
Photograph via snooOG

This community is all about African Greys and the joy of taking care of them. Sharing our stories of what it is like to be owned by a bird and more.

Congos and Tinnehs! A subreddit dedicated to the feathery companion parrots we know and love.


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  2. Medical Question? Contact A Vet First If Possible.

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Two African Grey’s rescued from ruble after a bombing in Kiev.

Saw this on another post but don’t know how to cross post. I’m so happy for her.

02:52 UTC


My Grey trapped my son in the bathroom 🤣🤣

Thought this was funny if you have a territorial Grey. So here's the incident that just transpired. My male AG (Dorian) is being a bit hormonal, and he feels the need to try and make a nest out of my bathroom rug. His cage is in the direct line of site of the bathroom, so the door has to be shut at all times, or he flys in and attacks the rug. Mind you I live in a 150 yr old farm house, so my older doors don't quite close well. We do have chain locks so no one can bust in on you.

So my son (33) went into the bathroom and didn't put the chain lock on. Dorian saw the crack of light and decided to fly to the bathroom. He gets very territorial over the rug and you shall not pass without bites on your toes. He noticed my son on the toilet and decided to attack his feet. All the while my son screaming to get the bird... im losing it in the living room, because I'm not going in the bathroom while he is going. My daughter in law is on the sofa hysterical... my son is 6'4 and 300 lbs of Viking, beard and bald... screaming about this 2 lb velociraptor attacking his toes, while my pugs are going crazy. You can't make this stuff up when you live with an AG 😂😂🤣

02:46 UTC


About to rescue this lil guy

He's a 3yr old male ....lovely nature met him a few times now just getting to know eachother Has anyone else rescued ?

16:18 UTC


Flew to Florida yesterday and drove 17 hrs home with Rio. My first AG. It was hell ngl

15:17 UTC


I think I accidentally bought a bat

12:40 UTC


Looking for a breeder

We’ve been in search of a baby for a little while but some of the websites and email chats feel so scamish. Would love some insight. I’m located in southern MO.

23:59 UTC


my grey is screaming all the time, what's wrong?

My family bough an African Grey 3 years ago when he was 4 months old, he's male. In the past couple of months, he has started screaming uncontrollably every single day. He has proper food and we give him fresh fruit/vegetables nearly every day, he's outside for around 2 hours a day but he's in the living room so even when he's inside, we keep him company and he has toys. The problem is, that he just screams any time we're in the room with him, like when we're watching TV or eating, which can be annoying, but we don't want to move him to a more secluded room because I feel like he'll get depressed. His cage is next to our 8 year old cockatiel's, who always cares for him and doesn't like to be separated from him. Does anyone know why he's screaming so much? Is this just a phase or will this persist?

22:40 UTC


South Africa Pellets / Mix

Hi there, I'm from South Africa and really trying to figure out which of our pellets or nut/seed mixes are a good supplement for the fresh foods. Previously used and highly recommended is what I'm after.

Think she may be lacking Vit A / calcium / Omega. She's lacking some shine! Otherwise a very healthy lady of 15!

20:17 UTC


Have to take in parent's 22yo AG via flight. Looking for advice.

Howdy there.

One of my parents was diagnosed with COPD recently. Docs say it's worse than they thought initially. It's especially sad bc this parent never smoked once. It was likely brought on by poor housing conditions, mold and mildew, for a brief period many years ago. They were put on a course of steroids and advised they need to get rid of their bird because of the known aggravation of COPD. Given the state of my parent's health, there's no flexibility in this decision.

They are located across the US. We are on opposite coasts. I'm flying with Alaska Airlines and can bring the bird with me in cabin. Already have everything scheduled. Also, we have never confirmed the sex of the bird, so that's why I keep just saying "the bird."

I'm not a novice pet owner. I grew up around this bird and am familiar with its care and receptive to its needs. I have the full financial means to take care of the bird.

I know, I know, flight isn't optimal, but they will be in-cabin with me. I am not looking to be demonized for this choice. It's a 3000 mile drive. I can't fly there and drive back, I have eye issues that limit my driving. Taking this flight is the best option for me, my parent, and the bird.

The alternative is surrending the bird to a stranger. My parent also doesn't have any family that can properly care for this bird. I'm the only person that 1) cares enough to take it in. and 2) will ensure the bird gets the best care. There's no other way around getting on this flight with it. What I find on other subreddits is just repetitive "commercial flights are the devil" followed by "we flew just fine, stop". Just getting that out of the way.

That said, any advice for travel? I have a soft carrier and understand the process of getting through TSA. I have a large cage on the way with food, toys, etc. I understand its needs once it is back home with me, but I have never flown with a pet, let alone a parrot.

Receptive to constructive advice! Want to make this flight the least stressful for me and the African Grey

Side note: my parent has had this parrot all its life, since it was just weaned as a chick. They are heartbroken but happy I can take their beloved. They know I will take care of it. How can I help support them in grieving their impending separation?

