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Daily Questions Megathread (February 04, 2025)

Our Daily Question Megathread is for those questions you don’t feel warrant making their own post, such as:

  • Can my PC run WoW: Classic?
  • When does my class unlock a certain ability?
  • Which dungeons are worth doing while levelling?
  • Feel free to ask anything related to WoW: Classic!

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06:00 UTC


Avenging Wrath bug

Anyone find a work around for not being able to get Avenging Wrath if you've bought all the other runes from the runebroker?

I just went and did the quest to find the squire in WPL, but after you burn the body and wait, he doesn’t show back up and isn’t in the barn either. This keeps you from getting the Avenging Wrath ability completely.
The book vendor in SW doesn’t sell the AW book either.

1 Comment
06:00 UTC


My first 60 in classic

I have played on and off classic for a couple years now. I played classic at first launch then played hardcore with friends and retail in between but I never played long enough to reach 60 in classic. I achieved my 60 in my first run of Stratholme and I was pumped. Still am honestly. Just wanted to share. Lmk what you think of my gear for fresh 60.

05:51 UTC


Itching to Play After a Decade

I played way back when. Retail seems like a mess to me, but I'd like to try Classic again. Though my concern is player count. Is there enough players to raid and quest with on the grind to 60? Ironforge estimates less than 10,000 people are raiding in US Classic. Though I don't what that means for everyone not doing end-game content.

05:42 UTC


New Record 4:20 lvl 14

05:21 UTC


Kharon Bug KC

Anyone else having issues with Kharon in kc? Seems that after full clearing, finding relics, that kharon's book to summon him is not there.

Wondering if its just me because I have had it happen twice now D:

05:16 UTC


AITA for need rolling on a piece of leather gear worth 130g, despite my friend playing a Rogue in the same group?

Some friends and I (and 1 random) were running RFD and a Quillward Harness dropped from trash.

We never went over any sort of loot rules or anything prior to this, but the other 2 of us in the group agreed (after the fact) that unless something dropped that is specifically part of our pre-bis (which this armor wasn't), that it should be greed rolled.

Anyway, I waited to see if the 5th member (a random) would need on it before I rolled (because the random was a healer and isn't supposed to be using leather anyway, and it would just end up being sold).

At that point, the rogue friend rolled need, and it was, technically, like a 10-15% upgrade over his current chestpiece. So I rolled need as well, and won the drop. I don't know whether he would have used it or sold it, because he would never admit if he was intending to do the latter.

I (and the two other friends) are of the opinion that it should have been greed roll only, with winner taking all.

After I won it, I offered to split it between us after it was sold.

Unfortunately, before any sort of conclusion could be come to, the rogue friend left the group and ghosted us, blaming me for need rolling. AITA?

04:22 UTC


Seen this happen to someone and now it happened to me😒

03:53 UTC


When does WSG Vendor sell Epic Bracers/Legs (Anniversary)

I'm in the process of the nightmare that is the WSG reputation grind. Just dinged honored. Someone told me the pants/bracers aren't out until Naxx, but I was under the impression that they were released in the BWL patch. The info online is conflicting when I try to Google it. Does anyone know for certain?

Thanks in advance

02:59 UTC


Single shaman healer in AV win

What's your most ridiculous big situation? We had 2 priests too, both were shadow though.

02:41 UTC


R11 next week and honor cap

According to Ranker I have reached enough honor to reach R11 0% next reset with something around 330k honor but Ranker keep proposing me to farm something around 80k honor to reach ...... R11 0%. I dont understand is that a mistakes from Ranker or something ?

02:25 UTC


God tier MC seed this week, double bindings and more

02:14 UTC


Question about Stranglethorn Vale as Alliance

When questing in North Stranglethorn, is the closest inn/flight point in Darkshire - and then you just run down? Doesn’t seem super convenient but that’s all I’m seeing.

01:56 UTC


Totems in hardcore

Does anyone have a quick reference card/one pager/list of all the sketchy spots to be careful with Shaman totems?

I'm leveling a shaman in hardcore on anniversary realms and am aware of the SM library pull on the last boss. But after seeing the recent clip of 6 destroyers being pulled in BRF I realized it would be great to have a reference handy to look at before dungeoning.

01:52 UTC


What's your machine specs?

Would Apple MacBook Air M2 - 8g be sufficient for casual playing?

01:18 UTC


Why are people a-holes?

Got invited to a group that was on Rammstein in UD. It was a healing shaman, warr, and rogue. They had to fill so me(tank) and warlock get invited, warlock doesn't make it inside the gate for first pull on Rammstein, healer immediately calls for a wipe and then starts berating the lock for 'not paying attention'. He apologizes, the healer and warrior (same guild) continue verbally harassing by telling him to 'use your brain'. I type it was a simple mistake, we just got to the dungeon and weren't part of the clear it's all good.

