
Photograph via snooOG

/r/VSTI acts as a repository for virtual instruments, effects, and plugins as well as a place for news, videos, advice, and discussion. All plugin formats are welcome!

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Any plugin can generate chords based on a track like the new logic pro update??

1 Comment
15:23 UTC


Low Cost VST Sampler for Pitch Shifting w/o Shifting Playback Rate?

I'm looking for a VST sampler that I can use in Reaper on Windows (extra points if it runs on both Windows and Mac) for pitch shifting my samples via the midi pianoroll interface, but which doesn't achieve that pitch shift by changing the playback speed of the sample. I would strongly prefer if it was free, or at least under 40 dollars for a license.

The samples I want to use have a rhythmic element I don't want to ignore and changing their playback speed desyncs that rhythm from the track's rhythm. I've been using ReaSamplomatic 5000 but it doesn't seem to have any option for this or any kind of corrective timestretching. Maybe I'm missing it, and if someone knows better I'd love to hear how I could levy ReaSamplomatic 5000 to these ends, as it is my stock plugin.

Or perhaps there's a way I could use Serum to achieve this? I've only used Serum as a synthesizer but if anyone has any knowledge about using it as a sampler with these desired features I'd be interested in learning how.

I've been digging through a couple forums across the web looking for something like this but haven't found any particularly relevant replies, and the moderators over at r/musicproduction are dragging their feet on approving this post.

07:44 UTC


Izotope Rx 11 Vs Rx 10 (Advanced & Elements Comparison) - Ai Audio Repair & Enhancement Vst Plugins - In this video I compare Rx 10 & Rx 11 with the purpose of knowing if the upgrade is worth it. I review its differences & similarities & test some features in comparison between the two versions.

02:58 UTC


Virtual instrument idea but no experience HELP

I had an interesting idea for a project I am working on but not sure if it’s worth pursuing trying to actually create. Was wondering if anyone has heard of an instrument before where the sound is that of conversations in a crowded room? Would love to hear what that sounds like across different pitches

01:46 UTC


Rob Papen full suite giveaway

Hi I have lots of paid for vsts that I just don’t use anymore and in this case Rob Papen explorer 7 which is a full suite of great synths.

I want to offer it for free to someone who maybe doesn’t have a ton of money for synths and will get genuine use of it.

Please private msg me if you would like this. I have confirmed that I can transfer the package to a new owner and I don’t want any money for it.

This is not a scam or a post with any ulterior motives. I just think it would be great for people to donate their unused synths to others who would like them and get some use of them.

Please don’t msg me if you have a ton of stuff already and are just hoarding stuff. I want this to go to someone who needs it


22:05 UTC


Symphonic Orchestra

I'm look for a VST similar to BBCSO but with the Chinese Symphonic Orchestra Standard Arrangement.

Any suggestions?

1 Comment
20:43 UTC


vsts that invert harmony?

hi, i would like to know if there are any free vsts that would invert the harmony of a song, like some sort of pitch shift or ring modulator, but more extreme. apparently its called a spectral shift. thanks!

19:10 UTC


El Mariachi: Register your interest, feedback appreciated



For the past year I've been building a mariachi band sample library. El Mariachi! was recorded in Oaxaca, Mexico with the wonderful players from Mariachi de Oaxaca.

The library includes all the traditional mariachi instruments: accordion, trumpets, violins, harp, guitar, guitarrón, and vihuela. Recorded in a beautiful studio, and made accessible through the free and open source Rhapsody player.

As I'm finalizing things and getting closer to the release I wanted to open up a mailing list for those who are interested in.

Why join the wait list?

  • Be First: You'll be the first to know when "El Mariachi" is ready for pre-order.
  • Don't miss out: The number of pre-orders will be limited, by being on the wait list you'll have the first chance to reserve a space.
  • Exclusive Benefits: There will be additional content and discounts only available with pre-orders. More will be revealed as we get closer to the release.

In addition to the above I'll send you a few emails with some behind-the-scenes posts about the development of the library - no spam. When you sign up you'll get a welcome email with a link to an unlisted technical walkthrough video of the beta version of the library.

So, if you think this is something of interest to you, just click the link below.

Please also share the link with anyone else you think would be interested.

