
Photograph via snooOG

We are just redditors who may or may not have advice for you about your shits. We are not doctors and advice here is not to be considered a substitute for or supersede sound medical advice from a licensed physician. On the other hand we might get you regular fast.

Having a little trouble with your bowel movements? Wondering whether you expel feces in a normal manner? Find something neat on the internet about how to improve your defecation?

Then this is the place for you! Please tell us a little bit about your problem, and as always - we hope everything comes out alright!

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Red Streak

Hi, I will randomly have bowels with these red streaks. Usually one sided, one time it was on both sides. I'm dealing with itchy and burning rectum for a while especially at night.

Sometimes I attributed to tomatoes and tomato sauce because I would get this after eating that. I did have some bad pain in the rectum and two specks of blood came out a month ago. I started eating more fiber to soften stool and this is what i will get randomly. Sometimes it one stool or two. No residue on toilet paper. I tried picking the stuff with toilet paper and don't stain it.

In this case, I had some tomatoe chunks in my food yesterday but I do not feel it could cause these stains. I pooped this morning and these first two had those red stains, the other ones don't.


13:58 UTC


Unable to go to the bathroom for dayd, random contipation/diarohea

For the last 3 weeks going to the bathroom has been a nightmare.

It startef with black/brown poop (number 3 on bristol stool chart)

Then it was yellow with blood (number 4 on bristol chart) with liquid diarrhea immediatley after.

Now its taking me 4 days between bowel movements, and its liquid diarrhea.

I dont know what to do, i dont know whats causing it. Im beginning to feel pain in my abdomen. I have a doctors appointment for the 20th but i cant put up with this for another 6 days.

04:52 UTC


Everything I drink immediately comes out of my ass.


That’s vitamin water and almost nothing else. This has never happened before. I’m not in any pain or discomfort. What the hell?

21:41 UTC


Pale / Green Stool? Gallstone?

I have a gallstone that is very tiny next to the entrance of the bile duct. Does this green/pale stool mean the stone is now blocking the duct? I haven’t had any pain at all.

My last CT Scan - “ requiring follow-up: No. Gallbladder: 2 dependent gallbladder neck stones each measuring less than 5 mm in diameter.”

Can someone DM me to see the photo. Thanks!

17:31 UTC


How do you poop in the morning?

14:37 UTC


Intense abdominal pain, blood and mucus

So for some background. I'm 21 (F) I had my son almost 2 years ago. I've been previously diagnosed with Chlamydia and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. (I have only been in 2 relationship in my entire life.) Took almost a year to finally get a diagnosis for both.

I've had a couple complications after having my son, irregular periods, bloody poops to name a few. Doctor believes it to be hemorrhoids. I do not have external hemorrhoids only internal. And for the past few days I've been experiencing intense abdominal pain that comes and goes. I've only been able to poop once in the last 4 days, after being unable to push anything out I basically had to relax as much as I could while experiencing this intense pain.

It has left me with gut wrenching pain in my ribs and my left and middle abdomen. And all I can pass is mucus and blood. I'm unsure if there's a blockage, or if it's something related to my periods as I'm waiting on my cycle to arrive. I am currently being referred to a gynecologist but it could take months. But im going to be contacting my doctor once the clinic opens.

Does anyone here have any clue as to why I'm going through this? Or ways to help with the pain? Anything would be much appreciated as I have a toddler to care for and it's been rough.

12:12 UTC


Fiber strings

Can someone help describe what fiber strings look like? I don’t know if I have a parasite or fiber strings.

I recently pooped and my poo was connected by a string, it was green/whiteish with an orange middle. 🫣

22:21 UTC


Does this look normal?

I also might be sick cause I have a sore and itchy throat. I also had an abdominal x ray and ultrasound last week and my doc said I had constipation. I went to a Chinese buffet back on Wednesday, and didn't really poop much on Thursday. This is from Friday.


1 Comment
11:27 UTC


Does this look like blood?

The photo is on the link: https:// files.fm/u/ghmg3f3b6a Also a disclaimer, it looks noticeably brighter on the photo because of the flash than in reality, to the point I can't decide if it's red or bright brown when looking.

1 Comment
16:11 UTC


I have constipation

I have been constipated for almost a week now and nothing I have tried is working. I have tried fibre, fruit, water, exercise, and last night I took a MiraLAX. Any solutions or reasons why I have not been fixed yet?

19:22 UTC


Constant bloat, constant loose stool, constant pus and now bleeding!

