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Hi guys, just like what the title says. I'm having major issues with my mouse, no matter how many times I rebind the forward and back keys, whenever I reset my pc they just always revert back to Forward = 1, and back = 2. 1's and 2's, it's getting frustrating because I searched the internet vigorously for solutions and nobody knows what to do. It's the same reinstall, remap, and it doesn't work. I'm just gonna throw away this garbage mouse and get something that isn't corsair.
Is there ANY way I can save this thing or is it trash?
Just opened up my pc to do a clean and since restarting this has been happening with my h100i cpu cooler - get the propeller and the red triangle icon then it shuts off. I checked all cables and everything seems to be in okay so have no idea what's going on.
Is that one input supposed to be missing ? It’s a Corsair 750e sata connecter.
Found ratio between the case and the ICUE mural configuration, then measured on screen devices and arranged them in the display. Color matching is on point
Went through all of Corsair’s support put a ticket in waiting for response how bad is this
Hi everyone,
I'm looking to replace my AIO from my 2020 build. My current AIO is a Corsair H100 RGB Platinum SE. I've been noticing my cpu temps starting to climb higher than they use too a year ago and I also started to hear the water bubbling sound just within these last couple weeks.
I'm looking to upgrade to the Corsair Icue Link Titan 360 and hoping to get a deal during Black Friday. If not, I will still probably get one. I wanted to get a "Link Titan" version to cut down on all the wires my fans needed on the H100 version.
My question is this. Does anyone know if there Titan is compatible with the Commander Pro and my LL120 fans? Or would the Titan be incompatible since its a newer product with the Commander Pro and I would probably need to replace all my fans and cooling setup in my rig?
Thanks for help.
It just wont work when its plugged in directly i have no idea what to do id like to use my keyboard while in normal plugged in mode so i can see my custom lighting ..
How many fans should the 3500x have if I will have 4060ti and ryzen 5 7600x? And if I need additional fans would something cheaper like Artic P12 PWM PST be enough?
Hi, i have no idea what is going on with my keyboard, and i was wondering if anyone here would know. It's a CORSAIR Gaming K95 RGB, 18 g-keys, nordic layout, about 8 years old, and it has suddenly started to input shift and control as if a macro is constantly on. A few of the buttons seem to be rebound to some obscure macros.
ShIFT IS RaNOMLY pressed constantly.
THE right shIft BuTtOn IS Something LIKE CTRL+A tHEN bACkspaCE or dElete?
thE * button is something Like sHIFT+winDOWS+s (it makeS ME TAkE A SCrEeNSHOt SNippet); but It sEEMs To ALsO Toggle some CTRL spamming:
I typed the text above while the keyboard was plugged in, and kept the "formatting" as a display of how wonky the keyboard now is. I've plugged it into several computers(with and without iCue), and the issue occurs on all of them. It's as if my profiles are overridden by some random profile, but swapping or deleting my profiles has achieved nothing but a change in lighting. This issue appeared suddenly out of the blue.
Is this just the natural cycle of corsair keyboards growing old and insane, or is there something else going on?
Hi guys, im thinking about buying the hs80max but people on reddit keep saying that the headset has connection issues with ICUE. Is this still the case?
And are the earpads as bad as everyone says? Like are they easily breaking?
Hello guys... I bought the HS80 wireless Headset on Amazon with the "Like New Used" State...
Today i got my packet and there was no USB-Stick with it... Just the cable.
Is there no Chance to connect it without the stick?
my corsair vengeance rgb pro ram are still stuck on my previous install of icues rgb settings and i cant overwrite them. (long story short i had to reinstall windows and afterwards reinstall icue) but now my ram stick rgb colours cant be changed. everytime i try and change it on device memory or put it onto software control nothing happens. ive force updated the firmware multiple times in hopes of it resetting, and i booted into my bios and did the load defaults and that didnt work either.
whenever i close and reopen icue it shows me that its still using device memory on the old settings no matter if i click the save button (and it doesnt throw me any errors or anything)
I've been googling, but most of what I've found talks about gpu compatability, not using a cable from one Corsair PSU with another Corsair PSU.