Click here to join the wait list


23:43 UTC


Waiting to buy new VSTs/VSTis

Like any product -- there's a lot of HYPE around new plugin releases. If you love plugins, it's easy to get caught up in that hype.

For a long while it was easy to justify - plugin launches were at low prices a lot of the times, so you could get the new tool for the price of pizza with your family. But like everything else -- plugin launch prices have been increasing.

At higher prices you need to use the plugin more to get your money's worth... If a plugin is $30? Heck, you can use it on a couple of songs and it's paid for itself at least in terms of enjoyment, for those of us who don't make money with our music.

But Cherry Audio for example has continually raised their launch price. Chroma launched at $69. I'm sure it's great, as all their synths are...

But --- I no longer buy plugins when they launch anymore... And what I discovered is --- once the hype passes, sometimes my own interest passes as well and I don't even need them.

I like AudioThing and I was interested in Dials. Really interested. But I think it launched at $50 and I just... didn't want to pay that. So I waited. And after a bit of FOMO my mind was on other things and finally I could evaluate the plugin normally.

So it went from "Oh I NEED that!" to "Ah that's cool, if the price drops enough I'll pick it up."

In the meanwhile -- I do have an active Waves update plan (which I get every 2-3 years during a good sale, and then additional savings from Everyplugin.) A lot of people would gag, but I own nearly all of Waves products and I like them. They keep adding things to Mercury so I get all those additions when I update.

So if I pay $169 and get 9 new plugins? It's like $19 per plugin. That's why the Waves Update Plan isn't bad for everyone (Mercury owners.) Also, Bitwig uses the exact same model and no one hates them for it. Maybe they're more up front about it?

Another good deal is Plugin Alliance for $99/year. That is offered at least once or twice yearly and it's a great time to lock in. It's especially good because it includes 3 plugins of your choice to keep forever. So AT MOST you're paying $33/plugin plus you get to use the rest of the tools for a year. That's just not a bad deal.

So to get to my point:

A subscription like Plugin Alliance can get you through the "Oh I want to try something new" phase because they have fairly frequent new offerings.

And for the rest? I've turned into a BF sale kinda guy. I wait. Do I still want the plugin after it's been out for months?

What it really means is -- I have everything I need, so something is only worth it if the price is low enough. It prevents overspending on things that end up not being used frequently.

Anyhow, that's my deep dive on plugin purchases.

PS. Now that I'm working in Bitwig -- I think AirWindows plugins will be more viable for me than ever... (Because I like the Bitwig "standard UI" down below, it's fine.) So I might get on that (optional) subscription train. And for those who haven't experienced AirWindows --- try AirWindows Consolidated. WOW!!! He has an ungodly number of tools, often with minor variance... But that puts them all in one, complete with his explanation of what they do. It also gives you a better UI depending on what DAW you're in (I didn't enjoy Reaper's "default UI" for UI-less plugins.)

Something I noticed is AirWindows is all about efficient modeling. Where other companies might go down a really complex path to get a sound -- Chris from AirWindows tries to accomplish it with fewer operations. That results in a similar quality, but with less CPU overhead.

His Console and Tape emulations, for example, are really damn good --- and yet they are minimal in CPU compared to much of the competition.

22:09 UTC



Im trying to use iLok offline.

However, the bigsky plugin (absolutely awesome btw) seems to only be USB and Cloud. I need to use my macbook offline when playing live.

Do I have to get a usb, or does anyone know if the plugin is computer based as well?


16:51 UTC


Trouble playing E-Drum as MIDI controller on Waveform

Hey all!

Hopefully someone here can help me out.

I connected my Yamaha DTX400K e-drum to my laptop and Waveform, and was able to get input signal from it.

Now, my question, as a MIDI noob: what now? :D

I want to use my Yamaha drum to play different drum kits and sounds than the stock ones in the drum, so MIDI is the way to go.. But I have no idea how to do that. I thought connecting it to a DAW would solve it, but it's proven much harder than I thought.

I installed a plugin of Steven Salte virtual drums in Waveform.I can activate that plugin iin Waveform and see the virtual drum, but don't know how to use my Edrum to play it, let alone how to tweak the sounds of the kit.

Any easy guides I can follow or anyone here who can help or point me in the right direction?

