An unofficial subreddit for Ace Attorney, a murder mystery-solving visual novel/adventure game series from Capcom.
An unofficial subreddit for Ace Attorney, a murder mystery-solving visual novel/adventure game series from Capcom.
Recent releases include Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, a remastered pair of spinoff games taking place after the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, a remastered collection containing mainline games 4 through 6!
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Rule #6: Investigations spoilers
Because the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection remaster is the newest title released for the series, make absolutely sure to appropriately flair any posts containing spoilers for those games and indicate which games are spoiled in anything you post. Failure to follow this spoiler rule will result in a temporary ban. Repeated infractions will lead to a permanent ban.
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Exclusively on Tuesdays (per Eastern Standard Time), tier lists for your personal rankings of characters, episodes, games, and music are allowed.
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Recommended playing order
Thanks to user /u/Gabo2oo, we have a new and revised chart to spell out the best order in which to play the games.
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There are no right or wrong answers, mine would be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYPL7ZN4E_o
!From the very beginning, as soon as I saw Professor Means and heard that he had an opposite view to Professor Constance, I knew that he was the killer, I just had a feeling!<
!Also this episode was really well done, I didn't have to open any guide, not even once, it all just made sense!<
My beloved duo
I've kinda become an expert on the AA OST naming scheme at this point, specifically the differences between the "correct" names and the alternate names most people use (like how "Pursuit ~ Cornered" is actually "Pursuit - Corner the Culprit"). At first it's kinda annoying seeing everyone use the wrong names, especially when you realize most of them are literally just google translated, but now I think it's more interesting than anything (except people calling JFA's Pursuit theme "cross-examination" for some reason, that's just wrong..)
Point is, I know way too much about this stuff, but something I never got was why Luke's theme is called "I Just Want Love". The "correct" name is just "Luke Atmey - Look at Me", so I see why the alternate one is more interesting, but where does it come from? Nowhere in 3-2 does Luke ever mention anything about wanting love or affection. He wants fame, but that's different. For the english names at least, a few character themes are direct quotes from the character, or paraphrases of something they would say (That's "Detective Gumshoe", Pal!, Swimming Anyone?, When Something Smells It's Usually Me, etc.) "I Just Want Love" is very clearly one of those..
Only possible answer I have is that it's a translation from the japanese title, and that "love" got interpreted from something like "fame" or "attention". "Look at Me" obviously comes from the english name pun, so I'm assuming it has nothing to do with the japanese title. Thoughts?
Pre-post edit: Just googled it and it's literally just Luke's japanese name... Still, "love" isn't the word I'd use to describe his goals, so is the phasing just a translation quirk, or is there more to it?
So i own the first 3 games (did not play it yet, i am planning to play in 2025). Other than it which of the other games, Apollo justice ace attorney, The great ace attorney chronicles and Ace Attorney Investigations that you think is worth playing/experiencing and why (alongside with downsides if you thought there were) ? Also should i just get Apollo justice and/or The great ace attorney chronicles now when they are on sale in steam (Investigations is not on sale) or should i wait until finishing the first game? Waiting finishing the first game simply has the downside of not being able to continue when i finish it until a new sale arrives.
And lastly how would you rank the games in comparison to each other in quality (story, characters, gameplay enjoyment.... ?) and does happening 100 years or so ago effect the cases of the The great ace attorney chronicles ? I know ace attorney is not a game to play for law or realism or anything but the fact that the game is happening in the past just takes some of my interest if the cases/laws/answers/conflicts and alike are less closer to modern life because of the time difference
Hi guys so I bought persona 5 for the switch lite. White I love the game I feel the device doesn't do justice to the amazing music. I think it's worth playing hooked to the TV or a good sound system. This is cuz the music is too good for the device I guess.
With ace attorney, since the game is older, is the music gonna be nice to listen to on the switch lite? Since it was originally made for the ds I guess?
Would love to hear ur thoughts?
I'm mostly getting Phoenix Wright since that's the best intro to the series correct?
does this anthology contain all 6 games or am i tripping??
It is a ship that has been haunting the fanbase since the beginning.
We, the fans, are too, saddled by "unnecessary feelings" about these two... so much that after so long, Capcom cannot hide it anymore-the next game is where the buck stops.
I predict Edgeworth and Phoenix will not only confess to each other, but we will see a marriage, and we will see lovers, both defense and prosecutor, team up as tag teams to go up against the REAL corprits in the courtroom!
