
Photograph via snooOG

A place for construction professionals to discuss the industry.

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A subreddit for construction industry professionals.

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Lifting chain question

Just bought a 2600lb mini excavator that will need to be frequently dropped in to basements(8ft or 4ft walls) from up above to do underground plumbing work. I just need to know what rating/size lifting chain and hooks would be appropriate or what a good set up might be.

21:53 UTC


Question about construction

So I’ve never understood this, when I look at large and complex buildings, I immediately think “how did they manage to build this, and who are the key players in such project”. Now I know that many people are involved in construction and in projects but my question is basically who the key players are during a construction project? Who plays the biggest role in these large and complex buildings?

21:46 UTC


Hammer drill bit stuck in rebar

Any of you guys ever get the enjoyable task of running a hilti hammer drill for hours on end? Isn't it the greatest? Do you ever wish it could be even more fun and exciting? Well I figured out how!

I recently had to fire one of my guys from hammer drilling because he likes to beat vacuum bits off rebar, not realize when the vac bits get clogged and create an unforgiving hole and just beats the mother fucker deeper in, or just simply doesn't like drilling on where I marked the holes for him! So I came to the conclusion that maybe I should just do the hammer drilling myself.

Well, as much as I try, I can't do everything by myself because there's always tools to grab and hot dogs to be ate. So I put the newest member of our dysfunctional family onto the job and reassured him by saying, "Don't be scared you're gonna fuck up. The worst that can happen is I'm gonna be pissed off. Nobody's died from an ass chewing. He'll, I'll even get the holes started for you big dog."

When I get back, I discover new guy has created Excalibur. I've made a career out of fixing other people's fuck ups so I only cussed him out a little bit. No big deal. That was before I realized just how fucked this bit was stuck. No pipe wrench or vice grips would grab the shaft below the tines. Must've had some supersonic lube or some shit on hand when they forged this mother fucker. Ended up moving it down a bit onto the drilling part. No giving was being done by this damn bit. I ended up beating the ever loving shit out of this bit with a sledge hammer hoping it might wiggle a bit but no such luck. Ended up having to drill a hole right next to it and continue beating it into the new hole I just created to get it out which sucked because I could no longer continue drilling in the original hole and ended up having to drill a new hole in the columns baseplate.

My solution to make the solution easier? Hilti putting a fucking reverse on their hammer drills! Why in the ever loving fuuuudge nuggets don't they have one?

Anyway. Back to the reason of this post, does anyone have any tips for removing hammer drill bits like this? For context, it's a 1 1/4" hammer drill bit. The bits length is 18" working length.

20:57 UTC



I’m sure a lot of us have had sites where the GC requires safety orientation that ends with a little sticker for your hard hat/ Petzl, but this is a new one for me…

Guys came back to the yard saying the site super and safety guys are telling them they can only have that site’s sticker on, and any others must be removed, along with all the other normal personal stickers.

“It for your safety and the safety of everyone working around you, so we can identify anyone who shouldn’t be here.”

Is this actually a thing now? 🫤

20:55 UTC


Your dang sub is giving me unsafe trench eye

1 Comment
20:03 UTC


Perks of the job

Beautiful view from the office.

20:01 UTC


This is how it's done people

18:55 UTC


I love my job but hate what it does to my life

I’m tired of getting home through rush hour traffic and having to take a shower before I can even think about doing anything else. But it doesn’t matter because I’m going to be too tired to do anything else. Had to use all my energy during the day so I’m too tired to do anything after work. I eat as healthy as I possibly can (it’s hard when you’re working in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and McDonald’s is the only place around). I try to get a full nights rest every night. But I just can’t seem to get any energy after work. So now I don’t do anything outside of work. No more hobbies or sports. No more activities or events. Not like I have the money anyway. Funny how I got into construction in the first place in order to make a decent living and then found out that it actually just pays total dogshit unless you’re in the union. The only difference between me and the 60 year old divorced alcoholics I work with is just 40 some years. I feel like my life is already over and I wasted my 20s making other people rich. Did what I was supposed to do and got a big boy job that I enjoy and now I hate my fucking life.

18:27 UTC


Just some of my pipework. Just finished this install.

1 Comment
18:11 UTC

18:00 UTC


Is this safe?

