
Photograph via //r/astrologyreadings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces)

Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned!

We also have an irc chatroom: server is irc.snoonet.org, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)





Welcome to /r/astrologyreadings! This is where we post our charts! Feel free to ask for a reading or help read others, if you have some experience obv!

Please use astro.com preferably, or if you use astro-seek, be sure to click Custom Layout if you need to make a chart.

Please DO NOT USE astro-theme, astro-charts, co-star, justastrologythings, or cafe.astrology for chart readings here. They are trash


And have degrees listed on the wheel chart for planets and cusps for better readability! For astro-seek, that means click Customize.

It's recommended to upload the chart to reddit's image link directly, or use imgur and post a link.

Do try to include all relevant information. Knowing your birth time is extremely helpful. If you are guessing or posting an approximate birth time, say so in your post. "Mom said" does not constitute accuracy, sorry. Also, astrologers prefer you not blur out pertinent birth data such as birth time. We have a wiki page with useful information that you should consider looking over.

If you are requesting a professional reading more in-depth than is typically provided here in the sub, please message the Mods. Several of our mods are professional, experienced astrologers who would be glad to assist with your individual request(s).


1) No spam. You will be banned on sight. No solicitation of paid readings, requests for DM's, links in your posts to offsite pages like facebook or instagram. You may be warned for that or banned, depending.

2) Be nice. Insults are unnecessary and will be removed. Bans may be handed out depending on rudeness.

3) POST YOUR CHART. This should go without saying. If you are asking for a reading, post a chart. Also, do not post charts of dogs, cats, water fountains, basketballs, or anything that isn't another human being. Refer to rule 2 about getting someone else's permission before posting their chart. We also advise that you take the time to slightly anonymize your chart at your discretion.

3a) When you post a chart or charts, please indicate whose they are (including yourself) Do NOT post someone else's chart (unless they are close family) without their permission. And please state explicitly that you have permission. Repeat offenders may be banned.

3b) If your OP is regarding recent a event(s), it is quite helpful to have a transit chart for that time period of the event overlaid your natal chart. If your OP is about a more long-term time-frame, a Secondary Progression chart overlaid your natal chart is recommended instead. Please leave off aspect lines in these cases, as they will obscure your natal chart.

4) NO SYNASTRIES (Compatibility), NO DRACONIC, & NO COMPOSITES(Only synastry exception being family members. That means it is established karma). Too many people have abused synastry in the sub, which is an open-ended reading at best.

5) No "Guess My Sign" selfies, RoastMe's, Will I Be Famous. No "Describe what I look like" narcissism. Go play elsewhere with that. There is a different subreddit for selfies.

6) Make a pertinent OP (header post) It's a given that there's a bit of narcissism in wanting an astrological reading, but it can be reasonable without getting ridiculous or toxic. We all want to know something more about ourselves. That's the point of this sub.

Therefore, don't make a Pity-Party OP, obviously narcissistic me-me-me, or vapid instagram type post.

7) SHUT UP ABOUT CHIRON, Lilith, etc. No Asteroid readings. Leave them out of your chart image. Asteroids, including Chiron have never been considered as having astral influence until recently, when new age pretenders shoehorned them in, in lieu of actual interpretive knowledge.

8) DON'T ASK OPEN-ENDED MARRIAGE OR CHILDREN QUESTIONS such as "will I ever, when will I", etc. These are very common questions in Vedic astrology, but this sub is not geared in that direction.

9) MISC: If you want to to tip or pay to have your chart read, use the "Donation" flair please. Post charts- not just questions. We have created a tipjar format for validated, experienced astrologers.

No AI generated cookbook or vanilla interps or readings. This should go without saying, but welp, here we are. Offenders are subject to ban.

DO NOT DM individuals for a private reading. You can message Mods via the Sidebar here with any questions; that's different and encouraged.

Try not to be blatantly narcissistic or shallow with stuff like "Will I be wealthy, famous" or "people think I'm this when I'm really that".

Helpful backset modding would be pointing out the rules and recommendations listed, such as advising someone posting with astro-charts to use a better site. Sometimes posting transits is helpful, but if you consider yourself a learning astrologer, have an online ephemeris available-https://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htm so you can look them up yourself, if it is warranted.

Unhelpful backseat modding like requesting Whole Sign posting is not encouraged.

Don't just post an omg or an oh my or "My chart is exactly like that except this," type reply and scamper away. It's not helpful. Depending on mods' moods, you may be banned for that.

And though not required, it is highly encouraged to leave feedback and link directly to your chart.

Related subreddits








/• /r/LetsFuckWithAstrology

/• /r/beginnerastrology


Feel free to also check our wiki out

Note: If your post doesn't show up here, it may have been caught in the spam filter. Shoot the mods a message and we'll take a look at it.


137,106 Subscribers


Parents going through separation

Hey y’all. 17 F here and in my last year of school. My parents have just decided to get separated and it’s all very messy. I’m in a lot of turmoil and anxiety. Any reason why, and when this might end?

11:10 UTC


Time to move ?


Hello everyone,

I am planning to move to a larger apartment when my financial situation has improved.

Is it possible to recognize in transit when it is a good time to move?

