
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the subreddit all about Star Trek: Voyager! The aim of this subreddit is to provide a friendly and welcoming environment to discuss all things Voyager related.


Welcome to the subreddit all about Star Trek: Voyager! The aim of this subreddit is to provide a friendly and welcoming environment to discuss all things Voyager related.

About Star Trek Voyager

"Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that all their adventures only make them long for home."

More information about the show is available on Memory Alpha or on Wikipedia.

Where To Watch

You can find Star Trek: Voyager streaming on Paramount Plus. It may also be on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime outside the US.

And it's available on DVD.

Many local libraries have DVDs for rent. Some even have digital rental services. Check with your local library for more details.


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Robert Beltran ( Commander Chakotay)


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Most suspicious face ever

03:17 UTC


Why did Neelix get so much hate

I never understood the hate. Back when IMDb had a msg. Board I would always see hate bashing and to this day I don't understand. He was a needed character.

07:37 UTC


Why did the Vidiians take both of Neelix's lungs?

In the season 1 episode, "Phage," the Vidiians took both of Neelix's lungs. If they were truly as remorseful about having to harvest organs that end up killing the source, why didn't they just take one lung?

06:22 UTC


This is why I love Janeway. She’s such a party hound

06:15 UTC


Is Gul Evek still alive?

We never hear from him again after Caretaker. Was that his ship in The Voyager Conspiracy?

03:35 UTC


BLT and Tom

I just watched Drive (S7, E3). I'd seen it before but it's been 20 years. I had forgotten, and was disappointed to rediscover, that BLT and Tom are married off camera. We saw their silver doppelgangers get married a couple seasons ago but c'mon. The only romance between senior officers and we don't get a wedding? Just an after scene, 'yeah we're married now'.

01:40 UTC


Coulda woulda shoulda?

01:03 UTC


Ashes to Ashes

One of the biggest inconsistencies in Voyager is their seeming inability to escape threats despite supposedly being very fast and heading in one direction with little reason to stick around.

In Ashes to Ashes, they have recovered Ensign Ballard, who says several times that people will be coming for her. What does Voyager do? It sits there.

Then the father comes wanting Ensign Ballard back, and says he will return with many others. What does Voyager do? It sits there.

It's like Janeway enjoys getting attacked by enemy aliens.

08:41 UTC


Last time this happened, space got Tuvix

21:23 UTC


April 22nd - Happy Ancestors' Eve!

Happy Ancestors' Eve everyone!

This holiday will be first established in 2375, that is 351 years from now, with the Captain's permission. An evening of reflection in honor of those who came before. Let us also remember Shannon O'Donnel Janeway, circa 2050, who will capture Kathryn Janeway's imagination (historical details are irrelevant), and without whom she never would have joined Starfleet and would never have gotten her crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

To family!


17:50 UTC


Was the final season always planned to be the final season?

I'm in the final few eps of my watch through. Season 8 just feels like it was another season and then they rushed to the finish line. So many episodes in that season were throwaway bottle eps, and it wasn't until episode 23 that they started laying the groundwork for the finale.

I would have thought if they knew going in this was the final season, they would have done more to build to the final episode. Does anyone know if they knew heading in, this was the final season, or was this a midyear announcement that they had to then rush to fit a finale for?

15:28 UTC


Happy birthday Manu Intiraymi!

15:18 UTC


Seven of Nines writing deserves far better then what we got in Picard.

09:58 UTC



Ok this post isn't what you think it is. Has nothing to do with Tuvix at all. Rather a scene between Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Intrepid Class USS Starship Voyager and Kes of Ocampa.

KES: No, I don't. I mean, how could I? I still love Neelix, and I'm not ready to give up on him, no matter what the Doctor says.

JANEWAY: I know how you feel. You're experiencing what people on this crew have been going through since we first got stranded in this quadrant. Do we accept that we're separated from our loved ones forever, or do we hold onto the hope that someday we'll be with them again?

KES: What do you do, Captain?

JANEWAY: Oh, I struggle with it every day. Sometimes I'm full of hope and optimism. Other times. Then I dream about being with Mark and it's so real. Then when I wake up and realise it's just a dream, I'm terribly discouraged. In those moments, it's impossible to deny just how far away he really is. And I know that someday I may have to accept that he's not part of my life anymore.

KES: So are you saying that I should just accept that Neelix isn't a part of my life anymore?

JANEWAY: I would never tell you or anyone else to give up hope, Kes. I think the best thing you can do now is give yourself time. KES: Thank you, Captain. I'll go now and let you sleep. (They hug.)

JANEWAY: My door is always open to you, Kes.

Just absolutely beautiful. You know people don't talk like this anymore. And in western countries like the US where people don't get bombed and lose loved ones suddenly, or are rarely in a situation which seperate them from their family, they especially never talk this way nor can comprehend this scene.

A lot of people develop this form of arrogance because they grow up never losing their friends or family, even their grandparents were 100 years old. Life is always fine for them and they never learn to understand and comprehend what many people go through when they lose someone.

