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/r/penpals – Talk to people around the world
/r/TranslatedNews – A place to put your language skills to work.
/r/MedievalNorseStudies – So, how did Swedish get to be this awesome anyhow?
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Hej! Finns det en sajt om svensk litteratur? (liksom sparknotes) Jag vill hitta en sajt där man kan läsa sammanfattningar och analyser om svenska böcker, dikter o.s.v.
In this article from 8 sidor https://8sidor.se/sverige/2024/12/fler-flickor-snusar/
there is one sentence I don't understand and google translate is of no help.
I gymnasiet snusar var tredje elev.
Seems like there are two verbs?
Vi är två lärarstudenter vid Stockholms universitet som för närvarande skriver vårt examensarbete inom ämnet svenska som andraspråk. Inom ramen för vår studie planerar vi att genomföra ett experiment, och vi vore mycket tacksamma om du skulle vilja delta som respondent. Vi vänder oss till dig som: 1) har arabiska eller turkiska som modersmål, 2) är mellan 30-50 år och 3) har bott i Sverige i minst 10 år.
Är du rätt person? Vänligen följ länken nedan.
Ditt deltagande innebär att besvara några frågor som tar cirka 7-10 minuter. Vi tackar på förhand för din tid och ditt värdefulla bidrag till vår forskning. Experimentet kan endast göras på datorer.
Imane och Yaren
Varför er det honkönsböjningar?
Lille katt, lille katt, lille söte katta. Vet du att, vet du att, de blir mörkt om natta.
Lille gris, lille gris, lille söte grisen. Om du frys, om du frys, så gör eld i spisen.
Lille ko, lille ko, lille söte koa.
I understand that Egen use with en word, Eget with ett and Egna with plural. But i don't understand how you actually use it in sentence, especially when you use it with Sin/Sitt/Sina, like the reflexiva pronomen already reflected the ownership back to the subjekt, so whats the point of using this egen? Or its not so commonly used?
Would be nice if anyone could explain and give me some examples🥺
Hej! Jag pluggar svenska och jag har sett vår tid är nu för två år sedan och vill gärna se om. Tyvärr är det inte tillgänglig på SVT. Jag försökte att skapa ett konto på viaplay men jag har inget svenskt kort. Finns det något annat site för svenska filmer/tv serier?
Tack så mycket på förhand!
I'm an avid reader and since there's not a huge reason for me to learn Swedish, the only thing that keeps it fresh in my brain is media. So movies, TV shows, music etc. but I loveeee reading! Swedish is a hard language to find typical fiction books in the U.S. though... Does anyone know where I could find translations or original Swedish fiction books that can be shipped in the U.S.?
Hi all,
I have noticed the following 2 sentences in my book that have left me perplexed.
I would have instead expected:
Could someone please explain to me what is happening here? Do the bottom 2 at least sound correct? Thank you!
How many units does the course consist of? How long would it take to complete the course?
I’m trying to get the feel of the distinction between bete sig and bära sig åt. Are they interchangeable in the following ten examples? Is bära sig åt less formal and more often used in speech? Can anyone propose instances where one is definitely to be preferred to the other?
Hello! I’m studying abroad in Stockholm next semester but I have anaphylactic (deadly) peanut, treenut and shellfish allergies. Usually when I travel I print a laminated card explaining this in whatever the local language is, but I don’t know anyone who speaks Swedish. Could anyone help translate in a natural way for a printed card along the lines of “ I have a peanut, Treenut, and shellfish allergy, could you alert the kitchen of this and let me know if you can accommodate / if it would be safe?” Any help would be very much appreciated.
Jag känner om som min svenska är fast på omkring nivå B1 och förbättrar sig inte.
Jag försökte titta innehåll på SVT, men de flesta är ganska tråkiga eller inte tillgängliga utanför Sverige.
Vet du om någon resande YouTuber eller TikToker med svenska undertexter? Eller böcker på lättsvenska och liknade. Andra förslag är välkomna. Tack.
I want to know if German is more similar to Swedish than English because if so I will learn German to make it easier to learn Swedish but if English is more similar to Swedish than German I don’t have to learn German.
I think they are both correct, but a bit different in meaning. What is your opinion?
Hey everyone,
so I am currently using the Rivstart B2/C1 books and stumbled upon something I don't quite understand.
The exercise is chapter 2 ex. 6 nr. 13, the task is to choose all correct answers. My issue are these two possible sentences:
Jag kritiserar inte Peter. Jag tycker det han gjorde var bra. Eller: Jag kritiserar Peter inte. Jag tycker det han gjorde var bra.
According to the solution, the first one is correct, but I think it should be the second one. Why?
According to the book itself, you place a satsadverb after the object if you want to put the focus on the verb. In this case I think it wants to say "I am not criticizing, I like his work", so the focus is clearly on the verb (would be in line with the other two options in the task I haven't listed here and that I had selected correctly). But the solution thinks that the satsadverb should stand where the focus lies on the pronoun.
