
Photograph via snooOG

A place for United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, Pipefitting and Sprinkler Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA or United Association) to be able to share with other members and Locals. This is an UNOFFICIAL subreddit.

Remember: Fidelity, Education, Benevolence, and Protection. United Association

  • This community is bipartisan. Supporting anybody that stands for our Union rights. You must respect your Brother's and Sister's opinions.
  • You can post pics of your craft (welds, plumbing, HVAC, etc...). If wanted, ask for advice. Union Brothers and Sisters always help each other out.

The objects of this Association are to protect its members from unjust and injurious competition, and secure through unity of action among all workers of the industry throughout the United States and Canada, claiming, as we do, that labor is capital, and is the only capital that possesses power to reproduce itself or in other words, to create capital. Labor is the interest underlying all other interests; therefore, it is entitled to and should receive from society and government protection and encouragement..


7,239 Subscribers


Thinking long-term about plumbing

What are some subfields of plumbing people get into once they get older or have been plumbing for a long time? I've seen some people become inspectors, but what are some other paths of plumbing out there?

20:44 UTC


Is there any ua oppurtinites in Germany

I know we have the option to go to Ireland or Australia, but does anyone know about Germany?

1 Comment
20:42 UTC


Planning to Start Apprentice in my Local

Kinda of like a weird question here or curious but.

I got a Me and Wife vacation coming up this December 1 until Mid January. I have been tempted to join my Local as an Apprentice in plumbing but its holding me off due to vacation. If i shoot my shot and get accepted. am i able to take my planned vacation as a brand new apprentice? or my papers will get thrown at the window instantly.

I've been thinking of it for the last 3 months to join the local but i couldn't take my decision due to my Vacation coming up

16:51 UTC


PTO/Sick time

I was told our local doesn’t get paid for sick time, we also don’t receive PTO and we don’t get paid out for holidays. Is it like this for every local? If you get paired up with a company is there a way they can personally give you paid sick time or PTO or holiday pay if your union doesnt offer it? Or do you just not get paid out for being sick throughout the entire apprenticeship? As well as not being able to take vacations with my family to not piss off a contractor. It seems holiday days that would be celebrated on a weekend would be celebrated on a weekday as well. How do people make this work ? Even with journeymen who have their licenses? Do you just work as much as you can and take off 1-2 months?

12:00 UTC


In need of help with transfer

I was just at school and was told that the Union could only dispatch me 80 miles away, anything more than that, they couldn’t send me to.

First, would it be miles from office to job, or would it be from your house to job?

Secondly, how should I ask to be transferred to another job? I asked when I got there because I was told by my dispatcher that I could ask for a transfer. I asked for the transfer from manpower, he told the PM who then did not try to get me laid off, but fired from the union in a whole. I lucked out and I’m still working.

Third, It’s a solid hour and a half, and a little over 3/4 of my check. I drive a 4x4 full size truck, and it’s killing me on gas, and maintenance. I was told of some per diem soon, but recently figured out that it only goes to journeyman.

Lastly, I need assistance on finding a good handbook that is up to date?

I am not complaining about my job, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, but the drive is going to not only lose me a good job, but put me in debt. I live a whole 90 miles away from the job.

03:29 UTC


Moving Cross Country

Like the post says…

Currently a 10th term Steamfitter apprentice with LU 290 in Oregon. Lost a custody battle to my kid’s mother and they left for Connecticut last month (August) to start the new school year. I test out this winter, and will be moving back east to keep kiddo in my life.

I’m going from one of the busiest UA local’s in the nation, where you can work your whole career with one contractor without a layoff, to (hopefully) LU 777 out of CT.

My entire apprenticeship has been spent working in high tech. Even our apprenticeship schooling program is geared toward high tech. I’m a solid detailer and orbital welder (not UA certified). Might possibly be able to earn my UA 21 before I leave. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with the situation, but being close to my kid is my top priority. What are my chances of even SOMEWHAT steady work out there within 30 mins of Hartford? I’m not willing to travel, as that would almost defeat the purpose of me moving out that way.

00:42 UTC


Conservative union members, would you vote for a Democrat with this platform?

im thinking of running for local office as a Democrat on this blue collar platform. I come from a blue collar family and town, i know what we like. Very pro union, pro worker rights, pro OSHA, pro medicaid/social security, fund our public schools, firefighter/police, and community health centers. I'm also a big supporter of our public lands, I live in a western state, public lands are part of our way of life, they will not be privatized.


So left wing on those pro worker economic policies, but this is America, of course we love freedom. I am pro gun rights, more that any republican in congress, and I'm against the nanny state but also against the morality police. We will never ban fireworks, we will legalize marijuana, we will never ban tobacco, or big gulp sodas, or vapes, or ATVs, etc. And I'm against lockdowns and curfews. But i also support gay marriage and also drag shows, live and let live, I am very libertarian on those kind of policies.


