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Welcome to WoWNoob, a Q&A subreddit where we encourage new players as well as veterans to ask questions and exchange answers in support of one another! Our Discord is great for topics that don't fit here - discord.gg/wownoob
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Casual Friday - Event-driven Mythic+ community for beginner and veteran players. Hosts Mythic+ Madness every Friday night at 9 PM EST for socializing and learning.
Mythic Plus Friends - Great community to find casual dungeoneers and M+ enthusiasts. They also offer a "Mythic Plus Academy" to help get people on the right track for success!
I’ve read this somewhere that getting main to that level can help gear alts. But how? As far as I can tell currencies like crests are not transferable?
I play a paladin and I live for the "Hero Moments" in dungeons and raids. Those moments when you swoop in and save the day from sure disaster. As a Ret I've bubbled myself, res'd the tank, LOH the healer back to full and then bubbled a dps to save the group from a wipe. This sometimes means timing a key or missing it entirely.
In shadowlands tanks could solo the end of bosses' after their team died or couldn't get the mechanics. Shadow Priests can pump pretty insane off healing and bubble. I've even had a priest catch someone being flung off the edge! (No evokers rescue someone off the edge yet)
What's everyone favorite hero moment?
I guess let this be a lesson for we who are newly getting into M+. I've been slowly working my way up through mythic levels these past few months and have beaten a number of +8s so I thought I'd try siege of boralus. Lmao. Feel free to read if you're new to M+ and wanna avoid my mistakes.
What went wrong?
Part of me wants to be defensive and say well lol sorry I'm new and didn't research absolutely everything... but that doesn't change the fact that I wasted some people's time who didn't deserve it. Best thing I can think of is own up and move on, maybe watch a quick guide for each dungeon so I know better what to expect, practice dungeons at 7 or 6 before tackling 8. Or maybe this post can be us n00bs just posting our dumb mistakes and laughing together.
Obviously not expecting Heroic/Mythic raiding, but what about low(ish) Mythic Dungeons - is that feasible to do with GSE sequences?
In my case its specifically Vengeance DH.
What level should I lock my XP at if I want to experience the full dragonflght story? I've levelled a few characters and barely make it past the area with wrathion and the eggs. I'd like to experience the story without oneshotting and still unlock the various things to get in the dragon isles. Would just never doing dungeons and timewalking be a solution?
I’m a noobie sorry. I’m leveling in dragon flight, I heard after you get the mount you might as well go to the war within? Is it free with sub, or do you have to buy the expansion? Thanks in advance
While playing Cataclysm Classic earlier I must have accidentally hit CTRL+S which turned off all Sound Effects so I went back into the menu and turned everything including Error Speech back on but my character still stays silent.
I won't hear: "I can't attack that target" and the yells when attacking like "HIYAAH" are also gone. I already tried restarting the game, doing a UI reload and toggling everything under Sound back off and on however nothing helps. What am I missing here?
Thanks for help in advance!
After seeing many low level characters burst through dungeons while max me barely registered on the charts, I wanted to have a bit of fun. I currently have a Frost DK with dual-wield, each with two gems plus standard razorice/fallen crusader combo.
Where would the current best blue gear be available from as well as tips on enchants? TIA!
I saw in dragonflight you cannot, but I couldn't find this information for TWW. I'm considering omen-crafting a hood, but I would probably want to catalyst it if possible for the set piece bonus. If you can't catalyst this omen-crafted gear, should you focus on only omen-crafting slots that don't give set bonuses instead?
Between Shaman (dps specs), Warlock or Survival Hunter, which would have the overall smoothest leveling experience throughout? I hate too much down time and I also want fast ttk. Shaman and Warlock whatever specifically, but hunter only interested in specifically Survival melee. But I'm looking for which would be optimal for the things I want.
Getting ready to commit I know I want to be a hunter so I was leaning toward dwarf but I'm not sure if horde has more players. For context I'll likely be playing cataclysm classic and I think I like the look of alliance areas better than horde, but I don't know if horde has any really redeeming qualities that would make it better. Mostly just worried about finding groups, guilds, communities and such. Thanks for the help!
Or is it a full on “it is installed or it isn’t” situation?
I'm playing through WoD using Chromie Time and my quest pointer dissappeared. I could still see the quests on the map, just not the pointer to show me where to go.
Blizzard support told me to do a UI reset and to kill my character but none of that worked, and i checked all my settings ant nothing is wrong.
This problem is only happening on this character all my other characters still have the pointer. Does anyone know any way to get it back? maybe an addon or something?
Hi, the title pretty much says it all. I know there is the sync option. We were playing together, but obviously, life got in the way, and we started lvling separately. Is there a good way of doing this, or is it mainly dungeons, etc. that you do with your friends?
Hi im still leveling my disc priest but I dont really understand how to make it very consistent. I need tips.
Ive understood that i need to play around atonement, maintain purge of the wicked, and always be casting. Will I always Power word shield the tank at all times during dungeons or will I use it on whoever is gonna get hit by a cast
Ps im new to healing, i have 2.7k io on my main dps but now want to play disc priest and also learning mw monk atm
Hello! Returning player from WoD, been playing on and off all season as a resto shaman. Currently sitting at 615 ilvl i know we will get new gear next season. Now is it worth it to try to get the max ilvl or just wait til next season for the new gear. I dont really have to much time to play nowadays.
