All things related to designing Board Games, Card Games, RPGs & more!
All things related to designing board games, card games, RPGs, and Wargames.
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Games designed by /r/tabletopgamedesign:
Related subreddits:
Board game bits suppliers:
artscow (card printing)
DriveThroughCards (card printing/selling)
Game Crafter (cards, parts, boards, etc.)
Print & Play Productions (general pieces, buy and sell print on demand games)
Shapeways (3D printing)
Spielmaterial (various bits)
Other Links:
AnyDice: dice probability calculator
Board Game Designers Forum: game design forum.
Board Game Geek: check out the BGG game design forums
Card-a-mon: card game development tool
Component Studio: Website to help you format and print cards/tiles
Game Icons: Free game icons. Good for quick placeholder art/symbols
Kickstarter: Raise money from strangers to publish your game. Please post your funding announcements here
Indie Game Alliance: Helps designers tweak, playtest games, raise funds, production, etc.
nanDECK: Software for designing/printing decks of cards
The Noun Project: Tons of scalable, high-quality icons and images.
Onemonk: Mostly free sci-fi and fantasy paper miniatures. Check out the forum hoards.
Screentop: Play and design board games
Toposolitario: Papercraft sci-fi vehicles and mechs, and some terrain.
Feel free to suggest new links for the sidebar.
Are there specific influencers, TTRPG sites, or Cons you go to? What's going to grab your attention?
I've finally been working on how Combat might function,
my main idea is that fight will have like a "Tug-o-War" bar, or as i named it the Tide of War. where Key Characters (players or enemies) Hp is totaled together into the Tide of War
my idea is that the Tide of War is split as evenly in half as possible and whenever damage is dealt by either side (players or enemies) they transfer that many points from the opposing side to theirs.
support character types could affect the bar by Healing allies HP a taking away from the enemies and adding to theirs or buffing allies and adding temp HP to their side of the bar
could also make minions of different types to bolster your side of the bar
defenders types can use defensive techniques to stop incoming damage with a roll and negate the effects or lessen them.
so in One piece people tend to set themselves into 1v1s way later on (unless the foe is way to strong) and i figured combat should reflect this so i made the addition of Clashing.
Clashing is when a player and a powerful foe fight one another 1 on 1.
this should remove the enemy from turn order and the take their turn at the same time as the player they are Clashing with.
the player should be choosing witch of his techniques he wants to use first and depending on what the enemy chooses to do this could have differentiating effects. the idea is that players and enemies can "rock, paper, scissors." with their techniques against their opponents.
Thanks for reading all that if you did.
if you didn't, I understand, not everyone can be cool and give feedback I(^.^)/
if this interested you in taking a look at the rest of the work I've done for this or giving feed back you can find the whole doc (Here)
Thanks for Reading, and Happy sailing!
If you need a place to store all your links to print and plays, tabletop simulator mods, rules, and pitch videos, use this free tool www.boardgameprototypes.com to make a listing. It displays all your info in a pretty, searchable way. Personally my dream is to be rare NPC character like from a video game that has dozens of board game prototypes to peruse from.
lets say i wanna add a catch-up mechanic in my game is it a good idea or bad idea. What im trying to know is will adding catch-up mechanic slow down the game too much
I am tinkering around with a dice mechanic and I am looking for some examples to help me. Specifically I am looking for a dice game where you need to roll specific numbers to achieve things. I know that is super vague.
One example I found was Star Trek: Five Year Mission. In this game you need to roll specific combinations of dice to achieve actions.
I am hoping to find some more examples of games like this, if you have any suggestions please let me know, thanks!
I'd like to design a neoprene playmat which serves as an optional board for the card game I'm making.
Does anyone here have experience with designing a play mat? UX is really important and it has to look visually attractive.
How do you go about it?
And do you know a good designer?
It's a fast-paced cutthroat party game. the current working title is "bounty hunters".
I have a problem with half of my cards combing card types - you can play them as an attack or defense card, and I don't know how to make a good design for that.
A couple of weeks ago I asked for feedback regarding the cards, now I’m asking feedback about the core concept of the game quickly explained in this video. I left some mechanics such as event cards, ace cards, and other systems of comeback (when the game gets brutal to you), for the sake of simplicity.
Hey guys,
If you are an indie game designer and think your love-child project could use a bit of spotlight, it was probably you we had in mind when we created the Not Saved digital zine!
