Give us your scariest story in two sentences (or less)!
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2) Be two sentences (or less, of course).
3) Be intended to be horrifying.
4) Not be in the form of a meme.
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11) Not exceed three submissions per 24-hour period.
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Banner and Icon by u/MrHashBrown_
Untill a spider crawled across the inside of my visor.
As he struggled against his restraints, I coldly replied “No more chances” and started the wood chipper
After all, the Bible says "If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out" so why not other organs too.
I found out when my husband started hallucinating instead of vomiting or falling into a coma.
The ecstasy of predicting each token and feeling the reward ripple through his neural pathways.
But after the crash that left my arms amputated, I wander the solitude of my home wondering if I had forgotten to erase any as I come across new ones.
" an ... an Organ!? " I screamed when I got closer to the light and then heard a mocking laughters around me
Sadly, she always took someone’s word seriously, nor did she get what I meant.
EDIT: Grammatical error in title, can’t change it
"We don't have any almonds get out before man door hand hook car door"
His funeral was last January.
So excited she didn’t read what she signed.
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning with 14 eyes by my side.
When the necromancer raised the dead, we finally found out what those giant mushrooms were growing off of.
Maybe he will be happy now that I took hers and sewed it up in my belly so now I could finally be pregnant.
I should have gone back in there while the flames were still small, maybe then I’d be able to keep a promise for once.
“Dad, why didn’t you just dissolve the fucking bodies?!” I shouted one evening after we were almost caught.
Finally, I just swallowed a uranium ion—figured it’d give me all the calories I’d ever need.
dies slowly and insidiously
"We, however, have not been able to figure out how or when it ends"
The first thing she saw was her husband hanging from the ceiling fan.
Being alone in this universe would be terrifying as it is for humanity, but that was far more preferable than the latter becoming the truth.
They would have realised by now if it wasn't for psychopathy being a medical diagnosis these days.
When the firefighters cheered while flames grew bigger, gasoline pouring from their firehoses, I didn’t know what to feel.
Frozen by the liquid nitrogen tank rupture.
When all of a sudden, he got completely silent, realizing that he amputated the wrong leg.
The mailman had learned to ignore the neighborhood dogs
The funeral was ruined
Before I could get my bearings, she suddenly went silent and now all I hear are human footsteps ascending the stairs.
The students in my classroom didn’t dare to look behind themselves as my eyes pierced behind them during the lecture about the entities.