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A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans.

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Trying out SOD

I’m a long time veteran wow player, having played vanilla back when everything was new. Played through BC, WotLK, Cata, MoP. I hated where they took the story and gameplay in WoD and stopped. I resubbed and adored Legion. BfA and SL bored me to tears. I played classic and hardcore when it first launched and enjoyed the nostalgia. But then moved on to FF14.

After having been away for so long I’ve missed all of the previous SODs, but I was recently feeling nostalgic and decided to resub and it try out. Going to be playing very casually as NE rogue.

What do I need to know about SoD and what cool new things should I be checking out? Any advice would be appreciated.

11:56 UTC


I'm a bit out of the loop.. What is this "Classic+" that I see many on here mentioning?

So I'm an old Wow player and been playing Classic on/off for the past years. Most recently SoD, which I played until phase 3.
Now I'm seeing people talk about some "Classic +" thing on here and Youtube and that it's apparently coming soon.
But what is it exactly, and is it even 100% confirmed?

I can't really tell if it's a real thing or people just spreading rumors about what it might be or that it's even happening.

Could someone fill me in? What's the status as of now?

11:48 UTC


(Quit in P1)Want to play again, what to do?

I quit in phase 1 of SoD. Recently i have been wanting to try it out once again and level to 60. I have not kept track of updates, Runes, changes etc. Are people still playing, and is there anything o should be aware of when leveling to 60? Thanks in advance :-)

1 Comment
11:45 UTC


Starting in again

Hey, Im planning to play start fresh again (no hc) with my family. We are thinking about SoD or era. My dad says the era realms are dead or one factioned with many gankers. Is that true? I heard of firemaw is the only active one now.

I dont like SoD but its probably more active, right?

1 Comment
11:37 UTC


Which server to choose?

Hello everyone,

I am looking for the advice. I played WoW back in 2005 on retail, through TBC and quit in WOTLK.

In the meantime I played vanilla and TBC on private servers up to the point where WoW classic was released. I played there for a while but as usual got hooked up too much that it affected my real life 😂

Now again I'm in a situation where I have some free time to play and since I'm pretty much done with season 6 of Diablo 4 I decided to play this drug once again. I was quite confused that when I bought the game I was offered three choices, classic, some kind of classic variation and Cataclysm. I am not sure what to start playing to be honest. I leveled a hunter to lvl 18 on Cata but the game is slightly different than what I'm used to, and I don't see many players around.

Vanilla was fun last time I played but end game got boring quite fast. I am wondering if I start playing on classic rn will it eventually move into TBC?

At first glance classic+ looks kinda artificial for a returning player. Or should I give it a try? What was your experience?

Regarding Cataclysm, will I eventually like it down the line? Will there be more players when I move into higher level zones?

TLDR: For vanilla/TBC fan since 2005 what current game version would you recommend?

Thank you!

1 Comment
11:23 UTC


Classic wow question

Ok, so I just recently logged back in after about a year hiatus. See that the original classic server I was in is now on the cata phase. Will this server continue to progress? Is there a server that will start the progression over ie classic, tb, wotlk etc etc. I see season of discovery is a thing. Will that progress as well? Cata is where I quit playing wow due to getting burned out way back when vanilla came out and so forth.

1 Comment
11:17 UTC


How should I play WoW?

I loved Warcraft 3 campaign and enjoyed the lore but afterwards I couldn’t keep up with the lore. I would love to play in a world where WC3 ended. I tried retail but it felt a bit “soulless” and non immersive for a lore enjoyer to me. I tried looking up online but it was a bit overwhelming, if someone could assist, I would appreciate it.

I also don’t care much about PvP and just wanna enjoy the world and chill.

11:10 UTC


How long does it take to clear raids with SoD capabilities?

Hi all! I have recently resubbed with my brother to chilly play SoD adventure. We've already played SoD but once cleared all P3 content, we left it for eternity (as we have thought at that time). Since eventually we will get to the raiding part of classic raids we wondered how long does it take to clear them since runes must have made the classes output much dmg. I remember that as a ranged hunter I was able to reach 800dps in ST which is kinda TBC average dps in the start of expansion. How it looks at 60? Are raids doable in an hour or two?