Not Saved is a monthly zine where we strive to highlight indie creations across geek and pop culture: games, comics, music, art, merch, and much more. Our first issue is out, and the next one is on the way. We’d love for you to check it out, discover some cool projects, and maybe even find something inspiring.
If you’re a creator yourself, feel free to reach out using the contact form on the bottom of the site. For projects that are going to be on Kickstarter, please reach out to us before their launch.
The Not Saved zine presents all things geek, as long as they are indie! Feel free to spread the word to other people and communities that create or appreciate indie projects made with love and care!
I'm in the middle of designing my first game, just starting out so there's a lot unknowns atm.
I recently went to my friend's place and they got us playing One Night Ultimate Werewolf by Bezier. I'm really curious about kind of paper Bezier used to print their cards on. The cards are really thick, solid, and feel premium on my hands. I figured out the top has linen finish, but not sure what the exact kind of paper that they use. Does anyone know?
Here's a photo of how a single card looks: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/W~IAAOSw7qFeubgA/s-l1600.jpg
I really want to make my own football game. I've made one before, but it was really crude. I'm starting to do some research, I've bought the table top version of 4th Street Software's Football board game (they have a PC version), and I'm planning on also getting APBA's football game and Strat-O-Matic's football game. Hoping to gather some inspiration and come up with some ideas to complement what I've already got in mind.
Curious if anyone else has tried this or has input into game mechanics.
Hi !
I wanted to make some custom dice for a TTRPG I'm playing but only one or two of the faces need stickers, the others are empty.
Do you think having only one or two face could cause an imbalance ?
I've search a bit on the net but no conclusive result (I've found post about sticker and dice but on the whole dice, not partially).
Thanks !
Hi all! I'm looking for playtesters for my newest design Pocket Dojo.
Pocket Dojo is a 2 player abstract strategy game where you and your opponent take each other on as ninjas in the cities most prominent dojos. You'll move around 7 different dojos by exhausting polyomino shapes, activating unique ninja’s symbol, and force your opponent to stack all their ninjas on top of each other to win the game. It plays in about 15-30 minutes and is a two page single sided PnP file. You'll need to provide a few components.
The files can be found here:
Happy to print out and play your game in return!
I've been brainstorming a solo ancients era area control game where the player starts in one provence and must expand their fledgling empire by conquering the surrounding lands.
I've played a few area control games but am still relatively inexperienced with the genre ( I'm much more of a hex and counter wargame kind of guy).
Does anyone have any tips for designing good area control maps?
Some further points for consideration:
The maps will all be fictional. No need to consider real geographic areas.
I would like terrain to have a small effect on unit movement and creation (mountainous regions require extra supply to maintain armies, plains give more cavalry units for AI, etc)
I'm interested in smaller maps. Maps that can be played individually for a quick game or combined for larger longer games.
What should I be focusing on to ensure that the player has a fair chance of succeeding while also still providing a challenge?
I have some questions for those who have taken an unpublished game to a convention with the intent of getting it in front of publishers:
What conventions(s) did you attend and how were they different from one another?
Did you go as an attendee or an exhibitor?
Did you go with pre-scheduled meetings with publishers who already expressed interest, or did you just show up at a publisher's booth with your game in hand?
Were there specific functions of the convention geared towards getting in front of publishers (speed pitching, etc)?
I know publishers all have their preferences on submission format, but I'm trying to figure out if attending a convention or two is the right route vs email/online submissions.
Thanks in advance!
Hey, where do you guys find professional illustrators? I've been looking on insta, etsy, fiver, behance, upwork, and even tiktok and i'm finding it difficult to find someone. Even when I find someone, they don't reply to their email or dm.
over a year ago i spent multiple months and a few hundred hours building a TTRPG system from scratch.
i always had issues with some systems and how heavily they focus on board game mechanics, it often felt like the role-play was just flavor text explaining the actions that were already rolled. rather then the actions flowing out of the role play itself.
so i set to work to build CLAY, a system focused on improv and role-play with minimal calculative resolution and restrictions, I got busy and never ended up finishing it, but now i have and full released it.
its free, and under a creative common type license (its more meant to give people something to use if there interested in exploring role-play in this vein)
also if any of you want to take a skim feel free to do so, i built it from scratch with little reference to other games so its somewhat unique in its layout. im happy to hear any thoughts people have!