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Looking for a game that’s gonna piss me off
I play a lot of counter strike, Dead by daylight, Dark Souls and such. I can only have fun if I feel like I’m angry enough to push in a toddlers soft spot
So please tell me where to find this experience (except clash royale I hate supercell)
My favourite mobile games 📱🎮
I know it’s niche, but I enjoy it! I’ve played a few of them such as “tv wars: primetime simulator”, “movie business” (the one with the star logo), “endless studio” and “boxOfficeSim 1 & 2” but they all have some flaw that makes them less playable and enjoyable. Tv wars doesn’t have an auto save so Ive lost my progress twice and I’ll always forget to save, movie business is to grindy, endless studio… it’s actually really good try it! Box office sim 1 is to repetitive and the second game to WAY to glitchy. If anyone has some game buried deep in the App Store in this genre for me to find, please tell me, thanks! 😀
Been on a continuous search for the game files of this game so I can can make a playable verversion for all. It has been a long process but if anyone here has the game downloaded and can send me the files it would be appreciated.
I waited with bated breath for the new AoE mobile game, only to be fiercely disappointed by the direction they went with gameplay.
I really wanted my old, traditional AoE format, where I can scroll the map and build my own civilization at my own pace.
Is there a game out there like this?
I see a lot of people recommend Vampire Survivors, but I don’t like the old school graphics on that. Been trying a few games like Smashero and cup heroes. Would love more recommendations like that!
I'm using my ps4 controller with my iPhone to play Warframe but the controller won't vibrate. Strangely, it vibrates when playing remote play. But not for any iOS games. Any fixes?
Any decent F2P gotcha games? I have been playing Pixel Heroes, but I am starting to get some dirty looks on the GO Train. :)
I still miss heaven stike rivals. Can’t find anything of that quality.
i've been trying a lot more to play games in landscape. to get used to it. cuz there's just so many games in that format. i lost my save for disgaea 1 complete and am upset. it still shows up on my old phone, but not on my new one. so i have that game. but is there anything else similar? that you can grind the bejeezus out of?
any games i MUST try?
I don’t mean games like Melon Playground or WorldBox (or minecraft), more like maybe GTA? This subreddit will probably never hear the end of the GTA game requests but I really want one of these. I know its hard for a game to add EVERY possible thing, but i would be happy with most things such as crime, farming, parkour, anything just as long as it has more to it than just one or two topics.
Who are your favourite mobile gaming content creators? It can be YouTube or Twitch.
Unpopular opinion, I guess :D
Seriously though, the latest DLC is epic. That map with its content alone is putting most Vampire Survivors-likes to shame.
The moment my wife and kids didnt get the point why I'm so obsessed with such a browser game in 2024. I just realized its the carefree time I'm missing, not the game itself, even so it really moves me to play the game on mobile after so many years now.
I'm looking for more iOS games to play with my dad online without having to be actively playing simultaneously. We play mostly Scrabble GO or a few iMessage GamePigeon games, specifically Battleship.
I'm very open to suggestions, but since I'll play with my dad, it can't be too complex.
I recently got myself an iPhone 16 Pro and I want to push it to its limits. Any games with gorgeous graphics I should consider playing? Preferably free. I also Apple Arcade if it matterd
I used to play Age Of Empires during my childhood in my pc but I want to play (or similar type of game) on my IOS device. Is Game Of Empires good enough? Please suggest.
These are my top 9 games that I can play over and over again without getting tired of them. I definitely like turn-based games as I find them easier to play in situations where my phone is my preferred gaming device (usually sitting around waiting somewhere). Any thoughts or recommendations?
Just wanna expand my game library! Preferably free games.
Device: iPhone 15 PM
Turn based mobile game that is 100% Strategy? Yes please! There is absolutely no randomness in this game! We are excited to get this into your hands this week.
Learn about a bit about the basic units here!
🏰 Ready to command an army? Here’s a breakdown of the key players:
How will you use these units to conquer your enemies? Share your battle plans and discuss how diverse unit roles can shape your strategies in 'Price of Glory'!
#MobileGaming #StrategyGames #GameLaunch #TacticalPlay
We are going live in the US, Australia, and New Zealand!
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/price-of-glory-strategy-game/id6670691180
Hey all! I recently started playing Wartune Ultra, and I’m trying to wrap my head around the mix of turn-based strategy and city-building. The turn-based battles are fun but kind of different from other RPGs I’ve tried. I’m especially curious about the whole city-building aspect—how important is it really for leveling up your characters?I noticed that the game has a daily devotion system, which is pretty unique. Anyone have tips on maximizing rewards from that, or balancing both the fighting and city-building sides? Would love to hear any thoughts or tips you all might have!
Anybody have any hints on cause or fix?? No glitches at all on ship, but this …
it played like a 3D breakout. there was a cube made of smaller cubes and you had to launch balls towards the cubes until you got to a "core." it had a futuristic aesthetic and multiple levels.
edit: solved with a bit more googling. it's called hyperforma
Please use this thread to discuss whatever iOS games you've been playing lately. They don't have to be new games, they can be old games and they do not have to be iOS original titles!
As long as it's an iOS game it belongs in here. Make sure to put the name(s) of the game(s) in bold to make it easier for people skimming the thread to see what you're talking about, and if you'd like to make it really convenient turn the game name into a hyperlink that sends people directly to the App Store!
To keep track of the thread, the comments are sorted by "new" by default.
i am looking for games that function similarly to Bakery Story/Restauraunt Story, or Cafeland. i would prefer if they are still currently updating too, and have an online component.
Okay, this is a long shot. I used to play a game where you were a knight of some sort. 8-bit game. I remember chickens in the game. You had a sword that you could upgrade. Does this ring a bell to anyone?? Within the last 6 years probably closer to 4. Was not through arcade.