The Dark Knight. The Caped Crusader. The World's Greatest Detective. Ol' Pointy Ears. A place to discuss the Batman and all things Batman related.
Rules | description | |
1. Be civil | Don't be a jerk. Treat fellow posters with respect. Don't attack others over differences of opinion. You may disagree, but there's no reason to not be civil about it. No bigotry. Sexist, racist, and homophobic remarks have no place here. Attacking someone with hate speech of any kind is grounds for an instant, permanent, indisputable ban. | |
2. Stay on-topic | Content must be related to Batman or Batman-affiliated characters and stories, whether it may pertain to the comics, films, television shows, or video games. Posts with the explicit intention to push an agenda or political belief will be removed at moderator's discretion. | |
3. No spam | "It's perfectly fine to be a redditor with a website, it's not okay to be a website with a reddit account." This is not a sub for advertisement. You may not post links to websites, blogs, or channels that you're affiliated with unless you are an active member of the community. Please see Reddit's policies on spam and self-promotion for more details. | |
4. Excerpts, clips, and artwork must be sourced | Submissions of comic panels must include the title (and preferably issue #) in the title. Submissions of video clips or screengrabs must include the name of the movie or TV show. Submissions of artwork should either credit the artist, or link directly to the artist's site. | |
5. No piracy | Do not ask for pirated material. Do not post links to piracy websites. Do not submit content that displays a link or watermark of a piracy website. | |
6. Spoilers must be marked | Movie spoilers must be marked for 3 months after its release. Comic book spoilers must be marked for 2 moths after its release. TV spoilers must be marked for 1 month after its release. For spoilers in text, use this spoiler markup: [spoiler text](/spoilers "Bruce Wayne is Batman") | |
7. No low-effort posts | Low effort posts may include: Memes or image macros of content that do not use Batman. Screenshots of social media. Photo manipulations or video edits that do not drastically alter the original. Pictures of merchandise, without any indication of effort put behind presentation. Petitions. Pictures or news links of celebrities that don't relate to Batman. Other posts that the moderator team may deem low-quality, and not conducive to discussion | |
8. Avoid reposts | Content (such as comic excerpts or video clips) that has already been posted in the past 3 months, or is among the top 25 posts of all time, will be removed. An article pertaining to previously-posted news will be removed, unless it is the original source, or if it adds additional content not seen in the previous link. | |
9. Pornographic content is forbidden | Explicit nudity or sexual content are not allowed unless published in an official DC work, or created by a DC-affiliated creator. If you're uncertain whether or not your submission will fall under this rule, feel free to ask in the modmail. Beyond that, all allowed links that contain questionable content for a workplace setting (such as sensuality, blood, and gore) should be covered with the NSFW tag. | |
10. Limit topics listed in the weekly discussion thread to that thread. | New posts should not be made for any topics listing in the monthly discussion thread pinned in the sub, instead discussion should be posted as comments in that thread. | |
11. Restricted AI content | AI must be the result of effort and deliberate design, not simply the output of a prompt. AI posts also need a text description if not a text post, outlining how the content was generated in one or two sentences. |
How to add spoiler tags:
>!Bruce Wayne is Batman!<
Looks like:
Bruce Wayne is Batman
Batman and all characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics.
CSS by /u/love_the_heat
Adam West was featured in the 2nd story