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Trying to find the name of a 10-15 year old space combat game

I'm trying to remember the name of an old space combat game from 10-15 year ago. Sadly, I did not purchase it online. The box was white and it had ships that tracked damage via pegs. I think it used the Command and Colors or similar system. I remember the box having some white color. I also think it was a spin off of another coop game at the time. Anyone have any idea what game it was? I remember quite liking it.

04:35 UTC


To anyone that owns Planted

I live in rural Australia which means sometimes it is hard to get my hands on some board games. Because of this I often create my own budget PnP version for me and my family & friends to play. Recently I've been wanting to get a hold of the boardgame Planted but can't find it anywhere locally or get it affordably shipped.

Wondering if there is anyone who owns the game and has that time that would be kind enough to send some basic photos of the cards so I could create my own version. Specifically all the resource, plant, & items cards is what I need.

Many thanks!

04:32 UTC


What games do you actually play?

For people that have been in the hobby for a few years but don’t have a consistent play group, what games are you actually able to table?

04:29 UTC


New Card Game I'm working on!

I have no where else to really be excited about this except here. I am developing a new card game that is pretty fun for all ages. I have been playing it with my 7 year old and he loves the game. I have also been playing this game with my wife 31 year old. Every time we play this game we are having a good time. Right now I am working on the art for it and naming everything and writing up all the rules. I am just having a blast doing all this and not many people share this interest. So I wanted to post here so that maybe other people could help share in the excitement. I am trying to make the game through the site thegamecrafter.com. So far I really like the site and I can't wait to publish my first game! Cheers to all!

04:25 UTC


Hi need help!

I am looking for a game that's like Axis and Allies but with modern combat. Is there anything like that out there? I saw Twilight and it doesn't really seem to be my thing. I like the little figurines lol.

But yeah any recommendations y'all could make please?

04:23 UTC


Cuphead fast rolling dice game question

6th boss didn't come with weapons, do we choose between the previous ones or were they supposed to come with a weapon?

03:01 UTC


feast for odin feurerland vs Z-man

I was wondering what the difference is between the feurerland and z-man versions of feast for Odin is, and which one you would get if you could choose?

1 Comment
02:13 UTC


Did z-man games delist Marco Polo from their website?

I wanted to get full info for the second game (BGG doesn't really delve into all the contents & shit), it it seems like they've removed both from their site.

Anyone know if there's an archive or similar site?

1 Comment
01:56 UTC


Diary of a Wimpy Kid Clue

Does anyone know of a video or simple walkthrough of this clue game? I’ve read the instructions several times and don’t feel like I know what I’m doing.

1 Comment
00:55 UTC


Which heavy euro game has the best combos?

Played some games of Voidfall and something I think should be appreciated is how Agenda cards (basically contracts) not only give you victory points when fulfilled, but also give you an extra action on the turn they're played. This is a big deal in a game where you normally have 2 actions per turn (3 if you spend a trade token) and it's very satisfying when you can effectively combine that extra action with your normal actions.

Another game I love is Nucleum and it's great when you unlock technologies that give you extra benefits when taking an action, or really just the fact that you can purchase improved actions that make later turns much more powerful than the early ones.

What other heavy euros are based on getting more powerful actions and/or chaining those actions in better ways? Excluding deckbuilders, since I think those are a different category.

00:19 UTC


Does anyone know anything about earthborne rangers?

I watched some videos on the game and it looks awesome. But I don’t understand why I can’t find the game or purchase it. Are they backed up on orders? Or is not for sale anymore?

22:51 UTC


Question: any good Canadian made board games in the vein of Frostgrave or Zombicide?

I think the title explains it all. Guess it doesn’t. Canadian designed, assembly, mfg, anywhere but USA.

22:34 UTC


Highly Competitive Personalities

I wanted to get a broad opinion of the impact of competitive personalities on the overall enjoyment of a game. I recently got back from a trip where my friend group and I had a lot of downtime to play games in the evenings. One of my friends is highly competitive. In any game he plays, he intentionally seeks out ways to put other players at a disadvantage, and when he does these things he has to add in a rude comment to the tune of “I’m better than you”. It really gets under my skin to the point of us arguing, which made me wonder if I’m just being sensitive or if he’s being toxic. I could see it going both ways since the games we played allow for such “take that” moves, but I much rather prefer to have everyone enjoy a game and not target others. Curious what your take is, thanks.

21:24 UTC


Does anybody know games from shows or movies?

I'm trying to find games that are shown in movies or TV series, like sabacc.

21:14 UTC


My 6 year old is obsessed with Dice Miner

We've played probably hundreds of times within the last couple of months. She even made fan characters. She's learning tons of math.

What unexpected games do your kids like? Surprise learning bonuses of the game? Did they make fan content?

21:08 UTC


Life of the Amazonia

Hi all - just wanting to pick the community brains on this game!

I've been into boardgames for quite a while, and this is the first 'big ticket' game I've ever gotten. I love wildlife, love the design of it (especially the wooden animals) and like the look of the bag/deck building mechanics.

However - I'd love to know whether it is something people have played/would recommend?! I can't find much about in the community.

I have played (and enjoyed) Quacks, Wingspan and love Carcassonne/ticket to ride/splendor/tiny towns/7 wonders duel etc. I think my big concern is around replayability and whether I would be better off trying something like Forest Shuffle/Cascadia/Canopy before investing in this game?