Do you think this is something that the conservative working class could support?

21:40 UTC


Asking for a layoff. Is this common practice?

I’m in a tough situation and need to go back to my hometown for a few months. Family stuff, I won’t get into it. I wanna ask for a layoff so I can get some ei for the time being. Is this common? How do employers react to this? I know people have done it before but I am hesitant

17:35 UTC


Aptitude test

I have an upcoming aptitude test for local 230 in a couple days and was wondering how the math portion is? I know basics like multiplication, division, fractions and decimals but pretty bad at high school level algebra. What score do I need to be considered for an interview?

05:43 UTC


Dragging up due to company breaking bylaws?

Just wondering if anyone has drug up due to stuff like this. The shop I'm currently doing fab in lets non-union hands operate the threaders and other equipment. I got tasked with putting together a piece of machinery while they were doing all of this and it definitely rubbed me the wrong way. If you have available union hands they should be doing the pipe work.

02:00 UTC


Local 155

Jows the work in 155. Arkansas layoffs are coming for alot of us and would like to know if anyone knows of any work in the state.

01:52 UTC


Apprenticeship layoffs

Whats everyones experience with layoffs? Im being put into a 3rd year apprenticeship with my local 777 in CT. I hear sometimes people get laid off and have a job the same day or next week. And sometimes people get laid off and are out for 3 weeks up to 3 months. My mortgage just went up $700 this past year and im afraid if im laid off for more than 3 weeks i will have a hard time getting by. Shoot even getting by with a 40 hr workweek will be tough so im hoping there will be overtime available for me. People say contractors like to use apprentices due to cheap labor and theres alot of OT available for apprentices for that reason. So im hopeful and trying to be positive as possible. But i would like to hear other peoples experiences with layoffs and typical durations you have had/seen. Any feedback helps! 🙏

17:05 UTC


Washington state plumbers

For those who work in Washington state. How is the work market? work consistent or sparse? I am a journeyman from California but I moved to Florida for a while and left the union cause they aren't strong in florida. Have been field superintendent/pm for the last couple years. now the wife and I want to go back to the west coast and I want to go back to the union.

any information would be appreciated.

12:36 UTC


PTO for Local 142 in San Antonio

I’m a journeyman plumber was thinking of joining the Union. Does anyone know if they offer Vacation or PTO? I really like the health insurance since I’m currently paying $700 a month where I currently work. Also do they offer a lot of overtime?

04:48 UTC


Apprenticeship help

Hello, I am pretty much at they typical crossroads of going to college and the realizing a trade would be better for me. I am not 100% sold on which one to go into but plumbing pipefitting etc has been standing out to me. I know the typically advice is to go to the local (mine is local 166 in Indiana) and get going with the apprenticeship. However, my wife’s uncle is second in command at a HVAC company in the area and is more than willing to have me come on and work for him being an apprentice . On top of all of this, my wife and I are planning on moving to Wisconsin once she is finished with her schooling which will be 2-3 years. So I guess my question is what do you think the best order of operations should be. Should I start an apprenticeship at the local or go through her uncle or should I wait until we ultimately move?

02:25 UTC



Hello guys, I just had my interview at local 1 plumbers, I asked the lady if there’s a study guide for the aptitude test and she told me no.

Does anyone know how the aptitude test looks like for local 1 plumbers ? Or does anyone have a study guide that they can kindly pass over.

Thank you.

16:05 UTC


Thinking of Joining the local 777

I’m a licensed P-2 and I worked for 12 years as an industrial Plumber and then took a job at a Union aerospace facility for the last 2 years. I’m loosing my mind working here and I’m considering going the local 777. I already have a job lined up with a company that is part of the local 777. Pay and benefits seem great and I’m in no way scared to work hard, I’m currently working over 60hrs a week. One of my big concerns is 1 is there consistent work with this union and 2 there is no vacation time offered but if I did take time off unpaid (week vacation) would they lay me off after I come back? I have 2 small children and want to be able to at least take them on one week long vacation a year and still Have my job when I get back. Any I go on this would be great. Thanks all.

19:56 UTC


Advice on to become a plumber in Vancouver, Canada .

I’min Vancouver and trying to break into plumbing. I’ve applied to tons of plumbing helper jobs and HVAC/plumber roles with no success. I got a construction laborer job, but it’s not teaching me plumbing skills. The union isn’t taking pre-apprentices, so it feels like the only way in is through sponsorship or already being licensed.

I’ve been accepted into a piping foundations program starting next year, which will make me a Level 1 apprentice. The cost is high, but it seems like my only path forward. Any thoughts on trade school or other options? Open to anything!

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


Waiting to hear back from Local 420 steamfitters

I passed the test and went for an interview back in August for HVAC, should I have heard back by now? Anyone else who interviewed this summer hear back yet?