This dialogue is amazing, the way she tries to get kes to understand what the crew is going through by allowing her to compare her situation to Janeway and the crew.

And you feel the despair in Janeway when she says she misses Mark, and wakes up feeling really depressed because he's so far. The voyager crews strength comes from their hope, perseverance, and never giving up on what they long for.

Voyager is the one trek show that has so many episodes that have deep interpersonal conversations that are so powerful and moving. Anyone else feel the depth of Janeways sorrow watching this scene?

06:18 UTC


Captain Janeway with Frasier cast

01:27 UTC



Our captain on Cheers! I had no idea until I was watching Cheers between because I rewatched Fraser!

00:11 UTC


Dark Frontier

Star Trek: Voyager Season 5 "Dark Frontier"

When the Borg Queen is lowered into her body the visual was outstanding for its time.

A decade later Iron Man came out using similar visual effects.

Another reason the Star Trek universe is superior.

02:25 UTC


Kernim technologies on ST: Discovery

In the latest Discovery Episode

A reference of Kernim , the Species from Episode "Year of Hell part 1 & 2" , it is good to hearing something about them in the 32nd centuries .

A Time Bug device call "Kernim Chronophage " was used , an illegal device leftover from the Temporal cold war .

The time jumping affects similar to Kes on Episode "Before and After " , because it is base on the same Chroniton technologies .

Kernim's previous activities of using time ship to erase rival species ( in an erased timeline ) , their specialties in Chroniton technologies ( like Chroniton Torpedo and time ship ) , i guess they were one of the trouble maker during the Temporal Cold War . at least now we know they were still around during Temporal cold war of 31st centuries .

21:37 UTC


Why didn't Captain Janeway meet Commander Sisko?

Also they could have mentioned Voyager at least once maybe how it was missing and done a search in the Badlands Not to mention Wildmans husband that was on DS9... So many missed opportunities

01:11 UTC


Voyager image quality comparison: DVD vs streaming (improved version with close-up comparisons)

22:29 UTC


In case anyone was wondering whether the DVDs are still the best way to watch Voyager, the answer is yes: a direct comparison of Star Trek: Voyager video quality on Netflix vs DVD

19:39 UTC



Ok. So my last post, kind of went south a bit.

So allow me to make a post on a less controversial episode that's not talked about.

I just love this episode. It's one of those early episodes that was hopeful, music was great, and was still more about the adventure of being far away and they weren't used to it yet.

Its a great episode in dealing with death and the afterlife, or the lack of one.

Great episode for viewing different beliefs regarding death or moving on from this life.

Jeffrey Alan chandler is just great. Idk but in the 90s and earlier, TV shows or certain episodes always had a character that was cast perfectly right and that no one could do better than. Jeffrey chandler is just one of those actors that you know is just great, especially in this role. His voice and the way he talks really helps you comprehend what he's going through, and how he fears dying once meeting Kim.

Also the music is nice too, so are the background noises of the interiors.

I also watched this episode in Japanese and German, since I speak both also. The dubs are really nice.

The best part about Japanese is the multiple ways of saying the word I and you.

Depending on age/maturity or mood or intent you can say I or you in many ways.

Harry kim of course is always called you but in a manner that's said to younger kids to young adults, and he also refers himself as I but in a word that younger people use, so I find that funny, because in Japanese he's like the awkward, inexperienced, naive ensign that he is, whereas in English he's still young and inexperienced but has technical expertise.

And finally. The ending scene, with Janeway and Kim. It's so...pure . nostalgic. Why don't we get TV like this anymore? What happened? Where are the days where a show or episode has only some music which exists only to compliment the acting and dialogue, but mostly it's just two people talking?

Janeways conversation with Kim in the end is so mature, wise, intellectual, and really shows just how much more mature the voyager crew is compared to people in our contemporary times.

Look at the dialogue it speaks for itself

JANEWAY: Mind if I join you? KIM: No, not at all. Please. JANEWAY: Thank you. So, how are you feeling? KIM: Better. I'll be ready for duty tomorrow morning. JANEWAY: You're off duty for the next two days. KIM: Captain, I'm fine. JANEWAY: It's not a reflection on your capabilities, Ensign. I just want to give you a chance to reflect on what's happened. This may not make much sense to you now, a young man at the beginning of his career, but one of the things you'll learn as you move up the ranks and get a little older is that you wish you had more time in your youth to really absorb all the things that happened to you. It goes by so fast. It's so easy to become jaded, to treat the extraordinary like just another day at the office, but sometimes there are experiences which transcend all that. You've just had one, Mister Kim, and I want you to live with it for a little while. Write about it, if you feel like it. Paint. Express yourself in some fashion. The Bridge will still be there in two days. KIM: Thank you, Captain. I have been a little preoccupied with the experience. I mean, all those people think that they know what happens after death. They look forward to it. They're prepared for it. But the truth is, none of it's real. They don't have an afterlife. They just decay inside those asteroids. JANEWAY: I wouldn't be so sure of that, if I were you. That neural energy their bodies release, it becomes part of the ambient electromagnetic field surrounding the planet. Our readings also indicate the energy's unusually dynamic. There's a great deal of variation and pattern complexity, quantum density. KIM: Are you saying you think they do have an afterlife? That the energy field is where they exist at a higher level of consciousness, just like they believe? JANEWAY: I'm not certain, but I am certain about this. What we don't know about death is far, far greater than what we do know. See you in two days, Ensign. KIM: Thank you, Captain.