I would have said Jupiter here. Jupiter stands for enlarging the apartment.

How do you see it?
Transit chart is added

I look forward to your feedback.

lg marc

10:55 UTC


Why am i so lazy, addicted to pornography whilst simultaneously feeling ok about it? Is it the lack of fire in my chart a problem? What do the accursed blue triangles mean? Thank you in advance!

09:25 UTC


Can anyone tell me some negative things about my chart?

Can anyone tell me some conflicting or negative things like betrayal or loss or anything

And also about love?

08:49 UTC


I can’t really understand my 11th/8th rx placements

I know a bit about retrograde planets and the houses but I really just feel like my placements of Neptune/Uranus rx on the 8th and Saturn/Jupiter rx in the 11th, “cancel” each other (Uranus vs Neptune and Jupiter vs Saturn), and I can’t get a grasp of the influence of these placements in my chart…

Can someone explain it to me and help me understand how to work with these energies?

08:22 UTC


Do I have stelliums?

1 Comment
07:55 UTC


Learning to forgive time promises.


I have a problem with people when they don't respect my time. I usually tolerate anything else, but this makes me cringe and explode on them from time to time.

What's the best approach for someone with my chart to learn to handle disagreements about time schedules.


  • Someone being super late and not calling/texting they will be late.
  • Someone agreeing to something then when that day comes they become flaky and ghost, then pretend like it's ok and I should forgive them cuz they were busy.
  • Saying we can do that/go there, then taking ages to actually start whatever that is.

I understand people don't care about their own time, or someone else's. I'm not asking how to change them. Just how to achieve this with my Cap moon. Perhaps how to learn to forgive more when someone disrespects my time?

05:55 UTC


All air and fire, any insight or advice?

Hi! I’ve been into astrology since I was a little one; thanks to my very spiritual mom, but have had a hard time recently really understanding my chart and the depth astrology has to offer. With the exception of north node, vertex, and MC my chart entirely consists of air or fire.

A bit about me:

I really enjoy writing and have an affinity for it in all forms ( mostly poetry ) but reading anything is like pulling teeth. I have a huge soft spot for people with water placements: childhood best friend is a Cancer, other best friend is a Cancer, my ex is a Cancer and my current partner is a Scorpio. I’ve found that Virgo placements ( to be specific ) love me, but I find them difficult to be around. I am quite shy with new people and have a particularly hard time making new friends because of it ): I’m really excited to start a family and be a mom in a couple years!

Is there anything about my chart that might give me insight to my life? Anything notable or any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you 😸

05:40 UTC


am i cooked

what career am i fitted with this chart

05:20 UTC


5 placements in the second house. Can anyone explain what this means?

1 Comment
04:43 UTC


will love ever come to me?

04:41 UTC


What can you say about this chart?

Is there anything interesting about my chart? I’m curious to know which characteristics of mine this could possibly explain.

02:13 UTC


Been feeling anxious about love life and career. Does my SR chart show anything? Whole signs.

01:53 UTC


What job/career route would be best for me? Would I succeed as an actress? (dream job)

01:34 UTC


What can you conclude from my chart? A lot is changing in my life

I have a positive feeling for some reason right now.

00:53 UTC


Just looking for a basic reading :) Thanks!

00:47 UTC


Please help- who am I and wtf is going on

I feel like I'm losing my mind

00:38 UTC


Can somebody interpret my chart please?

00:18 UTC


Why do people always think I’m scary and will assault them despite never talking to me beforehand?

I always hear people say, “Watch what you say they can fight.” I’ve never been in a physical altercation before..

00:01 UTC


can someone interpret my birth chart pls (F21)

23:21 UTC


Why am I so scared to pursue my DREAMS- ok but even like things like ...modeling 😳

23:08 UTC


Help me read my chart!

Im pretty new to astrology, im especially interested in what career opportunities I have, and how I, according to my chart, can live a more pleasant life and be the best version of myself. Please tell me anything you think would be fun to know, or something that stands out! Thank you!


22:58 UTC


potential in working in journalism or international organizations

i have an interest in photojournalism, war reporting and potentially working for an international organization such as the UN or the criminal court of justice. Anything in my chart indicates such career ?

22:16 UTC


why am i so weird

i'm so weird.. i know people find me strange. i'm so insecure because of it. can anyone explain why i'm like this?

22:00 UTC


Having a hard time / midlife crisis with Uranus opposite Uranus transit & considering career change -- do you see any talents I might focus on?

This past year and a half has been absolutely brutal for me and my life has somewhat collapsed around me in terms of work, relationships, health, etc. I have the resources to rebuild, but although I was quite successful in my career thus far, I don't think it's my calling. I don't see it making me happy for the next 20 years.

However, since I've been in the same field for ~20 years, I'm have a little difficulty imagining myself doing something else or thinking about my strengths applied differently.

I'd love some fresh eyes. What do you see? I left in the quintiles and bi-quintiles since I read that they can indicate creative areas.

Saturn is also going through my 8th house right now, so I am straight up not having a good time, though I do have a vague sense things are getting better even if they're still not good. Any insights or thoughts would be very appreciated!


1 Comment
21:22 UTC

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