A place for photos and videos of sushi and sushi recipes
Does anyone else taste bananas when eating a Philly roll with yum yum sauce? I can't be the only weirdo.
However, I also taste soap when eating cilantro.
Would you order this?
Customer order a lot of Sushi rolls so I made it look really nice and presentable. How’d I do?
fairly easy going here but just don't want to be the only mod, anyone interested let me know
Where do “Sushi Sushi” get their ingredients? (Brand specific) and what methods do they use I am intrigued in trying to make a perfect recreation of them
From what I’ve gathered, using Tuna and farm raised Salmom is generally safe for raw sushi. I love sushi and I’m trying to get into making it and there are no “sushi grade” fish vendors here in Ft Myers FL. I did find some “sashimi tuna” and farm raised Salmon from The Fresh Market (like Whole Foods). I made my first sushi last night and it was so good and I’m still alive. I was wondering, for those who make their own sushi, where do you get your fish from? I don’t have access to some crazy flash freezer lol.
Hello. I just found this sub reddit, and wanted to ask a question. Does anyone know the name of, and where to get one of those machines that spread the sushi rice onto a large square of seaweed to make a large roll, as in a poke/sushi burrito?