
Photograph via //r/astrologyreadings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces)

Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned!

We also have an irc chatroom: server is irc.snoonet.org, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)





Welcome to /r/astrologyreadings! This is where we post our charts! Feel free to ask for a reading or help read others, if you have some experience obv!

Please use astro.com preferably, or if you use astro-seek, be sure to click Custom Layout if you need to make a chart.

Please DO NOT USE astro-theme, astro-charts, co-star, justastrologythings, or cafe.astrology for chart readings here. They are trash

NO SIDEREAL CHARTS, PLEASE. AND NO DESTINY MATRIX STUFF. I can't believe I even have to write this.

And have degrees listed on the wheel chart for planets and cusps for better readability! For astro-seek, that means click Customize.

It's recommended to upload the chart to reddit's image link directly, or use imgur and post a link.

Do try to include all relevant information. Knowing your birth time is extremely helpful. If you are guessing or posting an approximate birth time, say so in your post. "Mom said" does not constitute accuracy, sorry. Also, astrologers prefer you not blur out pertinent birth data such as birth time. We have a wiki page with useful information that you should consider looking over.

If you are requesting a professional reading more in-depth than is typically provided here in the sub, please message the Mods. Several of our mods are professional, experienced astrologers who would be glad to assist with your individual request(s).


1) No spam. You will be banned on sight. No solicitation of paid readings, requests for DM's, links in your posts to offsite pages like facebook or instagram. You may be warned for that or banned, depending.

2) Be nice. Insults are unnecessary and will be removed. Bans may be handed out depending on rudeness.

3) POST YOUR CHART. This should go without saying. If you are asking for a reading, post a chart. Also, do not post charts of dogs, cats, water fountains, basketballs, or anything that isn't another human being. Refer to rule 2 about getting someone else's permission before posting their chart. We also advise that you take the time to slightly anonymize your chart at your discretion.

3a) When you post a chart or charts, please indicate whose they are (including yourself) Do NOT post someone else's chart (unless they are close family) without their permission. And please state explicitly that you have permission. Repeat offenders may be banned.

3b) If your OP is regarding recent a event(s), it is quite helpful to have a transit chart for that time period of the event overlaid your natal chart. If your OP is about a more long-term time-frame, a Secondary Progression chart overlaid your natal chart is recommended instead. Please leave off aspect lines in these cases, as they will obscure your natal chart.

4) NO SYNASTRIES (Compatibility), NO DRACONIC, & NO COMPOSITES(Only synastry exception being family members. That means it is established karma). Too many people have abused synastry in the sub, which is an open-ended reading at best.

5) No "Guess My Sign" selfies, RoastMe's, Will I Be Famous. No "Describe what I look like" narcissism. Go play elsewhere with that. There is a different subreddit for selfies.

6) Make a pertinent OP (header post) It's a given that there's a bit of narcissism in wanting an astrological reading, but it can be reasonable without getting ridiculous or toxic. We all want to know something more about ourselves. That's the point of this sub.

Therefore, don't make a Pity-Party OP, obviously narcissistic me-me-me, or vapid instagram type post.

7)Please DO NOT USE astro-theme, astro-charts, co-star, justastrologythings, or cafe.astrology for chart readings here. They are trash


8) SHUT UP ABOUT CHIRON, Lilith, etc. No Asteroid readings. Leave them out of your chart image. Asteroids, including Chiron have never been considered as having astral influence until recently, when new age pretenders shoehorned them in, in lieu of actual interpretive knowledge.

9) No AI cookbook or vanilla Copypasta. Use your brain and astro-experience or DON"T post replies. This should go without saying, but welp, here we are. Offenders are subject to ban.

10) DON'T ASK OPEN-ENDED MARRIAGE OR CHILDREN QUESTIONS such as "will I ever, when will I", etc. These are very common questions in Vedic astrology, but this sub is not geared in that direction.

11) MISC: If you want to to tip or pay to have your chart read, use the "Donation" flair please. Post charts- not just questions. We have created a tipjar format for validated, experienced astrologers.

DO NOT DM readers or other individuals for a private reading. You can message Mods via the Sidebar here with any questions; that's different and encouraged.

Try not to be blatantly narcissistic or shallow with stuff like "Will I be wealthy, famous" or "people think I'm this when I'm really that".

Helpful backset modding would be pointing out the rules and recommendations listed, such as advising someone posting with astro-charts to use a better site. Sometimes posting transits is helpful, but if you consider yourself a learning astrologer, have an online ephemeris available-https://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htm so you can look them up yourself, if it is warranted.

Unhelpful backseat modding like requesting Whole Sign posting is not encouraged.