We WILL see their wedding in AA7!
I saw a post about the response to the reveal of Apollo Justice's localized name and how people thought it was too obvious or cheesy of a name despite how iconic the name is today, and that got me thinking about the names of characters in the series. I was gonna do a poll on people's favorite category of name (i.e. Actual words, pun names, metaphorical names, etc.) but then I started to wonder what people thought of the characters' names individually.
This seemed like an inconsequential topic initially, but then I thought about how some names have gotten criticized for being too obvious, for not sounding like actual names, or for the name itself not fitting the character. So I thought it'd be interesting to hear people's thoughts on the names of the expansive AA cast.
Regarding the format: My thoughts for how this would be done is for each person to rate the character's name on some range, then explain the reason for the ranking, whether it be the name is a good/bad fit, the pun/meaning, etc. Then once I have the results, I'll show the list from least to most popular and a generalization of people's thoughts on the names.
I don't wanna do this the typical way of "One daily post per character". Instead I was thinking of making one forum per individual game that you can fill out with all the names of the cast, then I'd show the results after a period of time.
The feedback I'm looking for before doing this is:
What should the scale be (0 to 5, 1 to 10, etc.) and what should each number mean (good, bad, okay, etc.) in case we have different opinions on what a 6/10 means.
Should all names be considered or should specific categories be excluded like unnamed characters (Judge), fictional characters (Steel Samurai), secret identity names (The Phantom), animals (Missile), background characters (Any NPC with a textbox and character title but no sprite) etc.
Any other feedback is appreciated.
If only they had SOJ to complete the physical trilogy. That’s my new goal before I leave Japan.
Some people love this cast. Some people hate them. Same for the case as a whole.
But whichever side you're on... which character is the best one?
Vote at this poll!
First time playing Ace Attorney 4, just finished Turnabout Corner, and I have one question: Why do Alita's slippers have paint on them?
If I’m following correctly, she came to the clinic in her sandals, took them off, wore slippers, then got strangled, and the doctor took her out of the clinic. When did she walk on the paint? this I don't understand I’m pretty sure I missed something.
Is there a way to access and download the voice clips from the investigations collection without the clap of the sound effect behind them? The game itself has a menu where you can listen to all the voice lines but they all come with the objection sound effect over the top
Yesterday's winner was Onion_573 with 13 upvotes! Despite the efforts of some who found him comical, L'Belle did not hit that spot for many people, and they were left with a complete dunderhead who got himself in a bad situation and murdered an important figure for no reason at all. Also, if this is late, blame Reddit's current performance issues.
Today's candidate probably needs no explanation. Professor Aristotle Means is known perhaps only for his infamous catchphrase "The end justifies the means." He went so far as to teach students in Themis that winning trials is crucial and must be achieved through any strategy, including forgeries. This directly opposed Constance Courte, a judge teacher who believed in the pursuit of truth, and culminated in a murder after Courte found out his acceptance of bribery for false grades. Did our audience remember these details, or perhaps anything beyond the catchphrase?
I just saw this floating all over Reddit today. So I was just wonder how many people here also watched a ton of Ace Attorney content this year.
I've played most of the third cases and I think most of them are pretty good.
Turnabout Samurai is not a favourite but it's still a good case that introduces the Steel Samurai and one of the funniest characters Wendy Oldbag, Dee Vasquez is an interesting culprit and figuring out how the crime worked is interesting, I always remember making the soyface when I learned that Jack Hammer was the one who planned to kill. And besides Will Powers and Penny Nichols are cool too, I loved Penny's appearence in Investigations two because she's just so nice, she deserves to be in another case. Sal Manella is funny because I talk like him and look like him probably and I'm not all that interested in Cody Hackins to be honest but that's okay.
Turnabout Big Top has a cool setting and without it, we wouldn't have the Berry Big Circus and one of the greatest and probably smartest culprits Simeon Saint who was not introduced in Big Top but I like to believe he worked there. I quite liked Acro's plan of dropping an heavy object on the victim and using a pulley system to pull the item up but he failed and killed the wrong person and so he hid the weapon under his wheelchair. I can see why people may not love the love triangle thing but I can get past it because its not as if Regina Berry is above the age of consent in my country, Bat and Maximilian Galactica are both incredibly young and it's not as if any creepy sexual remarks are made about her. Ben and Trilo are weird but when I played it, I always intepretated that Ben doesn't actually have a crush on Regina and him claiming his puppet those is just a product of him being a ventriloquist who doesn't take things seriously just like how Moe keeps dicking about with his unfunny jokes because he is a clown. I will say I prefer the case before it though.