I understand it's a long game, and can be difficult to learn - but I'm up for the challenge! So is it worth it before I break the seal?!

(Hope this is allowed! Wasn't sure if it should go in the daily recommendations thread instead)

20:51 UTC


Bought The Hadal Project second-hand. Does the card order matter?

Hi, just bought this second-hand and am getting the pieces in order and counting that everything is there. Is there a correct order for the story/common/personal cards? If so, how can I know how to order them correctly? Thanks!

20:35 UTC


Villainous - end game/closing out games

My family is pretty hard core gamers, but for the life of us we can't figure out how to make villainous fun. Our kids are getting older and love the theme of it (have a few xpacs), but "every time" we play it just seems like we take a reasonable amount of time to get to an end game state and then it just drags on and on and on, until a bit of luck either gives the player that's 1 move from winning their perfect hand, or finally the fate deck pulls the 4% draw that includes 2 cards that don't delay it another round.

I said "every time" because we honestly just can't get into it, so we only play a couple times a year at most. Will we eventually learn a meta/strategy that doesn't just drag on and on, or is that a key driver in the limited success of the game?

20:15 UTC


Star Wars Rebellion rules questions

Played a few games of Rebellion. Enjoying it. But my brother and I had a couple questions about which card governs, order of operations, etc.

  1. Death Star Under Construction is in Hoth, with Death Star on queue 2. The mission card (I think it's called Oversee Project) that takes one item from space 1 or 2 of the queue and deploys it in system is used in Mandalore. Death Star on queue 2 is selected. Construct Death Star says Death Star replaces Death Star Under Construction, wherever it is. Oversee Project says item from queue deploys to system where Oversee Project was used. Which card governs? Does Death Star deploy to Hoth, Mandalore, or not at all? Why?

  2. Does Palpatine's According to My Design ability card reduce enemy dice from the cap of five or from the number Rebels would roll before the cap is applied? For example, if the Rebels would have eight dice, would they roll five (Palpy's ability reduces 8 to 6, then the hard cap kicks in and it's 5) or would they roll three (hard cap of 5 kicks in, then ability reduces it to 3)?

  3. Does Construct Factory mission card follow subjugation rule or break it? In other words, if used in subjugated system, does it add both build items to the queue or only the first as per subjugation rule?

  4. When does Rapid Mobilization move the Rebel Base? Our read is it's the last thing that happens before the cleanup step. In other words, Rebels can play it as their first action, but Imperials still have the rest of the round to conquer it or blow it up. It only relocates Base if Base is still intact before cleanup.

  5. Rebels spawn units with Incite Rebellion or similar. Planet has Stormtroopers, so combat ensues. Can Empire send a leader to this combat? Rebels already have the leader who spawned the troops, can they send another to the combat?

Thanks all!

20:12 UTC


Clank Legacy S2 - Question regarding scenario 5(spoilers inside!)

Don't read if you are going to play yourself and aren't past scenario 5!

! So we are facing a boss. We figured in the previous boss fights that when we defeat one off their cards, that card goes away. And only the cards that schemed (made it to the end) would be reshuffled. Until all was defeated and the boss was vanquished.

Except here you can't vanquish the boss. So what do we do? We just never put any card away and when we did all 9 cards we reshuffled them all. What are we doing wrong?

20:02 UTC


Pursuit of Happiness house rule

I got PoH this week (just the base game) on a secondhand group. I've been excited and curious about it, and have played it 4 times so far. The only thing I'm a bit iffy about is the stress track, and I'm wondering if implementating a house rule could be the answer.

I'm proposing to ignore the restrictions on color grouping whme it comes to the stress track, so you can lower your stress level from one colour group to another by relaxing or resting, and there are only 6 heart cards in the game. Of the 4 games I've played so far, we only came across one heart card in total.

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but I wondered if anyone has done it this way and what you thought of it? Personally, it feels a bit sad that it's a such an extreme rarity to get to the final stage of old age, with most people dying shortly before the round before that even starts. It feels like you're not playing the game to its full potential (like you're not finishing all the "levels" before it all comes screeching to a halt).

19:15 UTC


Can you play multiple consecutive turns in Wyrmspan if all other players used their coins (actions) and you have 3 coins on your last round turn?

Still learning the rules, and can't find this anywhere. Wondering if multiple coins can be played at once when the other players have no more coins remaining, or those coins have to be transferred into the next round?

19:07 UTC


In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game by Trick or Treat, is there any reason to draw tokens from the bag?

Preparing for my first game of it, and not sure if I'm missing something but it seems like you could just go around the board with your free moves, uncover tokens until you find the gas and keys, and then walk back to the van and escape. The Slaughters can only come into play by drawing their tokens, and Leatherface only moves one tile per turn (if you don't draw from the bag) whereas players move two, so it seems like pretty easy planning to just outmanoeuvre him. I guess the objective cards could make this harder, but if you only draw the "travel to this location" cards (which is most of them) you should be fine to just not use the bag at all. Planning on homebrewing a rule to say that the gas and keys go into the bag after being discovered and have to be drawn to be carried, anyone else feel like this game seems too easy?

18:21 UTC


Help finding a game

Hello, I remember a game similar to chess, the board was hexagonal, the pieces are green and blue (or purple, I'm colorblind), there was a piece of a monk something like the drawing. I dont remember any rule if someone can help me please I will be grateful.

18:19 UTC

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