Don't just post an omg or an oh my or "My chart is exactly like that except this," type reply and scamper away. It's not helpful. Depending on mods' moods, you may be banned for that.

And though not required, it is highly encouraged to leave feedback and link directly to your chart.

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/• /r/beginnerastrology


Feel free to also check our wiki out

Note: If your post doesn't show up here, it may have been caught in the spam filter. Shoot the mods a message and we'll take a look at it.


164,175 Subscribers


Helppp...Never had real mental peace nothing but constant overthinking

07:41 UTC


26 F. Really depressed and helpless these days. Have lost any motivation to live. Any hope for me?

07:40 UTC


Looking towards the future?

First time posting here so I apologize in advance if I'm not doing something correctly!

It's hard to explain but my life especially growing up has been simultaneously really lucky and average but also very lonely and filled with a lot of difficult moments that most people don't go through making it hard to relate with others at times. Although things go easier and better progressively from high school onwards.

Through a lot of luck and effort, around 2017-2021, I thought found my place and footing but it turns out that I had to leave that too.

Now after around 4 years(2021-2024) of basically wandering, not really working, getting turned down/ending a romantic connection I was really attached to, and basically just having a horrible time overall, things seem to be finally turning around for me again.

Recently I received two job offers that just seemed to fall into my lap almost. One is located at the place I live and one I would have to relocate for.

  1. It feels like this is a turning point in my life but can I look forward to progressive improvements this year and possibly further into the future?

  2. Between the job that is at home and the job where I would have to relocate, which would be the better option to go with based on my chart?

  3. Anything GLARING in my chart to help me better navigate my life going forward and avoid any pitfalls or bad luck? I think feeling lonely and misunderstood is a big element for me. Or not being able to be completely honest about myself to people I care about.

  4. Once starting my new job I'm thinking about starting a youtube channel or trying to build a social media profile using my career to kind create content and hopefully also have a side career as a content creator. Do you folks think I'd have any luck in that?

Thanks for any advice or answers provided! I really appreciate it!

06:37 UTC


Anyone care to share some insights about my birth chart?

Recently started trying to learn a bit more about myself. Looking for a bit of help on the path. Any insights would be appreciated.

Here’s a bit of info:

Male Mid 40’s Husband 1 biological daughter, 3 step children Entrepreneur (never really had a job) Introvert

06:23 UTC


Career issues- things keep delaying the good things are delaying in my career

06:17 UTC


Why do I keep losing people?

I’ve been through countless friendship and romantic breakups over the past year. I’ve also had a couple of deaths, too. I’m so tired of having to say goodbye to everyone. I have my own theories about this because I read charts, but it’d be nice to read what others pick up on.

Any insights would be appreciated.

06:00 UTC


I love hard but can never find true love , I am obsessed with love and I also know that I have something I’m supposed to be accomplishing right now.. any help ?

04:50 UTC


Why I always faced unrequited love?

Hi, I just feel that I've suffered bad luck in my love life, men I loved never loved me back, I have low self esteem, and always felt unworthy, will this change un the future? Sometime Will I know how requited love feels like?

04:32 UTC


Nodes of Destiny Change versus My Natal Nodes

My natal North Node is Virgo and my South Node is Pisces. Given that the nodes switched a few weeks ago, can you tell me what this means for me? Does that mean I need to lean more into spirituality?

I resonate strongly with Pisces in this lifetime and would describe myself as very spiritual. Lately, I've been feeling my intuition getting stronger and my dreams becoming more vivid.

How should I take advantage of this change in nodes given my natal chart? Is there anything I should keep in mind these18 months?

Thank you in advance!

04:09 UTC


23m Battling an ongoing depression

Any insight would provide some peace .. The last two years been a continual wrestling with myself, what I can hope is cycles of growth. I became a frequent cannabis user, delved deep into my own spirituality and areas of esotericism, but I’ve also slipped into many unhealthy habits I am actively working to break also.

I am concerned my daily mindset and environment are not serving me, and that I am beginning to exhaust the lessons I was intended to learn during this time. As to say, I suspect the only forward path of growth is a new beginning .. new job, environment. Most days it is a struggle to get out of bed, and I have lacked control for a very long while now, financially, physically and mentally. Of course I take full accountability, but I have also grown comfortable in my wallowing .. this is no longer the case, as I feel myself growing increasingly restless to break my negative cycles.

Thank you .. 🙏🏻 🔮

03:35 UTC


I’m at a wall.

I’d love a reading on my chart! I feel like I’m at a turning/ascension point and I’m at a wall and don’t know where to go. I’m ready to walk in my best path. Anything jumping out from this? I’d love to hear any thoughts 🩵 I also need money, who doesn’t... Any insight in my best way to bring that in?

03:35 UTC


What should i do next ?