Is the PCIe power cable for the HX750i directly, plug in, compatible with the RM850X?
Thanks in advance.
I really love(d) Corsair products but I feel like they becomeing worse and worse. Right now I have with every Corsair product problems. Does someone have the same issues as me?
DDR5 Dominator Platinum - ICUE thinks that I have mixed EXPO and XMP Ram stick which is not true. Dunno if its a problem but its annoying to see everytime I start ICUE.
H150i LCD and QX Fans - Yesterday and today my AIO pump got a failure (but still cooled down my CPU). All Fans were running at 2400 RPM. After I disconnected the pc from the power for 5 minutes, the issue was gone until todays morning.
QX Fan - One LED in the same spot on every fan doesnt work for like 1 month. How can it take so long to fix that?
My gigabyte mainboard always changes from A0 to 08 when opening ICUE. Dont ask me how and why, but thats what happen every time.
Does anyone else have the same problem(s) as me?
I'll be short, iCUE works with the Y shape lights, it works with the gaming lights bar (which both come in Evangelion X Govee edition), but wonder why the gaming wall lights they don't work... goddamit, why do you have integration with some product and not with other of the same ducking brand??? These things really makes me mad!!!!
Just bought this cooler and i love it but the logo plate(corsair logo) on the pump cap is just too big, plain, and boring. i dont really like the official option to change the cap but wondering if there were any other alternatives
Corsair's new LX120-R reverse fan has arrived.
The LX120-R was installed at the bottom. Originally there was an RX120.
Finally, intake is possible without looking at the fan frame.
As you can see in the picture, the advantage of the LX120 is that there is no shadow between the LEDs like the QX.
The fan spec itself is almost similar to the LX120. Because the wind direction is different, the frame design is not an airflow design.
The noise level is also audible when the three fans exceed 1300 RPM. Since this FAN is going to be used as an intake fan for the case anyway, there is no need for such high RPM, so there is no noise problem.
This fan will also be useful when installing a radiator on the front of the case and installing the FAN in the intake direction.
If you're worried about the side and bottom fans, it might be worth the wait.
In the current icue, it is not separately displayed as reverse, but is displayed as LX RGB.
*I first posted to the image gallery, but I heard that the image was not visible, so I posted it again.
The functioning of the those buttons and leds in combination with the button behind the edge?
As title says I can’t get my ram to overclock with xmp. I turn on xmp it doesn’t boot it just says memory oc failed so I tried to change the frequency manually to 3200 still don’t work so I tried 3100 nope then I tried 3066 and it work but then I got blue screen after a few minutes. I tried 3000 and it works but I would prefer it to be at 3200. I’ve had xmp on the ram before with the same motherboard but I took out the ram and put it in another pc for about a week and when i put it back in xmp no Longer works. So idk what to do. My mobo is a Msi tomahawk b760 ddr4 wifi
I would prefer not to update bios
I use my mouse in my computer laptop, I can´t install iCUE or any software, so I only have the profiles in the mouse.
I want to bind key 12 to switch profiles. But I can´t find a way in the software.
I read this comment and watch this video but they are 3 & 2 years ago, basically they change the archive scimitar_elite_rgb.dll or scimitar_pro_rgb.dll.
But I can´t find the exact part "MouseProfileSwitch".
Firmware v. 3.14
iCUE v. 5.20.89
Is there any way or idea ?
I just got a new build with the H150i LCD 360mm aio. However Im having a problem with it. Icue detects the corsair link but not any devices that it is connected to (which is the aio). The fans are spinning and the cooler is clearly working but the fans lights are completely off and the screen is either an ! or just reads 0 degrees. Any one have any ideas what the problem is?
Hey, Corsair! Do you plan to make this cable in white? I might need one for an upcoming build.
I'm looking into importing the RMX 1000 PSU, and in the website says it weighs 4.6 But 4.6 what? Lbs? kgs?