Lock leaves, proceed with Healer and Warr saying casters are dumb, specifically the Shaman calling them ret4rds (spelled this way).

We find another caster, asks what side were on and when they find out we only have last 2 bosses left, drops group. More language, I'm getting annoyed, not by the language but just the complete lack of self awareness.

Find a new caster, we get in, kill rammstein. Small mobs start coming as normal, mage looks like he's either lagging out or not paying attention. Myself (Tank) and dps Warrior die, healer is furiously typing 'WTF MAGE WTF DO SUMTHIN' and after the dps war dies starts joining in. Mage apologizes, doesn't matter. Shaman is throwing a fit about us wiping. All the small mobs die. The 5 pack elites spawn and wipe the rest of the group.

I need the final boss, gimme that sweet hit% helm. But these dudes are becoming insufferable. I start getting whispers from the Shaman that all casters are ret4rds and that's why they play caster. I told you they were ret4rds. I don't /ignore, but I do ignore the comments.

We get back in, and I notice that the 5 pack elites aren't in front of the door. I didn't play classic much in 2019, it's been awhile. Didn't realize they run to the other side gate, and much like the abom event walking past the gate causes aggro.

I accidently pull them, and I don't know if it's a bug but the pack to the left of the gate with the ghouls pulls as well (not facepull or intentional, just happened). Queue instantaneous meltdown. I apologize because I flat out didn't know, but instead it's just insult after insult. I decided to Alt+f4. As soon as I got out though I wanted to get back in. What if the helm dropped?

I'm back within 2 minutes of exiting. Group's disbanded. I whisper the healer saying I dc'd (obviously a lie) and that I'm good to go. 'You're just as shit as the casters'. Alright well I'm done. Tried to whisper good luck to him but I'm ignored.

My big takeaway: I get whispers within 30s of listing for groups because obviously tanking is a big need. People want to act up, I'm just leaving. No reason to deal with shitty attitudes. Nightslayer-Horde

00:46 UTC


What addon is causing this tool tip?

Title. Thank you.

23:55 UTC



Greetings Everyone,

A buddy and myself have recently started leveling through Classic WOW and having a blast. He a Mage and myself a Paladin (working on Holy). We are wondering what's it like looking for groups for end game content? We're both still a ways from getting there, as we're currently enjoying running dungeons while leveling. Both Alliance btw.

23:51 UTC


Flask of Supreme Power

Hey Guys, so I'm curious what the consensus is as it's my first time being a GM and first time playing WoW since TBC.

As a guild for Molten Core we supply our two tanks with a flask of the titans each. We have 5 flasks of supreme power in the guild bank. What's the best course of action to hand these out? Is it standard to hand them out to certain classes? Do we make the guild members pay for them etc?

Just looking for helpful advice. Thanks!

23:46 UTC


Which classic version is best?

Getting back into classic and I want to play on a lively server with a good community. There are a lot of options to choose from (SoD, Cata classic, hardcore) and I’m not sure which would be the best choice.

23:40 UTC


What class have y’all enjoyed the most in SoD?

Was curious what class you all have enjoyed the most in SoD and why?

23:37 UTC


Grouping with the hero class

23:18 UTC


So remember the WoW South Park episode where Butters is playing “Hello Kitty Island Adventure”instead?

They made the actual game lol

23:06 UTC


Thoughts on what class to roll?

I’ve finally decided to dive back into the nostalgia. I’ve mained a paladin since the beginning of time, and as much as I want to, I’m not letting myself roll pally. I’m interested in warrior, hunter, mage, and druid. I’ve played fury warrior on retail, but not the other three classes. I just wanted to get some feedback on those classes and how they are in classic. Any feedback would be appreciated!

23:05 UTC



23:04 UTC


Add SOME utility for melee dps in Kara

Basically title - Kara groups are being gatekept hard which I get since people don't wanna waste their lockout, but trying to get in a group or even create a group as a rogue dps is absolutely terrible and a 1+ hour process. Even if you try to form your own, there are 15+ other groups LF tank/heal. And I know as a rogue we can technically tank, but unless you've been investing into tanking sets Kara isn't really tuned easily enough to just put on tank runes and tank in dps gear.

So basically it's a "mandatory" dungeon that nobody wants to bring melee dps for, would be nice to add some utility for us in there!

23:02 UTC


Low lvl shaman pvp

Hi, am interested in the role of shamans in low lvl bgs. Is it 1 cannon fodder 2 try to heal others before 1 3 try to interrupt or purge casters before 1

Am new to the class, esp in pvp, thanks

23:01 UTC

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