Recipe for Turnabout is one of the funniest cases ever and Its my favourite non final case in the original trilogy, alot about that case is funny to me. Furio Tigre or the Tiger as I like to call him is one of the funniest culprits ever, his design and theme song is so strong and I love how aggressive and angry this guy is. The fact he pretended to be Phoenix just by having the same hairstyle as him, wearing a blue suit and a piece of cardboard is so funny. Victor Kudo is funny and I know people may think he's a waste of time but I loved dealing with his antics in the courtroom, he also technically didn't lie, he just didn't witness the murder while thinking he did because he witnessed a reenactment of the murder. I also think Viola Cadaverini and the Cadaverini's in general should return for a case, mabye a case centered around them. I also love the details of the case, the whole victim being deaf in one ear and holding the cup in another hand. Also Dick Gumshoe gets to shine in this case since he has that thing going on with Maggey Byrde so that's a plus.
Turnabout Serenade is ass, I can't even remember Daryan Crescends motive, something about Borgonian cocoon smuggling, I can't even remember the details of the plan aside from they accuse the short skinny probably physically weak Machi Tobaye of firing a powerful shotgun that would have ripped his entire arm off because of how powerful the recoil was. Also I don't want to sit through that music video with Klavier Gavin and Lamiror over and over again, this case is not fun and I don't think a murder case at a rock concert is supposed to be like this. I'm also not the biggest fan of Apollo Justice in general but there are things I like about the other cases in that game.
The Kidnapped Turnabout is a good case, it's beaten by the case the before it but I love how the case works and all the details. The case introduces Kay Faraday and Shi-Long Lang who are awesome characters and I loved figuring out how to escape the room Miles Edgeworth got trapped in after getting knocked out. Not a big fan of the Blue Badgers but they are alright, I really loved solving how the murder happened in the haunted house and how the Badger dissappeared only to be replaced with the dead victim. I also don't dislike Lance Amano like alot of people and I find his murder plan really interesting, he's a pathetic crybaby who tries to gain sympathy and makes himself look like the weak victim but what's wrong with that? I think it's a unique idea for a culprit to be, every culprit should be unique and different.
Turnabout Legacy is amazing and is the best third case period as well as being the best non final case in Investigations, its just so good. I don't know if this case is disliked or not because I know alot of people don't like the third cases but this case has us go into the past to play as Gregory Edgeworth and solve the case that became before DL-6, the IS-7 incident which is where it all originally started. Mostly everything about this case is perfect, I loved Judy Bound and sympathised with her desire to prove her father figure Samson Tangaroa is innocent and find the real culprit, I really hated Carmelo Gusto at the end but he's supposed to be hated, as a culprit, he's probably one of the best culprits in this series, Artie Frost is one of the more interesting victims to learn about and Delicia Scone is both funny and precious and it would hurt to see anything bad happen to her. Besides Manfred Von Karma and Tyrell Badd both return in the past segments where you play as Gregory and the ending where Eddie Fender is satisfied his mentors last client will be acquitted at last and the real culprit was found was emotional.
Overall aside from one case, third cases are pretty cool guys. I'm excluding Great Ace Attorney and the two mainline 3D Ace Attorney games because I haven't played Great Ace Attorney and I don't like Dual Destinies or Spirit of Justice overall.
There was this Ace Attorney YouTuber I used to watch a lot way back in the day on YouTube around 2010-ish or so. I believe his name was something like "UltimateAAUKfan". I remember he had sort of a British accent and long brown hair. The most memorable thing about him is that he'd talk to the various Ace Attorney characters within his videos by using sprites and digitally pitching up his voice. He had this running gag where he absolutely hated Ema Skye for some reason (Which I think he made an entire video about). It'd probably be considered pretty cringe these days but I have some fond memories of his content.
I think he's sadly deleted his channel long ago but I'm curious if anyone else at least remembers him or his username. It's driving me crazy because I remember him so vividly but cannot find any traces of him.
Welcome to this 3rd contest on highly polarized cases that spark significant debate.
