
Photograph via snooOG

This community is all about African Greys and the joy of taking care of them. Sharing our stories of what it is like to be owned by a bird and more.

Congos and Tinnehs! A subreddit dedicated to the feathery companion parrots we know and love.


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African Grey Experience

Hi All,

This is my first time posting on this forum, as I am usually on Conure forums. And am hoping to get a glimpse of what being an African Grey's guardian may look like.


I am a somewhat experienced parrot owner. I fall into what I would consider the midrange of exerience. I have a 15 year old Green Cheek Conure, who has been with me since he was a baby, and an 8 year old Green Cheek Conure who we adopted 5 years ago, when he was 3 years old. They are both amazing, and have my whole heart. They experience a very "my guardians are DINKs life". They spend most of the day out of their cage, my partner works from home full time, and I currently go into an office 1 to 2 times per week. And our social life is mainly people coming to our house and hanging out with us and "The Gentlemen". Our younger GCC loves his tablet, and will scream for cartoons or parrot town Tv. Our older parrot has a range of small projects, and gets a lot of forage toys and puzzle toys throughout the workday. Whilst also playing with more sensory style toys.

The Story

Whilst out at my favorite parrot store for a pellet stock up and to grab a new t stand. The store also acts as a rescue for parrots, rabbits and guinea pigs. A new rescue arrival came in, who is a very plucked African Grey. About 2 years old, with absolute no feathers below the nape. For context, larger parrot species that aren't cockatoos aren't common in Australia. So this was my first encounter with an African Grey. And honestly, my sense of rage was palpable. I sat with him for a while, and after I put on my best "kind bird sleeypy eyes" he signalled that he wanted a head scratch. And did not want me to stop. The store clerk gave me some background, and when he was dropped off a week or so ago his old owner provided no information, even with heavy prompting. Only providing his DNA sexing certificate and a couple of other documents. What they do know, is that he has no balance, is incredibly distressed when placed in a cage, but is ok in a clear enclosure with no bars. He can step up, but has incredibly poor balance. They will be rehabbing him at the store, so he is not available for adoption. And I can't get him out of my head.

So, from African Grey owners, I may need to be talked down from the ledge here. So hoping to get a bit of insight into the below - with as many offputting details as possible.

  • what are some of the more common personality traits of CAG's. I know they are known as a more "reserved" parrot species, can be a bit more independent but also one of the most complex and intelligent beings on the planet.
  • For people who own multiple parrot species, is the noise and chaos of your more boisterous parrots too overwhelming for you CAG.

*Would I be able to keep a CAG in the same room (not cage/enclosure) as my none-dusty parrots.

  • How do you keep them entertained.
  • How do you plan for the 60+ year lifespan. For context I am 31 so I hope I also get a similar lifespan, but I also like being prepared.

Also, my background is as a social worker with people who has primarily worked with individuals who have extensive experiences of trauma, so, whilst no one is ever truly ready for a very traumatised being to enter their home, I may be able to use some skills to help. This pet store is also so close to my office, so I may be "popping by" to see how the little guy gets on and see screw my head back on.

If you've gotten this far, thank you. This was an absolute novel of a post.

08:19 UTC


Grooming Question

I have a question for y’all! Anyone in here clip their grey’s nails themselves? There’s a parrot store about 20min from me and I bring Ruby there every 3-4 months for grooming.

Now that I don’t have a car anymore it’s a bit harder to get there. She’s due for another one in a couple weeks! I’d like to try and do it myself. I’m wondering if anyone has any tips if they do it themselves?!

Obviously I’ll get her there if I don’t end up doing it myself haha. But if anyone grooms at home and has advice, I’m all ears!

Thanks in advance ✨

19:49 UTC


How can I strengthen my bond with my dad's African Grey

Hello! I live with my parents and they have a 12 yr old female African Grey, Bee, that we've had since she was weaned. Since I've recently finished college and have had more time at home it's been more apparent to me that I could improve my relationship with her. I can handle our cockatoos with no issue, but Bee is more particular.