09:47 UTC


Want to pvp, not sure what to do though.. .help?

Hey yall. Been playing a resto shaman, resto druid and warlock lately in SoD. Been thinking of starting to PvP just random BGs. Thought about also leveling a rogue to maybe pvp as well?

Just trying to see how the landscape of pvp is in SoD. The most pvp I have done so far is in BRM.

Willing to switch my druid to feral from resto if it is more fun as well.


07:48 UTC


What do you hope is announced at the Warcraft Direct?

I'm hoping for progressive fresh realms or a self found hardcore realm to be announced. What about y'all?

07:02 UTC


"Demanding answers"

In the dwarf quest demanding answers where you have to give Moira Thaurissan the report, she isn't appearing in Ironforges high seat. Anyone know why this is happening?

1 Comment
05:06 UTC


Daily Questions Megathread (November 03, 2024)

Our Daily Question Megathread is for those questions you don’t feel warrant making their own post, such as:

  • Can my PC run WoW: Classic?
  • When does my class unlock a certain ability?
  • Which dungeons are worth doing while levelling?
  • Feel free to ask anything related to WoW: Classic!

Ask the unanswered questions you’ve never gotten around to asking.

You can also ask these questions over on our Discord server!

05:00 UTC


Did ZG Hardmode get buffed a couple weeks in?

I think it did. Around the same time as Thunderan got buffed. I keep saying it and I keep getting shot down by guildies, but I'm a healer, and healers know when shit like that changes. I couldn't find a blue post or anything in the patch notes though.

04:32 UTC


Make runes easier to obtain

Maybe a stupid take but I’d rather they remove the XP buff and give runes for free. It’s an unfun barrier for necessary abilities in this version of wow.

04:12 UTC


SoftRes for Dungeons? (For Knowledge)

I want to try getting into Raid Leading but want to do a couple trial runs with guildies to get the hang of distributing loot and +1's using Master Looter. (Gargul Installed)

Is there a https://softres.it/ website for Dungeons as I don't have 20-40 Guild Members. (It's a small private Guild for Friends)

Any tips for getting into Raid Leading before diving into Raid PUGs?

03:10 UTC


What's the move as an orc in HC? I usually play Alliance.

So as an alliance player I know a good leveling strat hitting a few different starting zones but as horde I'm kind of lost. As an orc do you go to mulgore at all or over to the undead area? Hit all 3? Let me know your strat!

03:03 UTC


Those that go will come back into the fold quietly.

02:55 UTC


Silithid Carapace Fragment in SOD


Me and my guild will try to complete at least one Scarab Lord. We've done some prep but we have no idea how the Silithid Carapace Fragments work.

We know about the deputy system but we couldn't find answers to some questions so I decided to try my luck in this sub.

  1. Are the Silithid Carapace Fragments you get while being made a deputy only tradeable to the person who gave you the badge?
  2. Depending on the answer on the previous question can they be AH'd / sold?
  3. If you are made a deputy and are in the same group with the guy who started the quest / other deputies how are they distributed (assuming you do group loot).
  4. Depending on the answer on the previous question, is there an advantage to be had if every deputy has its own group and farms on different layers.
  5. Last one is more of a "what do you think" kinda question. Hyperspawns were disabled in phase 4 but this type of content desperately needs it. Do you think with how SOD has been modernized there would be a chance for hyperspawns to be turned back on and is it possible to be done for these mobs in particular? (without lets say making other mobs hyperspawn, just these select few)


02:10 UTC


rare encounters

01:54 UTC


"Time to go list some stuff on the AH- oh..."

01:24 UTC


When the PvP Trinket is off CD... (R13 gear + Shadowform + Inner Fire btw)

00:50 UTC


Wrong server on game start up

Whenever I load into classic wow it starts me on Myzrael on Era but I have 0 Era characters. I only play SoD and have to switch each time. Started last night after I updated battle.net. Anyone have this issue or know how to make my SoD realm my default upon log in?