Rules : vote for the WORST case in the bunch, 1 COMMENT = 1 VOTE, you post a comment yourself naming the case you dislike the most, so downvoting is pointless since upvotes are not counted.
I will count the number of comments within the following 24 hours to determine the score. The case mentioned most frequently as the worst in the comments will be eliminated.
Results of the first cases contest : https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/s/2WfOd00wKC
Results of the second cases contest : https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/s/Sm4mgBnpd4
We’re eating so good rn
(This first part was written frantically on a bus home from work) So, I’m halfway through Turnabout Beginnings, and I absolutely just had to make a statement. Like, I can’t. >! MELISSA FOSTER?!? I’m about to throw my switch down, pause the game and pace around for about five minutes. FOR REAL??? I’ll never recover from this and I feel like this is just the start of surprises for me. Like, I had a feeling Dahlia would come back but not in this way, Jesus. This is SO exciting holy shit. GIRL GET HELP. What the HELL??? never in my LIFE have I wanted someone else in my personal game to be playing this game with me. I can’t BELIEVE I’m suffering alone at work over this. The IMPLICATIONS? THE DRAMA???? ugh. ugh I CAN’T and I just needed to capture this moment unfiltered so that I can look back and go wow this game really did this to me. Thanks all!<
I wrote that about halfway through, and since finishing it like damn I can tell everything is about to get a whole lot more real. I dunno if it’s just that we know these characters already but it definitely brought the stakes up for such a short case. Seeing young Edgeworth and young Fey duke it out was awesome, the ending had me reeling, it was a ride from beginning to end. I also found it a bit more difficult than the other cases in this game? I dunno if that was just me, or maybe it’s because you don’t get to spend much time with this specific case. Regardless it was a ton of fun and definitely packed a punch, but as for what this final case has in store for me I have no clue at all. Which, makes me all the more excited about it (and sad since this’ll be the last case in the game :( ).
You can tell I’ve calmed down since starting Bridge to the Turnabout, but my enthusiasm remains. Here’s to the end :,)
Also yay for them continuing to beat the shit out of their characters emotionally at the end. Forgot for a second that Edgeworth is capcom’s favourite punching bag, whatever would they do without him 😭 also uhhhh >! Diego you good? Anyone check out his hand after the trial? Maybe I’ll get more context for a reaction like that as I go on. !<
I really like the remixed music in AAI2 but I have no way to get them now. Is there like a mod that just straights up replace the old music with the new music? Or would I have to buy the game again on the Xbox store for PC to listen to the new tracks in game :(
So I've been wondering, how advanced is Ace Attorney tech compared to ours? IIRC spoilers >!Byrne/Kay Faraday used Little Thief !<which is a highly advanced mobile simulation device that can create a virtual environment using inputted data. What do you guys think?
Like any major graphical enhancements or anything
How I wish I can get my hands on Meowzieks, Bunny Sholmes and Chunosuke…💘
This case has SO much potential it's ridiculous. The idea of it being a suicide is not only novel, but the emotion in such an idea is actually properly encapsulated, what with it being motivated by Tahrust's desire to protect his wife. It's actually sold surprisingly well that he HAD to kill himself to cover for her murder.
The story here is very emotionally intriguing, and actually pretty moving. The mutual love between Tahrust and Beh'leeb is actually sold pretty well, and strikes emotionally at the end.
However, good god, this mystery is fucking terribly designed. I got stuck at what felt like every divination seance for BS reasons.
Like how Zeh'lot is so fucking unbelievably obviously in the rebel hideout in his first seance, but the game actually expects you to think that he's not. It instantly puts you 6 steps ahead of the characters, and makes you want to find a way to point that out immediately, but you have to wait for the game to catch up. It really doesn't help that under these EXTREMELY obvious big-picture elements of the mystery, are some genuinely tough and hard to notice contradictions.
Datz also completely gives himself away in his testimonies, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that he was trying to protect Nick.
This case also does the "ooh, I'm gonna have to end the trial!" gimmick like a million times, but that's all over SOJ.
I don't know, I was pretty blindsided when, at the end of this boring, frustrating ass case, I was hit with the revelation that it actually had a pretty damn good story underneath it. Also sucks that all the emotional beats are in 8 seconds right at the ass end.
This could've been a better 1-3, but 1-3's playing experience is just so much better, despite having a weaker story.