Who is correct? And if it's not me, what have I missed? Is the difference cause there's no pronoun but the object itself (Peter instead of honom)?
Thank you for an explanation. Have a nice day :)
Jag såg en Instagramvideo för någon dag sedan där en språkkomiker testade Macron på om ett fransk ord var maskulint eller feminint. Självklart var det "luringar" och udda ord men Macron missade ändå på ett par vilket förvånade mig. Jag trodde att som infödd så sitter sådant ändå i ryggmärgen.
På svenska så uppfattar jag att för någon med svenska som modersmål så gör man aldrig fel på en eller ett. Stämmer det eller har någon förslag på ord där det är svårt eller där gemene man kanske inte vet?
Jag skriver julkort till mina nära och kära. Hur börjar och slutar man julkort på svenska? På engelska skulle jag skriva "Till..." och "Från..." men jag är osäker på om det skulle passa på svenska.
Jag är född i sverige, svenska är mitt första språk och jag har gått i svensk skola hela mitt liv men en sak jag ALDRIG kommer förstå är skillnaden mellan de och dem. Jag har sökt, jag har frågat men fattar fortfarande. kanske nån här kan förklara bättre?? handlar det liksom om singular och plural eller vadå
Can anyone help me translate the following?
I suppose “det föll dem in” and “korkskruven” are idioms which I'm not familiar with. Or does “korkskruven” just mean, well, corkscrew? Both sentences come from the SAOB app entry on “bete sig”.
Many thanks for help with these, and to all who have helped me with other miscellaneous queries over the past several weeks.
I don't understand the Swedish translation of this English sentence.
EN: Which disease does the patient have?
SV: Vad har patienten för sjukdom?
My first try at translation was: Vilken sjukdomen har patienten?
I see now that the definite form of "sjukdom" is incorrect. The focus on the correct answer (from Duolingo) is with the patient not the disease. Also, I don't understand the use of "för".
Thank you for any explanation you can provide.
Edit: I see now that the following translation was accepted: Vilken sjukdom har patienten?
Hi there,
can you please explain the difference?
I learned att använda as something like to use / to operate. Is att tillämpa then more like to apply?
What's the difference in the usage though?
I could imagine this example: Hur använder jag den här maskinen?
But what can I tillämpa? Something I learned in theory and apply it practically now? Or would probably a submit button for saving changes be labeled "tillämpa"?
Thank you!
Hi all. I was born in the early 70s. My grandfather came from Sweden. I was born & raised in US. No one spoke Swedish to me growing up. Recently, I’ve started learning Swedish. I don’t see my name in media or contemporary usage. Is old-fashioned? Does it have negative connotations? Or somehow unpopular?
Mer av en autistisk fråga än en språkfråga, men hur lång tid innefattar "-snåret"? Om nån säger att vi ska ses vid elvasnåret, är det okej att komma kvart över elva eller har jag gått förbi snåret då?
context: i am an american (born and raised) who also speaks spanish. i truly love sweden despite not ever visiting and i just want to visit and learn swedish So bad. yknow how weird white guys act abt japan? that’s me with Glorious sweden. i’m joking ofc lol it’s ik its just a country with its own issues and whatnot. anyway, the most i’ve done to learn swedish is when i went through a period in 2020 where I studied swedish on duolingo. obviously both the surface level studying + not residing in an area where i would encounter swedish-speakers/ be forced to engage with the language hinder my current knowledge of it, so i really would appreciate some tips/resources in learning the language. also would appreciate knowing if there are specific services or videos that would specifically work for me as an American. sorry this was so wordy!!! 🙏🏻
Hey guys, we're polyglots who also happen to be software engineers.
We always get annoyed when we speak a language and keep mispronouncing the same words or confusing them for another word. Even though learning a language is being able to speak it, pronunciation is often neglected. Because of that, we decided to create an app whose goal is to improve users' pronunciation - YourBestAccent. Let us tell you about it:
First, it clones your own voice so that you can hear yourself speaking your target language with a native-like accent!
Then, you can practice pronunciation by letting our app give you a text to say out loud OR use a text of your wish - the app provides a real-time feedback so that you know which words you've mispronounced, what is your overall score and what you need to improve.
It's not just for studying though - you can have fun by challenging your friends to pronounce everything you wish and seeing who performs better!
We believe YourBestAccent is a great tool to improve your language skills. By using it, you're sure you're actually making progress instead of making the same mistakes over and over again.
Go to yourbestaccent.com and take your language skills to a completely new level!
Which one is more common to use in informal casual talk? For example I'm talking with my friend, does this sentence sound casual: "Det tar ca 1 vecka att få det"? When should I use "cirka" and when "ungefär"?
Which one would you use for an informal talk? For example, I wanted to tell my friend that I was given injection and it was painful. "Jag fick en injektion och det gjorde ont." Is this one okay? How is it different from this one below? "Jag fick en injektion och det var smärtsamt"
Just started learning Swedish and wanted to learn how to swear lol