Hello, if you have insights I'd be grateful. I had a fistulotomy and abscess drained 2.5 months ago. Also got Botox near the site. Healing was going great for about 4 weeks when I suddenly became ill with violent, bloody diarrhea, going about 20 times a day. Tested negative for everything. Since then, I've had blood when I wipe and pus coming from my bum (I did have pus during the normal healing part).

It's been 2.5 months and the pus hasn't stopped!

Every poop I do is unformed, sometimes there's a tonne of mucus. I have extreme lower abdominal bloat. Sometimes the bloat is triggered by bending over. It's not always triggered by food - it seems to be arbitrary. Also one other thing is I never strain when I poo.

I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and they cleared me of Crohn's, though I need a small bowel MRI.

I also have a history of Endo. Any advice is appreciated!

13:28 UTC


What is this?

I have IBS and occasionally I will get stringy poop like this but never anything this long before. I had nachos yesterday but I don't remember eating anything this long before.

Is this a worm? If so, any idea what type?

17:03 UTC


The Stress-Gut Connection: Finding Solutions with Jenn Trepeck

Learn about the intricate relationship between stress, gut health, and overall well-being. Discover practical strategies to manage stress and support gut health. Learn how to detect signs of loss of vagal tone, exercises for stimulating the vagus nerve and insights into how to balance blood sugar without yoyo or extreme dieting, manage cholesterol and optimize your metabolism with Jenn Trepeck, Optimal Health Coach on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit

20:11 UTC


How to have cleaner wipes??

I feel like I’m doing everything right, but wiping always takes way longer than pooping itself. I’ll give as much context as I can about my routine. Any advice is welcome!

I have very regular bowel movements, pooping once a day in the morning. Pooping is not difficult, and I have normal stool according to the Bristol Stool Chart (looks like #4). I drink at least 90oz of water per day. I use a squatty potty. I go on walks almost every day. I am 24, 5’8”, 170lbs, and female.

I usually eat high-fiber snacks throughout the day, and a bigger meal in the evening. On a daily basis, I eat a Noka Superfood Smoothie +prebiotic fiber, a Nature Valley Protein or Fiber One granola bar, and a fruit/nut/cheese pack. I might also have a salad or popcorn. My dinners aren’t always healthy; I eat out a couple times a week. Maybe that’s my problem, but I don’t overeat, and my partner eats more/worse and has no issues. When I do eat out, my meals are still high-fiber and high-protein and include a veggie of some kind.

Both of my parents spend a lot of time in the bathroom each day, so maybe it’s genetic. Is eating out the only issue? I’ve thought about allergies/lactose intolerance, but I don’t get a lot of stomach aches (unless I eat junk food before bed, which I stopped months ago).

Every day, I wipe and wipe and wipe. Even when the toilet paper is clean, wiping from another direction makes it dirty again. What else can I try? It is so frustrating to have to carve out 20+ minutes of bathroom time every morning.

Thanks in advance!

17:21 UTC


Is this a medical emergency? Black tarry stool? Please help

I've had bad diarrhea and heart burn after a weekend of drinking.

I did have some food last night with a watery dark sauce and some guinness Friday and again last night. Should I be worried?

The photos with the flash make it look darker than a screenshot of a video using the torch.

Please help


08:41 UTC


Diarrhea + blood

I've never had a poop routine. Pretty much every day the consitency is different and the time between each visit is different. Most of the time I feel constipated but this time (a few weeks ago) I had a massive diarrhea, probably after eating too much sugar which seems to trigger me. No pain, just diarrhea and blood. It has happened at least once before (~2 years ago).
What could it be the reason? How bad is this?


19:41 UTC


Is this the black upper-GI blood people talk about? I also don’t know what the yellow is, I don’t eat corn because I don’t care for it.

17:39 UTC


Blood when wiping

This past week I’ve been having nausea & cramping in my lower left side belly area. The nausea subsided after about 4 days but the cramping is still happening at times. I went to the ER & got bloodwork done, everything was normal. I have been constipated as well. My last few bowel movements have been quite normal, perhaps a little hard to come out at times but better than it was a few days ago. I just had a BM and when I wiped there was bright blood. Not an insane amount, but enough to make me concerned. I didn’t see any blood in the toilet from what I could tell. My aunt died of colon cancer at 50, I’m 27, and I’m freaking out I have cancer. I have another dr appt scheduled soon but just looking for advice 😔