17:46 UTC


Looking to start construction company in SF Bay Area

Looking for someone to team up with to start a construction business in the SF Bay Area. I bring over 14 years of Project Management and Superintendent experience with a degree in construction management working for larger GC’s. Ideally looking for someone with several years of field experience running jobs in the residential market. Send me a DM and let’s talk.

1 Comment
17:22 UTC


So what we should name the company!? Well...

17:18 UTC



17:03 UTC


I'd even pay 60 for it to be done

16:57 UTC


Saw this just now

In the last few days across several subs there and been trench dangers posted in action. I hope this wasn’t one of them…

16:24 UTC


Pre-Engineered Metal Building shitshow

So I’m an APM for a PEMB renovation/expansion project. We got the plans for building and Structural approved, “Design Team reviewed and coordinated” in May/June so we are good to go into fabrication. Or so we thought.

In June, architect saw there was a portal bracing that conflicted with his restroom design. Basically ate into his ADA spacing. I got dimensions and it was confirmed. But this would require delaying the project further. As we are trying to figure a way to fix it. We see the Structural Drawing dimensions & PEMB match perfectly which of course is supposed to happen. But… architectural drawings do not match structural. About 1’9” off East to West & 8”-9” off north to south. We draft up some plans that try and fix the ADA spacing but arch won’t approve as it’s different from their plans.

After constant discussion, architect sends letter to owner saying it’s up to them on how to proceed. Keep in mind all that’s left now is just pouring slab. We already have the building on site. Architect is trying to say we as the GC will not charge owner (wouldn’t charge as they have no fault in this) or the design team. Same dudes who were wrong from the start.

At this point I’m at a loss. Slab is set to pour and cancelling would just delay project further. But pouring will open us up to a bunch of issues.

16:12 UTC


Site Visit Cameras

Can anyone recommend a good point and shoot camera that is shock proof and ok in low light?

Almost dropped iPhone from a ladder so looking for something $150 or less.

15:31 UTC


Help Wanted: Little D’s Plumbing

15:25 UTC


Scoliosis and construction

I currently do architectural sheet metal installation, and have worked in various construction trades from 5 years. I hurt my back last year, it never healed entirely and I hurt it again, putting me out of work four a couple months (with pay, thankfully. My company is pretty decent).

Recently at the PT they told me I most likely have scoliosis, a slight curving of my spine, which would explain why it has taken forever to heal (i'm a sorta young and mostly healthy).

I talked to my boss and they are ready for me to come back, and I am a foreman so I can delegate most of the strenuous stuff to my helper. However, back when i was a helper, my foreman basically just made me watch, and it was the most boring year of my working life. The idea of going back and watching someone else do most of the work, just at my direction, feels like a step in the wrong direction. Granted, it would be pretty cushy as far as trades jobs go, but if i wanted cushy I would've picked a different industry. In order to move within the company, I would be waiting on one of the old hands to retire.

Has anyone else been in the same position? Have you been able to work with scoliosis, or am I just planning on tearing my body up worse than it already is? I am 33, and I've developed a lot of skills i could transfer to another trade. For anyone who left construction due to an injury, were you able to find work that is outdoors and still makes you break a sweat?


Edited cause I cant type fer shit

14:40 UTC


Heard we were posting unsafe trenches?

13:11 UTC

11:04 UTC


Inspiration for a project i have been working on.

So Ive been working on my shop recently and i dont have much idea of where i should put what? so it took me 1 hour to understand how to make simple walls lol. and until i learn about paint furniture etc. i would really apperciate if you guys leave your opinion of where should i put what. you dont have to be a professional just use microsoft paint and draw where you think this or that could go. ill add a ai gen reference photo so you guys can have a better overview of what theme im going for. thanks!




08:24 UTC


Alternative Specializations in Construction for Remote or Hybrid Work?

Hi everyone,

I am a Construction Engineer from South America with a specialization in BIM. My main experience has been as a BIM modeler in various companies, but I'm not entirely satisfied with my current income. I've also been trying to become more independent, but it's been challenging to find consistent clients.

I've been considering the possibility of specializing in another area that could complement or even diverge from BIM, but it needs to meet certain work conditions that I prefer. I enjoy working remotely or in a hybrid setup, avoiding full-time on-site presence or working full-time at construction sites.

Do you know of any other specialization within the construction industry that allows for autonomy over my time and ideally can be done remotely? I would greatly appreciate any advice or experiences you could share.

Thanks in advance.

07:54 UTC


Is this safe?

Are we doing it right?

04:10 UTC

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