15:23 UTC


25 and looking to get into the trades

I’m 25 and currently in school for graphic design, but haven’t been enjoying it. I’ve also been working the same customer service job the last 4 years and see no further progression or opportunity to grow. I’m looking for some advice on what someone should do who’s interested in getting into the trades but has no experience. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Located in Wisconsin.

04:03 UTC


How likely is it that I get in

I’m trying to get into the pipe fitting apprenticeship at the local 440. I have zero experience whatsoever. If I do well on test how likely is it I get in? I’m afraid I’ll be not even looked at cause so many other people most likely have prior experience

01:19 UTC


Local 777 joining union apprentice questions

I recently left my HVAC company of 3 years. And ive been battling in my head for 2 weeks now on my career change.I received two offers. One from a job paying me $39 hr w a company van and bonuses and other small perks. And one from my Local 777 who would bring me in as a 3rd yr apprentice at $30. I would have to make sacrifices if i was to join the local 777. i would need to continue 2 more years of night school, the recruiter said i likely wouldnt get a company van as a apprentice so id have to give up a company vehicle and drive my vehicle all over the state, taking a $4 paycut as well as him mentioning he cant guarantee me OT and to not bank on it all the time. So id be losing out on alot of things and have a harder time making it through my bills and daily life activities for me and my family. Im hesistant about joining because i was told layoffs are part of the business and idk how long id expect to be laid off it that was a potential situation. From youre guys pov how common or long are they if and when they do happen? Is OT pretty available for most companies if youre a 3rd yr apprentice? I keep reading some forums saying theres tons of OT and some saying the union is strict with 40 hours. I know id be better off in the union longterm for me and my family i just dont want to miss out on a opportunity to be comfortable and be able to get by fine over taking a union position to barely get by and have a hard time paying my house and bills, but knowing in 2-3 years ill be in a way better position than if i chose the higher paying job.

01:09 UTC


Plumbing to pipe fitting

If I get a red seal from a non union trade school in plumbing does any of those hours transfer over to union pipe fitting? I heard some dude has a plumbing red seal and can transfer those hours over to pipe fitting but I do not know if he is talking union or not.

18:54 UTC


I got my interview letter with 208!

I’ve been waiting for my letter from local 208 for weeks now and it finally came in! My interview is scheduled for next month. Does anyone know what kinds of questions they will ask? What’s the attire for these types of interviews?

15:37 UTC


Chicagoland Unions

Anyone in 597 or 265 outside Chicago? Really want to get in and plan on going next week to apply. Would love some feedback, and possibly a referral! Thank you

17:29 UTC


UA 67 in hamilton, ON, Canada

Hey guys, i recently applied to the UA 67 in hamilton, Ontario, Canada a few weeks ago. I got an update today by them through email saying because i reside outside of their jurisdiction, they're asking me to apply to the UA in my city which is Toronto (UA 46). However, the reason why i applied to 67 is because 46 is not accepting any applicants as of right now. Has anyone else also been through something like this? If so, what did you do to get through this hiccup? TIA.

15:07 UTC


Quiting apprenticeship

What happens if I quit my apprenticeship take some time off and then decide it’s a good time to go back and join a different local ?

02:01 UTC



Hello guys, If anyone with experience can be kind enough to tell me if the local 1 union is still worth it to join ? Or is private a better option.

I’m currently 22 looking for a career and I have an interview with them soon, but reading a lot in Reddit I see that a lot of guys are laid off and whatnot, how is the pay? For apprentice and journeyman ? Are the benefits still there ?

Or any other careers suggestions? I wanna make sure I join the best team through anyone’s help 🙏

23:57 UTC


Question about test

Hello, I’m trying to get into the apprenticeship program that local 440 offers. Last year I had to test at a center and it was a long test with multiple sections. Now this year it only says there’s a math section 7-9th grade math and then a journeyman section. Has anyone taken this similar test and how was it. I don’t have any experience with pipe fitting or anything but if I do well on the test how likely is it that I’ll be accepted?

19:16 UTC


Local 447

Hey all, moved back to California last year after living out of state for a while. I’d been doing some plumbing and heating work out in New York City so decided to try to join the UA. Our first thought was we were gonna move to the central valley where her family lives as there’s a house for us out there, so I tested for 447 and passed. We ended up moving to Santa Cruz instead and I joined 393 as a Tradesman. I’m currently at a great company that I think could help me get in the apprenticeship after I test next year, that is if they offer Plumbing and steam fitting testing. They only offered hvac this year. Still undecided on which one I want to pursue as I have a couple welding certs and enjoy the thought of being a fitter. I know plumbers have more work though. We may end up moving out to the central Valley after all, and my question is how does work in 447 look in the foreseeable future? If we moved, I’d rather not stay in 393 and super commute even though the pay is like 15 bucks more an hour and a way bigger package. I made a connection with a contractor that does a lot of work out in 447 so i may have a way into the apprenticeship next year. Any info helps. Cheers

17:44 UTC

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