16:06 UTC


The BX CLIPPER by Plugin Alliance & Brainworx

18:49 UTC


17 Best New Free Vst Plugins, Virtual Instruments & Audio Plugin Deals - May 2024 Week 1 (Here you'll find: a transient shaper, a 4 in 1 saturator, an amazing loop based sampler, a cool bass synth & more)

02:49 UTC


Izotope's RX 11 | Brand NEW FEATURES | First Look & Demo! 🔥🔥🔥

22:19 UTC


Best service engine update.

Will this new version work with the old libraries and hopefully make them run smoother on Silicon?

11:57 UTC


Want to make a diss track with some friends looking for free plugin recommendations. Any recs and help are appreciated.

Have been playing around in Reaper, Fl Studio and Abelton Live. Find that FL is the easiest to work with considering I have zero background experience in music production. A friend and I wanted to make a diss track and I've started recording but wanted to play with some voice modulators, autotunes, effects, etc. and anything else anyone here recommends. Let me know what you guys think!

06:58 UTC


New Pro Bass & Guitar Amp Sims By Bogren Digital - Ampknob Trivium Bundle - Rhythm, Lead & Bass (In this video I review their simple & minimalistic features for a pro sound in seconds, play through them isolated to compare them & use the 3 plugins a full mix)

01:47 UTC


2 New Free Vsts & 2 Plugin Deals - United Plugins, Techivation & Flowsonics (SSL Native Vocalstrip 2, Bassrift, T Saturator & Zipper Delay) - You are gonna find here a bass & low end enhancer, a vocal channel strip, a saturator & a weird but cool delay.

01:34 UTC


Algonaut Atlas 2. When sale?

I am looking to buy Atlas 2. Du they sales regulary? And are there any alternatives except XO?

23:11 UTC


Midi velocity range map plugin

Hi, I am looking for a midi plugin to be used in Ableton to map incoming velocities to a specific output range. For example given the standard 0-127 range in input, I want to map it to range 80-100 in output. The stock velocity plugin in Ableton has a compressor function which is similar to what I need but it doesn't let you choose precisely the output range. Do you know anything that can do this?

1 Comment
15:37 UTC


Acustica plugins - where to find what it's modelled on?

Realise some of these are obvious, neve, avalon, etc - but is there a list of these available? See that they can't necessarily cite the model in their blurbs .. thanks in advance

1 Comment
21:30 UTC


Breath controller for - guitar vst

Hi guys, would breath controller (such as tec or akai ewi) be useful for electric guitar vsts?

For live playing, key switches are not practical.

01:43 UTC


Limited Time FREE EQ Match VST Plugin & Reference Tracks For Mastering - IK Multimedia Master Match (In this video I walk you through the process of installation & activation, talk about its features, controls & use it on a couple of mastering examples)

00:17 UTC


UAD Essentials currently at $49. Worth the price?

I been a long time Waves user and I'm not necessarily familiar with the UAD ecosystem since I don't own an Apollo interface and never used any UAD plugins. However, lately I've been seeing these comparisons between UAD and Waves and how UAD is "much better quality" because they are actually "official" emulators of the old analog equipment.

That said, UAD Essentials is currently priced at 50 bucks and include a good bunch of plugins. All of them which can run natively without any hardware. Considering the fact that UAD bundles can go up as much as $1,400, is this $49 bundle worth it? What's your thoughts? Again, I have Waves so I don't necessarily need them, but I see it more as an investment.

23:48 UTC


Question about Groups and Subgroups (are they possible?)

16:57 UTC


Free Jazz trumpet and trombone


I released Bell & Bone at the end of last year. It's a jazz trumpet and trombone sample library for the open source Rhapsody player.

The instruments include a selection of jazzy articulations, with a dedicated Performance articulation that responds to how you perform the instrument.

There are also 4 mute options: Unmuted, Bucket, Cup, and Harmon.

Guy Michelmore featured the instrument in one of his videos last year - https://youtu.be/qaAhwwZMByA?si=Xt3UtVC-qVQSF4R6

Thanks for checking it out.

14:06 UTC


Can anyone suggest the MIDIest plugins they can think of?

Im talking about VST plugins that are very unnatural sounding and that nobody would confuse with real instruments. Im specifically looking for pianos and wind instruments but everything is welcomed

02:31 UTC


Anyone have BassMidi VSTi 1.5? both official download links (falcosoft and kvr) are down!

22:48 UTC

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