Bee's favorite person is absolutely my dad and he has no trouble handling her. She will step up for me from him, however, when we're alone together she starts to nip at my arm. She will also not step up for me from her cage and is sometimes territorial if I'm in her space too much (like cleaning and rearranging toys). She does accept treats, some head scratches (with the occasional trap), and we whistle to each other a lot.

I find that I'm in better standing with her than others in the house (for example she actively dislikes my mom), but I'm unsure if since it's established that I'm not Her person I can do much to change this.

Let me know any suggestions you have to help me handle her as I want to improve our relationship. It'll be very helpful in the long run as I know I'll inherent her some decades down the line.

I appreciate any help

18:00 UTC


Nel likes Harry Belafonte

08:03 UTC


Just looking for help

Sorry, I tried to post a few times. This is ubu of 25 years. I have some concerning symptoms here up in Grand junction. I've taken her to several vets here and they can't give me an answer. She is also been down to the university in fort collins. There used to be a really good vet here in Fruita but I think he retired. I was looking in Olathe but I can't find him. I'm just concerned about her stools as they have become very loose. I know my baby for 25 years. She is acting fine. I did change her diet a bit but is there any avian vets in Grand Junction now? I have not had great luck taking her to general veterinarians

00:52 UTC


Toxic "Crystals" Question

Hey, I have a beautiful little CAG girl named Cookie, and she loves small objects she can hold in her foot and explore with her beak. I play board games a lot - she LOVES to stomp across the table and grab up a die and just explore it for 30+ minutes. Anyway, I was at Barnes & Noble and found a clearance item that had 6 "crystals" and a booklet that talks about crystals. To me they look like rocks, however I know they are unique rocks that fall into the minerals/crystals category because of their particular traits.

I know that ZINC is toxic to parrots. Are there other metals/minerals that might be present in these "crystals" that came with this B&N item that would be toxic to Cookie if I gave her these to play with? The "crystals" included are: Red Jasper, Sodalite, Yellow Tiger's Eye, Aventurine, Carnelian and Amethyst.



00:12 UTC



My parents have an African grey that’s going on about 16 years old. She was traumatized at the age of 4 by my brothers ex and has not been the same since. What was once a loveable bird who would sit on my shoulder everywhere I go can’t be touched now. She won’t allow anyone but me near her, and won’t allow a new cage. I can touch her neck and she will even try to regurgitate for me but won’t step up or leave the cage. I don’t get to see my parents much bit when I do I spend most of my time at the cage. What can I do to try to get gabby back to the shoulder bird she once was. Should add she bites everyone except me of all people, she will grab my finger and move it but never any pressure

21:22 UTC



20:05 UTC


My gray has gone quiet

I have a aprox 15-20 year old AG, male, no history of serious health issues except one surgery. He was attacked by a racoon several years ago and had to have part of his foot amputated. He recovered well and has had no issues since. He's not a talker ( at least not when he thinks someone is watching) he is a big whistler however. A few days ago his "voice" took on a hoarse, static quality and he's now almost totally quiet. There is no nasal discharge, droppings look normal, a little watery for maybe a day or 2, he's not lethargic, he's cleaning his feathers like usual, he's not weak or sitting on the bottom of the cage, he's eating normally. No feather plucking, no aggression. He seems "subdued" is the best way I can describe it. I can go thru the whole check list and he doesn't check any boxes except for going quiet and making a strange sound. He is making a sound I've never heard from him ever before, almost like a kitten calling for it's mother. I didn't think it was him when I first heard it, it's a very soft low kind of cry, like a mourning dove but more muffled. He doesn't appear to my eye to be in pain. The first video is from a few months ago and the second is from today, I did notice some yawning in todays video and his body language slowly changes, this is nothing new, he's had that reaction to being filmed before. He does not like cell phones in general and will take it away in his beak and chuck it over his shoulder if you let him. If I engage him while filming he doesn't mind the camera too much, as long as he's the center of attention. I know parrots can hide signs of sickness but can they hide them this well?