I thought disenchanting levels your skill early on? But I’ve been disenchanting a bunch of stuff and it hasn’t even gone up one level. Also is it even worth it to level the skill?
Also if I enchant a ring for example and I upgrade it with a better Ilvl one can I take off that enchant and put it on another ring?
And I guess would it be cheaper if I just bought enchants I need on the ah or could it be worth it to level my skill?
I’ve been playing osrs for about 5 years now I want to to try wow another mmo. But im not sure which version to choose. I know there is Classic or retail but when it comes to Classic with one should i play. I love endgame content but I also love the journey to reach the endgame.
Plus Im a solo player, I dont have friend interested in wow. If you guys consider all of that which versions should I try?
Thanks in advance!
Hi all. I left the game like 6 years ago and just came back. I'm level 77 Ret Pally. I got through the starting quests and have been around island of Dorn. Question is, where should I be leveling?. So much has changed and I'm not feeling group love until I (re)learn my character. I have found follower dungeons and they are pretty fun. I died in one, was my bad, nobody screamed at me or kicked me. In fact, I got a battle rez lol
Thanks in advance! Dalanan
Hi. I apologize if this question has been asked a lot before. If you have war mode on, and die, do you lose your gear? inventory? gold?
I’m a bit confused on how to exactly level Up my gear beyond 626. I’ve seen a few things on here about “crafting” gear for beyond 626 gear but have no clue how to go about doing that. Also what should i be grinding now as far as higher gear goes? Any help is appreciated. TIA
Hello, I'm new and I've played wow again and I left it in the second season of dragonflight, I would like to know what "what I missed" is since I see a new gang and I don't know how it's going or if they give me new missions of my own of new campaign
I was a really active player in a pretty good raiding guild up until WoD. Then I quit. I thought. I came back for Shadowlands and played pretty casual for little while, mostly doing Torghast and leveling alts. I quit, again, I thought.
Now, at 49 years old, I'm back again. I have leveled my main, a warlock, to 80 and done Siren Isle so I have ilvl 584 on everything plus the ring. I'm omw leveling proffessions.
I have also started leveling my "second main", a paladin.
What should I do before season 2? Is there anything special I shouldn't miss, or should I just level my gear with pugs and delves?
I play Alliance with a friend on a high Alliance Population Realm. I wanna create my Undead from classic, is it better to create him on my usual Realm where it's low population Horde but it's the same realm as all my other characters and friends OR create him on a horde dominated realm?
So I've been going round speaking to all the Elders for the Lunar Festival and have hit a weird snag. I can't find Elder Graveborn in Brill. And the whole of Tristfall Glades is weird, I'm seeing 2 versions of the map at the same time, one version when I'm in the area and hit M. And another when I zoom out back to Eastern Kingdoms and click on Tristfall Glades. I googled and got 2 possibilities. First said to find Zidormi, which I had thought of but didn't see her on the map, but the post have coords so I went there. But when I speak to her there's no option to alter the timeline. She asks 'Do you wish to see it as it was prior to the latest war?' But there's nothing for me to click. The second said I need to do the Undercity quest line, but which quest line? I google 'Undercity Questline' and I just get results for all quests in Undercity. I am so confused, can anyone help?
Update: A bit more searching seems to say that this is a bug with Zidormi as a Horde character and there's a quest I need to pick up in Org and finish to fix her. Can't confirm whether this works yet.
Update 2: Doing the update that starts with Calia in Org indeed fixed the issue.
Hey everyone,
I'm new to WoW and have a few questions. I'm playing a Level 70 Monk and chose the Battle for Azeroth timeline through Chromie. Now I'm wondering if I can solo certain dungeons from BfA (or maybe even older ones). Are there any instances that are easier to solo, or do I absolutely need a group?
Thanks in advance for your help! 😊
I'm thinking of making a alt and locking the xp at level 69 since I'm going for loremaster and dont want to 1 shot everything. So my question is if I get a quest that requires me to run a dungeon can I go back to chrome and return to present day and run the dungeons solo without having to wait for a group then hope back into that expansion with chromie?
WIth the introduction of cross-realm features, would it be beneficial to create a toon on a lower pop realm to farm mats?
My train of thought is that there would be less competition for the nodes, not sure if thats how it works lol!
Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
I've recently started playing WOW and know VERY little about it. I'm enjoying running around mindlessly doing quests and watching my character get stronger, but as I've been trying to learn more about the game I see a lot of posts talking about how pre-60 doesn't really matter. Along with posts online, it also seems like Blizzard tries to expedite new players' grind through things like XP boosts and essentially free mounts that let you fly over obstacles. The main question I have is what about the game changes when you hit level 60? I assume it gets harder (not trying to be rude by saying WOW is an easy game I'm only level 23 I know it's supposed to be) but how so? Is it because of raids? dungeons? longer/harder quests? Also, if 60+ is where the game "gets real" would you say it's worth using the flying mount I recently got to speed up the grind up to 60 to experience the game fully or would I be missing out on a key part of the game?