secret history and want to know if they’re pre or post Reod.

01:09 UTC


Which "flying" ability would you prefer?

I love the different ways there are to fly within the Cosmere. Which ability set do you think is best?

23:14 UTC


Divine creation and evolutionary biology in the cosmere

I might be thinking into this too much but I am curious about the origins of humans in the cosmere and weather or not the plan is for a “divine creation” like story to take place or If there is a scientific explanation for why humans are so widespread and the reason for their intelligence over other life forms in the cosmere. I don’t think Brandon would go the route of one or the other because evolution has to exist in the cosmere because if it didn’t than everything would fall apart and I know how he likes to integrate science into his hard magic systems. For example, how are the parshendi so well adapted to life on roshar if not for having evolved to life there, and also not being human but an intelligent crab-like humanoid. They are clearly a different species but are a result of convergent evolution of a crustacean vs a primate? Also what would happen with parshendi-human interbreeding? You can only assume that the offspring would be non viable. The same can be said for other intelligent non human life forms in the cosmere (dragons) where did they come from, why are they intelligent, and why do they exist looking at the natural history of their planet of origin. This does not include kandra, koloss, spren or the like because we know their origins. My guess is that sapience was “given” to humans and other life forms by meddling by different outer gods. I don’t know if I am missing anything or if it is silly to be thinking along these lines because I am somewhat new and have only read mistborn and stormlight.

My thesis statement: if humans evolved, than did they evolve from primates and where did they originate. If evolution exists in the cosmere then this opens up a lot of implications for other things in natural history across other planets’ phylogenic histories. If evolution does not exist then It opens up plot holes that I think need to be addressed or I will stay awake at night until they are (unless everything is just chalked up to be the work of adonalsium or the shards, they just created everything)

I am a biology student so this is why I think this way, I understand that this is fantasy and not everything can be explained but I understand Brandon’s scientific approach to his writing so I think that there are answers out there somewhere.

Again, this is a wild thought of mine and feel free to say I’m reaching but I’m just a curious cosmere fan that also loves natural history

23:04 UTC

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