Like where do I even begin? People don't talk like this anymore. The way Janeway describes how people become jaded, whispering it to kim, warning him but also advising him with love and care, to appreciate what has happened and soak it in. You can see when Janeway says time goes by so fast, it's easy to become jaded, you can see she's sort of talking about herself in a way, as if she's reflecting on her own past and giving kim the benefit to slow down in his life.

And lastly, her mention of how they know so little of death. It makes me wish we could have more shows that delve into topics like this.

Emanations: 9/10

12:04 UTC


Anybody else at D&I Con in Philly this weekend?

Roll call! Me and my gals are doing the Kate and Tim away missions and Kate and cast photos. We're silly excited and having a blast already.

00:10 UTC


About Janeway's holonovel

Maybe someone wrote about this before, I'm not sure, but I've read book that could have been the inspiration to Captain Janeway's holonovel. It's "Mistress of Mellyn" by Victoria Holt and features a governess going to teach a widowed landowner's daughter in Victorian Britain. There's the gloomy manor, a mystery about the first wife (is she really dead?) and a strange little girl that seems to know something more. The story and especially the gothic atmosphere are similar enough in my opinion. There are differences, of course, like the housekeeper being friendly in the book and that there's no son. So, if anyone ever wanted a conclusion to Lambda One, you might like "The Mistress of Mellyn". I also think that both stories took inspiration from "Jane Eyre", but Victoria Holt's book is much closer to the holonovel.

15:02 UTC


Scenes removed from episodes.

I was really disappointed to see (or not see) that some scenes have been randomly removed from episodes.

Eg. On Netflix and Paramount +, Dark Frontier part 2 the Captain visits engineering and B'Elanna says she has gone through Seven’s personal logs. The Captain gets upset and B’Elanna says that Seven wasn’t really part of the crew.

It shows more depth to the Captain’s feelings and B’Elanna’s absolute dislike of Seven and they just cut it for no reason.

It’s made me not trust the streaming services and I’ll stick to watching my old 480p copies.

12:38 UTC


Voyager upscale ? I guess will see but looks ok for now.

22:51 UTC


In hindsight, I think that VOYs writers should have used Xenophon's Anabasis (aka the Persian Expedition, The Expedition of Cyrus, etc.) as a broad model for story arc; there are already similarities of course, but they could have really leaned into them (note: available in the public domain).

17:08 UTC


Prime Factors

When I was watching last night's Voyger episode on Heroes and Icons. Magistrate Labin asks for a sample story. At that moment I thought of "the Odyssey" which would reflect their wish to home very well.

1 Comment
16:53 UTC


Episode re-ordering

Apologies if this has been discussed. I googled and couldn't find anything.

I know that for Voyager, as with many shows, people have episode watch lists indicating what to skip. But has anyone made a re-ordered list? With nothing skipped, but episodes rearranged to improve the storytelling? I'm applying this mainly to seasons 1 and 2 as, full disclosure, I'm on a first time watch through and am near the end of season 4.

Example 1: Maquis/Starfleet integration, which is brought up at first but seems to be resolved very quickly, by episode 2 or 3. Yet season 1 ends with "Learning Curve," a discontented and insubordinate Maquis episode, to the point that Chakotay punches one crewmember. Later in season 2's "Alliances" this comes up again with Maquis complaining to Torres about Janeway's noninterventionist policies and one of them disgruntled enough to contact Seska and spy for her/the Kazon. Which also brings us to...

Example 2: the Kazon and Seska plotline stretches for two whole seasons. The Kazon aren't great villains to begin with and being dangled forever in the background makes them even sillier. Seska is interesting at first, but her periodic reappearances with long gaps in between also don't do her any favors. Additionally, the fact that Voyager takes so long to get beyond Kazon space, and specifically Kazon Nistrim space (starting in S01E11 State of Flux), strains credulity. I suppose one could say similar about the Vidiians on this last point but the Kazon are less organized and advanced and the Vidiians don't make me roll my eyes wondering when they'll go away for good.

Has anyone tried condensing all of this into the first season? Both the Kazon and Maquis discontent plots, with continuity otherwise intact. (Setting aside any stardate mentions, can't get around jumbling those.)

I'm still thinking it through but ideally this would make Basics I and II the S01-S02 transition.

15:39 UTC


"Endgame" End game was such a good ending episode but I felt like we kind of needed something after this, kind of like what DS9 did with showing past memories of each crew member, maybe with voyager they could've shown each crew member reunited with their families.

12:11 UTC

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