14:43 UTC


SBIs: An Amazing and Versatile New Gut Health Tool with Brian Kaufman, RN

Learn about Serum Bovine Immunoglobulin (SBI) Powder, a game-changer in gut health with Brian Kaufman, RN of Proliant Health & Biologicals. By selectively removing gut pathogens while preserving healthy bacteria, SBIs help in conditions as diverse as SIBO, IBS, Candida, Crohn's, colitis, H pylori, malnutrition, leaky gut, cancer, HIV, eczema, psoriasis and C Difficile. Learn how this plasma-derived bovine immunoglobulin (IgG) supplement facilitates gut healing and improves nutrient absorption while preserving the microbiome on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit

1 Comment
21:20 UTC


Do I have an anal leakage problem

Sorry in advance for this post. For the past decade almost I have been dealing with shitty poops. I can’t remember the last time I had a satisfying bm, with complete evacuation and little to no clean up. I am usually a 5-7 on the Bristol stool chart.

I am working on this by increasing the fruits, veggies and water in my diet. I have also tried various probiotics, kefir, and Metamucil, with only kefir providing some results. Metamucil did nothing when I workshopped the correct dosage over 3 weeks. There was one time a decade ago when Metamucil worked brilliantly.

Although that is its own issue, I am posting here with what I believe to be a side effect of my bowel movements. I am usually able to clear myself out by the end of the day after two unsatisfying bowel movements that often require me using my finger (sorry). However, I tend to wake up wet or sweaty in my anal region and it makes me concerned I had leakage throughout the night. I am overweight and tend to sweat a lot in my sleep so I’m hoping it’s just that.

When I check in the morning I often see pale yellow, barely visible stains that look like must, sometimes with little brown dots that I’m hoping is sweaty dead skin I wiped off. The a normal person I’m sure this is nothing but I also have contamination OCD and this makes me worried I have soiled my clothes and bedding. I try to only wash my bedding if there is an obvious streak in my underwear, which is rare, but my anxiety often gets the best of me.

Below are a few pics of what I’ve been noticing recently (sorry in advance). There’s been moments in the past when I am way more musty and it covers the entire toilet paper, a pale sweaty yellow brown stain, that doesn’t seem like a shit stain but something else.

I realize this could just be what people refer to as swamp ass but I just want to confirm if it’s within the realm of what’s normal. TIA


17:38 UTC


[NSFW] worried about the colour of my poop

So I have light brown poop and just worried that there is something wrong. I have heard all shades of brown are okay and I don't think this is classed as yellow/pale/etc but I am a massive hypocondriatc. Its this colour nearly all of the time and I dont have any pain or anything

Does this look okay to you? Yesterday and this morning

12:06 UTC


Heyyy guys ! I have had some strange symptoms ?

hey guys just for context I’m a 20 year old female. Recently I’ve been having super super painful poops. Feeling like it’s a bit sharp when I pass them, some blood residue when I wipe. This happened for about two weeks then all of a sudden I got food poisoning. One day fully threw up like 3 times during the day with extensive stomach pain and cramping. Since that day I have had the worst diarrhea ever. Every single day multiple times a day and the feeling my bowel almost isn’t empty all the way. I have been getting more often stomach pain and gas as well. My bowel movement used to be so normal and never had any problems and this is the first time I’m experiencing something like this. Does anyone possibly have any advice or should I see my doctor asap or try to let it ride out ?

21:24 UTC


FOBT tests

I suffer from health anxiety, I currently think I have colon c (I have some non-specific symptoms). I've now started taking FOBT tests at home.

I took one yesterday and checked it at the 15 minute mark as the instructions say. Negative. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of not throwing the test away right away, but looked at it an hour later. I saw a faint positive line.

I have read that one should ignore any lines that appear after the 15 minute mark (due to possible chemical reactions, drying out, etc).

Anyway, today I bought a test from the same brand to verify this, but this time I skipped collecting a sample. Unfortunately, the positive line did not appear this time.

This leads me to the fact that my test yesterday was positive, and my anxiety has shot to new heights again and I don't know what to do.

16:35 UTC


Anybody found that improving bile flow / gallbladder health has improved constipation / transit time?


I've had IBS-C for around 14 years.

Seen this video:


Seems very relevant to my symptoms and scenario as I have all the symptoms listed.

Wondered if anyone has tried gallbladder protocols and managed to poop better / more often?

19:30 UTC


How long should I wait for bisacodyl/dulcolax to work?

I took a 5mg pill of bisacodyl this morning around 9:30 am. It's been two hours since then, and I'm feeling pressure building up in my colon. Strangely, I haven't experienced any cramps or stomach pain yet. Despite this, I haven't felt the urge to use the bathroom. While the pressure seems to be subsiding slightly, I'm noticing "wet" gas already. I'm concerned that it might not work. Am I simply overthinking it and should just wait longer? If the bisacodyl doesn't work and remains in my colon, is there anything to worry about? Will it dissolve on its own in such cases?