Updated 7/20

04:09 UTC


African grey/ parrot training

21:29 UTC


My grey singing 🥰🤣

We got up this morning and I told my bird that it is my boyfriends (who he really likes) birthday today, so he sang him a happy birthday. I am a bit mad though he did not sing happy birthday to me on my birthday 🤣😉🤨

10:10 UTC


Teaching to step up

Hello, I’ve had my AG for 3-4 years and have bought him from a previous owners couldn’t look after him. I remember my mum said when they went to collect him they said “if he makes too much noise just lock him in the cage and cover it.”.. still makes me sad til this day so clearly not a good home.

He’s 13/14 years old and was never taught to step up and he hates when anyone tries to touch his feet/head or body and will only let you pet his beak

I want to teach him to step up and get comfortable around petting would this still be possible

Disclaimer: will not be trying this yet as he is recovering but maybe in a couple months just wanted some opinions others experiences and help

He also doesn’t eat typical treats or have favourites

1 Comment
06:17 UTC


A day with your Grey

Walk me through a day with your gray. Ours gets constant free time, interaction regularly (when we’re home), talks to the cats and conure, calls the dogs, allows head scratches, eats treat from our hands, and can be picked up from the ground only (on occasion). He has toys changed regularly (as they get torn up which is almost weekly 😂), will walk up to kiddos and give them head rubs, and carries on minimal “conversation”. He still will not step up and occasionally tries to bite. I’m torn between a horrible first owner or he is younger than we were told and is just now developing(should be about 1 1/2 years old, 6ish months with us). Any input? We have made amazing progress but still so many hold backs

03:56 UTC


2 Months after rescue, started regularly taking pets this week

19:20 UTC


Aggressive behaviour update: when he's outside this is what he does all the time. If you try to interrupt him he's going to get angry and try to beak, same if you try to put him inside the cage. I though it was just a hormonal phase but it's lasting way too long, help

15:05 UTC


Question about weird behaviour.

12:58 UTC


New African Grey Baby not eating well

A little history; I’m not new to bird companions. I grew up with a cockatiel who we were told was male, but at the ripe old age of about 10 ‘he’ started laying eggs - about once or twice a year. I later on had my own tiles and budgies, both of which bred. I hand reared one tiel (with no problems whatsoever). Fast forward a few years and we now have a Green Cheek Conure (female), and a Pearly Conure (male). They were already paired and semi tame in a pet shop. They settled in immediately, and converted to a pellet and chop diet effortlessly. They look forward to their fresh chop in the mornings.

Two weeks ago we got an African Grey. We got him from a so called specialist bird pet shop. It seems like they have a high turnover of sales for the baby birds but they also have some older Amazons, several Macaws and one Cockatoo (the latter isn’t for sale). The babies are in small cages but all have access to pellets (although from what I saw, most were only eating their seeds). The shop seemed very good , as far as pet shops go. The larger birds were mostly out on Large Java trees. All looked healthy and were lively.

There were about 6 greys when we first visited. We returned a couple of times over the course of a few days, and eventually settled on an inquisitive male. He was 13 weeks old (now 15). He’s DNA tested, and tested negative for the 4 main bird diseases. Obviously he came with a CITES certificate too.

The pet shop staff told us (which I thought was strange for a weaned bird) to put his food dishes at the bottom of the cage, which we duly did, and that he could be out all day, but being young, and clipped (grrr), we would have to move him to various places so he could learn his new surroundings and of course access food and water. We did all that. We played with him, but also gave him rest times too, but it was clear he wasn’t eating much. This is the first large parrot I’ve ever had, so I didn’t know much he to expect him to eat, but he barely picked at a few seeds (mostly the sunflower, and discarded the rest), merely shredded any veg offered, but he did seem to like apple. Pellets were a no go, but we’ll work on that down the line.

We were told to return to the pet shop a week after buying him, and then another week after that so they could weigh him. He was 430g when we got him. During that first week, he most definitely begged for food like a chick does, so we rushed out and got some hand feeding formula (yes I know how to give it). He wasn’t interested in taking it from a teaspoon (I don’t have a feeding spoon), but he instantly recognised the feeding syringe and he took maybe 20ml or so. After that one time, he declined when I offered it again. Well, when we took him back to the shop for his first weight check (one week after getting him), he had dropped to 388g - significant loss. The shop insisted on keeping him for a week they said, but it ended up only being the weekend as he ate well. When they put him in their cage, he went straight to the seed, and ate very well. Made it look like we’d starved him. I assure you, we hadn’t!