Can anyone explain my chart

03:24 UTC


Rising sign

I am adopted and tryin to figure out my rising sign. My original birth certificate doesn’t have the time of birth on it and both my bio parents are now deceased so I have nobody to ask. Any other idea how to figure out my rising sign?

03:10 UTC


I was homeless and psychiatrically institutionalized until my saturn return. Why?

For background I was kicked out of the house at 15 and spent my teens and 20s homeless and in and out of psychiatric hospitals and eating disorder treatment centers. I developed agoraphobia, eventually had a psychotic break, and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I was almost sent to live in a long-term adult psychiatric facility and was told that I would never live a normal life or go to college. On more than one occasion a family member impersonated a medical professional to have me committed as a form of punishment. I was regularly told I wouldn't live to 30 because of how malnourished I was.

Eventually I moved across the country, got married, and had a kid. Shortly after that I went through my saturn return and was diagnosed as autistic and told that schizoaffective was a misdiagnosis. My new doctors compared what was done to me to medical malpractice. It was like waking up from a fog. I applied to university, got over my agoraphobia and anxiety, gained my family's respect, and for the first time in my life, I felt like a normal person and was treated like one too. I am determined to have a career now and finish my masters because I never want to be powerless or seen as an invalid again.

I'm nervous though. I'm not used to this and it's hard to trust.

Why was so much of my life spent ostracized or restricted? I've heard that the 'gifts' of Saturn cannot be taken away, is that true? I have a lot of stressful transits coming up and I am terrified of ending up where I used to be again.


02:46 UTC


Curious about my chart

could someone read my chart? very interested in what it means, thank you!

02:37 UTC


Thoughts on ASC/First House and Eight House connection?

02:26 UTC


February is going to be the most important month in my work like so far. Any insight on how it’s going to go?

02:22 UTC


Is my astrology to blame?

I work a typical 9-5 corporate job with a solid position and a decent salary but for some reason, I just don’t feel fulfilled. It’s not that I am miserable but I’ve lost the enthusiasm and excitement for my work, and I’m wondering if it’s something in my chart that’s causing this.

Is it a commitment issue, or am I just not in the right field? Here’s is my natal chart. Any insights based on that would be super helpful in understanding why I am feeling this way.

01:36 UTC


Heya, can someone read my chart? I'm curious what it says about my personality, career, friendships, family, and love life.😅

01:20 UTC


Why am I always the second option

Recently got into astrology, learning how to read charts although I am struggling. After finding out I’m an Aquarius son, Leo rising, and Scorpio moon it helps me understand why I feel often in conflict within myself. Like personal crisis. I’ve also come to realize over the past couple of months that I’m always a second option - not just love but in my career too. That I don’t stand out as much as others or not perceived the same way. What in my chart reflects that? How can I learn from that and use it to change myself for the better?

00:54 UTC


Just curious

00:39 UTC


Leo sun Gemini moon Cancer rising. Any thoughts on my placements? My emotions seem to be all over the places and change so quickly

00:12 UTC


can anyone read my chart and let me know EVERYTHINGGGG😔like what’s my love life, my career, my family and friends

let me know

1 Comment
00:04 UTC


(29F) I’m curious to know what my chart indicates! My life has been interesting to say the least and I’m quite eccentric. Often times I feel like an alien 👽

I love astrology and geek out on it myself. I’m such a newb at reading charts though and making sense of what everything means collectively. I’d love to know anyone’s interpretation of my chart.

Thank you 🌙🦋

00:01 UTC


Things are getting bad again and I don’t see know what to do. Why do patterns in issues intimacy and health keep repeating ?

I’m having a really hard time & I really don’t know what to do. I’m really losing hope.

23:57 UTC


Last 5 years were difficult but pushed through with hard dedication and perseverance

Im really good financially and saving a lot of it. With the purpose of doing my own venture and being independent more. But Im feeling inside my head that there is a wall between me and what i want to pursue and its huge. I did not have it a year ago and im feeling a sense of paranoia that something is not right here. What it could be? My usual reaction would be not to think about it too much and stick to my plans. Although the cost of it is that my social life is really low when me myself is a real social butterfly.

23:52 UTC


Any advice for what I should do for 2025?

I’ll be honest, these past few years have been tough, especially in the aspect of personal relationships (breakups, leaving toxic friends, family issues, etc). It’s been very draining, and Ive kept to myself more now to stay out of drama. I want to find myself again but I don’t know exactly how to start that. Any advice or observations in my chart that could help, possibly? Any comment is appreciated :)

23:47 UTC


I keep hearing about Aries placements having a crazy 2025 and I’m not sure what that means for me since I have 4

1 Comment
23:40 UTC

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