08:33 UTC


Looking for Rudy

Hello all! I know this is a shot in the dark, but I have to try for my peace of mind. About 22 years ago I bought the bird love of my life. He was young when I got him…I finished his syringe feeding. I was a single mom and had saved forever to get him for my little family. He was only with us for a few years before I was in an accident and could no longer give him the life that he deserved or needed. So, brokenhearted I re-homed him to my neighbor who had other birds and love them very much. My neighbor ending up moving far away and we lost touch after several years, but I heard that she passed and no one knew where Rudy went. Rudy has been in my heart and on my mind all these years. I don’t want to disrupt his life. I just want to know that he is still alive and happy. So if anyone knows Rudy, I would be so grateful for an update on him. Thank you for reading this long story.

10:06 UTC


My Congo Bailey working as an outreach bird for my work ❤️

02:57 UTC


A love post

Haven’t posted Coco in a while and just wanted to show her off in relaxed happy mode.

02:03 UTC


How long did your African Grey live? Or how old is your current African Grey? This is Petey and he’s 22!

00:18 UTC


Is the beak normal ?

13:47 UTC




13:40 UTC


Who does you AG imitate?

Hi. I have a ~2yo CAG. His name is Schnitzel and I’m his human.

For some reason Schnitzel imitates everything and everyone but me

He barks like my dog, repeats the elevator beeps, cries like my daughter, repeats words my wife says within a week of first hearing it, etc.

And unrelated, he has a foot fetish and likes to bite toes 😂

Does your AG also imitates everyone but his chosen human?

Here is a photo tax 😇

13:32 UTC


New owner learning as we go.

Question regarding supplements, is there any I should be giving daily?

16:11 UTC


Meet Jasper, he loves his nutriberries

He will find them if hidden, run to them if held, he will hold them until there’s no more — unlike any other food which he drops after one bite or bite attempt.

14:54 UTC


Charlie likes dropping things

23:53 UTC


Meet Hughie - a 6 month old male

01:21 UTC


Lil Rocco and Big Sparkie - the chillest guys in the world!

Lil sparkie

00:52 UTC


What is this behavior?

17:03 UTC


Sleep cage? Tree?

Looking for advice. I don't post much as I don't know much, the bird is not mine, he belongs to my girlfriend, but he's 100% become attached to me, much to her annoyance, lol.

Anyway, he's a plucker, and we're trying what we can to get him to stop. His diet is mainly pulses and veg in the morning and harrisons (coarse i believe) with a couple treats at night. He's not and has never been confined to a cage, his cage is always open so he can come and go as he wishes. He also has a large java tree next to the cage. Constantly buying him toys, although he's not always happy with things changing... he does get used to it, but is very against anything being change on his tree or cage. I also make him toys from remaining wooden toys he has and cardboard/paper straws. We try to give him plenty to keep occupied when we are not at home.

The only time I've seen him with a decent amount of feather was when we went away for 2 weeks and my girlfriends mother was coming to feed and check on him a few hours a day. It got me thinking what was different, why did he not pluck as much. Over the past few years I've read on here quite a lot and a lot of advice starts with the basics which we do, other than the 12 hours of sleep.. which is what he was getting while we were away. So it got us thinking about getting a sleep cage. We have a spare room and he will step up to be carried wherever so think it might work.

As it stands he's lucky to get 8 hours on ANY given night. Weekends are worse. His cage is in the living/kitchen area and my girlfriend is a night person. I think she's starting to see my reasoning for wanting to try this now.. altho stubborn lol. She was once told he was a plucker n that was that, some birds do it, some don't. But after that time seeing him with more feathers than ever, I don't buy it.

The new arrangement would be that he would be taken up stairs to spare room with a new tree/cage (once we get him used to it etc) and put there for the night, approx 8pm to 8am or so. In the morning we'd collect him as we went down stairs and he would also "start his day", as I am putting it, and end the day at 8pm when going back up to bed.

Has anyone had any good/bad experiences with a separate cage for sleeping?

I'd love to get him to stop pulling feathers out and the only time he really does it that we see is what I consider time he should be sleeping.

12:00 UTC


Holiday Toys for Calcifer

Calcifer doing some deconstruction of his Halloween toy 👻

22:15 UTC


Great Shot Calcifer!!📸

Calcifer Opened up his forging toy and found a surprise inside 🫣😃🥰

22:17 UTC


Food allergies/auto immune disease

Finally after 2 years of worrying we've come close to finding out what might be wrong with my grey,I have visited 3 different avian vets and a behaviourist,this week I went for an ultrasound and the results were narrowed down to 2 different diagnoses 1:food allergies and 2(worst case scenario): Crohn's disease. The avian vet told us they were going to first try and rule out food allergies meaning that for 2 months he will have medicine and only be allowed tops pellets(nothing else),I feel that this will be really difficult due to him hating tops pellets,after 2 months another ultrasound will be done to find any differences(if there are any),if there are none she said it'd be Crohn's disease meaning he would need medications for the rest of his life which would shut down his immune system which results in him not growing old. i want to ask if anyone has experience with a parrot with food allergies or Crohn's disease, if anybody has had to follow such an Extreme diet and if they eventually started eating the pellets

1 Comment
17:27 UTC


Watching The Leaves Fall 🍁

What a special and beautiful time of year to share with you Calcifer! As the weather changes and the oaks drop their leaves 🍂 we can explore in the blessings together… (can we just ignore Calcifers blackberry-window paint 😋)

20:04 UTC


Love You Buddy 🖤

Hanging with my boy Calcifer and loving every second 😍

19:46 UTC


Why do african grey parrots start to develop few red feathers in their plumage

07:48 UTC

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