So we brought him back home again last Monday (8th July). He was 410g. We ordered some avian scales over the weekend too, so we could also keep track ourselves. Since Monday he has eaten not too badly. I wouldn’t say well, but better than that first week with us. He’s been showing interest in what we’re eating too - as such we’ve got him to try various veggies, and most except broccoli he has either nibbled or playfully shredded. He’s also enjoyed tasting strawberries! But his weight is still hovering around the 410g. This time the shop told us to only let him out of the cage for 15-30min per day in order for his weight go back up, but for a bird like that, I feel is too short, but we’ve followed their instructions.

We took him back to the shop yesterday for what should have been his final weigh with them, but they want to check again in another week. He was 408g. He loved the car journey there. Didn’t need to be covered. He was quite happy looking out of the windows, and quite vocal!

Today he’s been rather sleepy, and definitely not eaten much. My questions to all you fellow grey companions are:

Is this normal settling in behaviour?

Is this normal baby grey behaviour?

Is the pet shop correct in telling us to only let him out of the cage for 15-30min per day?

What can I do to encourage him to eat better?

Just to confirm, he has seeds, pellets, egg food, fresh veggies and fruit, plus anything ‘safe’ from our plates (nothing salted, of course).

He naps a lot, which I expect is normal for a baby bird. It’s been a long time since I’ve had baby birds, and then they were smaller tiels and budgies. He loves his toys, and loves it when we speak to him. We also put music on quietly for him, as he came from a noisy pet shop in to a quiet home. We cover him at night (he gets 12 hours dark time, although I think he hears our tv, but he’s quiet and still once covered).

We also have a small dog (Shih Tzu), which although will never be unsupervised with any of the birds, he’s very calm, and the birds, including the grey don’t seem bothered by him. Other than him and my two conures, it’s just hubby and I. No children. Oh, and I’m home almost all day every day.

I almost forgot, his name is Monty!

Sorry for the long waffle, but I didn’t want to miss anything out that could help. Any advice will greatly received as I just don’t know what we’re doing wrong or what we can do to help him settle. I have a strange feeling that taking back to the shop to get weighed yesterday unsettled him?

1 Comment
17:44 UTC


One month passed since I’ve lost my best friend

I love you so much Wally.

They say it gets easier but it really does not.

We did everything we could. Took him to the vet as soon as we noticed a light wheezing. He seemed to get better, but after couple of weeks of medications, even a few vet check ups, the wheezing came back. Took him in again. The next day was one of the hardest I’ve had to live. I’m grateful my family was able to spend some time with him that day - we all sat around him during his last hours. He tried his best to be strong, it was just far too late. He passed away that same night. My family is still devastated.

What we originally thought was aspergillosis turned out to be a very serious respiratory infection. We are still unsure what caused it. Our vet thinks it could have been something he ate, that may have gotten lodged in his throat. Who knows. He was such a healthy, loved and social bird for 10 years.

I had always thought it would be me surrounded by my family, and Wally, during MY final hours.

If you read this. Please love your Grey. Please take a short moment to find some special time with them, hold them, cuddle them, anything. I would give just about anything to have one more hour with Wally.

07:11 UTC


How scary are blood tests?

Have any loved greys not awaken from the anesthesia? I’d like to get a blood test to check my baby’s health and know if and what changes must be made to diet. But I’m worried sick that this is a real risk.

03:19 UTC


Moto watching some tv with us

1 Comment
18:05 UTC


Flex and apples

My silly boy 😜

16:25 UTC


Tweety getting milk from an imaginary catheter

I think this is a hormonal reaction. She only does this when we’re alone together.

20:04 UTC



I feel like it’s his nails annoying him,he keeps biting them.

1 Comment
09:19 UTC



Our parrot Ernestine has bornavirus. She is the best and 32. We want to make sure the rest of her life is sweet, even if she won’t be around as long. The vet recommended probiotics. Any ideas?

1 Comment
04:52 UTC

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