00:19 UTC



How do dungeons/ raids work in classic, my dad told me that they were one of the best ways to level so I can just get to playing DK like I want. What level should I be for dungeons

23:39 UTC


Deviate Eradication

Hi everyone! I play an Undead Warlock and was recently doing some lvl 20(ish) quests and ended up flying from Silverpine to The Crossroads for the Royal Apothecary Society. One of the quest givers needed me to gather Serpentbloom from The Wailing Caverns and I found a group to do that. We ended up sharing quests and I got one called Deviate Eradication. Since I am on the undead quest line/POV I was a little intrigued as to what quests Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren had to do to point them towards WC. I looked up on YouTube Deviate Eradication and I saw someone climb the mountain and parkour through some rocks to find the two quest givers hiding out. My question is this: was there at any point an indication or quest telling players to find these two or was it just a random happenstance finding them? Thanks!!

23:35 UTC


I’m terrible at names

I’m really bad at making names for my toon on WoW

I’m currently looking to play some sort of Undead Rogue or Warrior for SOD but every time I name him it’s either taken or my OCD drives me up a wall

any help?

23:22 UTC


Classic + Idea

I'm sure this has been said many times, but I don't come on here often.

War Within has been out for over 2 months now and I think a lot of players have grown tired with the retail formula that seems to favor elitism more than any other version. As any WoW expansion it starts off strong, but eventually you get sick of trying a +8-12 key and having a leaver after the first group wipe in the dungeon. I'm sure a lot of people, like me, yearn for a more laid back experience again.

I liked SoD and had a lot of fun with it, but it lost it's touch to me once phase 3 released as I'm sure everyone remembers that nightmare. I'm not sure how SoD is doing now, but I still think they changed too much overall.

What I think Blizzard should do is simply make a classic + fresh server where every spec has minimal changes, some new dungeons with some new gear, new raids with some new gear, and maybe new questlines. That's it. SoD, imo, gave too many abilities to each spec. I just want a few additions to each spec so that our power levels aren't enormously increased but you can play every spec in dungeons and raids and be somewhat competitive. We all know original classic has a major balancing issue with some specs being wayyyy better than most other specs in dungeons and raids.

I mainly just want classic tuning/additions to shake up the meta, but not flip it upside down on its head. Then add some new content like raids and dungeons and I think we will have something special. Its minimal effort that I think will go a long way for the health of a classic version that can last a long time.

Edit: As an example for minimal editions to a spec. Take classic shadow priest and give them the mana reduction passive to shadow spells when in shadow form, mind spike and/or vampiric touch, and the shadow fiend CD that gives back some mana. I think that's all you need to make a spec more viable and fun without increasing their power level enormously while still making it feel like classic gameplay.

23:00 UTC


is it against tos or frowned upon to trade retail for classic gold in era?

brand new to era/classic in general and extremely broke would be nice to get a lil jump start and have plenty of retail gold, would i get reported or looked at weird to try and trade some of my gold from retail to someone for classic gold? i know itd be sketchy cause id have to trade first but that part doesnt bother me much

22:36 UTC


Anyone know what's going on in Kargath right now?

Every time I hearth back to Kargath now, I'm immediately in combat and everyone around me seems to be encountering the same problem, I can't boon, mount up, fly. Nothing, I tried the fast relog trick but to no avail... Anyone got an idea what's going on?

21:34 UTC


SOD P5 RangedHunter T2 Rotation

Hi folks,

I can't find a detailed guide about best Hunter rotation in P5. Im not that bad, avg. 2k dps (depends on boss), but i can see much betters. Basically im using the trap 2xchimera trap 2x aimed shot, but in top warcraft logs ppl using a different one, but i just dont understand that. Can u explain me?

Here is an example:

Pyoo log

I checked the timeline, tried to copy, but does not work :D

Thanks in advance!

19:58 UTC


Where do i exchange justice for honor now??

1 Comment
19:44 UTC

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