08:58 UTC


Poop after probiotics!

My poop 72h after stopping probiotics is still all mush (is kid of formed but mega sticky and soft probably a 5-6 bristol stool chart, it keeps its shape in the water like very very very softserve). I had 2 days of probiotics and my poops got into that + massive rumbles and bubbling in tummy. 72h later is still like that but the rumbles seem to be better. I clearly stopped the probiotics after 2 days. Also I just have 2-3 BM a day and none of them is urgent so would not really really say is diarrhea.

Doc told me it might take a couple of weeks for things to normalise now and gave me mebeverine to help with the rumbles. I hope this settles a bit quicker than 2 weeks. 😭😭😭😭😭

Any experiences on that side?

18:34 UTC


Digestive Issues

I’ve had issues for three weeks now after going out of the country. I had diarrhea for 2-3 days, then a week of kinda/sorta constipation, 2 days of loose stools but not quite diarrhea, then 6 days of constipation - until I pooped yesterday after taking a dulcolax soft chew.

They wanted to test me for Giardia this week but as I had no stool, couldn’t do it.

This is my most recent stool. Should I be worried? Does it look unusual? The blood is from straining a bit..



1 Comment
14:20 UTC


HA messing up my GI


So lately I have been having massive Health Anxiety. Sorry for the novel I will write.

I think I have never been to the doctors has much as last month or so. Two weeks ago I started having a little bit of mucus with my number 2s (not always just sometimes and mostly would be my first number 2 the normal is I go twice? And sometimes there is 0 mucus I can see). Absolutely no other symptomes. I did contact the GI and showed pictures and they did not seem too concerned. They said that having mucus is normal and because I saw it once and now I look and pay attention everytime I see it all the time (fair point to see it I need to put a flashlight on the toilet bowl). I believe all Health Anxiety is not helping this either. The GI told me to try relax and let it go a bit longer and see if it would get better first as they did not see anything to concern them.

Well, after this freaking out with the mucus, because I was a bit constipated, decised ro take movico/miralax and some peppermint oil to try and help and see if this would make the mucus go away. BIG MISTAKE. Peppermint oil gave me heartburn yuhu and movicol/miralax had all side effects you can think of... rumbling and guglings for a week, running to toilet with soft/runny/small number 2s like 5 or 6x a day. After a week (which was 2 days ago), things finally seemed to be getting better (ie number 2s were getting less often and more formed) and I thought "ok, getting better now" and decided probiotics could be the way to go. Today the number 2s started getting super soft again and the mucus is back and some rumbles and gurglings too (not even close to what it was at begining of miralax). Not sure what to think here... Will it take sometime for things to settle?

The stress and anxiety have been so so bad that I started having twitches (on my belly, on my legs, arms...) from time to time mostly when I am focusing about it all.

More I focus, worse everything is.

Any advice on anything would be extremly grateful.

I did try CBT a couple months back but was extremly useless for me. The person I had wasn't too helpful to be honest.

Thank you

1 Comment
13:21 UTC


Unlocking the Power of Herbs for Gut and Overall Wellness: A Conversation with Bill Rawls, MD

Learn about the health challenges that took Bill Rawls, MD from conventional medicine to a holistic practice and a love of herbs. Learn about the contrast between whole plant therapy and pharmaceuticals, how to select quality herbal supplements, our stealth microbiome in the bloodstream and cells and how it relates to autoimmunity and chronic illness, the root cause of most GI issues, and his favorite herbs for gut issues, including gastroparesis, SIBO and ulcerative colitis, as well as for the joints, liver, brain and cardiovascular system on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit

21:08 UTC


Weird mucus problem

Hii everyone. Im 25 yo anxious girl and I have this strange mucus thing like hour after my poop (which is perfectly normal) once or twice a month. Its not a lot but sometimes theres also like little tiny blood specks in it. The mucus is clear, jelly like, little yellow/orange, without smell. I dont have diarrhea or multiple poopin, im more a constipation person. No weight loss or anything. All tests and colonoscopy-negative, no signs of any ibd. Ive been experiencing this for almost a year now and it basically looks like some kind of flare up. Sometimes theres also a little stomach discomfort and it feels like i need to go on toilet but its more annoying than painful and its always a fals alarm. Im curious and kinda worried it will get worse someday. Could it be food intolerance? Does anyone have any experience with something like this? Ill be really thankfull for any help or info or anything really. xx💖

19:15 UTC

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